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**What is your opinion of committed long distance relationships?

There is no long distance about love, it always finds a way to bring hearts
together, no matter how many miles are between them, I think they would work for a
while, but I think eventually two people have to get together and I think
relationships can work in any situation, if both partner are truly committed to
each other.

I think if you love someone, it doesn't matter where you are, if you are 2 feet or
200 miles apart, if you love them, your heart is filled and you are happy, distance
shouldn't be an issue

I don't think we could be apart forever, I was talking in terms of temporary,

there's people who serve in the military that have to leave for periods of time,
there's always some circumstance where people can't always be together, but if the
love is strong enough, people can work through it and make it happen.

**What are you really looking for in your man?

I'm looking for a Woman that is easy going and who enjoys life, am looking for an
honest, caring, trustworthy, understanding matter a lot, loyal, respect, romantic,
compassionate and lovable woman with good sense of humor to love me for who i am
and not what i am, someone to make me laugh all the time and be there for me during
ups and downs in life, someone who is ready to love unconditional love and gave her
heart and soul to me completed and one man that the kind of woman i want to meet
and share my life with, am looking for a good woman, someone who is a thinker and a
learner and who enjoys life, am not looking for a perfect woman, am looking for
someone who is willing to grow over time

Someone to have fun with, grow old with, be the person i want to be with for the
rest of my life, best friend, easy to talk to, someone who cares about me, someone
to walk with, share common interests, sit in bed on sunday morning and read the
paper together, it can be just simple things, just want to be happy with the person
am with.

Well, i don't think you have to spend a lot of money and be flashy to show someone
you care, i like to travel the back roads, see the scenery, am really low
maintenance or what you would call, a cheap date

I want someone that will hold my hand for no reason, will show me affection because
she wants to, not because she feels like she has to or has hidden reason

**What do you love doing for fun?

Well i love going out for camping, swimming, fishing, boats, hunting, nice, music,
movies, love to cook, love taking a longs walk on the lake, holding hand and
kissing, doing a lot of romantic thing at the beach, watching the sunshine, mood
and the star, making love under the tree with the right person and someone i care
and love

I love going out for dinner with my kids and also with my woman, I love sitting out
of dark watching the sky, mood and star and much more

**How important is chemistry to you?

You know, it's important, but I don't think a relationship is built solely on
chemistry, I think as you get to know someone better and spend more and more time
together sharing, then your love for one another grows and takes on new dimensions
along with the chemistry and the special connection that initially drew you to one

I think chemistry is very important, but i also think being with someone you like
and enjoy being with is also important, you have to be with a person, whether you
call it chemistry or any other name, you have to want to be there

**What's your best quality? Best feature? What do want most in a man? Do you like
ice cream? Cold pizza in bed?
My best feature, I guess it would be the ability to make myself laugh and my eyes,
a woman who could love me for me and all of my little quirks, not judge me to be
able to be strong when needed and lovable when needed, love ice cream, cold pizza
in bed? who doesn't lol

**What is your favorite way to express your emotions of love?

I like not only saying how much and how deeply I love someone, I like to do little
things that they like just because and I like to just wrap my arms around them, and
think the greatest expression is making love to someone you deeply love

A little note now and then, a text message that you were on my mind, doing things
for that special person or just hanging out together

**What do you think of Soul Mates?

I believe in "Soul Mates", but I believe that most people do not find them, so
rather than find their soul mate people settle for someone they can live with
rather than finding that "someone" they can't live without

I think i've been a victim of that myself, thus, my late wife, she was not my soul
mate, I want to find that special person, who loves me unconditionally and will
always be there for me, and grow old together, still want to hold hands, show
affection when we're both in our wheelchairs or helping each other with our walkers

**How romantic are you?

Star lit night, beach, listening to the waves, walking, holding hands, just
talking, enjoying each others company, long kisses, lying on a blanket, watching
the stars, no worries, not worried about time, just lost in each other, no one else
around, then after a while i roll over and face you and start making out with you,
then you slowly undress me and we make love and when we finish making love we just
lay naked together holding each other for hours until we fall asleep

**Do you drink ,drug or smoke?

I've the occasional drink some time , or have a glass of wine with dinner but no
smoking and definitely no drugs

**How would you describe your pecfect man and what do you like when you see a man
that makes you want to be with him?
Well, honesty I don't know if I have a perfect woman, because none of us are
perfect but only God is the perfect one, and it's all about personality and that
connection and that spark

My perfect woman i would not put that pressure on anyone, what i like in a woman is
that when i look into her eyes they shine because she is happy to be there with me,
i expect trust and honesty i cannot handle lieing, just knowing she can't wait to
see me and i can't wait to see her or hear from her

I don't believe in a perfect person, just the one I feel right with and if she's
the one I feel right with, then I would rather be with her than almost anything

**How would you describe a perfect first date?

The perfect first would be somewhere that is quiet and not loud too loud, i want to
hear everything you have to say, maybe a nice romantic restaurant, where we can
have a good conversation, some good laughs, so after dinner take a nice long walk
under the stars holding hands and then when the moment is right have you stop and
pull me close and we would kiss

**Do you love flowers?

I love flowers and you wouldn't be the only one giving, i believe in romance and
love, especially showing and saying it

**Do you enjoy being alone?

Well, after living alone for so long, Lol, i have gotten used to being alone, yes,
at times, i enjoy being alone but i think it's time to move on and be love you know
life is too short to live alone.

**How would you describe your personality?

I love to laugh and joke around, I love to flirt with the person am with, am very
easy going, very loyal friend, good listener, very optimistic, loving, caring. very
dependable, trusting, I love to talk, I have a genuine interest in peopel sometimes
i get my feeling hurt easily and a good kisser and very honest in all what i do

**So tell me are you an aggressive person? Do you get upset easily or are you
patient someone?
I'm pretty easy going, I prefer passionate, I don't judge people, If I don't
undertand something, I will ask. Aggressive? No, not really, but not a push over

**What do you like and Dislike in your Partner?

My likes are honest, loving, trustworthy, fun, romantic, compassionate, empathetic,
respectful, hardworking, strong (in heart, soul, and physically), cooperative, a
good listener, sharing, talk with his partner, considerate of others, faithful

My dislikes sarcasm, putting other people down, discrimination, cheating, abusive

behaviors, addictive behaviors (drugs, alcohol, smoking, gambling), mean to
animals, won't work things out with his partner, self-absorbed, rude

**How supportive are you to your Partner?

I want my partner to be successful with whatever they do, am not controlling at, am
very independent and would like my partner to be supportive of me also and i
believe that being "partners" means working together, supporting each other,
sharing ideas, making decisions together for the good of the partnership and
respect eachother feelings and realize each others needs

**What kind of things makes you extremely happy?

I find happiness in the littlest things and it brings me such joy, always been like
that, not a negative person at all, have you heard of the phrase "seeing the glass
half empty or half full" I see everything as half full, full of possibilities

**How do you feel about premarital sex?

I absolutely believe in premarital sex, I think that two people need to find out
whether they are sexually compatible before they make the permanent decision to get
married, I hope that is emphasized enough about how I feel about it plus I believe
that "making love" could be one of the most intimate ways two people could show
each other they love each other

I think if the connection is there and we both feel the same way, i think it's fine
it is another one of those could go both ways if my partner does not believe in
premarital sex then i will respect that and wait, for the young kids i think they
should wait but at this time in my life I usually go with the mood and feelings and
how my partner feels

**When in a relationship, are you a jealous person?

Well, I go into a relationship full on, I assume that there is no reason to be
jealous, If someone is going to do something then I assume it wasn't for me, If my
partner gives me reason to be, I can get a little jealous, but basically, am not
the jealous type

**How important is it to you that your partner be accepted by your family and
I think it is important that family, friends accept the partner you have chosen, I
believe that if your family and friends do not accept your partner they may be
seeing something in your partner that you're not seeing, then I would ask them why
to see if there might be something I am not seeing, then I would discuss it with
them, because family and friends are forever and they only want best for us

**Before me, what are some things that you have done through you life that have
seemed a little adventurous, exciting, a little crazy?
I'm always up for a bit of a challenge, if given an opportunity, would love to go
white water rafting, maybe hang gliding, scuba diving, or even try parachuting!
I've always wanted to do something like a backpacking or bicycling tour in Europe,
life is too short to just sit by and watch it pass!

**What are your goals and dreams for the future?

I want to share my life with someone who likes being with me as much as I like
being with her, I want to travel more planning a trip to Greece next spring to
visit there or Paris, ideas for goals come up all the time, but I also love making
home a pleasant place to be, I like to enteratain and also be alone, I have friends
that are really fine, the keep me grounded sometimes cause I feel like i could just
get in my car and drive away to the coast

**What kind of kisser are you?

I'm a good one, I think, I have a soft lips and i think kissing is very sensual, as
long as there's no bad teeth behind it, LOL, I think am a rather passionate kisser
but a lot, I think has to do with the chemistry between the two of us and how she
kisses cause it takes two to tango, as the saying goes!

**If I asked your best family to describe you, what would she say?
My familys would describe me as confident and sophisticated yet easy going, humble
and compassionate, I am a strong confident man, my sense of humor is always present
and I get greater joy in giving rather than receiving, I enjoy life greatly but
dream to share all it's special moments with my future bestfriend and lifetime
partner someone to grow old with, I will dedicate my heart and soul to her and
nothing will be more important than her happiness being in my world

**If I had a bad day, what is the first thing you would do for me?
Well, the first thing to do I would hug and kiss you and tell you that I loved you
so much , and then I would ask you to talk to me about it, so you could try and
unburden yourself of whatever was troubling your mind, and I would make her laugh,
then it would be up to her to let me know what would be needed to make her smile
and feel happy, I have always felt that I would be there to make my partner feel
happier and that happy is his to create

**How much do you enjoy gardening?

Love to have a big garden of flowers, vegtables, actually enjoy getting dirty,
pulling weeds, one of my passions walking around is not gardening, grow some nice
tomaotes, lettuce, peppers onions for a salad, roses to cut and bring in the house

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