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27th February 2024

Course Coordinator: Dr. A. Nagaletchimee Annamalai

Team members
Name Matric ID
Ageelan A/L Visalingam JG/12443/22
Sharmeendra Vanora A/P Saravanan Gerald JG/12375/21
Vishiran A/L Sathyasalan JG/12765/22
Daryl James Seshasahi JK/14094/22
Saruni A/P Arun JG/12368/21
Nur Mazelifah Binti Mazelan JG/12335/21
Kahvisha A/P Jothy JG/12232/21

Task 1 Grammar and Writing

Question 1
Choose the best answer for Exercise 1,2,3 and 4 without the use of ChatGPT. Vichu-

1. D 2. D 3. D 4. C 5. D
1. A 2. B 3. B 4. A 5. A 6. A
1.A 2. B 3. C 4. A 5. A 6. B 7. C
1. B 2. B 3. A 4. C 5. B 6. A 7. B 8. B
Question 2
Once you have listed the answers for Exercise 1,2,3 and 4, use ChatGPT to check the
answers. Also find out the explanation for the answers. Vichu- Completed

1. B. emergence
The term "emergence" best describes the process of the Internet becoming widely available
and impactful in society. It signifies the gradual rise and spread of the Internet, marking its
transformation from a niche technology to an essential tool for communication, commerce,
and information dissemination. The emergence of the Internet revolutionized the way people
interact, access information, and conduct various activities in both personal and professional
spheres. It denotes a significant shift in how society operates, reflecting the profound impact
of the Internet on virtually every aspect of modern life.

2. D. information
"Ideally, 'information' is the most suitable term in the given context as it encompasses a
broader range of knowledge, including facts, data, details, and insights. In the digital age, the
Internet has become a vast repository of information, covering almost every conceivable
topic. Whether one seeks historical facts, scientific data, current events, or practical advice,
the Internet offers a plethora of information at one's fingertips. Therefore, 'information'
accurately captures the comprehensive nature of what the Internet provides to users."

3. D. accessible
"The word 'accessible' aptly describes the state of learning facilitated by the Internet. With its
widespread availability and user-friendly interfaces, the Internet has made learning more
accessible than ever before. Unlike traditional methods that may require physical resources or
specific locations, the Internet allows individuals to access educational materials anytime and
anywhere with an internet connection. This increased accessibility has democratized learning,
breaking down barriers to education and empowering people worldwide to pursue knowledge
at their own pace and convenience."
4. C. misleading
"In the context of the Internet, 'misleading' best characterizes the type of information that has
proliferated alongside its vast resources. Misleading information refers to content that is
deceptive, inaccurate, or biased, often leading to misconceptions or false beliefs. The
abundance of user-generated content and unchecked sources on the Internet has contributed
to the spread of misleading information, making it challenging for users to discern fact from
fiction. Consequently, there is a growing need for critical thinking and media literacy skills to
navigate the digital landscape effectively and identify misleading information."

5. D. skeptical
"The term 'skeptical' accurately reflects the mindset needed to navigate the abundance of
information available on the Internet. In an era where misinformation and disinformation are
prevalent, being skeptical encourages individuals to approach online content with a critical
eye and question its validity. By adopting a skeptical attitude, individuals can actively
evaluate sources, verify information, and seek multiple perspectives before accepting
something as true. This skepticism fosters a healthy level of doubt that promotes discernment
and helps guard against the influence of false or misleading information."

1. A. decision-making
The concept of decision-making has been extensively studied across various fields because it
plays a fundamental role in human behavior and outcomes. Decision-making refers to the
process of selecting a course of action from several alternatives. It is a critical cognitive
process that occurs in situations where there is uncertainty or risk involved. Understanding
how individuals and groups make decisions is crucial for fields such as psychology,
sociology, and anthropology as it provides insights into human behavior and the factors that
influence it. Whether it's choosing between different career paths, investment options, or
political candidates, decision-making shapes our lives in profound ways.

2. D. analyzing
In the context of decision-making, analyzing refers to the process of carefully examining and
breaking down information to gain insights and make informed choices. This step involves
assessing the available options, evaluating their potential outcomes, and considering the
associated risks and uncertainties. Analyzing is essential because it allows individuals and
groups to understand the implications of their decisions and choose the most suitable course
of action. By systematically analyzing the available information, decision-makers can
mitigate biases and errors in judgment, leading to more effective and rational decision-
making processes.

3. B. cognitive
The cognitive model of decision-making focuses on the mental processes involved in making
choices. It suggests that decision-making is a rational process where individuals weigh the
pros and cons of different options based on their beliefs, values, and preferences. This model
emphasizes the role of reasoning, problem-solving, and information processing in decision-
making. It posits that individuals gather relevant information, analyze it, and use logical
reasoning to arrive at a decision that best fits their goals and objectives. The cognitive model
is widely studied in psychology and cognitive science as it provides insights into the
underlying mechanisms of decision-making and how cognitive biases can affect the process.

4. A. sequential
Sequential decision-making refers to the process of making decisions in a step-by-step
manner, where each step builds upon the previous one. This approach involves systematically
progressing through various stages of decision-making, such as problem identification,
generating alternatives, evaluating options, and making a final choice. Sequential decision-
making allows individuals to break down complex decisions into manageable steps,
facilitating a structured and organized approach to problem-solving. By following a
sequential process, decision-makers can ensure that all relevant factors are considered and
that the chosen course of action aligns with their goals and objectives.

5. C. experience
Experience plays a crucial role in decision-making as it shapes individuals' knowledge, skills,
and judgment. Decision-makers draw upon their past experiences to assess situations,
anticipate outcomes, and make informed choices. Through repeated exposure to similar
scenarios, individuals develop expertise and intuition that guide their decision-making
process. Experience provides decision-makers with valuable insights into what has worked or
failed in the past, allowing them to adapt their strategies and make more effective decisions in
the future. Moreover, experience enables individuals to recognize patterns, identify potential
risks, and anticipate consequences, contributing to better decision-making outcomes.
6. A. heuristic
Heuristic decision-making involves using mental shortcuts or rules of thumb to simplify the
decision-making process. Instead of carefully weighing all available information, individuals
rely on simplified strategies or heuristics to make quick and efficient decisions. While
heuristics can be useful in situations where time and resources are limited, they can also lead
to errors in judgment and decision-making. For example, the availability heuristic involves
basing decisions on readily available information or examples that come to mind easily,
which may not always be representative or accurate. Despite their limitations, heuristics are
commonly used in everyday decision-making and can provide valuable shortcuts for
navigating complex situations.

1. B. narrow
In this context, the term "density" suggests that the villa units are closely packed together
within the development. The adjective "narrow" implies that the units are built with limited
space between them, contributing to a higher density. This choice highlights the compact and
efficiently designed layout of the villa units, maximizing land usage while offering luxurious
living spaces.

2. B. precinct
"Precinct" refers to a defined area or district, often within a larger urban or residential area. In
this case, "precinct" emphasizes that the villa units are situated within a specific and well-
defined residential area called Desa Impian. It conveys a sense of exclusivity and community
within this particular district, contributing to the overall appeal and desirability of the

3. C. elevated
"Elevated" suggests that the development is situated on higher ground or built at a higher
level compared to its surroundings. This choice indicates that Tiara Ville is positioned in a
prominent and elevated location within Desa Impian, potentially offering panoramic views
and a sense of prestige. The elevated position also enhances the aesthetic appeal and visibility
of the development.
4. B. facade
The term "facade" refers to the front exterior of a building, often considered its public face or
the aspect that is most visible and aesthetically significant. In this context, the stunning metal
and glass facade of Tiara Ville suggests a modern and visually striking architectural design.
This choice highlights the emphasis on architectural elegance and sophistication, contributing
to the overall appeal of the development.

5. B. enveloped
"Enveloped" suggests that the development is surrounded or enclosed by greenery, creating a
sense of immersion within a natural environment. This choice conveys a feeling of tranquility
and serenity, highlighting the lush and verdant surroundings of Tiara Ville. It emphasizes the
integration of nature into the living spaces, offering residents a peaceful retreat amidst the
urban landscape.

6. B. leisure
"Leisure" refers to activities done for enjoyment or relaxation during free time. In this
context, the mention of world-class facilities suggests that Tiara Ville offers a range of leisure
amenities for residents to enjoy. This choice emphasizes the luxurious and recreational
aspects of living in the development, highlighting the availability of high-quality amenities
and activities for residents to indulge in at their leisure.

7. C. modern
"Modern" suggests that Tiara Ville embodies contemporary design principles and features,
reflecting current architectural trends and lifestyle preferences. This choice emphasizes the
sleek and sophisticated aesthetic of the development, highlighting its alignment with modern
living standards and preferences. It conveys a sense of freshness and relevance, appealing to
individuals seeking a contemporary and upscale living experience.

1. B. deadliest
The word "deadliest" is the most appropriate choice here because it emphasizes the severity
and potential lethality of the situation regarding the bird flu. It conveys the gravity of the
warning issued by world health officials, indicating that this is not just a significant concern
but one with potentially dire consequences. By using "deadliest," it highlights the urgency of
the situation and the need for immediate attention and action to address the threat posed by
the bird flu.

2. A. threat
"Threat" is the most suitable word to describe the risk posed by a possible bird flu outbreak.
It suggests the imminent danger or harm that could result from the virus mutating into a form
easily transmissible among humans. By choosing "threat," it underscores the seriousness of
the situation and the need for proactive measures to mitigate the potential impact on public
health. It aligns with the context of health officials issuing a warning and emphasizes the
need to address the risk posed by the bird flu promptly.

3. C. pandemic
The term "pandemic" is the correct choice to describe the potential scale of a bird flu
outbreak if it were to mutate into a strain easily transmissible among humans. A pandemic
refers to a global outbreak of a disease, affecting a large proportion of the population across
multiple countries or continents. Given the severity and widespread impact that such an
outbreak could have, "pandemic" accurately conveys the magnitude of the threat posed by the
bird flu.

4. A. strain
In the context of virology and infectious diseases, a "strain" refers to a specific genetic
variant or subtype of a virus. Therefore, "strain" is the appropriate term to describe the
potential mutation of the bird flu virus into a form that could be easily transmitted among
humans. This mutation would represent a significant change in the virus's genetic makeup,
potentially altering its behavior and transmissibility.

5. B. transmitted
The word "transmitted" is the correct choice to describe the process by which the mutated
strain of the bird flu virus could spread among humans. "Transmitted" indicates the transfer
or passage of the virus from one individual to another, highlighting the mode of infection in a
contagious disease scenario. This term accurately reflects the concern regarding the virus's
ability to move from person to person, leading to a potential outbreak.
6. B. disastrous
"Disastrous" is the most fitting word to describe the potential consequences of a bird flu
outbreak mutating into a strain easily transmissible among humans. It implies a scenario
characterized by widespread harm, devastation, and negative impacts on public health,
economies, and societies. By using "disastrous," the severity and scale of the potential
consequences are emphasized, underscoring the urgency of addressing the threat posed by the
bird flu virus.

7. A. diagnosed
"Diagnosed" is the appropriate term to describe the identification or confirmation of new
cases of bird flu, especially in the context of medical examination and assessment. It implies
the process of determining and recognizing the presence of the disease in individuals through
clinical evaluation and testing. "Diagnosed" aligns with the medical and epidemiological
context of identifying and tracking cases of bird flu, highlighting the importance of accurate
diagnosis in disease surveillance and control efforts.

8. C. drug
"Tamilflu" is a brand name for the antiviral medication oseltamivir, commonly used in the
treatment of influenza infections. Therefore, "drug" is the correct choice to describe the
substance being stockpiled by Malaysia to prepare for a possible bird flu outbreak. It refers to
a pharmaceutical agent or medication used for therapeutic purposes, in this case, to mitigate
the impact of the virus on affected individuals and communities. By choosing "drug," it
accurately identifies the specific type of intervention being employed by Malaysia in
anticipation of a potential public health crisis.

Task 2 (2 paragraphs each question)

1. Elaborate your experience in learning grammar via ChatGPT (past tense) Ageelan-
ChatGPT is a natural language processing chatbot driven by generative Artificial
Intelligence (AI) technology that allows us to experience human-like responses and much
more. The AI tool had answered questions and assisted us with tasks such as finding missing
words between sentences, grammar errors and corrections, composing emails and essays.
We were able to have the best answer options by discussing the meanings of each
possible answers and referring to online dictionaries. This has helped us to be selective in
choosing answers based on the context given. Although, the answers were correct, we find
that learning grammar has to be comprehensive by using the conventional method of learning
to have a better grasp of grammar. AI tools is used as a reference check whenever it is

2. What is your observation? Do you clear your doubts with friends and other materials?
Daryl-To update

2. What have you concluded in learning English grammar via ChatGPT? Shya-Completed
ChatGPT surely helps student in learning English grammar, this is mainly because of the
instant feedback that the student get for their grammar usage and may assist them to verify
the mistakes real quick. Besides, it is also convenience as the student may able to learn rhe
English grammar anytime, and anywhere just by simply interacted with ChatGPT. Student
can ask multiple questions and get the answer with explanation right away without the need
to follow the timetable or any other sources. Apart from that, the conversation with chatGPT
is makes the study more interesting and enjoyable. This can engage the student and make
them practice the grammar in a more natural way aside from traditional exercise. In addition,
chatGPT offers personalized assistance based on the student needs and the learning pace
required by the student as they may ask question on specific grammar topics with
explanations to tailored their proficiency level. Furthermore, chatGPT are good in providing
an access to a wide range of resources, which included the grammar rules, examles and a
valid explanation from valid sources. These allow the student to learn and explore grammar
concept in more depth. In conjuction, chatGPT makes student feel more comfortable in
making mistakes and experimenting with English grammar in chatbot environment compared
to face-to-face interactions. This created a safe space for students to learn more. Lastly, All
things considered, learning English grammar with ChatGPT can be a beneficial addition to
more conventional language learning techniques. It provides convenience, quick feedback,
interaction, personalization, resource access, and a friendly learning environment. Students
must, however, utilize ChatGPT as a component of an all-encompassing learning plan that
incorporates a range of educational tools and activities.

4. How will you use ChatGPT in the future for English language grammar learning?
There are several advantageous of using the AI tech such as the ChatGPT in improving the
English language grammar learning. The usage of ChatGPT can be exceedingly favorable in
practicing to converse with a person as the particular individual able to use the source to ask
questions and get an instant reply right away. Furthermore, this particular AI tool could be a
reliable source on practicing English grammar as individual able to identify any sort of errors
and learn from the corrections. Next, with ChatGPT, students can collaborate in groups to
discuss and examine grammatical ideas. This is mainly because, ChatGPT may help in
leading conversations in groups, also giving more examples, and shed light on intricate
grammatical rules.
In addition, this tool can be very much helpful in assisting to write English sentences and
essays. For instance, learners can receive assistance with organising their thoughts, selecting
suitable vocabulary, and making sure their writing adheres to English grammar norms. Last
but not least, with the usage of ChatGPT, developers may construct grammar drills and
quizzes. Learners such as student able to take a test to gauge their understanding of different
grammatical concepts, gain explanations for their right answers and get instant feedback to
improvise grammatical errors.

5. What is your feelings using ChatGPT in learning English language grammar? Nur-To

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