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BLAST: Banned!

1. When, if ever, should a book be banned from libraries and schools? Is there ever a time
where people should or should not use a book that is controversial? Explain your
reasoning. (4-5 sentences)
When a book should be banned from libraries and schools is when something is too
inappropriate for school. When you are at school as a whole reading that book should be not
used since its controversial.

2. What are some reasons people would not want to enjoy a movie? Would it be the bad
language? Extreme violence? Racist characters? Explain how the text supports the idea
that people have a hard time with banned media. (4-5 sentences, 1 quote)

I think its sometimes the message behind the movie. I dont think bad language or extreme
violence and even racist characters because sometimes thats how the movie is filmed thats the
plot line.

3. RESEARCH: Look up different books that have been banned over the years in school.
Choose one book that you believe should not have been banned. Using reason, explain
how you would try to convince a school to bring the book back into their reading list.
(5-6 sentences, 1 quote)

I believe that lawn boy by jonathan evison shouldve not been banned. I believe that because it
was about a coming of age story and the lead finding self discovery as a gay man. How i would
try to convince a school to bring back the book into a reading list is by convincing them that a
lgbtq story and coming of age is not entirely bad its more real then other book. It connect more
with the teens.

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