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From a legal standpoint, Mr.

Sharma could present several strong arguments to

support his position:

1. Breach of Implied Contract: Mr. Sharma could argue that there was an
implied contract between himself and BlueBolt, based on his employment and
the company's actions. He was tasked with leading the foldable phone project,
which implied a level of commitment and expectation from both parties.
BlueBolt's termination of the project and subsequent dismissal of Mr. Sharma
without proper cause could constitute a breach of this implied contract.
2. Retaliation for Protected Activity: Mr. Sharma could argue that his dismissal
was in retaliation for his attempts to persuade Mrs. Advani to reconsider
terminating the foldable phone project. If Mr. Sharma can demonstrate that
his actions were protected under whistleblowing laws or other statutes
protecting employees who report wrongdoing, his dismissal could be deemed
unlawful retaliation.
3. Wrongful Dismissal: Mr. Sharma could assert that his dismissal was wrongful
because it was not based on just cause or proper procedure. BlueBolt
terminated his employment without providing a valid reason or following the
company's own policies regarding termination. Mr. Sharma could argue that
he was entitled to proper notice or severance pay in accordance with
employment laws and company policies.
4. Unfair Labor Practices: Mr. Sharma could claim that BlueBolt engaged in
unfair labor practices by refusing his requests to retain equipment and data
related to the foldable phone project. Denying him access to these resources
hindered his ability to pursue his work and potentially violated his rights as an
5. Constructive Dismissal: Mr. Sharma could argue that BlueBolt's actions,
including terminating the foldable phone project and refusing his requests to
retain project-related materials, amounted to constructive dismissal.
Constructive dismissal occurs when an employer makes working conditions
intolerable, effectively forcing the employee to resign. By hindering Mr.
Sharma's ability to continue his work on the project and dismissing him when
he persisted, BlueBolt may have constructively dismissed him from his
6. Negotiating Employment Terms in Good Faith: Regarding the proposed
employment terms, Mr. Sharma could argue that he negotiated with BlueBolt
in good faith to secure fair compensation for his contributions and to protect
his interests. The terms he proposed, including the "pay me even if you fire
me" clause and the signing bonus of BlueBolt shares, were reasonable
considering his role in advancing the foldable phone project and his potential
value to the company.
These arguments highlight potential legal avenues that Mr. Sharma could explore to
challenge his dismissal and negotiate favorable employment terms with BlueBolt.
Each argument is grounded in employment law principles and could support Mr.
Sharma's position in a legal dispute with the company.
Ownership of Intellectual Property: Mr. Sharma may claim ownership or co-ownership of
the intellectual property related to the foldable phone project. His significant contributions
to the project, including acquiring prototypes and making progress despite obstacles, give
him a valid claim to the technology's development. He could argue that any use of this
technology by BlueBolt without his consent or proper compensation constitutes intellectual
property theft.

1. Innovative Contribution: Mr. Sharma's leadership and dedication to the foldable phone
project have showcased his innovative capabilities. Despite initial setbacks and
termination of the project by Mrs. Advani, Mr. Sharma's persistence and resourcefulness
have led to significant progress in the development of the technology.
2. Resilience and Determination: Despite being dismissed from his position, Mr. Sharma's
unwavering commitment to the project demonstrates his resilience and determination.
He didn't let setbacks deter him and continued to work on the project independently,
showcasing his dedication to his work and the company's success.
3. Resourcefulness: Mr. Sharma's ability to acquire old prototypes of BlueBolt's foldable
phone from the junkyard demonstrates his resourcefulness and willingness to go above
and beyond to achieve his goals. This resourcefulness has proved crucial in advancing the
project despite challenges.
4. Value Proposition for BlueBolt: Mr. Sharma's proposal to BlueBolt, offering resources
for the project's completion in exchange for a five-year license to use the technology,
showcases his strategic thinking and understanding of the company's needs. This
proposal presents a mutually beneficial arrangement that could significantly benefit
BlueBolt in the long term.
5. Negotiation Skills: Mr. Sharma's drafting of employment terms, including a fixed six-
year contract with increased salary, benefits, and a "pay me even if you fire me" clause,
along with a signing bonus of BlueBolt shares, demonstrates his negotiation skills and
confidence in his contributions to the company. These terms reflect his value to BlueBolt
and his insistence on fair compensation for his efforts.

Overall, Mr. Sharma's actions throughout the development of the foldable phone project
highlight his commitment, innovation, resilience, resourcefulness, and negotiation skills, all of
which make him a valuable asset to BlueBolt. His proposed employment terms reflect his belief in
his worth to the company and his determination to secure fair compensation for his


Based on the proposition provided, here are negotiation deals that could be
beneficial to Mr. Sharma:
1. Intellectual Property Rights: Mr. Sharma should negotiate for clear
ownership or co-ownership of the intellectual property rights related to the
foldable phone technology he developed. This could involve licensing
agreements or royalties for BlueBolt's use of the technology.
2. Financial Compensation: Mr. Sharma should negotiate for a significant
increase in salary and benefits to reflect his contributions to the company and
the success of the foldable phone project. This could include bonuses tied to
the project's success or future revenue generated from the technology.
3. Job Security: Given the uncertainties surrounding his dismissal and the nature
of his work on the project, Mr. Sharma should negotiate for a guaranteed
employment term with provisions for severance pay in case of termination.
This could involve incorporating the "pay me even if you fire me" clause into
the contract.
4. Equity Stake: Mr. Sharma should negotiate for an equity stake in BlueBolt as
part of his compensation package. This could involve stock options or grants
of company shares, providing him with a stake in the company's success and
aligning his interests with those of BlueBolt's shareholders.
5. Continued Involvement in Project: Mr. Sharma should negotiate for
continued involvement in the foldable phone project, either as a consultant or
advisor, to ensure that his expertise is utilized and that the project reaches its
full potential. This could involve consulting fees or a designated role within
BlueBolt's R&D department.
6. Non-Disclosure and Non-Compete Agreements: Mr. Sharma should
negotiate for non-disclosure and non-compete agreements to protect his
intellectual property rights and prevent BlueBolt from using his technology
without proper compensation. These agreements should specify restrictions
on BlueBolt's use of the technology and prohibit Mr. Sharma from disclosing
proprietary information to competitors.

By negotiating these deals, Mr. Sharma can ensure that he receives fair
compensation for his contributions to the foldable phone project and that his
intellectual property rights are protected. He can also secure job security and
financial stability while maintaining a continued involvement in the project and
aligning his interests with those of BlueBolt's shareholders.


Ladies and gentlemen,

I stand before you today to assert my rights and seek justice in light of the circumstances
surrounding my dismissal from BlueBolt and the subsequent developments regarding the
foldable phone project. Throughout my tenure at BlueBolt, I dedicated my utmost efforts and
expertise to advance the company's technological innovation, particularly in the realm of foldable
phone technology.

It is undeniable that BlueBolt's prominence in the industry is in no small part due to its
commitment to quality, innovation, and user experience. The foldable phone project, an
ambitious endeavor aimed at revolutionizing smartphone design and functionality, epitomized
BlueBolt's ethos of pushing the boundaries of technology.

Regrettably, despite my unwavering dedication and relentless pursuit of excellence, I found

myself unjustly dismissed from my position by Mrs. Advani. However, rather than accepting
defeat, I persevered in my efforts to advance the foldable phone project independently, driven by
a steadfast belief in its potential and the value it could bring to BlueBolt.

My actions were not driven by personal gain but by a genuine commitment to the project's
success and the company's interests. I acquired prototypes through legal means and invested
significant time, resources, and ingenuity into overcoming obstacles and making substantial
progress on the project.

Now, as negotiations ensue regarding my future involvement with BlueBolt, I seek nothing more
than fair treatment and recognition of my contributions. I bring to the table a wealth of expertise,
intellectual property, and a vision for the project's future that can benefit both myself and

In these negotiations, I urge all parties to act in good faith, acknowledging the value I bring to
the table and the potential for mutual benefit in reaching a fair and equitable resolution.
Together, we can ensure that the foldable phone project reaches its full potential and secures
BlueBolt's position as a pioneer in smartphone technology.

Thank you.

Frame a strong opening statement from the perspective of Mr. Sharma's lawyer.
Ladies and gentlemen of the negotiation table,

Today, I have the privilege of representing Mr. R. Sharma, a man of integrity, dedication, and
unwavering commitment to excellence. As his legal counsel, I stand before you to advocate for
justice and fairness in the matter concerning his dismissal from BlueBolt and the subsequent
developments surrounding the foldable phone project.

Mr. Sharma's journey with BlueBolt is one marked by tireless effort, innovative thinking, and a
relentless pursuit of technological advancement. His leadership and expertise have been
instrumental in shaping BlueBolt's reputation as a global leader in smartphone technology,
particularly through his pivotal role in spearheading the foldable phone project.
However, despite his invaluable contributions and dedication to the project's success, Mr. Sharma
found himself unjustly dismissed from his position by Mrs. Advani. This dismissal not only
disregarded Mr. Sharma's years of service and dedication to BlueBolt but also deprived the
company of his unique insights, expertise, and vision for the project's future.

In the face of adversity, Mr. Sharma demonstrated resilience and determination, continuing his
work on the foldable phone project independently. His actions were not driven by personal gain
but by a genuine desire to see the project through to fruition, recognizing its potential to
revolutionize smartphone technology and cement BlueBolt's position as an industry leader.

As negotiations proceed regarding Mr. Sharma's future involvement with BlueBolt, it is imperative
to recognize the value he brings to the table. His expertise, intellectual property, and vision for
the project's future are invaluable assets that cannot be overlooked or dismissed lightly.

In these negotiations, I urge all parties to approach the table with an open mind, a commitment
to fairness, and a recognition of Mr. Sharma's contributions. Together, we can reach a resolution
that honors Mr. Sharma's dedication, secures BlueBolt's position as a pioneer in smartphone
technology, and ensures a mutually beneficial outcome for all involved.

Thank you.

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