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Praehistorische Zeitschrift 2023; aop


Ștefan Honcu*

An imperial seal discovered at Argamum,

Small Gate Sector (Scythia Minor) pe umărul stâng și două fibule rotunde așezate pe ambii
umeri. Pe legendă, dispusă circular se păstrată parțial, se
Zusammenfassung: Bei einer im Jahr 2019 durchgeführten
poate citi: Dominus Noster Theodosivs Avgustus. Sigiliile
archäologischen Kampagne wurde in Argamum, Sektor
imperiale ștampilate cu efigia împăratului Teodosie al II-lea
Kleines Tor, ein kaiserliches Bleisiegel gefunden. Auf der
nu au fost descoperite până acum pe teritoriul provinciei
Vorderseite des Siegels ist ein frontal dargestelltes Kai-
Scythia Minor. Sigiliul de plumb ar putea fi datat în ultimele
sergesicht mit Bart, Zepter auf der linken Schulter und
două decenii ale domniei împăratului Teodosie al II-lea.
zwei runden Fibeln auf beiden Schultern eingeprägt. Auf
der kreisförmig angeordneten und teilweise erhaltenen Cuvinte cheie: Argamum, Sector Poarta Mică, sigiliu
Legende ist zu lesen: Dominus Noster Theodosivs Avgus- imperial, Theodosius II, Antichitatea târzie
tus. Kaiserliche Siegel mit dem Bildnis von Kaiser Theodo-
sius II. Wurden bisher auf dem Gebiet der Provinz Scythia
Minor nicht entdeckt. Das Bleisiegel könnte in die letzten
zwei Jahrzehnte der Herrschaft des Kaisers Theodosius II.
datiert werden.
The fortification of Argamum is located at Cape Dolojman,
Schlüsselworte: Argamum, Kleiner Torsektor, Kaisersiegel, on a rocky promontory on the shores of Lake Razelm.
Theodosius II, Spätantike In ancient times the settlement had direct access to the
Black Sea, because the current lagoon was a former golf.
Abstract: In the archaeological campaign carried out in The nearest modern settlement is the locality of Jurilovca,
2019, at Argamum, Small Gate sector, an imperial lead seal which is about eight kilometres west. The oldest evidences
was found. On the obverse of the seal is stamped the face of of habitation found in the site’s perimeter are dated in
an emperor, frontally depicted, with a beard, scepter on the the first Iron Age. The urban settlement was founded by
left shoulder and two round fibulas placed on both shoul- Greek colonists from Miletus, the toponym associated with
ders. On the legend, arranged in a circle and partially pre- it being Orgame1, which in Roman times is Latinised into
served, we can read: Dominus Noster Theodosivs Avgustus. Argamum2. The actual size of Argamum cannot be exactly
Imperial seals stamped with the effigy of Emperor Theodo- ascertained, as some sizable portions of its habitable area
sius II have not been discovered until now in the territory of are suspected to have fallen into the sea (today’s Razelm
the province of Scythia Minor. The lead seal could be dated Lake). A considerable area fortified with earthen wall and
in the last two decade of the reign of the emperor Theodo- ditch stretches outside the stone wall and encompasses the
sius II. entire promontory. The fortress was, together with the for-
tification on the island of “Bisericuta”, an important point
Keywords: Argamum, Small Gate sector, imperial seal, The-
for the maritime limes of the Black Sea. This importance
odosius II, Late Antiquity
is also proved by the consolidation of the defensive system
by doubling the defensive system from the West with two
Rezumat: În campania arheologică desfășurată în 2019,
ditches and earthen walls3.
la Argamum, sectorul Poarta Mică, a fost găsit un sigiliu
During archaeological campaign carried out in
imperial de plumb. Pe aversul sigiliului este ștampilat
Argamum (Fig. 1), Small Gate Sector (Fig. 3), in 2019, several
chipul unui împărat, înfățișat frontal, cu barbă, sceptru

*Corresponding author: Dr. Ștefan Honcu, Romanian Academy, Iași 1 Mănucu-Adameșteanu 1992.
branch, Institute of Archaeology, Codrescu no. 6 street, Pavilion H. 2 Mănucu-Adameșteanu 2001, 11.
E-Mail: 3 Mănucu-Adameșteanu 2001, 34.

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