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How the

are Formed:
Atoms & Elements
Physical Science week 2 Lesson 2
Early Concepts of the Atom
• Greek Philosophers (400 B.C.) debated whether
matter was continuous or discrete, but could
prove neither.
• Continuous – could be divided indef initely
• Discrete – ultimate indivisible particle
• Most (including Aristotle) agreed with the
continuous theory.

• The continuous model of matter prevailed for

2200 years,
until 1807.
Dalton’s Model – “The Billard Ball model”
• In 1807 John Dalton presented evidence that matter was
discrete and must exist as particles.
• Dalton’s major hypothesis stated that:
• Each chemical element is composed of small indivisible
particles called atoms,
• identical for each element but different from atoms of other

• Essentially these particles are featureless spheres of

uniform density.
Dalton’s Model

Dalton’s 1807 “billiard

ball model” pictured the
atom as a tiny indivisible,
uniformly dense, solid
Thomson – “Plum Pudding model”
• In 1903 J.J. Thomson discovered the electron.
• Further experiments by Thomson and others showed that
1. an electron has a mass of 9.11 x 10-31 kg and a charge of
–1.60 x 10-19 C.
• Thomson produced “rays‟ using several different gas types in
cathode-ray tubes.
• He noted that these rays were def lected by electric and magnetic
f ields.

• Thomson concluded that this ray consisted of negative

particles (now called electrons.)
Thomson – “Plum Pudding model”
• Identical electrons were produced no matter what gas was
in the tube.
• Therefore he concluded that atoms of all types contained
1. “electrons”.
• Since atoms as a whole are electrically neutral, some other
part of the atom must be positive.
• Thomson concluded that the electrons were stuck randomly
in an otherwise homogeneous mass of positively charged
Thompson’s Model

Thomson’s 1903 “plum pudding
model” conceived the atom as
a sphere of positive charge in
which negatively charged
electrons were embedded.
Ernest Rutherford’s model”

In 1911 Rutherford discovered that 99.97% of the
mass of an atom was concentrated in a tiny core, or

Rutherford’s model envisioned the electrons as
circulating in some way around a positively charged
Rutherford’s Model

Rutherford’s 1911
“nuclear model”
envisioned the atom as
having a dense center
of positive charge (the
nucleus) around which
the electrons orbited.
• Electromagnetic radiation that have relatively low frequencies
(about 1010 Hz)
The Microwave Oven

Because most foods contain moisture, their water
molecules absorb the microwave radiation and gain
• As the water molecules gain energy, they rotate more
1. thus heating/cooking the item
• Fats and oils in the foods also preferentially gain energy
from (are excited by) the microwaves
The Microwave Oven
• Paper/plastic/ceramic/glass dishes are not directly heated
by the microwaves
• But may be heated by contact with the food (conduction)

• The interior metal sides of the oven reflect the radiation

1. and remain cool
• Do microwaves penetrate the food and heat it
1. throughout?
• Microwaves only penetrate a few centimeters and therefore they
work better if the food is cut into small pieces
• Inside of food must be heated by conduction
“Discovery” of
Microwaves as a Cooking Tool
• In 1946 a Raytheon Corporation engineer, Percy Spencer, put
his chocolate bar too close to a microwave source
• The chocolate bar melted of course, and …
• Within a year Raytheon introduced the f irst commercial
microwave oven!

Accidentally discovered in 1895 by the German
physicist Wilhelm Roentgen
• He noticed while working with a gas-discharge tube that
a piece
1. of f luorescent paper across the room was glowing

Roentgen deduced that some unknown/unseen
radiation from the tube was the cause
• He called this mysterious radiation “X-radiation”
because it was
1. unknown
X-Rays Production
• Electrons from the cathode are accelerated toward the
anode. Upon interacting with the atoms of the anode, the
atoms emit energy in the form of x-rays.
Early use of X-Rays
• Within few months of their discovery, X-
rays were being put to practical use.
• This is an X-ray of bird
1. shot embedded in a hand.
• Unfortunately, much of the early use of
X-rays was far too aggressive, resulting
in later cancer.
Early Thoughts about Elements

• The Greek philosophers (600 – 200 B.C.) were the f irst

people to speculate about the basic substances of matter.
• Aristotle speculated that all matter on earth is composed
of only four elements: earth, air, fire, and water.
• He was wrong on all counts!
Symbols of the Elements

Swedish chemist, Jons
Jakob Berzelius (early
1800‟s) used one or two
letters of the Latin name to
designate each element.
Names and Symbols of Common Elements
The Atom
• All matter is composed of atoms.
• An atom is composed of three subatomic particles:
1. electrons (-), protons (+), and neutrons (0)

• The nucleus of the atom contains the protons and the

1. neutrons (also called nucleons.)

• The electrons surround (orbit) the nucleus.

• Electrons and protons have equal but opposite charges.
Major Constituents of an Atom

1. U=unif ied atomic mass units

The Atomic Nucleus

Protons and neutrons have nearly the same

mass and are 2000 times more massive
than an electron.

Discovery – Electron (J.J. Thomson in
1897), Proton (Ernest Rutherford in 1918),
and Neutron (James Chadwick in 1932)
Rutherford's Alpha- Scattering Experiment
• J.J. Thomson’s “plum pudding” model predicted the alpha
particles would pass through the evenly distributed
positive charges in the gold atoms.
Rutherford's Alpha- Scattering Experiment
• Only 1 out of 20,000 alpha particles bounced back.
• Rutherford could only explain this by assuming that each
gold atom had its positive charge concentrated in a very
small “nucleus.”
• Diameter of nucleus = about 10-14 m
• Electron orbit diameter = about 10-10 m
• Atomic Mass is concentrated in the nucleus (>99.97%)
Atomic Mass is Concentrated in the Nucleus!

Therefore the volume (or size) of an atom is
determined by the orbiting electrons.
The diameter of an atom is approximately
10,000 times the diameter of the nucleus.

If only nuclear material (protons and neutrons)
could be closely packed into a sphere the size of a
ping-pong ball it would have the incredible mass of
2.5 billion metric tons!
Visual Representation of a Nucleus

Tightly Packed Protons and
Atomic Designations
• Atomic Number (Z) – the # of protons in the nucleus
(“def ines” the element – the # of protons is always the
same for a given element)
• Atomic Number also designates the number of electrons
1. in an element.
• If an element either gains or loses electrons, the resulting
1. particle is called and ion.
• For example, if a sodium atom (Na) loses an electron it
becomes a sodium ion (Na+.)
More Atomic Designations

Mass Number (A) – protons +
neutrons, or the total number of

Isotope – when the number of
neutrons vary in the nucleus of
a given element (always same
number of protons)

Only 112 elements are known,
but the total number of
isotopes is about 2000.
Determining the Composition of an Atom

Determine the number of protons,
electrons, and neutrons in the fluorine
atom 19F

Atomic Number (Z) = 9

protons = 9 & electrons = 9

Mass Number (A) = 19

A = N + Z {N = Neutron Number}

 N = A – Z = 19 – 9 = 10

neutrons = 10
Atomic Review

Protons & Neutrons – in nucleus

Electrons – orbit around nucleus

Mass Number (A) = protons + neutrons

Atomic Number (Z) = # of protons

Neutron Number (N) = # of neutrons

Isotope – an element with different # of neutrons
(same # of protons)
Atomic Mass

The weighted average mass of an atom of the element
in a naturally occurring sample

The Atomic Mass is measured in unified atomic mass
units (u) – basically the weight of a proton or neutron.

The 12C atom is used as the standard, and is assigned
the Atomic Mass of exactly 12 u.

The weighted average mass of all carbon is slightly
higher than 12 (12.011) because some is 13C and 14C.
Atomic Review

Mass Number (A) – protons +
neutrons, or the total number of

Isotope – when the number of
neutrons vary in the nucleus of a
given element (always same
number of protons)

Atomic Number (Z) – number of
Andro O. Aynera
Physical Science Teacher

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