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Problem/Cause/Solution/Opposition Keyword Outline

Remember NO full sentences are allowed.

General Purpose- To Persuade others to support Anti Discrimination Laws in the Trans Community

Specific Purpose- To persuade my audience to support laws protecting the Trans community

Central Idea/Thesis- Anti Discrimination Laws can help give equal rights to The Trans community

Organizational Pattern-

I. Introduction
A. Attention getter: explain what transgender means B. Reveal the topic: Discrimination
Laws on The Trans community.

C. Credibility: I researched 7 articles, part of the LGBT community

D. Reason to listen: bring awareness

E. Preview:
1. Anti Discrimination laws a being revoked
2. discrimination and Stigma
3. Bringing Awareness, voting
4. Opposition. The Trans community doesn’t fit gender norms

“ Now that you know the topic being persuaded today let’s start with “

II. Problem: Anit LGBTQ bills are increasing

1. Issue

‘’Over 520 anti-LGBTQ bills have been introduced in the state legislature, Over 220 bills specifically
target transgender and non-binary people’’ (Peele, 2023).

‘’A record of 70 anti-LGBTQ laws have been enacted so far this year’’ (Peele,2023)

2. Anti-LGBTQ bills are affecting the trans community

a. Health care restrictions
b. Sport Restrictions
c. “21 states in the U.S currently have banned gender-affirming care” (Davis,2024)
3. Gender Affirming care needs more research

a. People need to know the conditions

b. “A 2022 Reuters investigation, for example, found “no large-scale studies have tracked
people who received gender-related medical care as children to determine how many remained
satisfied with their treatment as they aged and how many eventually regretted transitioning”

“ After discussing the problems with the issue let’s get to the roots, by discussing the cause”

III. Cause:

1. Beliefs that sex determines gender

a. Body Anatomy affects gender identity
2. acceptance of the LGBTQ seen as agenda
a. Anti-LGBTQ people are upset
b. Pro-trans laws being accepted
3. Religious Beliefs on Gender Norms
4. Transition: Unfortunately there are more causes than discussed, but with awareness, we
can now discuss the solution

IV. Solution:

Bring awareness on how to treat trans people with equality

a. Know the terminolgy
b. interacting with trans people
c. know the issues of the community

Support organizations supporting the trans community and Vote

d. Supporting Brookdale’s Trans Ally club
e. Vote for pro-trans laws

“With a Great solution also comes great opposition that must be acknowledged”

V. Opposition:

1. Opposition thought: The trans community doesn’t fit into gender norms

a. Religious view on the community

b. Health concerns

2. Gender-affirming care affects health.

a. transitioning to early effects health
b. gender-affirming care affects mental health

We finally discussed the opposing side and their views, now let's conclude

VI. Conclusion

1. Review
a. Anti Discrimination laws are increasing
b. Ignorance towards community
c. Support Laws protecting LGBTQ rights.
d. Trans Community doesn’t fit into gender norms

Memorable ending-

Let’s face it we are all entitled to our beliefs, rights, and personal space, we don't have to
change everyone's mind to coexist with each other, all we have to do is be open to that
idea making space for the solution

Works Cited :

1. Davis, E.(2024). What is gender affirming care and which states have restricted it
in 2023.

2. Garnand, I.(2023). Young people are being harmed: The effect of anti-trans

3. Weber, S., Sam, Breslin, D., & Curry, D. A.(2023). How will anti-trans laws impact
transgender- and gender diverse youth mental health.

4. Peele, C. (2023). Roundup of Anti-LGBTQ+ Legislation Advancing In States

Across the Country.

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