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DEC 2023


Hello Readers!
The virtues of dedication, laudable work ethics, sincerity and
respect for the alma mater are some of the qualities that define
an ideal student. In RPS we strive for academic excellence
accompanied by opportunities that shape our students as a
person, their cognitive and emotional development and their
From the Principal’s Desk:
creative self. The latest issue of our Newsletter is a pursuit in
that direction.
“The world will give you back what you expect, so expect the very
best. Don't be defensive or doubtful. Nothing changes unless you
do. Know that you have worth and value. Show that to the world.”
I wish our students progress in life with this attitude and keep
exploring new and exciting avenues. That will present us with
opportunities for chronicling their achievements here.
Happy reading.


Dear Students and Parents,

I hope this message finds you well as we stride into an exciting season at Rungta Public School. Our Commitment to
academic excellence and holistic development remains unwavering and I am thrilled to share some updates and
highlights from our school community.
Academic Achievements: Our students continue to shine brightly in various academic pursuits whether it is qualifying for
IIT or bagging international ranking in various Olympiads. Congratulations to all participants of the recent sports events
namely, Table tennis, Kurash, Gymnastics etc. where our students showcased their talents and determination. Their
achievements stand as a testament to their hard work and dedication
Support and Resources: Remember, our faculty and staff are here to support your academic and personal growth. Do not
hesitate to reach out for guidance or assistance whenever needed. Additionally, our library and online resources are
always available to aid in students’ educational journey.
As we navigate through this academic year, let's continue to foster a culture of respect, inclusivity, and curiosity.
Together, we can achieve great things and make this year truly remarkable.
Thank you for your ongoing support and dedication to our school's values. Here's to a successful and rewarding semester

Warm Regards
Deepti Singh
Vice Principal

RPS TIMES 01 / 08
The day at any school begins with a morning school assembly. Within
which, Special assemblies along with the themes emphasize the
importance and significance of those days in a student’s life. All
students assemble at the assembly hall and begin their day with a
prayer by house Wardens or other teachers. This is followed by sholaka
chanting in Sanskrit, followed by news reading, thought of the day,
speech, etc. In the best residential schools of Chhattisgarh, RPS,
SPECIAL assemblies are conducted with the complete and active
participation of the students. . The essence of the festival or the special
day is portrayed through dance, music, mime, role play, and audio-
visual presentations It helps in building a culture of communication and
representation of academic and co-curricular activities.

The program of the assemblies has the potential to nurture and

maintain a positive, healthy school culture that binds everyone
together. It also helps students from different classes to interact with
each other and bridges the gaps of
seniority-juniority between them.

Important memories and celebrations of special assemblies conducted

so far…..

RPS TIMES 01 / 08
International Yoga Day
This day serves as a platform to raise awareness about
the holistic approach to our overall wellbeing that
yoga offers. Due to heat waves it happened in virtual
with primary and senior wings taking active part in it.
Tagore house, took charge for the activity and
organized wonderful energizing session of Surya
Namaskar for Teachers and students.
The ceremony was concluded with words from
Principal Sir , aninteractive session on the importance
of Yoga andbenefits of finding balance in our fast
paced lives and students were encouraged to develop
a strong physical, mental and spiritual harmony

The Eid-ul-Adha, or “Festival of the Sacrifice,” marks the end of the
Hajj, the holy pilgrimage to Mecca. It's an important festival for
To mark the significance among the children, Rungta Public School,
celebrated this festival as part of special assembly on 30th June
2023 with great enthusiasm.

Enlightment was done through thought and speech related to its

significance, which was delivered by Students of primary and
middle wing.
While a dance was performed by dance team
The special assembly concluded by a short speech by Principal Sir.

National Doctor's Day

In order to celebrate the birth anniversary Dr Bidhan Chandra Roy, a renowned
physician and the second Chief Minister of West Bengal, Raman house lead us to
experience the worth of why to choose this call or profession .
Students of primary performed the speech and poem based on doctors role.
While students of senior wing touched the heart by playing the worth of the
paramedics and Doctors at the time of severely hit pandemic of COVID.
International Day of Friendship
The tale of Krishna and sudama was the eyecatcher for all the students , along with
message from primary wing was delivered relating the significance of this beautiful
relationship. A melodious song brought out the spirit of friendship The assembly
culminated with the word of worth from Vice Principal Ma’am .

Independence Day-
Not only is India's Independence Day a historic celebration which makes one
remember and honour the mighty sacrifices our courageous leader and fighters put
forward for our country, but also a day to take pride, celebrate and respect our
country's rich honour, culture and tradition. At RPS, This extended for a week and
students of Raman house narrated many important events and contribution of the
Freedom Fighters through an array of drama and PowerPoint presentations.

Raksha Bandhan –
The relationship between siblings is extraordinary and is given importance in every
part of the world. However, when it comes to India, the relationship becomes all the
more important. Teresa house students explicitly moved the message to all by the
beautiful drama and act presentation by primary wing children.
Speech by senior wing student emphasized on the essence of this precious bonding
between a brother and a sister.
The mind acts like an enemy for those who do not control it." Krishna Janmashtami,
also known as Gokulashtami is one of the biggest festivals celebrated with much
pomp and fervor at RPS, that sees the participation of students and teachers alike.
The P rimary wing had a splendid performance on small drama , while the Senior
wing hosted the ‘matki phod’ competitionwitnessed by the dignitaries of Rungta..
lot of team spirit along with a dance, that they did with great zest and zeal thus
filling the air with joy and happiness.

Ganesh Chaturthi
Life is long as his trunk, trouble as small as his mouse and moments as sweet as his
laddus." Was beautifully presented by Raman house. The epic performance of
middle school students portraying the purpose of the birth of Lord Ganesh was
spell bounding. A detailed power point presentation the significance of Lord Ganesh
relating on how we can conquer our daily battles was depicted by Ms. Shilpi
Ganguly. The program ended as takeaways for a better living in present days by
Principal Sir.
Dusshera Celebrations

On 19th September 2023, the students of The Rungta Public School conducted a
special assembly on this occasion with a variety of performances by groups of
students were present in colourful dresses and were excited since morning.
The dance form presented by primary on different faces of Durga was the
eyecatcher of the day, while students of senior wings reflected the puja forms with
diversified Indian culture instilling unity at pooja. Colourful and energetic dance
performance in group, enlightened the school premise with the spirit of festivity.

Diwali Celebration

The celebration of Diwali, ‘The festival of lights’ came alive at Rungta Public School,
on the 8th of November lead by Tagore house.
The whole school wore a festive look at the assembly with different presentations
like poem, speech, and skit, where students sensitized the gathering to the ill-
effects of crackers, they also shared the guidelines on being safe while bursting
them, along with a mesmerizing dance was performed by the middle school
students. The notice boards decorated on Diwali theme added perfect setting to the
festivity. In the speech, Students talked about the significance of the festival – how
good always conquered the evil and about why and how Diwali is celebrated across
India. The assembly culminated with Principal Sir’s address to the gathering and
giving away the message of a clean, safe and a bright Diwali.
हिंदी के गलियारों से
“मैं भारत की बेटी आपकी अपनी हिंदी हूँ”
हिंदी दिवस की हार्दिक शुभकामनाएँ
यह सच है कि भाषा के बिना हम अधूरे है| किसी भी भाषा का महत्त्व उसकी समृद्धि और व्यापकता
में छिपा होता है। यह अत्यंत हर्ष ओर गर्व का विषय है विश्व में सबसे बड़ी भाषा के रूप में अपनी
अलग ही पहचान जिसने बनाई है ,वह हमारी राजभाषा हिंदी है |
वक्ताओं की ताकत भाषा,
लेखक का अभियान भाषा,
भाषाओं के शिष्य पर बैठी,
मेरी प्यारी हिंदी भाषा|
हिंदी भाषा न के वल शब्दों का संग्रह है, बल्कि यह भारतीय संस्कृ ति, इतिहास, और भूमि के साथ
जड़ी हुई गहरी बोंध में बसी है। यह एक ऐसी भाषा है जो व्यक्ति की भावनाओं और विचारों को
समझती है, संवाद का माध्यम होती है और समाज में एकता और समरसता की भावना को जगाती
है। यह राजभाषा भारत देश की समृद्ध विरासत है, इससे देश का अभिमान विश्वस्तरमें बढ़ा है| हिंदी
भाषा की गरिमा और शान उसके ऐतिहासिक मौलिकता में छिपी है।
हिंदी, भारतीय समृद्धि का एक अभिन्न हिस्सा है और इसके सही समर्पण के माध्यम से हम अपनी
भाषा को बचाएँ रखें इसलिए प्रतिवर्ष हिंदी दिवस, 14 सितंबर को मनाया जाता है, जो हमें हमारी
मातृभाषा के प्रति समर्पण का महत्व याद दिलाता है।
हिंदी दिवस का आयोजन हर वर्ष शिक्षा संस्थानों, सरकारी क्षेत्र, और सामाजिक संगठनों द्वारा किया
जाता है जिससे हिंदी भाषा के प्रति आदर एवं उसके महत्व को साझा करने में मदद होती है। इस दिन
का महत्व कल भी, आज भी और आने वाले कल में भी रहेगा | सरल, सरस, सुमधुर हिंदी विभिन्न
भाषाओं और सांस्कृ तिकों के बीच एकता और समर्पण की मिशाल बनी रहेगी।

विद्यालय में हिंदी दिवस का आयोजन विभिन्न सांस्कृ तिक कार्यक्रमों, कविता पाठ, गीत
प्रतियोगिताओं, और नाटकों के माध्यम से होता है जो हमें हिंदी भाषा की अद्भुत सुंदरता के साथ
जोड़ती है। इस दिन, बच्चों को हिंदी के महत्व के बारे में विशेष जानकारियाँ दी जाती है ताकि वे
अपनी भाषा के प्रति समर्पित रहें और उसे सही ढंग से सीखें।
अपने वतन की सबसे प्यारी भाषा हिंदी .
जगत की सबसे न्यारी भाषा हिंदी |

RPS TIMES 03/ 08

Importance of Preschool activities for enhancing the quality of learning in kids.
Preschool activities play a huge role in shaping your child's personality. Children are
required to play run, dance, climb etc which keeps their body active and muscles strong.
Basically, Preschool aids the child to think rationally, question often and solve difficulties if
any. Collecting information and relating to the experiences are all taught through the
Preschool activities which build up the child's cognitive skills. As an introduction to out
door sports activities, sessions of Zumba and Archery are conducted on a regular basis for
the kids of Pre-Primary which is thoroughly enjoyed by them.

Grandparents’ day was celebrated in school premises.

The children were very excited to showcase their love for grandparents and this was evident on their faces while they were
performing. It was a moment of elation to see the happiness ushering in the faces of all the grandparents.
Preschool students took part in Dussehra and Navratri celebrations.
Celebrating festivals is an integral part of learning at Rungta Public School. Students not only learn about the festival's
significance, but they also learn to embrace other traditions and cultures. Celebrations bring the school community
together, building a close bond between the children. The celebration of these festivals this year was full of zest and
joyousness. Children came dressed in ethnic clothes and enjoyed activities related to Dussehra and Navratri They were also
told the stories behind the celebration of Dussehra and Navratri thus enhancing their learning.
Grand Celebration of Grandparents’ Day in RPS
Grandparents are a family’s greatest treasure, the founders of a loving legacy, the greatest storytellers, the keepers of
traditions. Grandparents are the family’s strong foundation. Through their special love and care, grandparents keep a family
close at heart. To honour them, the Pre- Primary Wing of Rungta Public School, that runs under the aegis of Sanjay Rungta
Group of Institutions celebrated Grandparents Day on 23rd September, 2023.
The function started with welcoming the grandparents followed by some spectacular dance performances and wonderful
songs, presented with cuteness and zeal by our tiny tots of Pre- Primary Wing. Some interesting games were also organized
in which grandparents participated with great zeal. The day became a memorable one for everyone by the enthusiastic
involvement of grandparents, who lovingly cheered the presentations of our adorable kids. They were asked some funny
questions and riddles by the smart junior anchors, that were answered with equal enthusiasm.

RPS TIMES 05/ 08


Students of RPS Experience the fascination of Star Gazing

Science is an important part of education and can play a key
role in the curriculum. Embedding an interest in science and
astronomy in people at a young age can help set them up with
an interest in science for life. Keeping in sync with this thought
Rungta Public School, Bhilai, that runs under the aegis of
Sanjay Rungta Group of Institutions had organized a
fascinating Star Gazing show for the students of Nursery to
class XII on 6.04.2023.
The mobile Planetaria 3 D set-up was put up by O2
Planetarium. The concept immediately grabbed the attention
and interest of all the students and teachers. The contents
shown were different for different age groups, the customized
shows were each of around 35-40 minutes.
There is a near-universal enthusiasm in schools for astronomy
as a science subject. The National Curriculum includes
astronomy-related areas such as understanding the Earth’s
rotation, the effect of the Earth’s tilt on the seasons, gravity
forces and the solar system. The shows were successful in
quenching the thirst of Scientific inquiry among the students.

RPS TIMES 07 / 08

A Three days Residential Summer Camp in RPS

Rungta Public School, that runs under the aegis of Sanjay
Rungta Group of Institutions, in collaboration with Agrawal
Youth Club organized an action-packed, thrilling, and
adventurous, one-of-a-kind Residential Summer Camp this
April from 7th to 9th, for children of age group 8 to 14. The
purpose of this summer camp was to help gear up interactive
and application- based learning processes along with
providing children an opportunity to study, grow, and apply the
virtues of cooperation and independence. The most important
element of the camp was the unlimited fun that the kids had.
The entire event was the brain child of Directors Dr. Saket
Rungta and Madam Harsha Rungta who supervised every
minutest detail of the camp and turned it into a memorable
experience for each one who was associated with it, especially
the ‘Happy Campers’.
The Camp was filled with interesting activities that had kept
the kids totally engaged. The fun segment included Adventure
Sports, Archery, Horse Riding and Master Chef. In the
Interactive and learning segment, they had a session on Public
Speaking and an Amazing 3 D experience of Star Gazing. The
creative instincts of the kids got opportunity to explore
something new through Pottery Making and Rock Painting. They
thoroughly enjoyed the delicious meals that were specially
made to their liking. The post dinner activities such as Camp
Fire, Antakshari and Movie Night had made their Camping
experience in RPS unforgettable.

RPS TIMES 07 / 08
Celebration of Tenth Foundation Day in RPS
It was a memorable day for the management, staff and students of
Rungta Public School that runs under the aegis of Sanjay Rungta
Group of Institutions, when they all celebrated their Tenth Foundation
Day on 17th April 2023. The school completed its glorious journey of 9
years and stepped into the 10th year on 9th April 2023. The journey
so far has been a very rewarding one. The Chairman of SRGI, Shri
Sanjay Rungta, Director Madam
Celebrating this milestone achievement, a special assembly was
organized by Raman House. The energy and passion of the students
was visible in the performances that they put up. The day started with
remembering the Almighty, God and seeking blessings for the entire
school community. This was followed by a Thought and a Speech on
Foundation Day. The students choir presented a melodious song
which was followed by a mesmerizing dance performance. After this
some of the students of class XII, who have been in this school since
inception, shared their experiences and spoke about their wonderful
journey and memories related to their school life. Commemorating
the special occasion, the cake cutting ceremony was held. All the
students, teachers and other staff members cherished the moments
of celebration reminiscing the incredible journey that the school has
embarked in since the year 2014.
The Chairman of SRGI, Shri Sanjay Rungta in his address extended his
heart felt wishes to everyone on the completion of 9 years of the
school. He recounted some exceptional achievements of the past
years and established faith and hope that the students will excel in
every field and take the name of the institution to the pinnacle.

RPS TIMES 08 / 08

Sampoorna Swasthya Program of Indian Academy of Paediatrics at RPS

Rungta Public School, a new age school that runs under the aegis of Sanjay Rungta
Group of Institutions became the venue for SSS Workshop, Conducted by IAP. Indian
Academy of Pediatrics (IAP) is a registered, non profit trust and the second largest
professional organisation of child specialist doctors in the world, with a strength of
about 40,000 members, and nearly 347 city branches across India. Since several
decades, IAP has been intimately associated with all aspects of health and care of
children and adolescents in India, not only in the private sector, but also with the
central and various state governments.
Currently in the Diamond Jubilee year of its foundation, for the first time in its
history, as its flagship program for year 2023 as also the Presidential Action Plan of
IAP national President 2023 Dr. Upendra S. Kinjawadekar, with other members of
Core Team, namely Dr. Rekha Harish and Dr. Deepak Pande, IAP has come up with a
unique and completely community facing program called Sankalp: Sampoorna
Swasthya (SSS). SSS aims at capacity building of schools to train all school
children in healthy lifestyle practices, to help them reduce their risk of development
of lifestyle diseases like obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure, and certain
disorders of liver, kidney and cancers, when they grow up. Specifically, the training
imparts knowledge and practical skills on balanced diet, avoidance of JUNCS foods,
daily exercise, reduction in screen time, promoting psychological wellness and
enhancing happiness, protecting and improving sleep, preventing addictions and
reducing pollution. Through such trainings for all school children, IAP strives to
catalyse the conversion of each school to a Health Promoting School.
Investiture Ceremony: The New Council of RPS Invested with Responsibilities

The investiture ceremony signifies the reliance and confidence that the school consigns in the newly
invested office bearers. Donning the mantle of accountability, they also pledge to bestow their duties
to the best of their abilities. The Investiture Ceremony of Rungta Public School, that runs under the
aegis of Sanjay Rungta Group of Institutions was inspired by these motivational words of wisdom and
the appointees reported for the investiture in solemn resolve.
This year’s council too, like every other year, constitutes the worthiest of worthy, who were screened
through a rigorous and hardcore process, carried out by the Council Committee. The much-awaited
Investiture Ceremony began with the welcome address by the Middle and Senior wing Co-ordinators,
Mrs. Shilpi Ganguly and Mr. Souvik Adhikari. This was followed by the offering of prayer and lighting
of lamp in front of the Goddess of knowledge and wisdom, Maa Saraswati. A spirit of unity and
dynamism filled the air as the grand ceremony commenced with a mellifluous prayer song rendered
by the school choir. A spectacular Dance presentation added vibrance to the ceremony.
The most awaited moment arrived when the newly formed Council members marched towards the
dais in synchronised unison to be invested by the School Principal. The prefects took the oath that
they shall abide by the rules of the school and work with complete integrity towards the
responsibilities assigned to them. The Chief Guest, Chairman of SRGI, Shri Sanjay Rungta inspired
the students with his motivational words. He guided the Student Council Members to be the role
models and render their responsibilities sincerely as the nation builders of tomorrow and be proud to
be an Indian.

June 21st is celebrated as the ‘International Day of Yoga’ each year all
around the world. On the 9th International Yoga Day, on 21st June 2023, a
wonderful online Yoga session was held in Rungta Public School, that runs
under the aegis of Sanjay Rungta Group of Institutions, creating awareness
about the numerous benefits of Yoga among the students. Since the date for
reopening of schools in the region has been extended due to excessive heat,
the online medium was selected to celebrate and observe this significant
To make this day a splendid success and inculcate the practice of Yoga at the
grassroots level, a celebration took place in the form of special assemblies
conducted online through Zoom app in three different segments, separately
for the students of Pre-Primary, Primary and Senior school. After the
screening of an informative and encouraging video about the importance of
Yoga and the necessity to adopt it as a way towards healthy living, a session
on certain easy and popular asanas were conducted online. The students,
participating in the sessions enjoyed this innovative approach and engaged
whole- heartedly by performing the asanas from the comforts of their homes.
A separate session was organized for the faculty members in the morning,
encouraging everyone to take a step towards physical, mental and spiritual
Celebration of 77th Independence Day in RPS
The 77th Independence Day of India was celebrated with immense patriotic zeal and
enthusiasm by the students and staff of Rungta Public School on 15 August 2023. The event
was held in the Central Quadrangle where the students showcased their patriotism and pride
for the nation through a series of spectacular dance and music performances.
To commemorate the sovereignty of our Nation, Vice Principal of our School, Madam Deepti
Singh unfurled the tricolour and all in unison sang the National Anthem and expressed the
joy of our freedom. The students, dressed in the vibrant colours of the nation – green, white
and saffron – performed a heart touching patriotic song, two energetic dance performances,
speeches and a poem filled with patriotic emotions made the program memorable.
The celebration of the SRGI cumulative began with the unfurling of the tricolour by the
Chairman of SRGI, Shri Sanjay Rungta, that was followed by the unanimous rendition of the
National Anthem. Director, Madam Rajni Rungta, Director, Shri Saket Rungta, Director,
Madam Harsh Rungta, Director, Dr. Jawahar Surisetti, Vice Principal of RPS, Mrs. Deepti
Singh and the Heads of all the institutes that come under the aegis of SRGI were present
during the solemn occasion.
An amalgamation of various colourful and patriotic presentations made in the form of songs
and dances by the different groups of SRGI made the day a memorable one. Speaking on this
special day, the Chairman of SRGI, Shri Sanjay Rungta said that the day of independence, is
considered a very proud and fortunate day for India. Because this day instils a new sense of
hope, enthusiasm and patriotism in our hearts and reminds us of the numerous sacrifices
made by innumerable patriots. He said that we all have a role to play in retaining the peace of
our sovereign nation and contribute in its progress.
Battle of Brains in RPS in the form of
Inter School Quiz Competition

Quiz competitions encourage students to look beyond their textual knowledge and help them to keep
themselves updated with the latest developments and happenings. It also provides a fantastic platform to
the students to come together and put some of the core skills to test in a competitive mode, such as giving
quick responses, being cool headed, thinking creatively and working as a team. With a view to promote all
this, Rungta Public School in collaboration with Times of India organized Inter School Quiz Competition on
7th October, 2023, Saturday, that saw an overwhelming participation of 36 teams from 19 prominent
schools of the Twin City of Durg and Bhilai.
The quiz was curated and conducted by quizmaster, Ambassador, Deepak Vohra, one of India’s best known
Quiz Masters. The quiz was open to students from grade IX to XII and revolved around mind boggling and
exciting questions from Health, History, Geography, India, Discoveries, Science, Nature, Indian
Monuments, Music etc. At the onset the format of the Quiz was explained to the participants that was
followed by six preliminary rounds of selection for the final six teams that gave tough competition to each
other for the final rounds of quizzing. Each team comprised of two members.

In his address the Director of SRGI, Shri Jawahar Surisetti appreciated the systematically organized quiz
show. He said it was overwhelming to see the level of knowledge and awareness of the students. The Quiz
Master, Ambassador Deepak Vohra appreciated the zeal shown by the contenders. He said that such events
prove to be extremely beneficial for the children to build up their confidence and competence level.
The Chairman of SRGI, Shri Sanjay Rungta congratulated the winning teams and encouraged the students
to be updated by reading the newspapers, listening to and watching the news. He further said that such
events offer the participants an in-depth understanding of various aspects of widening their knowledge
base. They will also be trained to enhance their critical thinking and problem-solving skills, lateral thinking
abilities and general knowledge.
After going through all the rigorous rounds, the team that emerged as the winner was Krishna Public
School, Pulgaon, Durg. The team members were Tushar Dewangan and Mithlesh Sahu who bagged the
astounding cash award of Rs, 11000/- The first runner's up position. was claimed by Maitri Vidya Niketan,
Risali. The participants were Tanisha Dewangan and Vedansh Deshmukh. They claimed the cash reward of
Rs.5100/-. The team that got the Second Runner’s up position along with the cash award of 2100/- was DAV
Public School, Hudco, the team members were Priyansh Bhaduri and Anmol Malviya. The audience
spiritedly applauded the efforts of all the teams and had a wonderful time witnessing the competition.
RPS Boys Team ace the FIT India quiz, State Semi-final Round
It is a matter of immense pride that the school team of RPS comprising two students of class XII,
Archit Singh and Aniket Pise have acquired the first position in the Fit India Quiz, State round,
defeating three other schools of the city, who had qualified for the state round in a customised
digital platform. The team also represented the school in the national platform.
The Ministry of Education (MoE) and The Government of India (GOI) has entrusted the
responsibility of conducting the preliminary round of the Fit India Quiz to National Testing
Agency (NTA). The State -level Semi-final round, that was held online on 22.05.2023 in the
respective schools of the participating teams consisted three rounds of quizzing. The team of RPS
emerged as the winner, leaving behind teams from DPS Risali, Maa Sharda Sr. Secondary School
and Shankara Sector 10.
The elated participants shared their exciting quizzing experience and said that it felt great to
qualify for the State Final Round which was be the qualifying Round for the Nationals. The
National Round comprised of 36 teams from CBSE Schools across India. The team went to Delhi
to attend the finals. It was an experience of a life time for them.

Saanwika Sharma of RPS Qualifies for National Level Gymnastic Championship

Adding another feather in the cap of achievements in the RPS galore, a student of class VI of
Rungta Public School, Saanwika Sharma won 3 gold and a silver medal in the under 14 age
category in all the formats- Vault, Beam, Bar and Floor in the State Level Gymnastic
Championship held at Pendra Road Gymnasium, conducted from 10 to 13 October. She has
qualified for the National Level Championship that is going to be held next month.
This incredible achievement has generated hope for all the aspiring players of different
disciplines of sports of RPS to participate and excel in various competitions. The principal of the
school, Mr. Jagadish Singh Dhami and Vice Principal, Mrs. Deepti Singh was joined by the entire
team of Staff and students of RPS in congratulating Saanwika for this exemplary feat. Mr. Dhami
said that the school will provide every possible support and guidance to Saanwika so that she
progresses further in achieving success in her chosen sport.
Record -Breaking Performance in
various Olympiads by student of RPS

It is a proud moment for Rungta Public School , Bhilai, that runs

under the aegis of Sanjay Rungta Group of Institutions, that one
of the students of the school, Sanskar Jaiswal of Class VIII has
secured International Rank 1 in National Cyber Olympiad and
received cash prize of Rs.50,000 from Science Olympiad
Foundation. He secured Rank 1 in International Mathematics
Olympiad, organized by Science Olympiad Foundation. He also
secured State Rank 1 in International Mathematics Olympiad and
received cash prize of Rs.6,500 from Silver Zone Foundation. He
secured State Rank 1 in International Science Olympiad
organized by Silver Zone Foundation.
Apart from these, he also received cash prize of Rs.5,000 from
National Science Olympiad organized by Science Olympiad
Foundation. Further, he has received Academic Excellence
Scholarship of Rs.5,000 from Science Olympiad Foundation.
The players of Rungta Public School won the Divisional Level Table Tennis Competition.
The students of Rungta Public School, that run under the aegis of Sanjay Rungta Group of Institute,
participated in the divisional level table tennis competition in Durg and won by defeating all the
rivals. Recently, the divisional level table tennis competition was organized at Shri Shankara
Vidyalaya, Sector X, Bhilai on 31 July 2023. In this, two students of RPS, Rishika Biswas of class XI
and Kashvi Jain of class VII of Rungta Public School, Bhilai participated enthusiastically. In this
competition, the girls ensured their place in the state level competition by defeating all the rivals
from Balod, Bemetara, Rajnandgaon, Kabirdham districts of Durg division. In the past also the same
students have represented the state of Chhattisgarh in the national level competition.

The students of RPS win Gold in State Level Kurash Championship

The State level Championship of the indigenous Martial Art, Kurash was organized in Rungta Public
School, that runs under the aegis of SRGI, in collaboration with the State Education Board on the
29th and 30th of September. The Principal, Mr. Jagadish Dhami and Vice Principal, Mrs. Deepti
Singh gave an auspicious start to the occasion with the ceremonial lighting of the lamp. The
championship was held in the premises of Rungta Public School, where teams from all over the
state had assembled for participation. It is a matter of great pride for the school that two students
of RPS, Kashvi Juneja of XII Commerce and Gunwant Ratnakar of XII Science bagged the Gold
medals in their individual categories and have qualified for the Nationals.
The championship saw the participation of all the divisions of the Chhattisgarh State, viz. Durg,
Raipur, Bilaspur, Sarguja and Bastar. About 300 participants from all these regions had
participated in the tournament.
The students of RPS who participated and brought laurels for their school were:
1. Gunwant Ratnakar of class XII- Gold
2. Kashvi Juneja of class XII- Gold
3. Aanya Jain of class XII- Silver
4. Bhawani Shankar Mishra of class XII- Silver
5. Daksh Verma of class VI- Bronze
Alumni Speaks:
From classroom to newsroom: My path to becoming a Journalist

School days teach us the importance of perseverance and determination. Whether

it's tackling a difficult math problem or preparing for a crucial presentation, we
learn to approach challenges with a positive mindset and make continuous efforts
to improve. These qualities are essential in the professional world, where setbacks
are inevitable, and the ability to bounce back and keep pushing forward is crucial for

In school, I was always interested in writing and journalism but it was not until my final year of high school
that I realized that I wanted to pursue this career path. My parents encouraged me to pursue this career path
by giving me books to read on the profession and by guiding me on how to write stories while being unbiased.
Lucky, right? They often encouraged me to apply for several internships in different companies so that I
could get some practical experience before enrolling in college.

I have always been interested in writing since childhood, but never thought of becoming a journalist until I
came across this beautiful profession. It was only when I came to know that journalism was not just
presenting live reports on TV channels but also reporting and writing that I decided to pursue this career

I graduated from Bennett University in 2020. I did my graduation in Mass Communication and Journalism.
But when I enrolled myself in BU, I didn't know that it would be such an amazing experience for me!

I studied about 50% online and 50% offline. Thanks to Covid-19. Never mind! The classes were conducted by
the senior journalists' faculty members, who have more than a decade of experience, and they taught us the
basic concepts of journalism and mass communication, which were very important for our career life.

After graduation, I started my career as a sub-editor with The Times of India, where I covered technology
stories for Gadgets Now. I had worked there for almost one year, before starting my next career as a Senior
News Analyst with Cognizant.

I have written about technology for one and a half years. At Gadgets Now, I covered the latest trends in
technology, wrote articles on how to use the latest gadgets and reviewed products. As a tech journalist, I've
always been interested in the intersection between technology and society. I've written about everything
from 5G to ChatGPT, and my reporting has taken me to some of the most exciting and luxurious places.

I looked after the social media handles of Gadgets Now and was part of several team projects where we wrote
stories together and produced videos on the topics that we were covering.

Journalism taught me a lot about life in general as well as how important it is to take accurate information
from different sources and present it in an unbiased manner so that people can make informed decisions
based on facts rather than hearsay or rumours.

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