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01. Final product of starch digestion is
a) Maltose
b) Sucrose
c) Lactose
d) Glucose
02. Sugar and amino acids are
a) Primary metabolites
b) Secondary metabolites
c) Feed stock
d) Inoculum
03. ATP is a
a) Nucleotide
b) Nucleoside
c) Nucleic acid
d) Hormone
04. Nucleoside is made up of
a) Sugar only
b) Phosphate only
c) Sugar and phosphate
d) Sugar and base
05. Which of the following is a homopolysaccharide?
a) Heparin
b) Inulin
c) Pectin
d) Hyaluronic acid
06. Insulin is a polymer of
a) Glucose
b) Galactose
c) Fructose
d) Amino acids
07. The repeating unit of glycogen is
a) Fructose
b) Mannose
c) Glucose
d) Galactose
08. The two polypeptides of human insulin are linked together by
a) Hydrogen bonds
b) Phosphodiester bond
c) Covalent bond
d) Disulphide bridges
09. How many nucleotides are present in one turn of DNA helix?
a) 4 pairs
b) 8 pairs
c) 10 pairs
d) 9 pairs
10. Strands of DNA are bonded by
a) Hydrogen bonds
b) Carbon bonds
c) Oxygen bonds
d) Nitrogen bonds
11. Which of the following bases is present in RNA in place of
a) Uracil
b) Adenine
c) Guanine
d) Water
12. Which one is secondary metabolite?
a) Amino acid
b) Lipid
c) Alkaloid
d) Protein
13. Cells continue to function only when a metabolic disequilibrium is
in effect. How do cells avoid reaching metabolic equilibrium?
a) Providing constant supply of enzymes
b) Cellular metabolism utilizes only those reactions that are
c) Use feed back inhibition to turn off pathways
d) The products of one reaction become the reactant of another
reaction and are unable to accumulate
14. Number of carbons in the ring of deoxyribose sugar is
a) Three
b) Four
c) Five
d) Six
15. The chitinous exoskeleton of arthropods is formed by the
polymerization of
a) N-acetyl glucosamine
b) Lipoglycans
c) Keratin sulphate and chondeoitin sulphate
d) D-glucosamine
16. In an enzyme catalysed reaction, the substrate is converted into
product. What is true for this change?
a) ES complex formation is a transient phenomenon.
b) There could be many more ‘altered structural states’ between the
stable substrate and the product.
c) Stability is something related to energy status of the molecule or the
d) All of these statements are correct
17. In a metabolic pathway in which glucose becomes pyruvic acid,
how many enzymes are involved?
a) One enzyme complex
b) Total three enzymes
c) Twenty two enzymes
d) Ten enzymes
18. An active site of an enzyme is _____ into which the substrate fits.
a) A flat portion of the surface
b) A projected portion of the surface
c) A depressed portion of the surface
d) Any of these
19. What is not true for living state?
a) Biomolecules are in a metabolic flux
b) The living state is an equilibrium steady-state to be able to perform
c) The living process is a constant effort to prevent falling into
d) The living state and metabolism are synonymous
20. Metabolic flux of biomolecules means
a) The rate of turnover of molecules through a metabolic pathway
b) The movement of matter through metabolic networks that are
connected by metabolites and cofactors
c) The passage of a metabolite through a reaction system over time
d) All of these statements represents metabolic flux
21. Which statement correctly explain the "dynamic state of body
a) Flow of metabolites through metabolic pathway has a definite rate
and direction
b) Interlinked metabolic traffic is very smooth and without a single
reported mishap for healthy conditions
c) There is no uncatalysed metabolic conversion in living systems
d) Each of the metabolic reactions results in the transformation of
22. It does not contain complex helices and hence cannot hold iodine
stain. Identify the substance.
a) Starch
b) Glycogen
c) Cellulose
d) Amylopectin
23. GLUT-4 is a
a) Enzyme
b) Receptor
c) Antibody
d) Transporter
24. A non-proteinaceous enzyme is
a) Ligase
b) Deoxyribonuclease
c) Lysozyme
d) Ribozyme
25. Starch and cellulose are the compounds made up of many units of
a) Simple sugar
b) Fatty acid
c) Glycerol
d) Amino acid
26. Which of the following is a characteristic of plants?
a) Glucose and cellulose
b) Pyruvic acid and glucose
c) Cellulose and starch
d) Starch and pyruvic acid
27. Inulin found in plant cell is a
a) Lipid
b) Protein
c) Polysaccharide
d) Vitamin
28. Cellulose are polymers of
a) Lactose
b) Sucrose
c) Maltose
d) Hexose
29. Sucrose, a common table sugar, is composed of
a) Glucose + fructose
b) Glucose + galactose
c) Fructose + galactose
d) None of these
30. Which is a non-reducing sugar?
a) Glucose
b) Galactose
c) Mannose
d) Sucrose
31. No cell could live without
a) Phytochrome
b) Ribozymes
c) Chloroplasts
d) Protein
32. Glycoproteins contain
a) Protein and fat
b) Protein and salt
c) Protein and vitamin
d) Protein and carbohydrates
33. What are the most diversed molecules in the cell?
a) Lipids
b) Proteins
c) Carbohydrates
d) Mineral salts
34. Which of the following chemical characteristics is not common to
all living beings?
a) Similar triplet code for amino acids
b) Energy is stored by high phosphate bonds
c) Type of protein present in the body
d) Ribosomes are the sites of protein synthesis
35. Lipids are insoluble in water, because lipids molecules are
a) Neutral
b) Zwitter ions
c) Hydrophobic
d) Hydrophilic
36. All Amino acids consist of
a) Carbon, hydrogen, chlorine, sulphur
b) Carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen
c) Carbon, manganese, phosphorus, nitrogen
d) Carbon, iodine, oxygen and inorganic phosphate
37. Which of the following is polymerized to form proteins?
a) Protein
b) Carbohydrates
c) Amino acid
d) Muramic acid
38. During strenous exercise glucose is converted into
a) Glycogen
b) Pyruvic acid
c) Starch
d) Lactic acid
39. Which of the following is the simplest amino acid?
a) Tyrosine
b) Asparagine
c) Glycine
d) Alanine
40. Hydrolysis of nucleic acid yields
a) Only 5C sugar
b) Phosphoric acid only
c) Nitrogenous base only
d) All the above
41. Pyrimidines are
a) Single ring compounds
b) Double ring compounds
c) Three ring compounds
d) None of the above
42. Pentose sugar present in nucleic acid is
a) Ribulose
b) Ribose
c) Raffinose
d) Xylulose
43. DNA is a polymer of
a) Nucleotide
b) Nucleoside
c) Amino acids
d) All of the above
44. Which amino acid have -CH₃ group as the R group?
a) Glycine
b) Alanine
c) Serine
d) Tryptophan
45. An essential amino acid, is an amino acid
a) That is essentially synthesized inside our body
b) That must be present in our diet
c) Essentially avoid in diet due to allergic reactions
d) These amino acids essentially have Sulphur
46. All enzymes have
a) Quaternery structure of protein
b) Phosphodiester bonding
c) Collagen structure
d) 3D structure
47. Kₘ is the concentration of substrate which permits the enzyme to
a) Vₘₐₓ/2
b) Vₘₐₓ
c) 2Vₘₐₓ
d) Vₘₐₓ/4
48. Substrate of amylase enzyme is
a) Protein
b) Fat
c) Starch
d) Sucrose
49. It is concerned with the energy involved in making and breaking of
chemical bonds in the molecules found in biological organisms. It can
also be defined as the study of energy relationships and energy
transformations and transductions in living organisms. This definition
belongs to
a) Bioenergetics
b) Biochemistry
c) Ecosystem
d) Molecular biology
50. Living organisms, be it a simple bacterial cell, a protozoan, a plant
or an animal, contain thousands of organic compounds. These
compounds or biomolecules are present in certain concentrations.
All these biomolecules have
a) Active group
b) Catalytic properties
c) Turn over
d) None of these
51. Cholesterol belongs to which of the following groups?
a) Steroids
b) Neutral fats
c) Waxes
d) Phospholipids
52. Find out the wrongly matched pair.
a) Primary metabolite - Ribose
b) Secondary metabolite - Anthocyanins
c) Protein - Insulin
d) Cellulose - Heteropolymer
53. Which of the following is not a disaccharide?
a) Maltose
b) Starch
c) Sucrose
d) Lactose
54. In a polysaccharide, the individual monosaccharides are linked by a
a) Glycosidic bond
b) Peptide bond
c) Ester bond
d) Phosphodiester bond
55. Which of the following carbohydrates is not a disaccharide?
a) Maltose
b) Lactose
c) Sucrose
d) Galactose
56. Chitin is a
a) Polysaccharide
b) Nitrogenous polysaccharide
c) Lipoprotein
d) Protein
57. Which one of the following statements is wrong?
a) Sucrose is a disaccharide
b) Cellulose is a polysaccharide
c) Uracil is a pyrimidine
d) Glycine is a sulphur containing amino acid
58. Which of the following is correct pair of pyrimidine bases?
a) Adenine and Thymine
b) Adenine and Guanine
c) Thymine and Cytosine
d) Guanine and Cytosine
59. Which one of the following is widely distributed in a cell?
a) DNA
b) RNA
c) Chloroplast
d) Chromoplast
60. Which of the cell organelles are devoid of deoxyribonucleic acid?
a) Mitochondria and nucleus
b) Chloroplast and mitochondria
c) Nucleus and chloroplast
d) Lysosome and Golgi apparatus
61. Which of the following biomolecules does have phosphodiester
a) Monosaccharides in a polysaccharide
b) Amino acids in a polypeptide
c) Nucleotides in Nucleic acids
d) Fatty acids in a diglyceride
62. When we homogenise any tissue in acid than the acid-soluble pool
a) Cytoplasm
b) Cell membrane
c) Nucleus
d) Mitochondria
63. The most abundant chemical in living organisms could be
a) Protein
b) Water
c) Sugar
d) Nucleic acid
64. Which one of the following is not a polymeric substance?
a) Rubber
b) Morphine
c) Gum
d) Cellulose
65. Which of the following secondary metabolites are used as drugs?
a) Abrin + Ricin
b) Vinblastin + Curcumin
c) Anthocyanine
d) Ricin + Glucosinolates
66. Which of the following are secondary metabolites?
a) Flavonoids and Rubber
b) Alkaloids and coloured pigments
c) Gums & toxins
d) All of these
67. Catabolic and anabolic pathways are often coupled in cell because
a) The intermediates of a catabolic pathway are used in the anabolic
b) Both the pathway use the same energy
c) The free energy released from one pathway is used to drive other
d) Their enzymes are controlled by their same activators and inhibitors
68. Choose the correct statement(s).
a) Living steady state has a self regulatory mechanism called
b) Energy flow and energy transformation of living system follow law
of thermodynamics
c) Metabolism is release and gain of energy
d) All of these
69. Which one is incorrect?
a) Organisms live at the expense of free energy.
b) ATP powers the cellular work by complying exergonic reaion to
endergonic reactions.
c) All living organims exist in a steady state characterized by
concentrations of biomolecules.
d) Living beings are in equilibrium state.
70. Choose the false statement.
a) The living state is a non-equilibrium steady state to be able to
perform work.
b) The constant flow of material or energy in and out of cell prevent
from reaching equilibrium.
c) Living state and metabolism are synonymous.
d) Several metabolic pathways are completely independent in a
living cell.
71. Which statement is incorrect about a 2 step reaction?
a) The reaction may be exothermic or endothermic.
b) There are two intermediates.
c) Either step may be rate determining.
d) There are two transition states.
72. The initial source of energy to all the varied forms of life is
a) A glucose molecule
b) An ATP molecule
c) The solar energy
d) A protein molecule
73. In a living system, the chemical energy is principally stored in the
form of
a) Nucleotide diphosphate
b) Nucleoside triphosphate
c) Nucleotide triphosphate
d) Nucleoside diphosphate
74. How many phosphodiester bonds are there in ATP?
a) 3
b) 2
c) 1
d) 0
75. Which of the following nitrogenous base is double ringed?
a) Guanine
b) Thymine
c) Uracil
d) Cytosine
76. Enzymes are basically
a) Sugars
b) Proteins
c) Fats
d) Vitamins
77. In plants, enzymes are present
a) Only in flowers
b) Only in leaves
c) In all the living cells of plant body
d) Only in parenchyma
78. The molecules that are well recognized as biocatalysts in addition
to enzymes are
a) Polysaccharides
b) Fatty acids
c) RNAs
d) None of these
79. "All enzymes are proteins." This statement is now modified
because an apparent exception to this biological truth is
a) Spliceosome
b) Ribozyme
c) RNA poly I
d) RNA poly III
80. Which of the following is not an attribute of enzymes?
a) They are proteinaceous in nature
b) They speed up the rate of biochemical reactions
c) They are specific in nature
d) They are used up in reactions
81. Non-protein part of an enzyme is known as
a) Apoenzyme
b) Isoenzyme
c) Coenzyme
d) Holoenzyme
82. An enzyme acts by
a) Reducing the energy of activation
b) Increasing the energy of activation
c) Decreasing the pH
d) Increasing the pH
83. The enzyme which combines with non-protein part to form a
functional enzyme is known as
a) Holenzyme
b) Apoenzyme
c) Isoenzyme
d) All of the above
84. When coenzyme is combined with apoenzyme, it is called
a) Cofactor
b) Holoenzyme
c) Substrate enzyme complex
d) Vitamin A
85. An amino acid under certain conditions have both positive and
negative charges simultaneously in the same molecule. Such a form of
amino acid is called
a) Acidic form
b) Basic form
c) Aromatic form
d) Zwitter ionic form
86. The number of ends in a glycogen molecule would be
a) Equal to the number of branches plus one
b) Equal to the number of branch points
c) One
d) Two, one on the left side and another on the right side
87. The primary structure of a protein molecule has
a) Two ends
b) One end
c) Three ends
d) No ends
88. Enzymes that catalyse the removal of groups from substrates by
mechanisms other than hydrolysis, leaving double bonds are called
a) Transferases
b) Lyases
c) Isomerases
d) Hydrolases
89. Ligases are enzymes that
a) catalyse linking together of 2 compounds
b) catalyse inter-conversion of isomers
c) catalyse hydrolysis of ester
d) catalyse oxidoreduction
90. Zinc acts a cofactor for the proteolytic enzyme
a) Carboxypeptidase
b) Carboxylase
c) Maltase
d) Amylase

01. D 11. A 21. A 31. D 41. A 51. A 61. C 71. B 81. C

02. A 12. C 22. C 32. D 42. B 52. D 62. A 72. C 82. A
03. A 13. D 23. D 33. B 43. A 53. B 63. B 73. B 83. B
04. D 14. B 24. D 34. C 44. B 54. A 64. B 74. D 84. B
05. B 15. A 25. A 35. C 45. B 55. D 65. B 75. A 85. D
06. D 16. D 26. C 36. B 46. D 56. B 66. D 76. B 86. A
07. C 17. D 27. C 37. C 47. A 57. D 67. C 77. C 87. A
08. D 18. C 28. D 38. D 48. C 58. C 68. D 78. C 88. B
09. C 19. B 29. A 39. C 49. A 59. B 69. D 79. B 89. A
10. A 20. D 30. D 40. D 50. C 60. D 70. D 80. D 90. A

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