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Rugel Chávez, Brisney Nicol


Gutierrez Dioses, Astrid Carolina

 Psychoeducational evaluation: It is one of the essential functions of the
psychologist in the field of education in order to guide timely and effective
attention to both learning difficulties and to strengthen the knowledge, skills and
attitudes of students in various educational processes. . The objective is to
promote reflection on the function of education and evaluation, identify the
evaluation models used, and use substantiated diagnostic impressions to guide
the appropriate direction and attention to school processes.

 Psychopedagogy: This helps to improve the teaching-learning processes, that is,

it intervenes with new techniques and methods for the development of skills in
students in order to have gains in their academic development. The main
objective is to achieve cognitive processes that help students develop skills and
abilities that will be useful for life.

 Learning: Learning is a process by which we acquire knowledge, skills,

behaviors or understanding about a specific topic or task through experience,
practice, instruction or observation. It involves the ability to assimilate, process
and retain new information or skills, which usually leads to a change in behavior
or the way we understand and apply what we have learned. Learning can occur
in a variety of contexts, such as formal education, work, everyday life, and
social interactions.
 Learning difficulties: Learning difficulties are a generic term that refers to a
heterogeneous group of disorders, manifested by significant difficulties in the
acquisition and use of the ability to understand, speak, read, write, reason or do
mathematics. This refers to a group of problems grouped under the headings of:
o School Problems (PE)• Low School Performance (BRE).
o Specific Learning Difficulties (SLD).
o Attention Deficit Disorder with or without Hyperactivity (ADHD).
o Borderline Intellectual Disability (DIL).
 Teaching-learning process: The teaching and learning processes are essential
components of education. The teaching process involves the planning and
structured presentation of content by an educator, while the learning process
refers to how students assimilate, practice and apply that information. Both
processes are interconnected, since effective teaching facilitates student learning,
and the learning process can influence the way in which teaching is adapted to
meet the individual needs of students, being fundamental in the acquisition of
knowledge, skills and attitudes throughout life.

 National Curriculum: It is the framework document of the educational policy

of basic education that contains the learning that students are expected to
achieve during their basic training, in accordance with the purposes and
principles of Peruvian education, the objectives of basic education and the
National Educational Project. In addition, it contains guidelines for formative
evaluation and curricular diversification.

 Psychopedagogical diagnosis : Psychopedagogical diagnosis plays a crucial

role in the work of educational professionals, who may include educators,
teachers and learning facilitators. Its main focus lies in evaluating the level of
development and learning of boys and girls, analyzing their skills, abilities,
habits and emotional aspects.

 Special educational needs (SEN): These are particular requirements that some
students may have due to disabilities, learning differences, exceptional abilities
or specific conditions that affect their ability to access education in a standard
way. These needs may include additional supports, curricular adaptations,
services, or resources that are provided to ensure that students have equal
opportunities in the educational process and can reach their full potential.

 Developmental disorder: These are medical and neurological conditions that

affect the typical development of an individual, especially in areas such as
language, communication, social interaction, behavior and motor skills. These
disorders can manifest as early as childhood and can vary in severity, from mild
to more significant disabilities.

 Psychometric Model : In the educational and psychometric assessment context,

standardized tests are used to measure student performance, evaluate their
academic progress, identify areas of strength and weakness, and make decisions
about placement in special educational programs or admission to academic


Psychopedagogical diagnosis: what it is, objectives and characteristics. (2020).

Learning difficulties. (2023). Learning difficulties - UNICAP - Uniting Capacities.

UNICAP - Uniting Capacities.
%20para%20las%20matem%C3%A1ticas .

Neurodevelopmental disorders in ICD11. (2018).


Mind P (2023). Accessed October 1, 2023. Learning.

Parra DL, Luque-Rojas M. (2023). Specific Needs for Educational Support of students
with sensory and motor disabilities.
%20espec %C3%ADfics .

Peru del. National Curriculum | Minedu. (2023).

Teaching and Learning Processes | INEE. (2023.

glossary/processes-de-ensenanza-y learning#:~:text=The%20processes%20of%20teach
%C3%B1ance%20and,the%20training%C3%B3n%20of%20the%20teachers .

Rodríguez Arocho, Wanda C. (2020). Psychoeducational evaluation and pedagogical

%20t%C3%A9rmino%20evaluaci%C3%B3n%20psicoeducativa%20se,3 ).
Rodríguez, E; Vallejo, B; Yenchong , w; Ponce, M. (2020). Importance of
psychopedagogy and creative learning.

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