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@ TECHNOLOGY AND WORK Firstly, internet, fax and mobile phone technologies have revolutionized working life because workers can com- municate via email, online networks and video conferencing. These tools help them save time and money for travel- ling or delivering paper documents. Secondly, technology can connect work- ers in different countries, which creates more multi-national companies. These companies would cooperate to develop the worldwide economy. Lastly, the advanced technology gives us massive storage capacity, which means offices can store a huge number of documents, reports and data on this virtual world. That helps people avoid losing paper documents as they often used to. Thi nhat, Internet, fax va cae cong nghé dién thoai di déng da cach mang héa euge séng Iam viée vi céng nhan c6 thé giao tiép qua email, mang Ju6i truc tuyén va hdi nghj truyén hinh. Nhiing diéu nay gitip nhan vién van phong tiét kiém thdi gian va tién bac cho vige di chuyén di lai hoic giao tai liéu gidy. Thi hai, cong nghé c6 thé két néi cong nhan 6 céc quée gia khae nhau, tao ra nhiéu cong ty da quée gia. Cac céng ty nay sé hop tae dé phat trién nén kinh té trén toan thé gidi Cuéi cing, cong nghé tién tién cho ta kha nang hutu tr@ Ién, c6 nghia la cée van phong cé thé Itu mét sé’ Jung I6n cac tai ligu, bao cao va dit liéu vé thé gidi ao nay. Diéu d6 givip mgi ngudi tranh mat gidy td nhu trudc kia. Firstly, efforts, there are always hacking risks from the outside and the internal threat of information theft from employees with security clearances. despite increased security IELTS ETRAIN Thanh Loan = ENGLISH CENTER Thi nhat, mac da da c6é nhiéu nd luc bao mat nhung Juén cé nhiing nui ro tt bén ngoai va nguy co trom cap théng tin néi bé tw nhan vién 201 Secondly, cell phones, email, text mes- sages and social media have largely replaced face-to-face communications. Too much reliance on electronic meth- ods of communication can decrease vital personal interaction. Finally, technology can add more dis- tractions because of their noise from phone rings, fax machine or computers. Sometimes, the time saving advantages are often outweighed by the constant Thit hai, dién thoai di d6ng, email, tin nhdn va phuong tién truyén théng xa héi da phan ldn thay thé giao tiép truc tiép. Qué nhiéu su phu thuée vao ede phuong phap truyén théng dién tit cé thé lam gidim su tuong tac cd nhan quan trong. Cudi cing, céng nghé c6 thé gay thém nhiéu sw mat tap trung vi tiéng dn ctia ching tit chudng dién thoai, miéy fax hay may tinh, Doi khi, nhitng loi thé vé viee tiét kiém distractions. thdi gian sé bj bao chiém b tap trung lién tuc. VOCABULARY LIST + Revolutionize (verb) + Paper document (noun phrase) + Cooperate (verb) + Storage (noun) + Virtual world (noun phrase) + Hacking risk (noun phrase) + Information theft (noun phrase) Meaning: Change (something) radically or fundamentally. Vietnamese: Cich mang hoa Meaning: A piece of written paper Meaning: Work jointly towards the same end Vietnamese: Hop tic Meaning: The action or method of storing something for fature use Vietnamese: Kho luu tri Meaning: Not physically existing as such but made by software to appear to do so Vietnamese: Thé gidi ao Meaning: The gaining of unauthorized access to data in a system or computer. Vietnamese: Nguy cd bj r6 ri Meaning: The action or crime of stealing information Vietnamese: Trém cap théng tin IELTS ETRAIN 202 Thanh Loan ENGLISH CENTER + Face-to-face Meaning: Close together and facing each other (adjective) Vietnamese: Truc tiép + Distraction Meaning: A thing that prevents someone from concentrating on (noun) something else. Vietnamese: SAMPLE QUESTIONS 1. Modern technology is now very common in the most workplaces. How do you think this has changed the way we work? Do you think there are disadvantages of relying too much on technology? 2. Modern high technology is transforming how we work and is of benefit to all soci- ety. Do you agree or disagree? IELTS ETRAIN 203 Thanh Loan ENGLISH CENTER © TECHNOLOGY AND EDUCATION rT Firstly, utilizing teachers and students the ability to really get into the subject that they are learning about by creating amazing illustrations on smartboards, computers or projectors. technology gives Secondly, the answer to any question that a person has can be found in a click of button using computers, smart phones, tablets, and the internet. This is a priceless benefit for technology because students can expand their own understanding, and seek answers or information on subjects very easily. Finally, no more overloaded back- packs are required. The higher level one proceeds in education, the more books and tools they are required to bring with them each day, but this would no longer be a problem if all learning resources are online, IELTS ETRAIN Thanh Loan ENGLISH CENTER: Thi nhat, sit dung cong nghé cung cap cho giao vién va hoc sinh kha nang thuc su tham gia vao bai hoc ma ho dang hoc vé bang cach tao ra nhiing hinh hoa tuy¢ét véi bang viée sti dung bang thong minh, may tinh va may chiéu. Thtt hai, cau tra Idi cho bat ky cau hoi nao cua mét ngudi cé thé duge tim thay bing cach chi viée ain mit may tinh, dién thoai théng minh, may tinh bang va internet. Day la mot loi ich v6 gi vi hoc sinh ¢6 thé md réng su hiéu biét cia minh, va tim kiém cau tra Idi hoae thang tin vé ede chit dé rat dé dang. Cudi cing, nhiing chiée balo qua nang va qua tai khong phai 18 vain dé ntia. Nguoi ta cang hoc cao thi cang phai mang nhiéu sach vo va vat dung, nhung diéu nay sé khéng con Ia van dé n@ia néu tat cd cae tai liéu hoe tap déu cé trén mang. 204 By far, the biggest problem with using technology in education is how distract- ing it can be. While many great educa- tional resources can be accessed, there are also a lot of distractions. Games, video, and music all distract students from what they are supposed to be doing with their technology. Secondly, the great wealth of informa- tion on the Internet is easily overshad- owed by the amount of harmful materi- als. Violence, pornographic materials, and hateful messages can all be accessed by students. ‘The final big problem is just how easy it has become for students to cheat. They are able to simply scarch for informa- tion to a question online and instantly find the answer in examinations. VOCABULARY LIST Utilize (verb) Vietnamese: Su dung + Priceless (adjective) Vietnamese: V6 gia + Expand (verb) Vietnamese: Mé rong IELTS ETRAIN Thanh Loan ENGLISH CENTER Cho dén nay, vain dé Ién nat trong viée si? dung cong nghé trong gido duc 1a n6 cé thé gay mat tap trung. Trong khi c6 rat nhiéu tai ligu gido duc tuyét voi c6 thé duge truy cap thi cing cé rat nhiéu thi gay xao nhang. Tro choi, video va am nhac Jam phan tan hge sinh khéi nhiing gi hg dang ra phai lim voi cong nghé. Thit hai, su gidu cé cia thong tin tuyét vdi trén internet cé thé dé dang bj bao phit bdi Iwong én nhting nguén tin ¢6 hai. Bao lute, van héa phém déi tray hay nhiing thong diép tht: han c6 thé duidc hoe sinh dé dang tiép can. Vain dé Idn cuéi eting Ia viée gian Jin qua 1a dé dang véi hoe sinh. Ho c6 thé chi can tim kiém théng tin cho mét cau héi trén mang va ngay lip tite tim thay cau tra loi trong ky thi. Meaning: Make practical and effective use of Meaning: So precious that its value cannot be determined. Meaning: Become or make larger or more extensive. 205 +Seek (verb) + Overloaded (adjective) + Access (verb) -Distract (verb) + Shadow (verb) + Pornographic Meaning: Attempt to find (something) Vietnamese: Tim kiéin Meaning: Loaded with too great a burden or cargo. Vietnamese: Qua tai Meaning: Approach or enter (a place) Vietnamese: Truy cap Meaning: Prevent (someone) from concentrating on something. Vietnamese: Lam mat tap trung Meaning: To cover Vietnamese: Che phti Meaning: Constituting or resembling pornography; obscene. (adjective) Vietnamese: Khiéu dam, déi truy + Cheat Meaning: Act dishonestly or unfairly in order to gain an advan- (verb) tage. Vietnamese: Gian lan SAMPLE QUESTIONS 1. Universities and colleges are now offering qualifications through distance learn- ing from the Internet rather than teachers in the classroom. Do you think the advantage of this development this outweigh the disadvantage 2. The presence of technology in the classroom has become more and more apparent and offered students tremendous resources to supplement their education. Given time, technology will completely replace the traditional teacher in the classroom. Do you agree or disagree with the above statement? IELTS ETRAIN 206 Thanh Loan ENGLISH CENTER ~ = = <= TRA a Pi Pa @ CHANGES IN FAMILY STRUCTURES Families in many countries are not as large as they used to be. People tend to live in small nuclear families rather than large extended families. Parents tend to have fewer children. In the past, only a tenth of children were an only child, but now they take up more than 30%. Single-parent family is becoming more popular. In the last century, it was very uncommon for children to be brought up by a single parent, but now it has gained popularity One of the principal reasons for smaller family units is birth control. As a country develops and becomes more prosperous, birth control becomes more readily available. This may be due to a rise in the number of medical clinics or the distribution of free contraception. Another important factor is the rise in education level that occurs as a country develops, which means that women are more educated and more likely to be working. Consequently, many will want to delay having families or even not have children at all. IELTS ETRAIN Thanh Loan = ENGLISH CENTER Cae gia dinh 6 nhiéu nude khong én nhu truée diy. Moi nguoi thudng séng trong nhiing gia dinh hat nhan nhé hon 1a nhiing gia dinh Ion. Cha me c6 xu huéng c6 it con hon. Trong qué khi, chi c6 mét phan mudi tré em 1a con mét, nhung gid no chiém hon 30%. Gia dinh don than dang tré nén pho bién. Trong thé ky qua, thute té tré em duge nudi dudng bdi mét bo” me 1a rat hiém, nhung bay gid né da tré nén phd bién. M6t trong nhiing ly do chinh cho cae gia dinh nho hon la kiém soat sinh san. Khi mét quéc gia phat trién va tré nén giau c6 hon, kiém soat sinh san trd nén dé dang hon. Diéu nay 6 thé la do sy gia tang sé higng phong khém hoje viée phan phat cae bién phap trénh thai mién phi. M6t yéu té quan trong nia 1a trinh d6 gido duc tang Ién, xdy ra 6 cée nude phat trién. Diéu nay cé nghia Ja phu nit duge gido duc day dt hon va c6 thé di lam. Chinh vi thé, nhiéu ngudi muon tri hoan vige lap gia dinh va tham chi la khéng muén 6 con 208 It costs so much to bring children up and it is even more difficult to raise a large family. For that reason, more fam- ilies choose to have fewer children to reduce financial burdens. One positive effect is that the popula- tion will fall, which will likely result in less poverty as there will be less compe- tition for scarce resources. Having less children creates some bene- fits. It prevents the sibling rivalry which normally happens in large fami- lies. Parents can provide a better educa- tion to their children as it will cost less, which will benefit society as a whole. A smaller family with fewer generations living in the same household can avoid conflicts or generation gaps. A possible negative impact is that there will be fewer younger people in the workforce in the future, thus making the sustainability of future economic growth less certain. VOCABULARY LIST + Nuclear family (compound noun) basic social unit. Tén rat nhiéu tién dé nudi dudng tré va nudi cd mét gia dinh Idn con khé khan. Vi vay, nhiéu gia dinh chon cé mét gia dinh nhé va it tré hon dé giam génh nding kinh té. Mot tac d6ng tich cuc 1a dan sé sé gidm, c6 thé sé din dén giam nghéo vi sé it canh tranh hon déi véi cae nguon luc khan hiém. C6 it tré em tao ra mét 36 loi ich. N6 ngan can st ganh dua giiia cdc anh chj em thuéng xay ra trong gia dinh. Cha me ctng cé thé cung cap mt nén giao dye tét hon cho con cai ctia ho vi n6 sé cé chi phi it hon, sé mang lai Igi ich cho xa hgi noi chung. Mot gia dinh nho hon cé it thé hé song trong cting mt hé gia dinh cé thé trénh xung d6t hoge khoang cach thé hé. Mot téc déng tiéu cue c6 thé 1a sé c6 it ngudi tré tudi hon trong lye liong Jao dong trong tuong lai, do dé lam gidm tinh chac chan ctia tang trudng kinh té trong tudng lai. Meaning: A couple and their dependent children, regarded as a Vietnamese: Gia dinh hat nhin IELTS ETRAIN Thanh Loan = ENGLISH CENTER 209 + Extended family (compound noun) + Only child (compound noun) + Single-parent family (compound noun) Birth control (noun phrase) + Contraception (noun) + Financial burden (noun phrase) + Sibling rivalry (compound noun) + Conflict (noun) + Generation gap (compound noun) Meaning: A family which extends beyond the nuclear family to include grandparents and other relatives. Vietnamese: Gia dinh nhiéu thé hé Meas A child having no siblings Vietnamese: Con mét Meaning: A family consists of only a parent Vietnamese:Gia dinh don than Meaning: The practice of preventing unwanted pregnancies, espe- cially by use of contraception. Vietnamese: Kiém soat sinh sin Meaning: The deliberate use of artificial methods or other tech- niques to prevent pregnancy Vietnamese: Trinh thai Meaning: A load, typically a heavy one related to finance Vietnamese: Ganh nang kinh té Meaning: Competition for the same objective between brothers or sisters Vietnamese: Tranh Meaning: A serious disagreement or argument, typically a pro- tracted one Vietnamese: Su tranh cai ii trong anh em Meaning: A difference of attitudes between people of different gen- erations, leading to a lack of understanding. Vietnamese: Khodng cach thé’hé + Sustainability Meaning: The ability to be maintained at a certain rate or level, (noun) Vietnamese: Su bén ving SAMPLE QUESTIONS 1. As countries have developed there has been a trend towards smaller family sizes. Why does this happen? How does this affect society? 2. It is generally acknowledged that families are now not as close as they used to be. Why this change has happened and how families could be brought closer together? IELTS ETRAIN 210 Thanh Loan) ENGLISH CENTER Sees @ CHANGES IN THE ROLES OF MEMBERS IN FAMILY In the past, fathers were breadwin- ners in a family, while mothers remained at home to take care of chil- dren, But now these traditional gender roles are gradually changing. Modern working women can take ma- ternity leave during and after preg- naney and after this period, they tend to continue to go to work again. This will help to improve the family’s financial conditions, while these women will also be able to have a position in society. Husbands tend to share household duties with their wives as cleaning, childcare or cooking. Paternity leave and househusbands/ stay-at-home husbands are becoming more common. ‘This leads to a growing gender equality. Both parents are more aware of gender equality, so they think they should share the same responsibilities of work and household chores. ‘The pay gap between genders are slowly being eradicated. Thus, men now realise they have the same responsibilities at home as their wives who are earning just as much money. IELTS ETRAIN peur shia wien Trong qua khit, ngudi bo 1a ngudi try cét trong gia dinh, trong khi cae ba me d nha dé chim séc tré. Nhung bay gid la nhiing vai tro truyén thong ctia gidi dang dén dan thay dé Phy ni hign dai c6 thé nghi phép thai san trong va sau khi sinh va au thoi ky nay, ho e6 xu huéng tiép tue di lam lai. Diéu nay nham mue dich gop phan cai thién diéu kién tai chinh ctia gia dinh va ho citing dat duge vj tri trong xa hdi. Nhing ngudi chéng ¢6 xu huéng chia sé cic nhiém vu gia dinh véi vo nhu 1a don dep, gitt tré hode nau ain, Nghi phép va “dan éng ndi tro” dang trd nén phé bién hon. Diéu nay dan dén su binh ding gidi ngay cang gia tang. Cé hai cha me déu ¥ thite hon v binh diing gidi, vi vay ho nghi rang ho nén chia sé cing nhau trach nhiém vé cong vié 6 i dinh. Phan cach thu nhép giiia hai gidi gid dang din duge xod bé. Vi vay, dan 6ng gid nhan ra rang ho cé trach nhiém tuong ty vdi vie nha nhu nhiing ngudi vo dang kiém bang s6 tién voi ho. 211 Females nowadays are more educated than ever before. They are capable of doing nearly everything that men can. Sometimes, their working performance in some fields are much better than male's. The changes in the roles of members in the family could be seen as progress because women are not put under pres- sure to sacrifice their own careers to assume childcare and domestic responsibilities. Fatherhood is important and fathers have many roles to play in the develop- ment of children. By staying with fathers, kids tend to develop the will to overcome difficulties and are able to solve their problems independently. This will help them a lot when they grow up and have to face challenges in their adult life. Values of women, which were largely dictated by society, culture and history, have now changed because of their dedi- cation at work VOCABULARY LIST + Breadwinner (noun) cally the sole one Vietnamese: Tru oft + Gender role (noun phrase) Ni ngay nay e6 trinh dé hoe van cao hon bao gid hét, ho 6 kha nang Jam moi thit giéng nhu dan éng. D6i khi, hiéu suat lam viée ctia hod m6t s6linh vue tot hon nhiéu so voi Su thay déi vai tro ctta cde thanh vién trong gia dinh c6 thé dude coi 1a tién bd bai vi phu nit khong bi Ap Iuie phai hy sinh nghé nghiép ca ho dé dam nhan trach nhiém gitt tré va lam vige nha Su cé m cita béla diéu quan trong va bédéng vai tré quan trong trong su phat trién cita tré em. Séng voi cha, tré em c6 xu huéng phat trién ¥ chi manh mé vugt qua nhiing kho caée van phai doi mat v6i thach thie trong cue song trudng than. Gid trj cia phu mi, ting duce dink hudng béi xa héi, van hoa va lich sti, gid da thay déi do nhiing cong hién etia hg trong cong viée. Meaning: A person who earns money to support their family, typi- Meaning: the role or behaviour learned by a person as appropriate to their gender, determined by the prevailing cultural norms. Vietnamese: Vai tro gidi IELTS ETRAIN Thanh Loan = ENGLISH CENTER 212 + Maternity leave (noun phrase) + Pregnancy (noun) - Paternity leave (noun phrase) + Househusband (noun) + Responsibility (noun) + Sacrifice Meaning: A period of absence from work granted to a mother before and after the birth of her child. Vietnamese: Ché d6 nghi thai sin Meaning: The condition or period of being pregnant. Vietnamese: Sw mang thai Meaning: A period of absence from work granted to a father after or shortly before the birth of his child Vietnamese: Ché dg nghi ctia b6 (dé cham soc tré mi sinh) Meaning: A man who lives with a partner and carries out house- hold duties traditionally done by a housewife rather than going out to work. Vietnamese: Ngudi bondi try Meaning: The state or fact of having a duty to deal with something or of having control over someone. Vietnamese: Triich nhiém Meaning: Give up (something valued) for the sake of other consid- (verb) erations Vietnamese: Hy sinh + Assume Meaning: Take on or adopt (verb) Vietnamese: Tréng nom + Domestic Meaning: Relating to the running of a home or to family relations. (adjective) Vietnamese: Trong nha - Fatherhood Meaning: the state of being a father (noun) Vietnamese: vige lam bé” SAMPLE QUESTIONS 1. In recent years, the family structure has changed, as well as family roles. What are the changes which have occurred? Do you think these changes are positive or negative? 2. These days more fathers stay at home and take care of their children while moth- ers go out to work. What could be the reasons for this? Do you think it is a positive or a negative development? IELTS ETRAIN 213 Thanh Loan ENGLISH CENTER © WORKING PARENTS tiv First, with extra salary from both par- ents, children can be sent to a better school which costs more. They can also be given better health care services from more expensive but better hospi- tals. Secondly, when a mother works, it means that she is helping to ease off her husband's financial burden and stress. A stable source of finance is always a foundation of every family's happiness and close-knit relationship. In a family where both parents are too busy and concentrate too much on making money, their children often lack necessary support and supervision. Overtime, it will make them demoral- ized, and affect seriously to their edu- cation's performance. Without parent's supervision, children will also be very likely to take on bad habits due to peer pressure such as game addiction, smoking, or even taking drugs. IELTS ETRAIN Thanh Loan ENGLISH CENTER Thit nhat, voi mie htong cao tit ca cha lan me, tré em 6 thé dude giti dén mét truéng hoe tét hon ein nhiéu hoe phi, chting c6 thé duge chim séc site khoé tét hon tit nhung bénh vign dat tién hon nhung tét hon. Thu hai, khi me di lam, no c6 nghia la c6 ay dang gitip giim bot ginh ning tai chinh va cang thang ctia 6t nguén tai chinh én dinh tang ctia hanh phie va méi quan hé chat ché etia mdi gia dinh. Trong mét gia dinh ma cé cha va ime déu qué ban rén va tap trung qua nhiéu vao vige kiém tién, con cua ho thudng thiéu sw hé trg va gidm sat can thiét. Qua thoi gian, né sé lam ho mat nhan cach va anh huéng nghiém trong dén hiéu suat ctia gido duc. gidm sat cia cha me, tré em ciing sé e6 nhiing théi quen xau do ap lye cia ban bé nhw nghién game, hut thuéc hoae tham chi ding ma tty. Néu khong 6 si 214 i @ CHILDCARE C® Positives If government supports families to nur- ture their children, it will encourage more couples to have children. This policy will be greatly worth imple- menting in countries where the birth rate is dangerously low or which have aging population as Japan or Korea. If government pays for one parent to stay at home to bring up their children, their kids would receive more supervi- sion as well as care from their parents. This approach also reduces the financial burdens of the family on raising up their children, which leads to their better working attitude at workplace. CF Negatives ‘The government will have to bear extra costs and it can impact the country’s economy. For instance, the American government is planning to cut off their costs of paying money to parents for the care of their child, because the Ameri- can economy is facing a decline. IELTS ETRAIN ENCLISH CENTER Néu chinh phi tro gitp gia dinh nudi dudng con cai, diéu nay sé khuyén khich nhiéu cap vg chéng mudn c6 con hon. Chinh séch nay sé rat 06 gid trj khi thue hign d cée nuide 6 ty 1¢ sinh cue thaip hoac cb dan s6 gid nhu Nhét Ban hose Han Qu Néu chinh phit chi tra cho bo hose me d nha cham sée con cai, con ciia hg sé duge gidm sat nhiéu hon cing nhu nhan dude su cham séc tét hon ty cha me. Céch tiép cain nay cing lam gidm ganh nang tai chinh doi vdi gia dinh khi nudi day con edi, din dén thai d6 lam vide tot hon tai noi lam viée cia ho Chinh phi sé phai chju thém chi phi va né c6 thé anh huéng dén nén kinh té cia dat nude. Chang han, chinh phti My dang cé ké hoach cat gidm chi phi tra tién cho cha me dé chéim séc con cai, boi vi nén kinh té My dang phai d6i mat voi su suy gidm. 216 Some children are kept at home instead of being sent to nursery because one of their parents is stay-at-home-mom or dad. As a consequence, children will not develop social skills because they will not be mixed up with the other children of their age from different background. The families will depend too much on the external supports from the govern- ment. This results in a dependent atti- tudes, then the family members will lack efforts to bring their children up. Raising up children by themselves, the family members will be more responsi- ble for their kids’ upbringing and par- enting. Each household should share the finan- cial burden on the government by paying for their own childcare. There- fore, national budget can be better invested for more urgent issues like poverty climination, public improvement, etc. service M6t s6 tré em duocgiit tai nha thay vi duge dua tdi nha tré bdi vi be” hoac me ching d nha. Do do, tré em sé khng phat trién cic ky nang xa hi bdi vi chting sé khong duge hoa nhép vdi cac tré khée cing tuéi tit cdc mdi trudng s6ng khac nhau. C&c gia dinh sé phy thuée qué nhiéu vao su hé trg tiv bén ngoai ctia chinh phi. Diéu nay din dén thai d6 ¥ Ini, tiv do cic thanh vién trong gia dinh sé khong né lye dé nuéi nang con edi. Tu nudi day con cai cia minh, cée thanh vién trong gia dinh sé c6 tréch mhigm hon vé nudi nding va day dé con cai ho. Méi gia dinh nén chia sé ganh nang tai chinh voi chinh phiia ba tu chi tra cho viée nudi nang con cai. Nhu vay, ngan sich quée gia cé thé dugec dau tu tot hon cho eae van dé céip bach nhu xéa doi giam nghéo, nang cao dich vu céng cong... RS TOT Bee eee oe MO ENO eee ao CF For It has to be admitted that children training courses are helpful to some extent to nurse children. Firstly, par- ents could be more confident since they have been taught how to deal with what will happen such as caring when their kids get sick or any accidents. IELTS ETRAIN Thanh Loan = ENGLISH CENTER Can phai tha nhan rang cac khoa hoe danh cho tré em rat hitu ich trong viée chim séc tré em. Thit nhat, cha me c6 thé ty tin hon khi duige day lam thé nao dé d6i pho voi nhiing gi sé xy ra nhu cham séc con cai khi bj bénh hoje tai nan. 217 Secondly, they would be more confident about teaching their children because they are very sensible and fragile. Par- ents will be taught the essential skills to handle with their children’s problems, make sure that their kids can avoid social evils in the future. CF Against Parents totally can learn childcare les- sons from the elders as their parents. ‘The seniors can give them valuable experience in bringing up and parenting the kids. In the cutting - edge world, all the vital information is available on the Internet. Parents can stay at home and look for the information that they need to take care of their babies instead of going to childcare clas The courses are so expensive that not many families can afford. For example, prenatal lessons cost a huge amount of money, so many families are not will- ing to go to these classes. Thit hai, ho sé ty tin hon vé viée day con cdi vi ching rat nhay cam va mong manh. Cha me sé dude day cae ky nang can thiét dé giai quyét cae van dé ctia con minh, dam bao rang con cai ctia ho e6 thé tranh dugc cdc té nan xa hdi trong tuong Iai. C&e bac phu huynh hoan toan 06 thé hoe cdc bai hoc cham séc tré em tiy cdc bac Ién tuédi nhu cha me cia ho. Nhiing ngudi cao nién cé thé cho ho nhiing kinh nghiém quy bau trong nuéi day con cai. Trong thé gidi hién dai, tat ca eae thong tin quan trong déu cé trén Internet. Cha me 6 thé 6 nha dé tim théng tin ma ho can vé viée cham séc tré em thay vi di dén cae Idp hge cham séc tré. Cac kh6a hoc hau hét la rat dat dé nén khéng nhiéu gia dinh cé thé chiu dude gid. Vi du, cde khéa hoc tién san thuéng ton rat nhiéu tién, vi vay cae gia dinh khong san sing di dén nhiing lép nay. Meaning: Care for and protect (someone or something) while they Meaning: Put (a decision, plan, agreement, etc.) into effect VOCABULARY LIST -Nurture (verb) are growing Vietnamese: Nuéi duéng «Implement (verb) Vietnamese: Thue thi IELTS ETRAIN Thanh Loan ENGLISH CENTER 218 + Birth rate (noun) + Aging population (noun phrase) “Stay-at-home- mom/dad (noun phrase) + Childcare (noun) + Upbringing (noun) + Parenting (noun) sNursing children (noun phrase) + Senior (noun) + Prenatal lesson (noun phrase) Meaning: The number of live births per thousand of population per Ty Ie sinh Meaning: The inhabitants becoming older Vietnamese: Gia héa dan sé Meaning: Denoting a parent who is engaged in the full-time care of their child or children and does not go out to work. Vietnamese: Me/B6'd nha lam ndi tro Meaning: The care of children, especially childminder while parents are working. Vietnamese: Cham sdc tré V a créche, nursery, or Meaning: The treatment and instruction received by a child from its parents throughout its childhood. Vietnamese: Su nudi nding Meaning: The activity of bringing up a child as a parent Vietnamese: Sif day dé Meaning: The action of taking care of children Vietnamese: Cham séc tré Meaning: A person who is a specified number of years older than someone else. Vietnamese: Bic tién béi/ trudng lao Meaning: The lesson before birth Vietnamese: Lop hoc tién sain IELTS ETRAIN 219 Thanh Loan ENGLISH CENTER SAMPLE QUESTIONS 1. Some people think that the government should pay one of the parents of very young children to stay at home to look after their children. What do you think would be the advantages and disadvantages of this policy? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience. 2. It should be necessary for parents to attend a parenting training course to learn how to bring their children up. Do you agree with this statement? 3. Caring for children is probably the most important thing of the society. It is sug- gested that all mother and father should be required to take the children training courses. To what extent do you agree and disagree with the statement? IELTS ETRAIN 220 Thanh Loan ENGLISH CENTER © DIVORCE The first cause of divorce is the lack of honest communication, which quick- ly leads to resentment and frustra- tion for both, impacting all aspects of a marriage. The dissatisfaction between the spouses is a reason leading to family divorce. Some may expect their spouse and the marriage to live up to their imagination, which may put a lot of strain on their partners, quickly resulting in divorce: Financial burden is also a cause. Every- thing from different spending habits and financial goals to one spouse making considerably more money than the other, causing a power struggle can strain a marriage to the breaking point. Children whose parents have divorced are increasingly the victims of abuse. They exhibit more health, behavioral, and emotional problems, are involved more frequently in and drug abuse, and have higher rates of suicide. IELTS ETRAIN Thanh Loan ENGLISH CENTER Nguyén nhan diiu tién ctia ly dj dé chinh 1a vige thiéu giao tiép trung thue, diéu nay nhanh chong din dén sti oan gifin va that vong cho ca hai, anh huéng dén tat ed cae khia canh ctta mét cuge hén nhan. ‘Su khéng hai long gitia vo chong 1a mot ly do dan dén ly hén. Mé6t vai ngudi c6 thé ky vong 1a vo hoc chéng ctia minh va cuge hén nhan cia ho phai dap ting duoc ding voi nhiing tuéng tuong ctia ho, va diéu nay sé dit nhiéu ginh nang Ién ngudi ban doi cia hg, va nhanh chong sé din dén vige ly dj. Génh nang tai chinh cting la mot nguyén nhan. Téit ca moi thi tt cée thoi quen chi tiéu khée nhau va muc tiéu tai chinh cho dén vige mgt ngudi lam ra nhiéu tién hon dé géy ra mét cuée d&u tranh quyén hic c6 thé diy mét cuge hén nhan dén diém tan va. Tré em ma cé cha me ly di trd thanh nan nhan ctia st lam dung nhiéu hon. Ching biéu hién nhiéu viin dé vé site khoé, hanh vi va tinh cam, c6 lién quan nhiéu hon dén Jam dung ma ty, va ¢6 ty 1é tu tit cao hon. 221 Children of divorced parents perform Tré em c6 cha me ly di thé hién more poorly in education. They are also kém hon trong hoc tip. Chiing more likely to repeat a grade and to cling ¢6 nhiéu kha nang Iutu ban va have higher dropout rates and lower __cé ty 16 bd hoc cao hon va ty Ié tot rates of college graduation. nghiép dai hoe thaip hon. The broken families undermine the Ca gia dinh tan vo lam suy yéu conventional family structures, cau triic gia dinh truyén thong, tao which creates a bad image in terms of _ ra mét hinh anh xau vé doi séng gia family life in the society, dinh trong xa hi. VOCABULARY LIST + Divorce Meaning: A legal decree dissolving a marriage (noun) Vietnamese: Ly hon + Honest Meaning: Free of deceit; truthful and sincere talk communication _ Vietnamese: Giao tiép trung thue (noun phrase) + Resentment (moun) + Dissatisfaction (noun) - Spouse (noun) + Live up to something (phrasal verb) + Put strain on somebody (verb) + Breaking point (compound noun) Meaning: Bitter indignation at having been treated unfairly. Vietnamese: Sw gitn dat Meaning: Lack of s tion. Vietnamese: Su that vong Meaning: A husband or wife, considered in relation to their part- ner, Vietnamese: Ban doi Meaning: to do as well as or be as good as other people expect you to Vietnamese: Dap ting duve voi cai gi Meaning: Place pressure, stresses or anxiety on somebody Vietnamese: Tao cang thing, ap Ie cho ai Meaning: The moment of greatest strain at which something gives way. Vietnamese: Diém dé vo IELTS ETRAIN 222 Thanh Loan ENGLISH CENTER + Exhibit Meaning: To perform (verb) Vietnamese: Thé hign + Repeat a grade Meaning: Learn a grade many times (phrasal verb) Vietnamese: Luu ban + Dropout Meaning: 2 person who leaves school or college before they have (noun) finished their studies Vietnamese: ngudi bé hoe y the structure of the family ric gia dinh - Undermine Meaning: To destr family structures Vietnamese: Pha hiy (phrase) SAMPLE QUESTIONS 1. With divorce rates and family breakdowns increasing globally, it is generally accepted that families today are not as close as they used to be. Discuss the causes of this problem and offer some possible solutions to it. 2. It is generally acknowledged that families are now not as close as they used to be. Give some reasons why this change has happened and suggest how families could be brought closer together, IELTS ETRAIN 223 Thanh Loan ENGLISH CENTER © CARE FOR OLD PEOPLE Nowadays, both husband and wife are working professionally in a demanding working environment. Thus, looking after their parents has become impossi- ble. The public residential homes with the subsidy of government provide the elders with essential services. ‘The government helps would reduce the financial burdens on family in terms of caring the elderly people. The family will have more money to care for their offspring. The government should allocate money to take care of its senior citizens because they had paid taxes throughout their lives teil Ngay nay, cd hai vo chéng déu lam viée trong mdi trudng céng viée cang thang. Vi vay, cham sée cha me da tré thanh viée khéng thé. Cac ngéi nha c6ng déng véi su trd cap ctia chinh phi cung cap cho ngudi gia nhiing dich vy thiét yéu. Chinh phit sé gitip gidm bot ganh nang tai chinh cho gia dinh vé cham s6c ngudi cao tudi. Gia dinh sé c6 nhiéu tién hon dé chim s6c con edi etia ho Chinh phi nén chi tién cho viée cham s6c ngudi cao tudi bdi ho da dong thué cho nha nude trong suét cd cude doi People should always have savings and relatives who would take care of them when they become old. Parents took care of their kids and sacrifice a lot before, so children should always be ready to take care of their elder parents in return. This will cement the close-knit rela- tionship and increase responsibilities among family members. It is better to take care of the elders at home than send them to some strange places to deserve their old age. IELTS ETRAIN Thanh Loan ENGLISH CENTER Moi nguéi nén Iuén Iuén c6 nhiing Khoan tiét kiém cing nhu nguéi nha dang dé chim sée ho khi ho gia. Cha me chim séc con céi cia ho va hy sinh rat nhiéu. Con cai nén luén san sang dé cham séc cha me gia. Diéu nay sé that chat méi quan hé khang khit va lam ting trach nhiém giita c4e thanh vién trong gia dinh. Chim s6e nhiing ngudi Jon tudi 6 nha tot hon la dua ho dén nhting noi xa la dé hudng tudi gia. 224 VOCABULARY LIST +Elderly people Meaning: Old or ageing people (noun phrase) Vietnamese: Ngudi cao tudi + Assist Meaning: To support (verb) Vietnamese: Hé tro + Public Meaning: An institution providing residential accommodation, residential home especially one which provides health and social care for people who (noun phrase) are unable to live independently. Vietnamese: Nha d xa héi +Senior citizen Meaning: Elderly people (compound noun) Vietnamese: Ngudi cao tudi + Savings Meaning: The money one has saved, especially through a bank or (noun) official scheme. Vietnamese: Tién tiét kiém + Sacrifice Meaning: Give up (something valued) for the sake of other consid- (verb) erations. Vietnamese: Hy sinh + Cement the Meaning: foster the relationship. relationship Vietnamese: That chat, cting 6 méi quan hé (verb phrase) SAMPLE QUESTIONS 1. Governments should not provide care or financial support for elderly people because it is the responsibility of each person to prepare for retirement and support him or herself. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion? 2. Old age people should be taken care by the government and it is not the responsi- bility of the family. Do you agree or disagree? 3. In Britain, when someone gets old they often go to live in a home with other old people where there are nurses to look after them. Sometimes the government has to pay for this care. Who do you think should pay for this care, the government or the family? IELTS ETRAIN 225 Thanh Loan ENGLISH CENTER @ GENERATION GAP aaiaieenmeneet The root of generation gap comes from the misunderstanding amongst mem- bers in the family. Older people always want their children to obey; neverthe- less, younger ones do not like their elders intervening too much in their life. These days, youngsters have more audacity compared to the past. As a result, they break taboos and tradi- tional customs. This action is rejected by the elderly, so it leads to the widen- ing generation gap. Many parents immerse themselves into earning money, so they do not have enough time to talk with their children and understand what they really need. This leads toa more separated relation- ship. ‘Youngsters need to listen to their experience because it is pri Jess. They can learn some from tradi- tional beliefs and values. senior: ‘The elders also need to adapt their offspring’s thinking because they are all better educated and have better approach to the advanced technology. IELTS ETRAIN Thanh Loan ENGLISH CENTER Nhiing khac xuat phat ti hiéu lim gitia cac thanh vién trong gia dinh. Ngudi Ién tuéi muén con cai lam theo nhiing gi ho néi, tuy nhién, qngudi tré tudi khong thich nhiing ngudi Ién can thiép qué nhiéu vao cude sng ctia ho. Nhiing ngay nay, thanh thiéu nién tré nén tao bao hon so véi truéc kia va két qua la, ho pha ve nhiing diéu cam kj va quan niém truyén thong mé6t each dé dang. Hanh déng nay bj ti chéi boi nhiing ngudi Idn tud do dé né dan dén khoang cach thé hé trd nén rong hon. Nhiéu bac cha me dém minh vao viée kiém tién, vi vay ho khong c6 di thdi gian dé tré chuyén voi con cai va hiéu nhting gi ho thuc su Su nay dan dén m tach biét hon. Nhiing ngudi tré can ling nghe kinh nghiém ctia ngudi lon tuéi vi diéu dé Ia v6 gia. Ho cé thé hoe dude m6t s6 tit nhiing quan niém va gid tj truyén théng. Nguoi dn tudi cing cin phai cha} nhan vdi suy nghi ctia con cdi minh bdi vi ho déu cé trinh d6 hoe vin cao hon va cé cach tiép can tét hon voi céng nghé tién tién. 226 VOCABULARY LIST + Obey (verb) + Intervene (verb) + Break taboos and traditional customs (phrasal verb) + Generation gap (compound noun) Meaning: to do what you are told or expected to do Vietnamese: nghe Idi, vang Idi Meaning: Take part in something so as to prevent or alter a result or course of events. Vietnamese: Can thiép Meaning: To break the traditional things Vietnamese: Pha vd diéu céim ky va quan niém Meaning: A difference of attitudes between people of different gen- erations, leading to a lack of understanding. Vietnamese: Khodng cach thé hé + Beliefs and Meaning: An acceptance that something exists or is true, especial- Values Jy one without proof (phrase) Vietnamese: Quan niém va gid tri SAMPLE QUESTIONS 1. The older generations tend to have very traditional ideas about how people should live, think and behave. However, some people believe that these ideas are not helpful in preparing younger generations for modern life. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this view? 2. The generation gap between older and younger people in most countries in the world is simply too wide to be bridged. To what extent do you agree or disagree? IELTS ETRAIN 227 Thanh Loan ENGLISH CENTER Another alarming issue is that children C6 mét vain dé dang lo ngai la tré are having less and less sincere conver- em cang ngay cng it tro chuyén sations with their family. Many children at long vdi gia dinh. Nhiéu tré feel lonely even in their own home. em cam thay cé don ngay ca trong nha riéng etia ho. VOCABULARY LIST -Ease off Meaning: Make (something unpleasant or intense) less serious or (phrasal verb) severe Vietnamese: Lam giaim -Foundation Meaning: An underlying basis or principle (noun) Vietnamese: Nén teing + Close-knit Meaning: Bound together by strong relationships and common (adjective) interests. upervision (noun) -Demoralize (verb) Alarming (adjective) + Take on bad habits (phrase) Vietnamese: Giin ket, khaing khit Meaning: The action of supervising someone or something. Vietnamese: Su quan sat, gidm sat Meaning: Cause (someone) to lose confidence or hope. Vietnamese: Mat nhan phim Meaning: Worrying or disturbing. Vietnamese: Dang bao dong Meaning: to begin to have a particular quality, appearance, etc. Vietnamese: biit diiu hoc thoi quen xéu SAMPLE QUESTIONS In today's competitive world, many families find it necessary for both parents to go out to work. While some say children in these families benefit from the additional income, others feel they lack support because of their parents’ absence. To what extent do you agree or disagree? IELTS ETRAIN 215 Thanh Loan ENGLISH CENTER @ IMPORTANCE OF ARTS Arts improve the creativity skills. Whether it is cooking, painting or music, people do art as if it was their own. They can create the masterpieces by their own by using visual and mental effects. Arts also relieve stress and express people’s emotions. All the tiredness and hardship will be set aside when they immerse themselves in the art. Arts help people to communicate with other people who share the same taste of art. b. oT Ay Arts is not merely a tool to express, but also a way to capture moments of cele- bration, of happiness to share with the world of today, as well as the world of tomorrow. Arts is timeless; people will pass away, fade into the pages of history books - but books, plays, poetry, priceless pieces of art and music - they shall never fade. IELTS ETRAIN Thanh Loan ENGLISH CENTER Nghé thuat nang cao kha nang sang tao. Cho da dé 1a nau an, ve tranh hay 4m nhee, ngudi ta am nghé thuat nhu thé n6 1a cia riéng ho. Ho 6 thé ti tao ra cdc kiét tae cia minh bing cach sti dung hiéu ting hinh anh va tam hén. Nehé thuat ctng lam giam cang thang va thé hién cam xtc ctia moi nguéi. Tat ca su mét mdi va khé khan sé dude dé sang canh khi ho dam minh trong nghé thuat. Nghé thuat gitip ngudi ta giao tiép vi nhiing nguéi khée c6 cing gu nghé thuat. Nghé thuat khong chi don thudn 1a mot cong cu dé dién dat ma con 1a cach dé nim bat nhiing khodnh khie ctia Ié ky niém, hanh phic dé chia sé véi thé gidi ngay nay, cing nh thé gidi ctia ngay mai. Nghé thuét 1A v6 tan; con ngudi ta sé chét di, Iu mé dan vao cdc trang sich lich st - nhuing nhting trang sch, v6 kjch, bai tho, nhting tac pham nghé thuat hay am nhac 1a v6 gid va sé khéng bao gid bién mat. 229 ‘VOCABULARY LIST + Creativity skill (compound noun) + Masterpiece (noun) + Visual (adjective) + Relieve stress (verb) + Immerse in something (verb) + Share the same taste of art (phrasal verb) + Capture (verb) + Timeless (adjective) » Fade (verb) Meaning: The skill of imagination or original ideas to create some- thing Vietnamese: Kha ning sing tzo Meaning: A work of outstanding artistry, skill, or workmanship Vietnamese: Kiét tac Meaning: Relating to seeing or sight. Vietnamese: Vé mat hinh anh Meaning: Cause stress or pressure to become le: Vietnamese: evere or serious Giam cang thang Meaning: Dip or submerge in something. Meaning: Have the same flavor of art Vietnamese: C6 chung gu nghé thuat Meaning: To catch Vietnamese: Nam bit, nam giit Meaning: Not affected by the passage of time or changes in fash- ion. Vietnamest Meaning: Gradually grow faint and disappear. Vietnamese: Phai mé SAMPLE QUESTIONS. It is generally agreed that society benefits from the work of its members. Compare the contributions of artists to society with the contributions of scientists to society, which type of contribution do you think is valued more by your society? IELTS ETRAIN 230 Thanh Loan ENGLISH CENTER @ FUNDING FOR ARTS EH Ms Art forms are an integral part of the nation's cultural heritage. By pro- viding financial assistiance to artists, the government can help protect the cultural heritage of the country. Another argument for supporting artist: ists are now li financially is that many art- ing in poverty. There- fore, the assistance from the govern- ment can encourage them to pursue their career path and create more masterpieces. However, some people believe that spending money on arts and artists is wasteful as there are several other sec- tors that desperately need govern- ment funding. For instance, people in millions of developing countries do not have access to safe drinking water or proper educa- tion approach, therefore, government funding should be spent on these issues to help people survive physically rather than mentally first. IELTS ETRAIN Thanh Loan ENGLISH CENTER Cac hinh thie nghé thuat 1a mét phan khéng thé tach réi ctia di sn vain hod quée gia. Bing cach hé tro tai chinh cho cée nghé sy, chinh phi: c6 thé giip dé bio vé di san viin hod ctia dat nude. Mot ¥ kién ting h6 viée gitip dd cae miit tai chinh d6 chinh la rat nhiéu nghé si hign nay dang sdng trong canh déi nghéo. Do do, swt hé tro cia chinh phi cé thé khuyén khich ho theo duéi con dudng su nghiép ctia ho va tao ra nhiéu kiét tac hon. Tuy nhién, mot sé ngudi tin rang tiéu tién cho nghé thuat va nghé st la ling phi vi c6 mét sé linh vue khée ma rat can ngan sach cia chinh phi. Vi du, ngudi dan d hang trigu nuée dang phat trién khéng c6 muée sach dé dang hay khéng ct gido duc ttt té, do dé, ngan sach cia chinh phi nén duge chi cho nhiing van dé nay dé gitip con ngudi séng s6t truée tién vé mat thé chat hon 1a vé tinh than. 231 Moreover, the true artists can earn money to support themselves, therefore, they do not desperately need external supports. The other artists who cannot raise their voice should change their direction to another career path. In fact, some artists today are even much better off than those working in other profe Therefore, giving them financial support is just unneces- sary. For example, some famous singers or actors now can earn a great amount of money after a concert or a movie in which they star. For that reason, gov- ernment should save their money for more urgent issues. ‘ions. Hon nia, céc nghé si thute su cé thé kiém tién dé tut nudi séng ban than ho, do dé, ho khong can sy tr¢ gitip ttt bén ngoai. Thém vio dé, nhiing nghé st khac khi ho khong thé c6 tiéng trong nghé cia minh thi ho nén thay déi con dudng su nghiép. Thue té, mét vai nghé si ngay nay tham cht con giau c6 hon nhiéu so voi nhiing ngudi 1am d nhting cong viée khae. Vay nén, viée gitip dé ho vé mat tai chinh Ia khong can thiét. Vi du, m6t vai ca si hay dién vién néi tiéng cé thé kiém duge mot so tién Ion sau mét budi hoa nhac hay mét bé phim c6 su tham gia ctia ho. Vi vay ma chinh phit nén tiét kiém tién cho nhiing van dé cap bach hon VOCABULARY LIST -Cultural heritage (noun phrase) + Pursue (verb) + Career path (compound noun) -Desperately (adverb) + Government funding (noun phrase) + Raise the voice (phrasal verb) IELTS ETRAIN Meaning: Property that is or may be inherited related to culture Vietnamese: Di sin van hoa Meaning: To follow something or someone Vietnamese: Theo dudi Meaning: The way of an occupation Vietnamese: Con dudng su nghiép Meaning: In a way that shows despair. Vietnamese: Thue su Meaning: The action of using money provided by a countr, ernment. Vietnamese: Quy chinh phi Meaning: Speak more loudly. Vietnamese: i 232 Thanh Loan) ENGLISH CENTER + Be better off Meaning: to have more money (adjective) SAMPLE QUESTIONS 1. Most artists earn low salaries and should therefore received funding form the government in order for them to continue with their work. To what extent do you agree? 2. Some people believe that the government should provide financial assistance to all artists including painters, musicians and poets. Others think that it is a waste of money. Discuss both points of view and give your opinion. 3. The art should be better funded by the government but there must be more con- trol over where the money goes. Do you agree or disagree? 4. Some people think that the government is wasting money on the arts and thi money could be better spent elsewhere. To what extent do you agree with this vie IELTS ETRAIN 233 Thanh Loan ENGLISH CENTER (3) CENSORSHIPS OF ART AND ARTISTS. Art could be used as a tool to create such tensions among different groups of people, especially in a multicultural environment in the hands of some art- ists. For that reason, government needs to censor these pieces of art. Several artists use their works of art to raise the gaps and conflicts among the religions, which leads to religious war. In this certain field, government can limit the practice of an artist. Some people believe that censoring the freedom of artists could lead to sup- pression of basic human rights. People have right to be creative, especially in arts. Somehow the pieces of art can say things that people cannot say such as feminism or political issues. As a result, art should not be censored to avoid being misled. IELTS ETRAIN Thanh Loan ENGLISH CENTER Nghé thuat c6 thé duce stv dung nhu mét céng cy dé tao ra sy cing thang gitia céc nhém ngudi khéc nhau, dae biét trong mdi trudng da van héa trong tay ctia mét sé nghé sy. Vi ly do d6, chinh phii can kiém duyét nhiing tac phim nghé thuat nay. Mét sé nghé si su dung tac pham nghé thuat ctia ho dé néi réng Khoang cach va xung d6t gitia cae tén gido din dén cuge chién tranh tén giao. Trong trudéng hop nay, chinh phi cé thé han ché viée sang tao ctia nghé si. Mét sé’ ngudi tin ring kiém duyét su tu do cia céc nghé si c6 thé dan dén dan 4p cée quyén cd ban ctia con ngudi. Moi ngudi e6 quyén sang tao, dic biét 1a nghé thuat. Bang cach nao dé, cae tac phim nghé thuat cé thé néi nhting diéu ma moi ngudi khéng thé néi nhu chi nghia nt quyén hoie cée vain dé chinh tri. Do dé, nghé thus khong nén bj kiém dus 234 VOCABULARY LIST + Tension Meaning: The state of being stretched tight. (noun) Vietnamese: Su cing thang + Multicultural Meaning: Relating to or constituting several cultural or ethnic (adjective) groups within a society. Vietnamese: Da vain hoa + Censor Meaning: Examine (a book, movie, ete.) officially and suppress (verb) unacceptable parts of it. Vietnamese: Kiém duyét - Suppression Meaning: The action of suppressing something such as an activity (noun) or publication. Vietnamese: Sui ap ché, din ap + Feminism Meaning: The right for women (noun) Vietnamese: Chti nghin nit quyén + Mislead Meaning: Cause (someone) to have a wrong idea or impression (verb) about someone or something. Vietnamese: danh lita, déi gat, gély din tuigng sai lim SAMPLE QUESTIONS 1. Creative artists should always he given the freedom to express their own ideas (in words, pictures, music or film) in whichever way they wish. There should be no gov- ernment restrictions on what they do. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 2. Artists need a certain amount of freedom to develop their creativity. Some people think that artists should have total freedom to express any thoughts and ideas. 'To what extent do you agree or disagree? IELTS ETRAIN 235 Thanh Loan ENGLISH CENTER (4) TEACHING ART SUBJECTS AT SCHOOL Art is an essential subject which chil- dren, especially young children, should learn in order to help promote their creativity and imagination. Without the development of imagination and creative thinking, children will struggle to grow into dynamic, individual think- ers when they reach adulthood. Furthermore, practicing art provides an environment through which children can express their emotions and feelings. In other words, children can convey meaning through pictures and symbols by using art. Several children are gifted in their abilities and studying art subjects can nurture their talent. b. It is true that some current educational systems today stress the importance of subjects like science or mathematics. So learning art subjects at school just puts increasing pressure on students, especially on those who do not have talent for it. IELTS ETRAIN Thanh Loan ENGLISH CENTER Nghé thuat 1a mét mén hoc quan trong ma tré em, dic biét la tré nhé, nén hoe dé gitip thie day tinh sang tao va tri tudéng tuong ctia ching. Néu khéng 06 sy phat trién tri tudng tung va tu duy sang tao, tré sé phai vat lén dé phat trién thanh nhiing gudi nang déng va sang tao khi truéng thanh. Hon niia, thc hanh nghé thuat cung cap mt mdi trudng théng qua 6 tré em c6 thé thé hién tinh cim va cim xtic cia minh, Noi cach khac, tré em c6 thé truyén dat ¥ nghia thong qua hinh anh va biéu tugng bang cich sti dung nghé thuat. Mét sé tré c6 nang khiéw vé kha nang ctia minh va hoc cée mén nghé thudt cb thé nudi dudng tai nang cua ching. Hé théng gido due ngay nay nhan manh vao tém quan trong ctia cde m6n hoe nhu khoa hoe hay toan hoe. Vi vay, hoe cée mén nghé thuat sé chi Ia lim gia tang thém ap Ine Jén hoc sinh, ma dae biét la nhiing hoc sinh khéng c6 ning khiéu voi nhting mén nay. 236 We should be realistic. Salary in the Chung ta cing nén thy té Muic jobs like engineering or officers is more __Iuiong trong cdc cng viée nhu ky su stable comparatively to the pieces of _hojic nhan vién vin phong én dinh art such as paintings or pieces of music. hon so véi cdc tée phém nghé thuat Therefore, students need to be directed _nhu vé tranh hoje viét nhac. Do dé, to the jobs which can support them- _ hge sinh cdn phi hudng dén nhiing selves first. céng viée cé thé tu nudi séng ban than trudée tién. VOCABULARY LIST «Promote (verb) + Imagination (noun) + Convey (meaning) (verb) Gifted (adjective) + Realistic (adjective) + Stable (adjective) Meaning: Further the progress of (something, especially a cause, venture, or aim); support or actively encourage. Vietnamese: Thtic diy Meaning: The faculty or action of forming new ideas, or images or concepts of external objects not present to the senses Vietnamese: Si twdng tuong Meaning: Communicate Vietnamese: Bgc 16, truyén tii (¥ nghia) Meaning: Having exceptional talent or natural ability. Vietnamese: C6 nang khiéu Meaning: accepting in a sensible way what it is actually possible to do or achieve in a particular situation Vietnamese: Thue té Meaning: Vietnames‘ fot likels On dinh y to change or fail; firmly established. IELTS ETRAIN 237 Thanh Loan) ENGLISH CENTER SAMPLE QUESTIONS 1. Some people think that art is an essential subject for children at school while others think it is a waste of time. Discuss both views and give your answer. 2. Artis considered an important part of a society as well as an expression of its cul- ture. Do you think it is important for children to be taught art? Do you think chil- dren should be encouraged to focus on art rather than other subjects? 3. Some people believe that subjects such as art, music, drama and creative writing have a bright future. Therefore, schools should spend more time teaching these sub- jects. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement? 4. It is more important for students to study history and literature than it is for them to study science and mathematics. Do you agree or disagree with this view? IELTS ETRAIN 238 Thanh Loan = ENGLISH CENTER pe Firstly, the main role of the museum is to entertain. Museums are tourist attractions, and their aim is to exhibit a collection of interesting objects that many people will want to see. Secondly, . the museum plays its role as an institution that tells the story of mankind or the development of a nation. As a result, visiting museums can encourage patriotism among citi- zens Thirdly, the museum can be used for the purpose of education as it houses spec- tacular collections, artefacts, and historical relics that are important for research Finally, help gove: purposes: or teaching history museums and historical sites nment raise fund for the other by their entrance tickets or exhibitions. b. CF For TOBE ‘Ticket money helps the museum or his- torical sites guarantee their mainte- nance in terms of facilities. IELTS Thanh Loan ETRAIN ENGLISH CENTER Tht nhat, vai tré chinh ctia bao tang a dé giai tri. Bao tang la diém tham quan du lich, va muc tiéu cua ching 1a trung bay mét bé sutu tap cdc vat thé thi vi ma nhiéu nguéi sé mudn xem. Thit hai, bao tang dong vai tré nhu mét truéng hoc ké lai cau chu: cua loai ngudi hay su phat trién cua mét quéc gia. Vi thé, tham quan bao tang ¢6 thé khuyén khich Tong yéu nuée cia ngudi dan. Thit ba, bio tang c6 thé dutde sit dung cho muc dich giao duc béi vi d6 Ia noi chia nhiing bé stu tp, miu vat hay cdc di vat lich stt quan trong trong céng tae nghién ctu hay day lich sit Cudi eting, bao tang va cae di tich lich sti gtip chinh phit gay quy cho cae mue dich khae bang vige ban vé vao ctia hoje vé trién lam. Tién vé gitip bao tang hoiie cée di tich lich stt dam bao vige béo tri cita ho vé co sé vat chat. 239 These fees can be used to reduce subsi- dies that have been given by the govern- ment. The fund could be relocated by the government for other important matters such as education, public health or transportations. Paying fee also lets visitors appreciate the value of history and arts. They also raise their awareness of preserving these historical sites. CF Against Firstly, museums and historical sites have been funded by the government through taxes that have been paid by residents. When museums charge entrance fees, it means that people are paying double charges Secondly, although these places contain historical and artistic artefacts, these are not popular and attractive destinations. If the public is charged when visiting these places, it is predict- ed that there will be fewer people coming, VOCABULARY LIST + Entertain (verb) Vietnamese: Giai trt + Patriotism (noun) IELTS ETRAIN Thanh Loan ENGLISH CENTER Ce khodn phi nay 06 thé dude sit dung dé gitm trg cap do chinh phit chi tra. Quy nay c6 thé due link déng béi chinh phit vé nhiing véin dé quan trong khée nhu gio duc, y té cng déng hay giao thong. Viée tra tién vé cing dé cho du Khach nang cao gia trj ctia lich stt va nghé thuat. Ho cting duge nang cao nhain thie vé bao ton cac di tich lich sti. Thi nhat, bao tang va cae di tich lich sit di duce chinh phit chi tra théng qua cac khoan thué da duoc tra boi chinh nguéi dan. Khi cac vién bao tang tinh phi vao ctia, dié d6 c6 nghia 14 moi ngudi phai tra hai lin phi. Thit hai, mac di nhiing noi nay co chita cae hién vat lich su va nghé thuat nhung lai khéng phai la diém dén phé bién va hap dan. Khi ngudi dan bj tinh phi vao ctta, dy doan 1a sé c6 ft ngudi hon dén thim nhiing noi nay. Meaning: Provide (someone) with amusement or enjoyment. Meaning: love of your country and willingness to defend it Vietnamese: Jong yéu nude 240 +House something (verb) + Collection (noun) + Artefact (noun) + Relic (noun) + Artistic and historical artefact (noun phrase) + Maintenance (noun) «Relocate (verb) + Preserve (verb) + Charge (verb) Meaning: to be the place where something is kept or where some- thing operates from Vietnamese: Chia cai gi Meaning: a group of objects, often of the same sort, that have been collected Vietnamese: 19 sutu Meaning: an object that is made by a person, especially something of historical or cultural interest Vietnamese: hién vat (lich sit hay van héa) Meaning: an object, a tradition, a system, etc. that has survived from the past Vietnamese: di tich, di vat Meaning: an object that has artistic and historical values Vietmamese: hién vat lich sii va nghé thuat Meaning: The process of preserving a condition or situation or the state of being preserved. Vietnamese: Sy duy tri Meaning: Move to a new place and establish one’s home or busi- ness there. Vietnamese: Su diéu déng, di chuyén lai Meaning: Maintain (something) in its original or existing state Vietnamese: Bio tén Meaning: Demand (an amount) as a price for a service rendered or goods supplied. Vietnamese: IELTS ETRAIN 241 Thanh Loan = ENGLISH CENTER SAMPLE QUESTIONS 1. Some people think that museums should be enjoyable places to entertain people, while others believe that the purpose of museums is to educate. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. 2. Many museums charge for admission while others are free. Do you think the advantages of charging people for admission to museums outweigh the disadvan- tages? 3. Museum and historical sites are mainly visited by tourists, not the local people. Why is this so? What could be done to encourage more local visitors? IELTS ETRAIN 242 Thanh Loan ENGLISH CENTER @ URBANIZATION People often view rural areas as back- ward and poor. Urbanization happens as many people from villages dream about moving to big cities to change their lives and move up the social ladder. Thanks to the industrialisation of big cities, there are many job opportunities for people to seek. These occupations are often well-paying, with a lot of other benefits such as pension or paid leaves. As countries become more prosperous and discover more resources or indus- trial opportunities in rural areas, these areas are transformed to urban areas thanks to the investment poured in. Khi cAc quéc gia tré nén giau cé va tim ra nhiing nguén tai nguyén hay eo hdi cong nghiép hoa 6 cée ving néng thon, nhiing ving nay sé chuyén hoa thanh thanh thj nhé vao sé tién duge dau tu dé vao, With improved education, living stan- dard and employment opportunities, people who move to big cities can earn. more and eventually contribute more back to society. IELTS ETRAIN Thanh Loan ENGLISH CENTER Nguoi ta thudng coi ving néng thon la nghéo khé va Ize hau. Nhiéu nguéi dan 6 cc lang qué mo vé viée duge chuyén téi céc thanh phé lon dé déi doi va thang tién dia i xa hdi. Nho vao sy céng nghigp hod cia céc thanh phé'lén, 6 rat nhiéu co hdi tim viée lam cho moi ngudi. Nhiing cong viée nay thuudng cé luong cao, voi nhiéu loi ich nhu lwong huu hay nghi phép cé hiong. Khi cae quée gia tré nén gidu cé va tim ra nhiing nguén tai nguyén hay co h6i céng nghiép hod 6 cae vang néng thén, nhiing ving nay sé chuyén hod thanh thanh thi nhd vao sé tién dutde dau tu dé vao. Song 6 thanh pholén gitip moi ngudi 6 diéu kién séng tét hon. Vin con rat nhiéu ving néng thon khéng ¢6 dit nha ctia dang hoang, hé thong lam sach muée hay dién cho ngudi dan. Véi gido due, diéu kién séng va co héi viéc lam tét hon, nhiing ngudi chuyén tdi cdc thanh phé'ldn c6 thé kiém nhiéu tién hon va cudi cing sé dong g6p nhiéu hon lai cho xa hi. 244

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