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Delusion is:
1. Disturbance in sensory stimulus
2. Mood changes
3. Abnormal somatic sensation
4. False unshakable belief incongruent to the patient social and educational
5. Radical beliefs

Answer: False unshakable belief incongruent to the patient social and

educational background
Obsessive compulsive disorder is:
1. A type of psychotic disorder.
2. Does not respond to pharmaceutical treatment
3. .Can be cured by supportive psychotherapy
4. The best treatment is combination of drugs and behavioral therapy
5. A type of overvalued ideas

Answer: The best treatment is combination of drugs and behavioral therapy

Which of the following is schneiderian first rank symptoms of schizophrenia
1. Autism
2. Ambivalence
3. Incongruity
4. Running commentary
5. Association loosing

Answer: Running commentary

………………………………………………………………………………… Page 4
An unusual state called "waxy flexibility" is sometimes observed in
__________ schizophrenia.
1. Borderline
2. Disorganized
3. Catatonic
4. Simple
5. Paranoid

Answer: Disorganized
The duration of symptoms needed to diagnose a major depressive disorder
1. 1 week
2. 2 weeks
3. 3 weeks
4. 1 month
5. 6 months

Answer: 2 weeks
6. Alcohol withdrawal can cause:
1. Delirium tremens
2. Wernicke's encephalopathy
3. Mania
4. Confabulation
5. Facial palsy

Answer: Delirium tremens Page 5
27 years old man came to the psychiatrist reporting external
thoughts and voices commanding him all time:
1. it's a normal behavior
2. caused by bad sleeping
3. need no psychiatric management
4. most probably it's a psychotic disorder

Answer: most probably it's a psychotic disorder

Schizoid personality:
1. liar
2. sensitive and touchy
3. selfish, and has no empathy for others

Answer: selfish, and has no empathy for others

Within days of starting haloperidol treatment for a psychatric disorder, a
young male patient developed severe generalized muscle rigidity and a high
fever. In the emergency room he was incoherent, with increased heart rate,
hypotension, and diaphoresis, Laboratory studies indicated acidosis,
leukocytosis, and increased creatine kinase. The most likely reason for these
symptoms is that the patient was suffering from:
1. Agranulocytosis
2. A severe bacterial infection
3. Neuroleptic malignant syndrome
4. Spastic retrocollis
5. Tardive dyskinesia.
Answer: Neuroleptic malignant syndrome Page 6
Which one in not key feature in Alzehimer:
1. agnosia
2. apraxia
3. apathy
4. Apthsia
5. Anhedoina

Answer: Anhedoina
pica is :
1. diagnosed if the duration is more than 6 months
2. ingestion of nutritive substance
3. onset typically in childhood
4. not occur with autism spectrum
5. no nutritional deficiency

Answer: onset typically in childhood

elderly patient presented say "my gut rotten and my blood stopped
following to my heart" " I'm dead " which psychopathology discrebe
1. acute intestinal obstruction
2. delirium
3. delusion of control
4. nihilistc delusion

Answer: nihilistc delusion Page 7
35 years female with low mood, anxiety and low energy, best treatment:
1. Amitriptyline alone
2. colanzepam
3. CBT and antidepressants
4. psychodynamic and CBD

Answer: CBT and antidepressants

70 years old male operate for fracture in femoral bone . Next day he suffered
from disorantion and irritability and taking to imaginary people. What's the
1. Senael psychosis
2. Seneal dementia
3. Delusiona of paranoid
4. Post operative psychosis
5. Delirium

Answer: Delirium
young pt presented with boil on his face and avoid going outside because he
think people might think him freak:
1. body dysmorphic disorder
2. social anxiety disorder.
3. Depressed

Answer: body dysmorphic disorder Page 8
Treatment of generlized anxitey disorder:
1. Psychodynamic
2. Psychoanalysis
3. supportive
4. CBT
5. Hypnosis

Answer: CBT
Actions of chlorpromazine do not include the following:
a) Sedation
b) Hypoprolactinemia
c) Postural hypotension
d) Indifference to external stimuli
e) Hypothermia in cold surroundings

Answer: Hypoprolactinemia
The major limitation in the use of clozapine for treatment of schizophrenia
a) Production of hyperprolactinemia
b) Its potential to cause agranulocytosis
c) Its ability to cause strong sedation
d) High incidence of extrapyramidal side effects
e) Its inability to benefit negative symptoms of schizophrenia

Answer: Its potential to cause agranulocytosis Page 9
Patient on antipsychotic drugs for treatment of schizophrenia developed
cardiac arrhythmia .The drug that cause this problem may be:
a) lorazepam
b) haloperidol
c) fluoxetine
d) clomipramine
e) phenytoin

Answer: haloperidol
If you choose a hypnotic which is short acting, few withdrawal effects,
and exhibit few minimal rebound insomnia and little or no tolerance occurs
with prolonged use, and for these reasons it is better for sleep induction
compared to sleep maintenance, you choice will be:

A. Tamazepam
B. Flurazepam
C. Zaleplon
D. Buspirone
E. Escitalopram

Answer: Zaleplon
Deriving sexual pleasure from being abused and dominated by sexual
partner, is called:
1. Masochism
2. Sadism
3. Voeyrism
4. Fitishism
5. Bestiality
Answer: Masochism Page 10
Clinical features of delirium is,are:
a) Clear Consciousness.
b) Hypo or hyper activity in behavior.
c) Nystagmus.
d) Impairment of remote memory.
e) All of the above

Answer: Hypo or hyper activity in behavior.

management of anorexia nervosa all except:
1. CBT
2. ECT
3. refeeding
4. multidisciplinary
5. nutrition

Answer: ECT
A 59-year-old man goes to a psychiatrist for a 3-month history of panic
attacks. He notes for the past 3 months he has experienced “out of the blue,”
extreme episodes of fearfulness that last about 20 minutes. During that time
he experiences palpitations, sweating, shortness of breath, and trembling. He
denies any substance abuse, and has never had symptoms like this before
these past 3 months. Which of the following signs or symptoms would likely
lead the physicians to expect a diagnosis of anxiety secondary to a general
medical condition in this case?
a) The patient’s age
b) History of palpitations
c) History of sweating
Answer: The patient’s age Page 11
The antipsychotic drug most likely to cause ocular toxicity on long-term use
a) Haloperidol
b) Clozapine
c) Pimozide
d) Thioridazine
e) Flupenthixol

Answer: Thioridazine
After two days of the child birth , his mother starts to become sad, cries and
isolate from others , she call her physician so what do you think her
physician is going to say?
1. Tell her not to become worry.
2. Advice her to call him after 2 wks to rapport her condition.
3. Recommended a psychiatric consultation.
4. Prescribed anti-depressant .
5. Prescribe benzodiazepine

Answer: Recommended a psychiatric consultation.

Assessing the presence of thought disorders:
1. Asking the patient about mood changes
2. Asking the patient about hallucinations
3. Should be a need for brain scan
4. Assessing presence of delusion throughout the mental state examination
5. Can be assessed by IQ tests
Answer: Assessing presence of delusion throughout the mental state
examination Page 12
It is usually best to start the psychiatric interview by
1. Assessing the patient's insight
2. Asking why the patient was referred to you
3. With open-ended questions
4. Reassuring the patient regarding their privacy
5. With closed-ended questions

Answer: Reassuring the patient regarding their privacy

A psychiatric resident is called to consult on the case of a 75-year-old woman
who had undergone a hip replacement 2 days before. On examination, the
resident notes that the patient states the date as 1956, and she thinks she is
at her son’s house. These impairments best illustrate which aspect of the
mental status examination?
1. Thought process
2. Memory
3. Concentration
4. Orientation
5. Level of consciousness.

Answer: Orientation
50 years old man .He is married & he has unshakable and unfaithless
regarded his wife,what disorder he has:
1. Jaleous delusion
2. infendtly delusion
3. obsession
4. erotomanic delusion

Answer: Jaleous delusion Page 13
Which one of the following is one of the four major features in
1. Abnormal behavior
2. Loosening of association
3. Apraxia
4. Thought echo

Answer: Abnormal behavior

To antagonize the effect of benzodiazepines toxicity, it is recommended to
give the patient:
A. flumazenil I.V
B. alprazolam. tablet
C. lorazepam. I. V
D. flumazenil tablet.
E. lorazepam tablet

Answer: flumazenil I.V

A 23-year-old man comes to the psychiatrist with a chief complaint of a
depressed mood. He is very anxious and obviously uncomfortable in the
physician’s office. Which of the following actions should be used to help
develop rapport with this patient?
1. Inform the patient that his problem is simple and easily 3xed.
2. Express compassion with the difficult position the patient is in.
3. Tell the patient that you too are nervous when you see new patients.
4. Ask the patient why he is so unusually anxious about seeing a psychiatrist.
5. Get right to the patient’s complaint so that the patient can leave as soon as
Answer: Express compassion with the difficult position the patient is in.
Barbiturates are now not the first in line because of their adverse effects and Page 14
the most important one is death due to:
a) Hyperthermia
b) Respiratory depression.
c) Hypertension
d) Hypotension
e) cardiac arrest

Answer: Respiratory depression.

Anorexia Nervosa is mostly characterized by :
a) more common in middle age women
b) more common in males
c) distorted body image with severe loss of weight
d) loss of weight only
e) loss of appetite only

Answer: distorted body image with severe loss of weight

A 41 years old man feels sickly most of his life. He fears that he has stomach
cancer. His physical examination & investigations are normal. The most
likely diagnosis:
1. conversion disorder
2. Somatic disorder
3. Generalized anxiety
4. Illness anxiety
5. Depression

Answer: Illness anxiety Page 15
regarding to bromocriptin:
1. not take with antimuscurnic
2. not take with doba
3. Contraindicated in history of psychosis.

Answer: Contraindicated in history of psychosis.

Male organic exposure in a public area is termed as ?
1. Voyeurism.
2. Sadomasochism.
3. Frotteurism.
4. Fetishism.
5. Exhibitionism

Answer: Exhibitionism
A 35-year-old female who has never been pregnant suffers each month from
pain, discomfort, and mood depression at the time of menses. She may
benefit from the use of this selective inhibitor of the reuptake of serotonin.
a) Amitriptyline
b) Bupropion
c) Trazodone
d) Mirtazapine
e) Paroxetine

Answer: Paroxetine Page 16
A psychiatric patient taking medications develops a tremor, thyroid
enlargement, and leukocytosis. The drug he is taking is most likely to be
a) Haloperidol
b) Lithium
c) Clomipramine
d) Sertraline
e) Imipramine

Answer: Lithium
A32-year-old man is being treated for a severe major depression. Which the
following symptoms, if present, is one of the most accurate indicators of
long-term suicidal risk?

a) Revenge fantasies
b) The patient has a need for punishment
c) Hopelessness
d) Presence of rage in the patient
e) Presence of guilt

Answer: Hopelessness
The first and probably most important task of the psychiatric interview is
1. To obtain a differential diagnosis
2. To conduct mental state examination
3. To establish rapport with the patient
4. To assess insight
5. To perform risk assessment
Answer: To establish rapport with the patient Page 17
One of the following is not a thinking disorder:
1. Tangentiality
2. Perseveration
3. Thought broadcast
4. Echolalia
5. Fantasy.

Answer: Echolalia
The chronic syndrome of schizophrenia are characterized by :
1. Delusions and hallucinations.
2. Lack of drive and under activity.
3. Thought insertion and broad casting.
4. Formal thought disorders.
5. Symptoms lasting more than six months.

Answer: Lack of drive and under activity.

You are on call and get paged to go see a schizophrenic patient on the
inpatient unit. The patient has a tremor, is ataxic, and is restless. During the
interview the patient vomits. The nurse tells you he has been having
diarrhea and has been urinating very frequently. What question would be
most useful to ask the patient?
1. Can you count from 100 backward by 7’s?
2. Where are you right now?
3. Who is the current president?
4. Are you HIV positive?
5. How much water have you been drinking recently?

Answer: How much water have you been drinking recently? Page 18
which matching is wrong:
1. auditory hallucinations/alcohol
2. grandiosity / mania
3. infidelity / OCD
4. thoughts block / sever anxiety

Answer: auditory hallucinations/alcohol

"waxy flexibility" is sometimes observed in ______ schizophrenia.
1. Borderline.
2. Disorganized.
3. Catatonic.
4. Simple.
5. Paranoid.
Answer: Catatonic.
After ingestion of a meal that included sardines, cheese, and red wine, a
patient taking an antidepressant drug experiences a hypertensive crisis. The
drug most likely to be responsible is
a) Bupropion
b) Fluoxetine
c) Imipramine
d) Phenelzine
e) Trazodone

Answer: Phenelzine Page 19
mental disorders are caused by :
a) Evil spirit
b) Medical disorder
c) Multi-factorial causes by genetic and environment
d) Genetic only
e) Environment only

Answer: Multi-factorial causes by genetic and environment

Delusions of persecution mean:
a) One of the common delusions in schizophrenia
b) it is a bizarre type of delusion
c) can be changed by assurance
d) mood changes
e) most common in depression

Answer: One of the common delusions in schizophrenia

The phenothiazines have a variety of actions at different receptor types.
However, they do not appear to interact with receptors for
a) Dopammine
b) Histamine
c) Nicotine
d) Norepinephrine
e) Muscarinic

Answer: Nicotine Page 20
Regarding trichotillomania:
1. Hair-pulling to relieve tension
2. Hair-pulling not to relieve tension
3. Not impulse control disorder
4. atypical antipsychotics are first choice

Answer: Hair-pulling to relieve tension

One of most effectice therapy of OCD is :
1. Exposure and prevention of response
2. cognitive behvioral therapy
3. Psychodynamic therpay
4. Breif psychotic therapy.

Answer: Exposure and prevention of response

OCD is characterized by :
a) obsessive thoughts and compulsive behavior
b) checking behavior only
c) associated depression
d) obsessional thoughts of mild degree only
e) Associated delusion

Answer: obsessive thoughts and compulsive behavior Page 21
Tolerance (decreased responsiveness to benzodiazepines' repeated doses of
the drug) occurs when used for:
a) After single dose
b) More than 1 or 2 weeks
c) No tolerance for benzodiazepines
d) Less than 1 week
e) More than 1 or 2 months
Answer: More than 1 or 2 months
Which one of the following statements about the action of phenothiazines is
1. They activate muscarinic receptors
2. They are antiemetic
3. They decrease serum prolactin levels
4. They elevate the seizure threshold
5. They raise blood pressure
Answer: They are antiemetic
Which of the following is most closely associated with a good prognosis
in schizophrenia?

a) Younger age of onset

b) Male gender
c) Negative symptoms
d) Many relapses
e) Mood symptoms

Answer: Mood symptoms Page 22
Which of the following symptoms of schizophrenia is likely to respond best
to antipsychotic medication?

a) Delusions
b) Poor speech content
c) Social withdrawal
d) Lack of motivation
e) Flattening of affect

Answer: Delusions
Without proper treatment for benzodiazepine withdrawal, what life
threatening symptom is most likely to occur over subsequent days?

a) Coma
b) Seizures
c) Violent behaviour
d) Severe hypotension
e) Blood dyscrasia

Answer: Seizures
A 24-year-old patient with schizophrenia tells the physician that the CIA
is listening to his telephone conversations through his television set. This
patient is describing:

a) a delusion
b) a hallucination
c) Clouding of consciousness
d) an illusion
e) blunted affect

Answer: a delusion Page 23
A 29-year-old woman tells the doctor that she often hears the voice of
Abraham Lincoln speaking directly to her. This woman is showing
a disorder of ?

a) affect
b) Mood
c) Perception
d) insight
e) judgment

Answer: Perception
Substance abuse is :

a) if not treated it will cause medical and neurological complications

b) includes only illegal substance
c) has no medical complications
d) can not be a comorbidity
e) cannot be treated on an outpatient bases

Answer: if not treated it will cause medical and neurological complications

A 30 years old man presented with shortness of breath,palpitation, tremor
and strong feeling of apprehension, physical examination and investigation
were normal ,the most probable diagnosis is :
a) head injury
b) Hypoglycemia
c) panic attack
d) heart attack hypothyroidism

Answer: panic attack Page 24
psychotic disorders are best treated by :
a) behavioral therapy
b) anti-psychotic medications
c) ECT
d) psychoanalysis
e) anxiolytics

Answer: anti-psychotic medications

One of the followings is not a thought disorders :
a) Tangentiality
b) perseveration
c) thought insertion
d) paranoid
e) delusion
f) imagination

Answer: imagination
A 20-year-old female college student who was unable to answer a teacher's
question in class drops out of school the next day. What is the diagnosis?
a) Paranoid personality disorder.
b) Schizoid personality disorder.
c) Avoidant personality disorder.
d) Dependent personality disorder.
e) Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder.

Answer: Avoidant personality disorder. Page 25
A physician would like to prescribe an antidepressant to treat her 24-year-
old male patient who has bulimia. Which of the following agents should be
avoided in this patient?
a) Desipramine
b) Fluoxetine
c) Bupropion
d) Tranylcypromine
e) Paroxetine
Answer: Paroxetine
A young male patient diagnosed as schizophrenic develops severe muscle
cramps with torticollis a short time after drug therapv is initiated with
haloperidol. The best course of action would be to
a) Discontinue haloperidol and observe the patient
b) Add clozapine to the drug regimen
c) Give levodopa
d) Give injectable diphenhydramine
e) Switch the patient to fluphenazine
Answer: Give injectable diphenhydramine
Which of the following is a high potency antipsychotic drug having minimal
sedative and autonomic effects and no propensity to cause weight gain:
a) Chlorpromazine
b) Triflupromazine
c) Olanzapine
d) Haloperidol
e) Clozapine

Answer: Haloperidol Page 26
The biogenic amine theory of depression is supported by:
A. The effects of antidepressants on other systems
B. medication of hypertension with reserpine induced depression
C. the duration of onset of the effect of antidepressants
D. the effect of cocaine on CNS

Answer: medication of hypertension with reserpine induced depression

The psychiatric interview is:
a) should not be attended by nursing staff
b) include history and mental state assessment
c) include history taking
d) can not be accomplished without informant
e) include mental state assessment

Answer: include history and mental state assessment

10 years old female presented to you with a complaint of nocturnal enuresis
since 2 years ago .The drug that may be helpful in this case is:
A. Imipramine
B. phenytoin
C. fluoxetine
D. Lorazepam
E. haloperidol

Answer: Imipramine Page 27
Which of the following adverse effects of neuroleptic drugs is positively
correlated to the antipsychotic potency of the different compounds:
a) Nausea and vomiting
b) Lowering of seizure threshold
c) Postural hypotension
d) Sedation
e) Extrapyramidal motor disturbances

Answer: Extrapyramidal motor disturbances

If one patient is taking amitriptyline and another patient is taking
chlorpromazine, they are both likely to experience
a) Increased gastrointestinal motility
b) Gynecomastia
c) Postural hypotension
d) Excessive salivation
e) Extrapyramidal dysfunction

Answer: Postural hypotension

In psychiatric interview:
a) confidentiality is a must
b) can be done by social worker
c) Physical examination should be done in the beginning
d) can be done in presence of other patients in the ward
e) neurological examination should be done before physical examination

Answer: confidentiality is a must Page 28
Anxiety disorder need the following for diagnosis:
a) fear from thunder
b) fear from wild animal
c) Somatic symptoms only
d) psychogenic and somatic symptoms
e) Night mares

Answer: psychogenic and somatic symptoms

sleep disorders is the diagnosis of the following :
a) parasomnia
b) is uncommon in anxiety there must be a period of six month
c) two days of disturb sleep
d) two nights of having bad dreams

Answer: parasomnia
Generalized anxiety disorder can be best treated by :
a) psychoanalysis
b) anti-psychotic medication
c) ECT
d) tramadol
e) sedation and cognitive behavioral therapy

Answer: sedation and cognitive behavioral therapy Page 29
post traumatic stress disorder is mostly characterized by :
a) sleep disturbance is pathognomonic
b) loss of appetite
c) Loss of weight
d) flash -back phenomena
e) normal reaction to stress
Answer: flash -back phenomena
The following antipsychotic drug has weak dopamine D2 but additional 5-
HT2 blocking activity and benefits both positive and negative symptoms of
a) Clozapine
b) Perphenazine
c) Pimozide
d) Haloperidol
e) Chlorpromazine

Answer: Clozapine
A young female patient who suffers from bipolar affective disorder (BAD)
has been managed with lithium. If she becomes pregnant, which one of the
following drugs is likely to be effective in bipolar affective disorder with
minimal risk of teratogenicity?
A. Haloperidol
B. Phenytoin
C. Carbamazepine
D. Clonazepam
E. Valproic acid

Answer: Haloperidol Page 30
An acute psychotic episode is best treated by:
a) Anti-psychotic medications
b) Anti-depressant medications
c) Diazepam tablet
d) ECT
e) Only oral form of treatment should be used

Answer: Anti-psychotic medications

The most common type of hallucination seen in schizophrenia is :
a) Olfactory
b) gustatory
c) auditory
d) hypnagogic
e) Visual

Answer: auditory
Phobic disorders is :
a) Fear from death
b) Fear from illness
c) Morbid fear from ordinary stimulus with avoidance
d) Blood phobia is the most common
e) More common in old age

Answer: Morbid fear from ordinary stimulus with avoidance Page 31
psychiatric disorders were :
a) in the Middle Ages psychiatric patients were restrained and secluded
b) not treated by faith healers in our culture
c) anti-psychotic medication was known before 100 years
d) known and treated medically 200years ago
e) is not considered as a results of supernatural powers in our culture

Answer: in the Middle Ages psychiatric patients were restrained and secluded
One of the followings is movement disorder
a) echolalia
b) stereotyped speech
c) Word salad
d) bilateral intention tremor
e) tonic-colonic convulsions

Answer: bilateral intention tremor

A 23years old woman develops symptoms of irritability,mental confusion,
sleeplessness, depression and sometimes high mood with suicidal ideas,
symptoms started two weeks after delivery she is :
a) having a postpartum psychosis
b) hypomania
c) postpartum blues
d) Postpartum delirium because of infection
e) acute schizophrenia

Answer: having a postpartum psychosis Page 32
Families of patients with schizophrenia, who are overtly hostile and overly
controlling, affect the patient in which one of the following ways?
a) Decreased risk of suicidal behaviour
b) Increased relapse rate
c) Decreased rate of compliance

Answer: Increased relapse rate

The following are classllied as psycholic disorders except
a. Schizoaffective disorder.
b. Postparlum psychosis.
c. Somatization disorder.
d. Delusional disorder.
e. Schizophreniform disorder.
Answer: Somatization disorder.
Regarding bipolar disorder:
a. Prognosis is befter than schizophrenia.
b. Prevalence of bipolar I disorder Is 1%
c. Electroconvulsive therapy is contraindicated.
d. Mood stabilizing drugs are useful.
e. Bipolar Il disorder Includes hypo manic episodes.
Answer: Bipolar Il disorder Includes hypo manic episodes
Risk factors of sulcide are except:
a. Marriage .
b. Unemployment.
c. Subsiance abuse
d. Previous suicidal attempts.
e. Male gender.
Answer: Marriage Page 33
The following drugs are used In the treatmeni of manic episode except:
A. Atypicat anfipsychofc drugs.
B. Lithium.
C. Tricyclic antidepressants
D. Carbamarepine.
E. Valproate.

Answer: Tricyclic antidepressants

Negative symptoms of schizophrenla except:
a. Alogia.
b. Akathisia.
c. Affective fiattening.
d. Avolition.
e. Soclal withdrawal.

Answer: Akathisia.
Therapeutic factors in group therapy Include all except:
a. Acceptance.
b. Calharsis.
c. Empathy.
d. Selfishness.
e. Interaction.

Answer: Selfishness Page 34
In order to receive a diagnosis of cyclothymic disorder, an adult patient
must have experienced which of the following?
a. Chronic subsyndromal symptoms of mood elevation and depression for at
least 6 months.
b. Chronic subsyndromal symptoms of mood elevation and depression for at
least 2 years.
c. Chronic subsyndromal symptoms of mood elevation and depression for at
least 1 year
d. At least one depressive episode and at least one manic episode interposed
with subsyndromal symptoms of mood elevation and depression.
e. At least one manic episode interposed with subsyndromal symptoms of
mood elevation and depression.
Answer: Chronic subsyndromal symptoms of mood elevation and depression for
at least 2 years.
In order to receive a diagnosis of bipolar II disorder, a patient must have
experienced which of the following?
a. More than one hypomanic episodes.
b. At least one hypomanic episode and one major depressive episode (MDE).
c. At least one hypomanic episode.
d. At least one manic or hypomanic episode.
e. At least two hypomanic episodes and one MDE.

Answer: At least one hypomanic episode and one major depressive episode
In order to receive a diagnosis of bipolar I disorder, a patient must have
experienced which of the following?
a. More than one manic episode.
b. At least two manic episodes and one MDE.
c. At least one manic or hypomanic episode.
d. At least one manic episode and one major depressive episode (MDE).
e. At least one manic episode.
Answer: At least one manic episode Page 35
A 76-year-old man is diagnosed with dementia of the Alzheimer type. Which
of the following chemicals has been most commonly associated with this
a. Peptide neurotransmitter
b. Epinephrine
c. Dopamine
d. Acetylcholine
e. Serotonin

Answer: Acetylcholine
Which of the following is the most common cause of delirium in the elderly?
a. Use of multiple medications
b. Hypoxia
c. Accidental poisoning
d. Substance abuse
e. Alcohol withdrawal

Answer: Use of multiple medications

Differential diagnoses of schizophrenia include:
a. Autistic disorder.
b. Mental retardation.
c. Substance abuse.
d. Mania.
e. Counter-transference.

Answer: Substance abuse. Page 36
Which of the following conditions is characterized by persistent feelings of
unreality, detachment, or estrangement from oneself?
a. Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
b. Dissociative fugue.
c. Acute stress disorder.
d. Depersonalization/derealization disorder.
e. Dissociative amnesia.

Answer: Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

What is the minimum duration of symptom persistence required for a
diagnosis of generalized anxiety disorder (GAD)?
a. One month.
b. Two weeks.
c. Two months.
d. One week.
e. Six months.

Answer: Six months

Which of the following medication classes is considered the first-line
pharmacotherapy choice for anxiety disorders?
a. Serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIS).
b. Monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOls).
c. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIS).
d. Benzodiazepines.
e. Atypical antipsychotics.

Answer: Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIS). Page 37
What is the only class of medication shown to be effective in reducing the
full range of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms?
a. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs).
b. Anticonvulsants.
c. Benzodiazepines
d. Atypical antipsychotics.
e. Monoamine oxidase inhibitors.

Answer: Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs)

Behavioural treatment for obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) typically
includes which of the following?
a. Psychoeducation and mindfulness therapy.
b. Flooding and supportive therapy.
c. Exposure and response prevention.
d. Mindfulness therapy and family counselling.
e. Mindfulness therapy and exposure.

Answer: Exposure and response prevention

A 28-year-old man presents complaining of headaches and a variety of other
aches and pains that have been present or the past 6 months. He denies that
he is sad or hopeless. After a 4-week trial of antidepressant medication, the
patient's physical complaints have disappeared. The most appropriate
diagnosis for this patient is :
a. persistent depressive disorder
b. major depressive disorder
c. masked depression
d. illness anxiety disorder
e. cyclothymic disorder
Answer: masked depressio Page 38
What is the only drug currently U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
approved for bulimia nervosa?
a. Imipramine.
b. Fluoxetine.
c. Topiramate.
d. Sertraline.
e. Citalopram.
Answer: Fluoxetine
The following are useful in the treatment of narcolepsy except:
a. Forced naps.
b. Modafinil.
c. Antabuse.
d. Imipramine.
e. Amphetamines.

Answer: Antabuse
Which of the following statement is/are true;
a. Apraxia is failure of recognizing sensory stimuli.
b. Dyslexia is reading disorder.
c. Agnosia is a writing disorder.

Answer: Dyslexia is reading disorder Page 39
the followings are defined as :
a. voyeurism is an indecent exposure to public
b. homosexuality if attraction to other sex
c. incest is a sexual advance toward children
d. zoophilea is performing sexual act with animals
e. fetishism is a sexual harassment to non consented person

Answer: zoophilea is performing sexual act with animals

Features of psycholherapy Include all except:
a. Listening.
b. Understanding.
c. Relection
d. Guidance.
a. Release of emaiion.

Answer: Release of emaiion

Types of psychotherapy include except:
a. Psychoanalysis.
b. Phototherapy.
c. Averston therapy.
d. Cognitive behavioral therapy.
e. Interpersonal therapy.

Answer: Phototherapy. Page 40
Psychotherapy Is not Indicated for:
1. Major depressive disorder.
2. Social phobla.
3. Conversion disorder.
4. Tardive dyskinesia.
5. Obsessive compulsive disorder.

Answer: Tardive dyskinesia

The following are classified as parasomnias except:
1. Sleep walking disorder.
2. Circadian rhythm sleep disorder.
3. Sleep talking disorder.
4. Night terror disorder.
5. Night mare disorder.

Answer: Circadian rhythm sleep disorder

Attacks of Irresistible sleep occur in:
1. Night mare disorder.
2. Narcolepsy.
3. Bruxism.
4. Sleep walking disorder.
5. Primary insomnia.

Answer: Narcolepsy Page 41
Stimulant drugs like amphetamines are useful in:
1. Insomnia.
2. Schizophrenia.
3. Mania.
4. Hypersomnia.
5. Substance abuse

Answer: Hypersomnia
The following statements regarding sleep terror disorder are correct
1. It is more in boys.
2. Patient awakes disoriented.
3. Patient can remember what happened during the terror.
4. It occurs during NREM sleep.
5. Prevalence Is 1-6%.

Answer: Patient can remember what happened during the terror

:‫اول التزام ورد في قسم بقراط وفي توصيات المجوسي بكتابه‬
1. ‫المحافظة على اسرار المرضى‬
2. .‫احترام الطبيب ووفاؤه لمن علمه هذه المهنة‬
3. ‫مواصلة التعلم وقراءة الكتب‬
4. . ‫العفة والنزاهة وحب الخير‬
5. ‫عدم اعطاء األدوية القاتلة للمرضى‬
Answer:‫احترام الطبيب ووفاؤه لمن علمه هذه المهنة‬ Page 42
‫من اآلراء الجديدة عن قسم بقراط انه ليس من وضعه وانما من وضع ‪:‬‬
‫‪1.‬‬ ‫الطبيب والفيلسوف اليوناني جالينوس‬
‫‪2.‬‬ ‫ابن ابي أصيبعة في كتابه طبقات األطباء‬
‫‪3.‬‬ ‫الطبيب والمهندس المصري القديم المحوتب‬
‫‪4.‬‬ ‫طبيب غير معروف من الصين القديمة‬
‫‪5.‬‬ ‫عالم الرياضيات والفيلسوف فيثاغورس‬

‫عالم الرياضيات والفيلسوف فيثاغورس‪Answer:‬‬

‫ان حجرة الزاوية في الممارسات الطبية من الناحية األخالقية هي ‪:‬‬
‫‪1.‬‬ ‫عالقة الطبيب مع الصيدلي‬
‫‪2.‬‬ ‫عالقة الطبيب مع زمالنة األطباء‬
‫‪3.‬‬ ‫عالقة الطبيب مع المريض‬
‫‪4.‬‬ ‫عالقة الطبيب مع ممتهني التمريض‬
‫‪5.‬‬ ‫عالقة الطبيب مع المختبرات الطبية‬
‫‪6.‬‬ ‫كل من ينطق بالقسم الطبي رافعا يده اليمنى‬
‫‪7.‬‬ ‫‪ .‬من يقتنع ويؤمن بها فقط‪ ،‬ألن القلب هو األساس‬
‫عالقة الطبيب مع المريض‪Answer:‬‬
‫ان طبيعة المسؤولية الطبية هي‪:‬‬
‫‪1.‬‬ ‫المعرفة الطبية الجيدة‬
‫‪2.‬‬ ‫الشفاء التام للمريض‬
‫‪3.‬‬ ‫المعرفة الطبية مع ضمان الشفاء‬
‫‪4.‬‬ ‫العناية الالزمة للمريض‬
‫‪5.‬‬ ‫المعرفة الطبية والعناية الالزمة‪.‬‬
‫المعرفة الطبية والعناية الالزمة‪Answer:.‬‬

‫‪‬‬ ‫‪Page 43‬‬

: ‫ منها‬،‫هناك أمور في الطب تعد غير أخالقية ولكنها قد تكون قانونية في بعض البلدان‬
1. ‫نقل كلوة من شخص سليم الى آخر بحاجة اليها‬
2. ‫نقل الدم الى من تعرض لنزف غزير‬
3. ‫قيام الطبيب بفتح عيادتين في الوقت نفسه‬
4. ‫القتل الرحيم للميؤوس من شفائه‬
5. ‫نقل قلب سليم من ميت حديثا الى مريض بحاجة اليه‬
Answer:‫القتل الرحيم للميؤوس من شفائه‬
What is the most consistently described risk factor for suicidal behaviour?
1. Active substance use.
2. Past history of suicide attempts.
3. Female sex.
4. Presence of a major depressive episode.
5. Family history of suicide.

Answer: Past history of suicide attempts

Which of the following symptoms should alert the physician to the possible
presence of depression in a patient with a serious medical condition?
1. Anhedonia.
2. Fatigue.
3. Weight loss.
4. Insomnia.
5. Hypersomnia.

Answer: Anhedonia Page 44
recognized side effects of opioids is;
1. Diarrhea
2. Joint pain.
3. Running nose and eyes.
4. loss of appetite.
5. Sweating

Answer: Running nose and eyes

Features of delirium tremens include;
1. Sweating, fever and tachycardia.
2. Impairment of remote memory.
3. Hypersomnia.
4. Peti-male epilepsy.
5. mild effect at morning.

Answer: Sweating, fever and tachycardia

Primary delusions are:-
1. commonly seen in depression.
2. characteristic of schizophrenia.
3. shakable misbeliefs.
4. changeable by producing evidence against them.
5. secondary to hallucinations.

Answer: characteristic of schizophrenia Page 45
Positive symptome of schizophrenia include :
1. flat affect
2. lack of will
3. catatonic symptoms
4. auditory hallucination
5. persecutors defusions
6. All of the above

Answer: auditory hallucination

Mood changes include:
1. elation
2. euphoria
3. misery
4. agltation
5. stupor

Answer: euphoria
ocial piro His characterized by the followinns
1. a-Complex partial epilepsy.
2. b-Petit mal epilepsy.
3. c-Tonic epilepsy.
4. d- Grand male epilepsy.
5. e- Unclassified epilepsy.

Answer: Unclassified epilepsy Page 46
Which of the following statement is true regarding dementia;
1. Its Acquired disorder.
2. Most causes are irreversible.
3. Most common type is Alzheimer's dementia.
4. There is generalized impairment of-cognitive functions.
5. All of the above.

Answer: All of the above.

Reversible types of dementias is;
1. Prion body dmentias.
2. Picks disease.
3. Lowy body disease.
4. None of the above.
5. All of the above.

Answer: None of the above

Hallucinations are:
1. abnormal beliefs,
2. misinterpretation of stimuli.
3. false perception.
4. occur only in schizophrenia.
5. never occur in major depressive spisode,

Answer: false perception Page 47
regarding suicidal patient:
1. CSF shows serotonin metabolite
2. to be treated by novel antipsychotic
3. increase level of cortisol in the blood sample"
4. is number one emergency in psychiatric clinic
Answer: is number one emergency in psychiatric clinic
fictitious disorders are:
1. type of personality disorders
2. one presentation of PTSD
3. can mimic real medical disorder
4. respond well to TCA
5. totally unconscious process

Answer: can mimic real medical disorder

dissociative disorder has the following:
1. type of somatoform disorders
2. fugue is not included in the classification
3. has no clinical importance
4. previously known as hysteria
5. associated phenomena with psychosis

Answer: type of somatoform disorders Page 48
Daigasis and drug treatment in mental disorders is
A-spelent phenomena
b-actually started around the seventh century
C-Arab Muslims bad no kaowledge ahout the basics
D-flourished at the ead of 1980es
E-diagnosis achieved by advanced investigations
Answer: actually started around the seventh century
in phobic disorders
A-patients avoid the fearful stimalus
B-cure rate by flooding is complete
C-leads to social isolation in all types
D-responds well to olanzapine
E-classified among the somatoform disorders

Answer: patients avoid the fearful stimalus

the following definition are true except:
A-circumstantiality is repeating thoughts and statements
B-passivity phenomena is being under control
C-insight is awareness of ones reality and illuess
D-proverb test is example of abstract thinking
E-rape is sexual intercourse without consent
Answer: circumstantiality is repeating thoughts and statements Page 49
its recognized in conversional disorder:
A-one of manifestations of PTSD
B-involves multiple organs at the same time
C-primary gain is commonly present
D-secondary gain is always present
E-axing aversive stimulus is ethical

Answer: secondary gain is always present

features of somatization include
A-persistent complain about one organ or systems
B-few week's duration
C-multiple somatic complains
D-age of onset at childhood
E-dramatic response to benzodiazepines

Answer: few week's duration Page 50
generlized anxiety disorder(CAD)is;
A-life time prevalence is approximately 25%
B-pharmacological treatment is by huspirone
C-Cognitive behavioral therapy is of limited effect
D-always has similar presentation to pande attack
E-onset after 40 years of age

Answer: pharmacological treatment is by huspirone

all the followings are correct except:
A-anxiety is a normal reaction
B-anxiety is best treated by ECT
C-Anxiety can be secondary to medical disorders
D-it has physiological signs
E-Anxiolytics are effective

Answer: anxiety is best treated by ECT Page 51
Cantraindication of plain ECT
A-Recent fracture
C-history of M.J before three months
D-chronic schizophrenla
E-old age

Answer: Recent fracture

proper paychiatric interview should have the followings
A completed in half hour
B-taking history from patient and faformat only
C-empathy, non judgmental approach is necessary
D-race and religion is to be focused on
E-trainees and students in psychiatry are not allowed

Answer: empathy, non judgmental approach is necessary

in panic attack:
A-clinical features may mimle arrhythmia
B-treatment by chlorpromazine is preferable
C-aduission is necessary
D-treatment of choice is by cognitive therapy
Answer: clinical features may mimle arrhythmia Page 52
types of hallucinations are
A-formication is a type of hallucination
B-pseude hallucination is abnormal phenamena
C-third person veices is ahways path guomie of schizophrenia
D-not assoclated with organic psychosis

Answer: formication is a type of hallucination

ECT indicated in the followings
A-Agitated psychotle putient
B-suicidal thoughts and attempts
C-adjustment disorder
D-sever grief reaction
E-major depressive disorder

Answer: suicidal thoughts and attempts

Anorexia Nervosa characterized by the followings
A-mortality rate is 0.5%
B- Electrolyte disturbances is a recognized complication
C-always influenced by eultural nurms
D-can be treated by diazepam
E-needs no admission -past partum depression is:
Answer: Electrolyte disturbances is a recognized complication Page 53
the followings are true
A-derailment is a block of the train of thoughts
B-thought broadcasting is like echo of ones thought
C-atereotype movement can occur in demented people
D-Echopraxia is reposting verbal comments
E-alathesia is organic in nature

Answer: Echopraxia is reposting verbal comments

Following job loss a 23-year-old patient reports, in a dispassionate way, that
she has no sensation in her right arm. Physical examination is
unremarkable. This patient is showing evidence of :
1. somatic symptom disorder
2. Illness anxiety disorder
3. conversion disorder
4. Generalized anxiety disorder
5. body dysmorphic disorder

Answer: conversion disorder

Damage cattied by alcohol abuse is lare:
A. Anemia
B. Hemochromatosis.
C. Low birth babies.
D. Hepatic cirrhosis.
E. All the above

Answer: Hepatic cirrhosis Page 54
The borderline personality disorder is are characterized by
a-Judgmental behavior.
b-Inappropriate sexual behavior.
c-Attention seeking behavior.
d-dgoted thought.
e-Chronic feelings of emptiness

Answer: Chronic feelings of emptiness

20 years old boy with acute stimulant intoxication, which of the following
has likely the same symptoms :
1. Alcohol withdrawal
2. Panic attack
3. mania
4. shizophrenia

Answer: Alcohol withdrawal

Alcoholic on disulfaram which of the following is increased:
1. Acetaldehyde
2. acetylcholine
3. dopamine

Answer: Acetaldehyde Page 55
which of the following features least likely to be associated with Wernicke
1. ataxia
2. confusion
3. impairment of short memory
4. irreversible damage of memory
5. Ophthalmoplegia

Answer: irreversible damage of memory

ADHD most commonly associated with:
1. Psychotic disorder
2. ODD and conduct
3. .Schizophrenia
4. Bipolar.

Answer: ODD and conduct

bulimia nervousa , which one not indicated in management:
1. supervised nutrition
2. multidisciplinary approach
3. re-nutrition
4. cognitive behavioral therapy
5. ECT

Answer: ECT Page 56
in Rumination disorder
1. excessive amount of food is eaten
2. the food is typically rechewed and rejected or swallowed again
3. there is sever loss of weight
4. no malnutrition
5. there is Nausea and vomiting

Answer: the food is typically rechewed and rejected or swallowed again

bright light therapy used for
1. cyclothymia
2. -ocd
3. -dysthymia
4. -phobia
5. -sesonal affective dis

Answer: sesonal affective dis

regarding conversion dis except
1. loss or change of function
2. -presence of secondary gain
3. symptoms is conscious one

Answer: symptoms is conscious one Page 57
which of the following is not true about mania
1. elated mood
2. -flight of idea
3. increase psychomotor activity
4. social withdrawals
5. -distractilty.
Answer: social withdrawals
milder varity of depression presents for 2 years or more is called
1. cylcothemia
2. dysthemia
3. double depression
4. masked depression
5. depression with seasonal patterns.

Answer: dysthemia
stereotypes seen in:
1. Autism
2. depression
3. OCD
4. Mania

Answer: Autism Page 58
autism prevalence:
1. 1%
2. 0.1%
3. 0.5%
4. 0.2

Answer: 1%
Psychosurgery is indicated in:
1. resistant schizophrenia
2. resistant depression
3. resistant OCD
4. resistant personality disorder
5. mania

Answer: resistant OCD

Which of the following requires 2 or more settings for dx :
1. Autism
2. Conduct
3. Oppositional
5. Seasonal anxiety

Answer: ADHD Page 59
About insomnia, which one is true
1. more in male
2. more in young age
3. prescribe medication for long standing case
4. start with sleep hygiene
5. less in depression

Answer: start with sleep hygiene

According to sleep disorder it is not include
1. Nightmare
3. Restless legs syndrome
4. narcolepsy
5. Hypersomnolence Disorder

Answer: ADHD
woman see black cat in early morning that crossing form left to right street
is bad is:
1. Delusion
2. Hallucinations
3. Overvalued
4. Distortion

Answer: Overvalued Page 60
A cause of delirium tremens:
1. Alcohol
2. Opioid
3. Hashish
4. Crystal meth

Answer: Alcohol
pt present to clinic and she decided to kill herself , what you expect in this
patient :
1. gain weight
2. sad effect
3. hight activity
4. palpitation

Answer: sad effect

causes of mental illness include except:
1. genetic
2. early development
3. devil and jinn
4. drug
5. injury &disease

Answer: devil and jinn Page 61
SSRIs are not used in the treatment of:
1. mania
2. depression
3. OCD
4. bolimea nervosa

Answer: mania
A 28-year-old man presents complaining of headaches and a variety of other
aches and pains that have been present for the past 6 months. He denies that
he is sad or hopeless. After a 4-week trial of antidepressant medication, the
patient’s physical complaints have disappeared. The most appropriate
diagnosis or this patient is :
1. illness anxiety disorder
2. malingering
3. major depressive disorder
4. masked depression
5. persistent depressive disorder.

Answer: masked depression

Regarding Mood disorders:
1. It’s a transient mood change
2. Includes Major depression only.
3. Unipolar & bipolar disorders Including

Answer: Unipolar & bipolar disorders Including Page 62
Male panic attack less likely feature of a panic attack is :
1. 60 mints
2. Misinterpretation of body symptoms
3. Not associated with syncope
4. Can mimic heart condition

Answer: 60 mints
Schizophrenia, one is true:
1. it is psychotic disorder
2. includes compulsive acts for cleanliness
3. ECT is treatment of choice
4. Do not respond to drug therapy

Answer: it is psychotic disorder

ali 25 y/o male since one week he become talkative energic he alleged that he
is Imam Almahdi and brain image is negative:
1. majer depressive disorder
2. manic
3. effect of fever
4. dementia
5. alcoholic

Answer: manic Page 63
Treatment of mania:
1. haloperidol
2. Anti depression
3. Diazepam

Answer: haloperidol
duration of symptom need to dx of major depression
1. 1week
2. 2week
3. 3day
4. 1month
5. 6month

Answer: 2week
duration to diagnose menia
1. 2 years
2. 6 days
3. 2 days
4. 1-3 months

Answer: 6 days Page 64
this is key symptom in major depressive disorder
1. auditory halluc
2. decrease interest
3. insomnia
4. loss of weight
5. suicidal idea

Answer: decrease interest

The follwing are neurotic except:
1. anxiety
2. ocd
3. acute stress reaction
4. anti social personality
5. adjustment disorder

Answer: anti social personality

Treatment for OCD is:
1. Venlafaxine and CBT
2. ECT tx of choice
3. New generation SSRI

Answer: Venlafaxine and CBT Page 65
A 22-year-old woman is seen by a psychiatrist in the emergency room a#er
she is found walking in the middle of a busy street with no shoes on.
During her interview she is asked to count backwards from 100 by 7’s.
Which of the following best describes the cognitive functions being tested by
this request?
1. Orientation
2. Immediate memory
3. Fund of knowledge
4. Concentration
5. Abstract reasoning.

Answer: Concentration
An 18-year-old man is brought to the emergency room by police a#er he is
found wandering in the street, screaming loudly at passersby. In the
emergency room he is placed in an examination room, and paces the floor
and pounds his fiat against the door repeatedly. Which of the following
actions should be taken by the psychiatrist first?
1. Rule out an organic mental disorder
2. Rule out psychosis
3. Make sure the physical environment is safe for the interviewer
4. Give the patient 5 mg of haloperidol IM

Answer: Make sure the physical environment is safe for the interviewer Page 66
Asking about Birth, Early childhood, School, Job and Marriage for
1. Family history
2. Personal History.
Answer: Personal History
A 64-year-old man is admitted to the psychiatric unit a#er an unsuccessful
suicide a&empt. Following admission, he attempts to cut his wrists three
times in the next 24 hours and refuses to eat or drink anything. He is
scheduled to have electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) because he is so severely
depressed that an antidepressant is deemed too slow acting. Which of the
following side effects should the patient be informed is most common after

1. Headache
2. Palpitations
3. Interictal confusion

Answer: Headache
A 23-year-old university student is diagnosed with depression. He is started
on Fluoxetine. At his first follow-up review, his mother repo!s that he is
more elated, not sleeping well, and has been spending a lot of money, which
is unusual behavior on his part. Which of the following is INCORRECT?
1. Make an outpatient referral to a psychiatrist.
2. Screen for substance use.
3. Increase the dose of his antidepressant.

Answer: Increase the dose of his antidepressant Page 67
It is usually best to begin the psychiatric interview...
1. By assessing the patient memory.
2. By clarifying the limits of privacy

Answer: By clarifying the limits of privacy

Throughout the interview the patient suddenly laughs and then suddenly
cries for no apparent reason. How would you describe his affect?
1. Neutral
2. Sluggish
3. Dysphoric
4. Inappropriate
5. Labile

Answer: Labile
Your patient with generalized anxiety disorder notes that he often feels as if
he is disconnected from the world, as though his world were unreal or
distant. What is this feeling called?
1. Mental status change
2. Illusion
3. Retardation of thought.
4. Depersonalization
5. Derealisation.

Answer: Derealisation Page 68
Your patient suddenly stops her answer in the middle of a sentence, as if she
has forgotten what to say. Which of the following symptoms best describes
this behavior?
1. Incongruent affect.
2. Thought block.
3. Perseveration
4. Tangentiality
5. Thought withdrawal

Answer: Thought block

A 19 years old patient presented with impaired consciousness, subnormal
temperature, hypotension and pinpoint pupils. The most likely diagnosis is:
1. Alcohol overdose
2. Opioid overdose
3. Hashish overdose
4. Lorazepam overdose.

Answer: Opioid overdose

Punishment modality is used in which of the following therapies?
1. aversion therapy
2. couples therapy
3. family therapy

Answer: aversion therapy Page 69
an implosion therapy are used in the treatment of which of the following?
1. acute stress disorder
2. bipolar disorder
3. -OCD

Answer: OCD
Which of the following is not a positive symptom of schizophrenia:
1. Passivity phenomenon
2. Thought withdrawal
3. Thought insertion
4. Amotivation

Answer: Amotivation
A young lady presented with recurrent episodes of binge eating followed by
compensatory laxative use, what is the Dx?
1. Binge-eating Disorder
2. Bulimia nervosa
3. Schizophrenia
4. Anxiety disorder
5. Anorexia nervosa
Answer: Bulimia nervosa Page 70
Early in the psychiatric interview, it is important for the physician to:
1. Inform the patient of the fee
2. Obtain details of any past psychiatric illness
3. Obtain information about the patient’s mood
4. Let patients talk about what is bothering them
5. Record the family history.
5. Auditory hallucination

Answer: Let patients talk about what is bothering them

oral naltrexone is use for
1. prevention of respiratory distress
2. prevent relapse
3. treat withdrawal
4. detoxification of over dose
5. prevent phycosis.

Answer: detoxification of over dose

A hallucination that occurs upon awakening is called:
1. Gustatory
2. Hypnagogic
3. Somatic
4. visual
5. Hypnopompic

Answer: Hypnopompic Page 71
A person who laughs one minute and cries the next without any clear
stimulus is said to have:
A. A flat affect
B. Euphoria
C. blunted affect
D. A labile affect
E. Parathymia

Answer: A labile affect

A 34-year-old man recurrently perceives the smell of rotten eggs. This kind
of hallucination is most commonly seen in patients with which of the
following diagnoses?
1. Parietal tumors
2. Narcolepsy
3. Grand mal epilepsy
4. Partial complex seizures
5. Wilson disease

Answer: Partial complex seizures

Delusions of persecution is;
1. Mood changes
2. Commonly occurs in stress-related disorders
3. One of the common delusions in schizophrenia
4. Considered as bizzar type of delusion
5. Can be changed by conversation

Answer: One of the common delusions in schizophrenia Page 72
Which of the following is not a features of autism :
1. Is the commonest of autistic spectrum disorders
2. Gener ratio:M:F=4:1
3. Should be suspected in children with no babble by18 months
4. Highly comorbid with intellectual disability
5. Each patient need an individualized intervention plan.

Answer: Gener ratio:M:F=4:1

Which ONE of the following is NOT an early characteristic or association of
senile dementia:

1. Paranoid delusions
2. Demonstrable cortical atrophy
3. Loss of short term memory
4. Loss of long term memory
5. Onset after 65 years of age

Answer: Loss of long term memory

The following is not a features of hyperactive subtype of ADHD:
1. Unable to wait his turn
2. Frequent interruptions of speech
3. Unable to remain seated in the required place
4. Impulsive answers
5. Unable to keep moving.

Answer: Unable to keep moving Page 73
Puerpural psychosis is least likely characterized by:
1. Onset usually in the first 6 weeks after delivery
2. Slow onset
3. Predisposed by past history of bipolar disorder
4. 20% have a relapse in subsequent childbirths
5. Patients may have suicidal thoughts.

Answer: Onset usually in the first 6 weeks after delivery

Depression during pregnancy is least likely:
1. a severe bipolar depression
2. a minor depressive disorder
3. treated by ECT
4. treated by psychotherapy
5. treated with paroxetine.

Answer: treated with paroxetine

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder has distinctive symptoms of:
1. It’s the natural response to death of family member
2. The sever presentation of grief reaction
3. Can only be found in war circumstances
4. Stressor giving rise to this syndrome are generally outside the range of
normal experience with a temporal relationship
5. All phases of response has the same outcome.

Answer: Stressor giving rise to this syndrome are generally outside the range of
normal experience with a temporal relationship Page 74
Elecctro-Convulsive Therapy(ECT) is a treatment that;
1. Is not used any more in modern psychiatry
2. Highly indicated for catatonic schizophrenia
3. Indicated for treatment of OCD
4. Patient with hypertension &diabetes should never receive ECT
5. No need for patients or his/her relative informed consent.

Answer: Highly indicated for catatonic schizophrenia

Children with one or more of the following clinical features are promptly
referred for investigation of autistic-spectrum disorders:
1. Babbling by 12 months
2. Single word by 18 months
3. Gestures or pointing by 12 months
4. Loss of language or social skills at any age
5. Spontaneous 2-word phrase by 24 months.

Answer: Gestures or pointing by 12 months

Erotomanic delusions, this subtype of delusions applies
1. When the central theme of delusion is that another person is in love with
the individual
2. When the central theme of delusion of the individual that his or her spouse
or lover is unfaithful
3. When the hallucinations are-prominent
4. When the individual is grossly disorganized with catatonic behavior
5. When the central theme of delusion involves bodily functions or sensations.
Answer: When the central theme of delusion is that another person is in love with
the individual Page 75
A pregnant woman developed low mood , sleep disturbance, fear from labor
and easy fatigability ,The possible diagnosis is:
1. due to action of Estrogen
2. Post partum blue
3. Depression
4. Normal reaction
5. Acute stress reaction.

Answer: Normal reaction

A 20 years old male was presented with auditory hallucinations, persecutory
delusions ,and insomnia for 3 days. Blood tests showed that he is using an
addictive substance. The most likely substance to be expected is:
1. Crystal meth
2. Teriac
3. Heroin
4. Tramadol
5. Hashish.

Answer: Crystal meth

Which of the following statement on schizophrenia is False?
1. It affects 1% of the population
2. The earlier the onset the worse the prognosis
3. It usually has a gradual onset over months
4. There is up to a 25% incidence of secondary depression
5. The diagnosis of schizophrenia can only be made after the illness has been
going for 6 weeks
Answer: The diagnosis of schizophrenia can only be made after the illness has
been going for 6 weeks Page 76
1. include ilict drug only.
2. don’t have medical complication.
3. include medically prescribed potent analgesic and ilicit drugs.

Answer: include medically prescribed potent analgesic and ilicit drugs.

28 y female came to hospital and bring gift for staff and nurses, she heard
that one of the nurse got another job, she start to shout. When the doctor
came and saw her she said that she has fever more then 39cْ, what you
expect that the pt has :
1. schizotype personality
2. factitious
3. hestrionic personality.

Answer: hestrionic personality.

man presented with hallucinations, delusions and insomnia for 3 days..
blood tests reveal substance addiction which one most likely the cause:
1. crystal meth
2. opioids
3. marijuana
4. alcohol

Answer: crystal meth Page 77
Patient with nervous and gastric upset:
1. fectitious disorder
2. Tingiling in his extremities
3. Retulistic act
4. Affect laibility.

Answer: fectitious disorder

A cause of delirium tremens is the withdrawal of:
1. Alcohol
2. .Opioid
3. Hashish
4. Crystal meth.

Answer: Alcohol
women that has emotional attachment to doctor and nurse:
1. Borderline personality disorder
2. .mania
3. facticious disorder
4. somatization to get attention.

Answer: facticious disorder

Female 28 years raped 3 years ago and she had vivid memories flash back Page 78
and intense anxiety, the condition is exaggerated when a coworker raped 3
weeks ago, what is the appropriate treatment:
1. sertraline
2. buspirone
3. diazepam
4. clozapine
5. olanzapine

Answer: sertraline
This is not a harm reduction strategy in the management of substance use
1. Abstinence
2. Buprinorphine
3. Methadone
4. Safe sex
5. Syringe exchange programs

Answer: Abstinence
About OCD one of the following is wrong:
1.the most common morbid disorder is schizophrenia
2.caudate n. Doesn't functioning properly
3.abnormality in the neurotransmitter serotonin
4.compulsions are repetitive behaviors or mental acts

Answer: the most common morbid disorder is schizophrenia Page 79
Regarding personality assessment:
1. Roscharch ink test is obiective
2. tat is projective
3. roschach has 5 card
4. minnesota personality test is subjective.

Answer: tat is projective

All happen in panic attack except:
1. Sweating
2. Palpitation
3. Flat
4. Fear of dying.

Answer: Flat
In schizophrenia:
1. More common in male than female
2. Occurs in the late adulthood
3. the prevalence is 1% in the general population.

Answer: the prevalence is 1% in the general population.

.in assessment of cognitive function, it measures:
1. intellectual function
2. immediate memory
3. only -signs of hallucination
4. signs of delusion. Page 80
Answer: intellectual function
One of these is the fundamental for a symptoms of schizophrenia:
1. apraxia
2. loosening of association
3. abnormal behavior
4. thought echo

Answer: abnormal behavior

The treatment of cognitive distortion in depresses patient:
1. Interpersonal therapy
2. Cognitive behavioral therapy

Answer: Cognitive behavioral therapy

In mania there is:
1. Chest oppression
2. Decreased energy
3. Pressure of speech
4. Low self esteem
Answer: Pressure of speech
Treatment of dissociative disorder:
1. Tricyclic anti depressant
2. Psychotherapy

Answer: Psychotherapy Page 81
In the treatment of O C D :
1. The best treatment is psychotherapy +medication
2. SSRI is ineffective
3. ECT is very affective treatment.

Answer: The best treatment is psychotherapy +medication

In Major depressive disorder:
1. Not happen in a child below 10 vears old
2. Most common age group btw 25-30
3. The genetic is strong factor in the etiology.

Answer: The genetic is strong factor in the etiology

Psychiatric interview includes
1. History taking and mental state examination
2. Neurological examination is not required
3. Physical examination is not required
4. Get the investigation before history
5. Applying personality tests.

Answer: History taking and mental state examination Page 82
Perceptual disorder is
1. Commonly is a sign of medical disorder
2. Commonly is a sign of brain trauma
3. Can occurs in psychiatric and physical disorder
4. Auditory types are sign of brain tumors
5. The most common type in schizophrenia is the visual type

Answer: Can occurs in psychiatric and physical disorder

sleep disorder not include:
1. narcolepsy
2. nightmares
4. restless leg syndrome

Answer: ADHD
Regarding mood assessment:
1. Part of personal hx
2. Observed by look and gesture
3. Essential part of mental state examination
4. Stable along illness
5. Only done for depressed pt.

Answer: Essential part of mental state examination Page 83
Delusions of persecution means;
1. Commonly occurs in stress-related disorders
2. Mood changes
3. Considered as bizarre type of delusion
4. One of the common delusion in schizophrenia
5. Can be changed by conversation

Answer: One of the common delusion in schizophrenia

the cognitive asseseement include:
1. neurological examination.
2. MRI.
3. attention and concentration.

Answer: attention and concentration

Regarding hx of psychiatry
1. Start from ancient period of time
2. Arab muslims have no contribution
3. Most of scientific knowledge in the 20th century
4. Drug were used in the middle age 1500-1700
5. Not related to medicine

Answer: Most of scientific knowledge in the 20th century Page 84
About insomnia, which one is true?
1. more in male
2. more in young age
3. prescribe medication for long standing case
4. start with sleep hygiene
5. less in depression

Answer: start with sleep hygiene

the psychiatric interview should include all the following except:
1. Validation.
2. Empathy.
3. Support.
4. Reflections.
5. Giving a direct advice

Answer: Giving a direct advice

False statement is
1. Sleep is cycle
2. Nightmare occur during Rem sleep
3. Sleep terror occurr during non-Rem sleep
4. Leg restless syndrome more in female
5. Alcohol not affect sleep

Answer: Alcohol not affect sleep Page 85
‫من اآلراء الجديدة عن قسم ابقراط انه من كتب شخص آخر هو‬
‫جاليوش‬ ‫‪.1‬‬
‫ابن ابي اصببعه‬ ‫‪.2‬‬
‫امحتوب‬ ‫‪.3‬‬
‫فيثاغورس‬ ‫‪.4‬‬
‫فيلسوف صيني قديم‬ ‫‪.5‬‬
‫‪ Answer:‬فيثاغورس‬ ‫‪.6‬‬
‫االعالن الدي تبنته الجمعية الطبية العالمية حول القسم الطبي في مؤتمر‬
‫هلسنكي ‪64‬‬ ‫‪.1‬‬
‫أوسلو ‪٠٧‬‬ ‫‪.2‬‬
‫طوكيو ‪٠5‬‬ ‫‪.3‬‬
‫لشبونة ‪١1‬‬ ‫‪.4‬‬
‫جنيف ‪4١‬‬ ‫‪.5‬‬
‫‪ Answer:‬جنيف ‪4١‬‬ ‫‪.6‬‬
‫يتم تصنيف عالقة الطبيب بالمريض بعدد من النماذج ‪.‬‬
‫واحد‬ ‫‪.1‬‬
‫اثنان‬ ‫‪.2‬‬
‫ثالثة‬ ‫‪.3‬‬
‫أربعة‬ ‫‪.4‬‬
‫خمسة‬ ‫‪.5‬‬
‫‪ Answer:‬ثالثة‬ ‫‪.6‬‬

‫‪Awareness and understanding illness is:‬‬
‫‪1. insight‬‬
‫‪2. judjment.‬‬

‫‪Answer: insight‬‬

‫‪‬‬ ‫‪Page 86‬‬

Acute stress disorder include interpersonal traumatic event such as:
1. job loss.
2. bankruptcy.
3. divorce.
4. wittinessing mass shooting.

Answer: wittinessing mass shooting.

sustained and pervasive emotional status is:
1. affect.
2. Mood
3. emotion.
4. temperament.
5. thought form

Answer: Mood
One of the flowing indicated to organic brain disorder
1. Auditory hallucinations
2. Visual hallucinations
3. delusional disorder
4. Frontal lobe disorder
5. Depression.

Answer: Visual hallucinations Page 87
In facticious disorder
1. malingering
2. the patient's goal is to maintain sick role
3. the patient's goal is to avoid work or ...
4. go to doctor office rare hospitalization
5. unconscious.

Answer: the patient's goal is to maintain sick role

The statement " the world is will end " , my brain is destroied , my all organ
is destroied " indicate :
1. Delusion of withdrawl .
2. Delusion of nihilism
3. Delusion of hoplessness
4. Delusion of perception.

Answer: Delusion of nihilism

risk factors for suicid is :
1. Female
2. Married
3. Initial stage of depression recovery
4. Muslim
5. pt treated with lithium.

Answer: pt treated with lithium Page 88
A young male patient diagnosed as schizophrenic develops severe muscle
cramps with torticollis ashort timeafter drug therapy initiated with
haloperidol. The best course of action would be to:
1. discontinue haloperidol and observe the patient.
2. add clozapine to the drug regimen
3. give levodopa
4. give injectable diphenhydramine
5. switch the patient to fluphenazine

Answer: give injectable diphenhydramine

delirium is characterized by all of the following except:
1. fluctuating or decreased level of consciousness
2. movement disorder
3. hypo or hyperactivity
4. disorientation
5. visual hallucinations and delusions.

Answer: movement disorder

schizophrenia characterized by:
1. acute onset symptoms
2. blunted affect and apathy that treated with anti psychotic.
3. losening of association
4. psychosis ledd than 4 weeks
5. rapid speech
Answer: losening of association Page 89
all are positive symptoms of schizophrenia except:
1. Amotivation
2. delusional persecution.

Answer: Amotivation
Acute anxiety is :
1. Always pathological
2. normal people can get it during time of stress
3. benzodiazepines are indicated.
Answer: normal people can get it during time of stress
which drug is used to treat acute anxiety:
1. lorazepam
2. carbamazepine
3. hydroxyzine
4. Doxybin
Answer: lorazepam
One of the following about OCD is false:
1. no gender difference.
2. high comorbidity with other anxiety disorders.
3. possible reduction of anxiety and tension with the resistance of acting on
4. The treatment is a combination of psychopharmacology and CBT.
5. less than 20% permission rate without treatment.
Answer: possible reduction of anxiety and tension with the resistance of acting
on impulse. Page 90
the incidence of post partum psychosis is:
1. Less than 1
2. 5-10%
3. 10-15
4. 20-40%
5. 50%

Answer: Less than 1

percentage of postpartum psychosis:
1. Less than 5%
2. 5-10%
3. 10-15%
4. 40%
5. 50%

Answer: Less than 5%

what is a 1st rank sneiderian symptom:
1. running commentary
2. ambivalence
3. apathy
4. depersonalization.

Answer: running commentary Page 91
The most common post partum psychiatric disorder is :
1. post partum blues
2. post partum depression
3. post partum anxiety
4. substance abuse.

Answer: post partum blues

Dyssomnia does not include:
1. Narcolepsy
2. Sleep apnea
3. Primary insomnia
4. Night terror disorder
5. Primary hypersomnia.

Answer: Night terror disorder

Bi-polar disorder is characterized by;
1. Recurrent episodes of mania and depression
2. Multiple sexual relationships is enough for diagnosis
3. The treatment of choice is anxiolytics
4. Insight is intact
5. Acute manic state can not be differentiated from Chronic Schizophrenia.

Answer: Recurrent episodes of mania and depression Page 92
Which of the following presentations is characteristic of borderline
personality disorder.
1. A pattern of acute discomfort in close relationships, cognitive or perceptual
distortion distortions, and eccentricities of behavior.
2. A pattern of instability in interpersonal relationships, self-image and
affects, and marked impulsivity.
3. A pattern of grandiosity ,need for admiration ,lack of empathy.
4. A pattern of submissive and clinging behavior related to excessive need to
be taken care of.
5. A pattern of excessive emotionality and attention seeking.

Answer: A pattern of instability in interpersonal relationships, self-image and

affects, and marked impulsivity
Sleep disorders is the diagnosed by which of the following:
1. sleep disturbance due to high consumption of coffee
2. parasomnia
3. hypnogogic hallucination
4. 2 days of disturb sleep
5. hypnopompic hallucinations.

Answer: parasomnia Page 93
The suicide completers have low level of which of the following
1. Adrenaline
2. Dopamine
3. Glutamate
4. Acetyl choline
5. Serotonin.

Answer: Serotonin
Management of insomnia requires:
1. Recognition of the underlying cause
2. Sleep education
3. Application of sleep hygiene
4. Hydroxyzine is a first line treatment
5. Ues of Benzodiazepines are second line treatment.
Answer: Application of sleep hygiene
Postnatal depression is most likely if there is:
1. No past history of psychopathology
2. psychological stability during pregnancy
3. Good marital relationship
4. obstetric complication
5. Good social support.
Answer: obstetric complication Page 94
Not a feature of Atomoxetine medication is :
1. Indicated for ADHD with tics
2. Act through dopamine reuptake inhibition
3. Act through norepinephrine reuptake inhibition
4. Single morning dose
5. Does not require monitoring height and weight of the patient.

Answer: Act through dopamine reuptake inhibition

The most common drugs are used in deliberate self –harm are:
1. non-opiate analgesics
2. antihypertensive medication
3. stimulants
4. herbs
5. psychotropic medication.

Answer: non-opiate analgesics

In brief psychotic episode.
1. Pure mood symptoms should be present for two months.
2. Schizoaffective disorder is another name.
3. Can be treated by cognitive behavioral therapy.
4. Delusions, hallucinations and disorganized behaviour are main features.
5. Duration should be less than two months.

Answer: Delusions, hallucinations and disorganized behaviour are main features. Page 95
Management of autism may not requires:
1. Alternative communication programmes
2. Visual strategies
3. Individualised intervention plan
4. Pharmacological treatment of irritability
5. Relaxation programmes.

Answer: Relaxation programmes.

Obsessive Compulsive Disorders is characterized by:
1. Obsessional thoughts of mild degree only
2. Obsessional thoughts about health
3. Causing mild distress
4. Obsessive thoughts and images combined by compulsive behavior
5. Recurrent checking behavior only

Answer: Obsessive thoughts and images combined by compulsive behavior


In the assessment of sleep disturbances screening questions must not

routinely cover:
1. Treatment history
2. The night time
3. Cause and course of the problem
4. The daytime
5. The sleep hygiene

Answer: The daytime Page 96
A middle age woman develops palpitation ,breathlessness ,and restlessness
as soon as she steps out of the house, that made her house-bound ,possible
diagnosis is:
1. Panic disorder only
2. social phobia
3. Agoraphobia
4. Generalized Anxiety disorder
5. Depression.

Answer: Agoraphobia
Generlized anxiety disorder can be best treated by;
1. Benzodiazepine derivatives (oral tablet) for six months
2. Tramadol(opiate contained drug)
3. Psychoanalysis
4. Cognitive behavioral therapy with group psychotherapy
5. Combination of Cognitive Behavioral therapy and anxiolytic medication.

Answer: Combination of Cognitive Behavioral therapy and anxiolytic

The following is caused by anorexia nervosa:
1. Seizures
2. Renal stone
3. Ventricular arrhythmia and inverted Q wave
4. Hyperthermia
5. Hyponatremia and Hypokalemia.

Answer: Hyponatremia and Hypokalemia Page 97
Erectile dysfunction implies:
1. Activation of granulate Cyclase enzyme
2. Release of nitric oxide in the corpus cavernosum
3. Activation of parasympathetic NS
4. Increased level of cyclic guanosine mono phosphate
5. Activation of phosphodiesterase enzyme

Answer: Activation of phosphodiesterase enzyme

Which of the following presentations is characteristic of schizotypal
personality disorder?
1. A pattern of social inhibition ,feelings of inadequacy and hypersensitivity
to criticism.
2. A pattern of grandiosity ,need for admiration ,lack of empathy.
3. A pattern of acute discomfort in close relationships, cognitive or perceptual
distortion distortions, and odd behavior.
4. A pattern of submissive and clinging behavior related to excessive need to
be taken care of.
5. A pattern of instability in interpersonal relationships, self-image and
affects, and marked impulsivity.

Answer: A pattern of social inhibition ,feelings of inadequacy and

hypersensitivity to criticism Page 98
Which of the following is one of general criteria for a personality disorder in
1. The pattern leads to occasional mild stress
2. An enduring pattern of inner experience and behavior that deviates
markedly from cultural expectations.
3. The pattern is fluctuating and of short duration.
4. The pattern onset can be traced to specific traumatic event in the individual
recent history .
5. The pattern is flexible and confined to a single personal or social situation.

Answer: An enduring pattern of inner experience and behavior that deviates

markedly from cultural expectations.
Poor prognostic predictor in autism:
1. Performance IQ>60
2. Verbal IQ>60
3. Speech by 5 years
4. Social adjustment
5. Dependence living.

Answer: Dependence living

What are indications for hospitalization in patients with suicidal attempt?
1. Good social support
2. Employed
3. Lack of social support
4. lack of mental illness
5. Tarasoff ruling.
Answer: Lack of social support Page 99
The chronic syndrome of schizophrenia are characterized by:
A. Delusions and hallucinations
B. Lack of drive and under activity
C. Thought insertion and broad casting
D. Formal thought disorders
E. Symptoms lasting more than six months.

Answer: Lack of drive and under activity

Occurs at least 7-10 days following child birth characterized by detachment
from the baby and ideas of harming him/her, loss of appetite &sleep
disturbance, and period of mental confusion, the diagnosis is;
1. mixed anxiety &depression
2. Major depressive disorder
3. Acute psychosis
4. Post partum blue
5. Post partum psychosis.

Answer: Post partum psychosis.

Not a feature of narcolepsy:
1. Equal gender prevalence
2. Cataplexy
3. Excessive sleepiness
4. Sleep paralysis
5. Long REM sleep latency.

Answer: Long REM sleep latency

Regarding schizo-affective disorder:
1. Duration of illness should be less than six months
2. Academic and occupational performance severely disturbed
3. It’s also called schizophreniform disorders
4. Prevalence rate approximately 3% among general populations
5. There must be a schizophrenic symptoms lasting for at least one month.

Answer: Academic and occupational performance severely disturbed

The following is not a features of inattentive subtype of ADHD(Attention-
deficit hyper activity) :
1. Forgetfulness
2. Easy distractibility
3. Day dreaming
4. Ease of organizing tasks
5. Frequent loss of important objects.

Answer: Ease of organizing tasks

Up to one-third of those who complete suicide have had
1. Anorexia nervosa
2. Prior suicidal attempt
3. Substance use disorder
4. Panic attack
5. Generalized anxiety disorder

Answer: Prior suicidal attempt

Interviwing technique has the following criteria:
1. Biological tests is highly needed during the interview
2. Empathy, validation, and facilitation
3. Can be done in presence of other patients
4. Interviewing psychiatric patient does not include his elative
5. It is necessary to do the routine investigations before the interview

Answer: Empathy, validation, and facilitation

Which of the following conditions associated with high risk of alzheimer's
1. Down syndrome
2. syndrome X
3. klinefelter syndrome
4. schizophrenia

Answer: Down syndrome

which of the following cause pulmonary hypertension in pregnancy
2. -valproic acid
3. -lithium
4. -clozapine
5. -lamotrigine

Answer: valproic acid

One of the following is NOT related to Cluster B Personality:
1. borderline
2. narcissistic
3. histrionic
4. avoidant
5. antisocial

Answer: avoidant
Which of the following is not recommended in interview of patient:
1. Validation
2. Empathy
3. Support
4. Reflections
5. Giving a direct advice

Answer: Giving a direct advice

Examination of cognition including the following except:
1. attention
2. memory
3. thought
4. orientation

Answer: thought

One of the following is NOT considered as a paraphilic disease:
1. exhibitionism
2. fetishism
3. homosexuality
4. transvestism
5. bestiality

Answer: homosexuality
A psychiatric pt taking medication develops tremor thyroid enlargement
and leukocytes the drug he is taking is more likely to be :
1. Clomipramine
2. Halperidol
3. impramine
4. Lithum
5. Sertraline

Answer: Lithum
If one patient is taking amitriptyline and another patient is taking
chlorpromazine, they are both likely to experience:
1. Increased gastrointestinal motility
2. Gynecomastia
3. Postural hypotension
4. Excessive salivation

5. Extrapyramidal dysfunction.

Answer: Postural hypotension

A 35 years old male with history of alcohol presented to the hospital for
abstinence. Which one of the following drugs isn’t used in alcohol
1. Acamprosate
2. Clonidine
3. Disulfiram
4. Naltrexone
5. Topiramate

Answer: Clonidine
Visual hallucinations are less likely to occur in:
1. Alcohol withdrawal delirium
2. Central anti-cholinergic delirium
3. Lewy body dementia
4. Parkinson’s disease
5. Schizophrenia.

Answer: Schizophrenia
Thought disorders can be assed by :
1. clinical setting with appropriate mental state exam
2. EEG
3. MRI

4. Neurolgical exam
5. history from relative

Answer: clinical setting with appropriate mental state exam

concerning generlized anxiety disorder

1. female to male ration 8:1
2. occur frequently in normal individuals
3. usually of late onset
4. combination of severe, persistent physiological and psychological
5. best tx with benzodiazepines for 2 yrs

Answer: combination of severe, persistent physiological and psychological

1. constellations of symptoms that follow trauma that out of normal
2. cannot occur at natural disease
3. Cannot occure at man_made disease

Answer: constellations of symptoms that follow trauma that out of normal

1. Always associated with panic attack
2. can affect on normal life
3. morbid fear of non simple things

Answer: can affect on normal life

acute stress disorder can be caused by all the following except :

A. loss of family member or relative by normal death
B. being told to have fatal medical illness
C. immigration to other contry
D. marriage
E. can accompany major depressive disorder

Answer: E )‫(حل دكتورة مروة‬

A young male patient diagnosed as schizophrenic develops signs of
Parkinsonism a short time after drug therapy is initiated with haloperidol.
The best course of action would be to:
A. Add clozapine to the drug regimen
B. Discontinue haloperidol and observe the patient
C. Give oral diphenydramine
D. Switch the patient to fluphenazine
E. Inject benztropine

Answer: E )‫(حل دكتورة مروة‬

All are true about moris jealousy except:
1. misidentification
2. associated with erectile dysfunction
3. encapsulated

4. more in men
5. associated with violence
Answer: A) ‫(حل دكتورة مروة‬

which of the following social factors most likely to be associated with relapse
of schizophrenia after hospitalization:
1. discrimination
2. Financial problem
3. Homelessness
4. increase emotional expression
5. isolation and absent family member
Answer: D) ‫(حل دكتورة مروة‬


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