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The Deputy Commissioner of Police,
Pitampura, New Delhi
Dated: 02/12/2022


OF RANHOLA POLICE STATION For Demanding Rs. 4 lakhs From
Pankaj And Asif And Framing Them Tn the False FIR

Respected Sir,
That the complainant is Pankaj S/O Ram Lakhan permanent R/O plot no. 31A, B-
1, Kakrola, Outer district New Delhi.

1. That the complainant was arrested by Sub Inspector Ankit Singh along with
his team in a white Hyundai hatchback car on 01/08/2022 at 05:21 pm on
Monday while he was eating biryani in Dwarka Mor and the whole footage
of the arrest has been recorded by the CCTV camera which was
installed on the shop of the main road and attached as ANNEXURE-1 after
the arrest they have searched the accused and nothing was found and then
he was forcefully pushed in the special staff police car which is clearly
shown in CCTV footage, and Then he was taken at his home where special
staff haven’t found anything to arrest the complainant.
2. Then complainant has been taken to Ranhola Police station and was beaten
mercilessly so that he can help special staff to frame another person in the

case, after they found nothing incriminating against the complainant S.I.
Ankit Singh along with his team demanded Rs.2 lakhs from the accused
to not frame in a false case. As the accused had not done anything wrong,
he denied the illegal demand made by the special staff.
3. That in the evening another person named Asif has been arrested when he
was going to buy medicine from the pharmacy and he was clearly shown
riding a splender motorcycle and his friend was sitting on the back of the
motorcycle same white Hyundai hatchback car has been used in which
Complainant Ankit has been arrested and the whole incident again was
recorded in the CCTV footage attached as ANNEXURE-2.
4. That on the next day of the arrest which was 02/08/2022 when special staff
was unable to find anything incriminating against Panjak and Asif and they
were unable to fulfil the demand of RS. 2lakhs each which is Rs.4 Lakhs
from Pankaj and Asif then they have been falsely implicated by the special
staff in Arms Act and Theft. FIR no. 612/2022 attached as ANNEXURE-
3 has been framed by the special staff in which there is no witness as no
such thing has happened.
5. That the Complainant is an innocent person and has nothing to do with the
alleged commission of the offence for which FIR has been filed and has
been wrongly and falsely implicated in that case due to his previous
involvement in the Arms Act case and Special Staff arrested to the
complainant under operation “Clean Sweep” which has been posted in the
official Instagram page of DCPouter. That special staff falsely framed the
complaint with Asif in Neeraj Bawania Gang to show the arrest and gain
popularity for the same as the complainant was an easy target due to his
previous ongoing cases in Dwarka court.

6. That the complainant was again framed in another false case having FIR no.
17858/2022 attached as ANNEXURE-4 in they have been framed as using
a stolen bike which was already in the custody of the Ranhola Police special
staff. In the FIR no. 17858/2022 hon’ble court discharged the complaints as
the court got aware that there is no evidence in the case and the whole case
was falsely made by the special staff.
7. That unprecedented incident shocked the complainant who was in deep
fear, due to the extension of the threat of another arrest in a false case by the
special staff of Ranhola police station.

I, therefore, humbly request that your good-self may kindly be pleased to take
appropriate action against all the Police Officials of Ranhola special Staff under
relevant provisions of IPC for demanding Rs. 4lakhs from Pankaj and Asif and
later framing them in a false case and get them punished as per law and for this act
of kindness, the complainant shall be highly obliged. It is also very necessary to
bring to your kind notice that in case any miss-happening would happen with the
complainant, in that event, the complainant shall be solely responsible.

It is therefore requested to your good self to take the appropriate legal action
against the accused persons immediately.
Thanking You

The complainant has dictated the whole incident and complaint has been drafted in
English by Vaibhav Yadav Advocate(D-1457/2016) Chamber No. 624, Dwarka
Courts Complex, Mobile No.-9873153011, email- and

Contents of the complaint has read over to the complainant Pankaj as he is not
educated enough to write the complaint.

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