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"Abraxas" is a term that has various meanings and associations across different contexts:

1. **Religious and Philosophical:** In Gnostic belief systems, Abraxas is a mystical word

representing the supreme being that encompasses both good and evil, light and darkness,
creation and destruction. It's often depicted as a deity with the body of a human, the head of a
rooster or a lion, and serpents for legs.

2. **Carl Jung:** The Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung incorporated the concept of Abraxas into his
psychological theories. He saw Abraxas as representing the union of opposites, a concept
central to his idea of individuation and psychological wholeness.

3. **Literature and Popular Culture:** The term has appeared in various works of literature
and popular culture, often invoking its mystical or philosophical connotations. For example,
Hermann Hesse's novel "Demian" features Abraxas as a significant symbol.

4. **Music:** Several bands and musicians have used the name Abraxas, perhaps most
notably Santana's second album "Abraxas," released in 1970. The album cover features a
depiction of the Abraxas figure.

Overall, Abraxas is a symbol that embodies the complexity and duality of existence,
representing the interplay between opposing forces and the transcendent unity that lies
beyond them.

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