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Title: Dead Stars

characters: Alfredo Salazar, Esperanza, Julia Salas, Don Julian, Carmen,

Judge Del Valle

Setting: The story took place at the martinez house and Judge Del Valle
and his family rented and occupied and Alfredo went to neighboring
houses and met julia, the sister in law of Judge Del Valle.

Exposition: Alfredo is thinking about the mess he made on his love life
upon hearing the conversation of carmen and don julian about his
relationship with esperanza.

Rising Action: He had gone neighboring with Don Julian o Judge Del
Valle’s house. He met Julia Salas.

Climax: After the procession for the lady of sorrows. Alfredo caught up
with Julian it was when Julia found out about Alfredo’s wedding so she
congratulated him.

Falling Action: Julian didn’t want Alfredo not to honor his understanding
with Esperanza. She said goodbye Alfredo went home to Esperanza and
there the last word has been said.

Resolution: Symbolizes Alfredo’s dream of romance with Julia. He

thought there was love, but it was just like a star whose shine could
actually be the leftover traveling light.

Conflict: Alfredo struggles against his fate and the circumstances of life
and love facing him. He needs to face problems in choosing between
difficult choices of his life.


Pasquin Zairon Dwight c. G7-Genisis

from samantha howells

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