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 It refers to the rules and strategies applied in the school to manage student behaviour and
practises used to incourage self displine .
 Schools displine addresses worldwide classroom and individual student needs through broad
targeted intervention and development of self displine approaches to school displine range from
restorative eg school wide, school climate improvements, use of restorative practises to punitive
eg suspension,expulsion and punishments
 When considering approaches to school displine the social displine window is a conceptual model
that provide were to maintain social norms and behavioral boundaries while defining restorative
practises as a leadership model/parents in families teachers and classrooms and administrators
in organizations how school displine is handled has a great impact on the learning environments
of schoools


 Preventative displine- teachers with effective classroom management strategies establish

expectations. Guidelines and rules for behavior during the 1st few days of class
 Clearly explaining expectations is an essential component to preventative displine
 The goal of preventative displine is to provide pro active intervention to potential disruptive
behaviours by clearly explaining to students what behaviours are and are not appropriate the
most basic component to preventative displine is a precise outline about classroom expectation
for students and as well as for teachers
 Students need to know what is expected of them for the reminder of the class such guidelines
might include rules regarding talking homework/language use in the classroom a preventative
displine strategy also establishes the types of consequences that will follow a forbidden act
 Preventative displine strategies create a safe, non confrontational classroom atmosphere in
which students feel that they understand what is to come


 It is when a teacher offers verbal warning or suggestion for correcting behavior while a student is
disobeying a established classroom rule the teacher is using supportive displine
 It is distinct from punishment in that it provides a student with suggestions and opinions for
correcting a behavior before a consequence is necessary for example if a student is wondering
around the class after a teacher have announced it is time to sit down the teacher may say "i
made the announcement that it is time to sit down find your sit soo that we can get started or i
will need to hold you after class"
 The student have been given the option to accept/avoid further punishments the behavior have
been redirected through a teacher's supportive displine strategy
 Reminders redirection and non verbal communication are all examples of supportive displine


 when a student expect you to redirect them a teacher may opt for
 Refers to a set of consequences delivered to students following an infraction
 There is a wide degree of variation among corective displine strategies some are more corrective
than others engaging in a verbal altercation with a student is a corrective displine technique but
it may escalate to a volatile situation and undermining authority as a teacher and leader
 Corrective displine strategies should be adapted to the student's age/grade level tho placing
students in a time out maybe effective for kindergarten, high school students are much less likely
to comply with such provision


 Plan and organize ensure that there is a routine and a rhythm in the classroom
 Resolve issues from the beginning
 Establish proper procedures
 Explain the rules
 Practise what you preach
 Make your class interactive
 Allow your learner to discuss freely
 Establish connection with your students
 Reward good behavior

Types of indisplined learners in high school

Causes of indispline in the classroom

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