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1 White Platform: To deal damage, target must stay on your same square.

Grab Cost: Ignore the first Reload Cost: Pay the Deal damage to every After dealt damage, you After dealt damage, you may move target up Attract VT/HT on your square
cube and pay the rest entire ammo cost other player on your may move target 1 square. to 2 squares on the same direction. before deal damage. Distance can
square. be 2,1,0.
1 Platform with a big red X on it: To deal damage, target must stay on a square different than yours. Range > 0.
Firing Basic
The weapon
can do this
spending more
ammo. Range equal or greater than 2. Deal damage up to 2 squares on You can move a VT/HT from Deal damage to every player
Can use on a VT on a diagonal the same direction one space on a Visible Square, in the same Adjacent Room
Optional / In addition to basic (black line) square *2nd square can be Invisible then deal damage
Alternate effect, in any order. Instead of basic
effect(s) May cost extra mode. May cost
ammo. extra ammo.

A Visible Target VT is a figure A Hidden Target HT is After dealt damage you may Deal damage Up to 3 VTs on Move Up to 2 squares in one Deal damage to every player
on the board: a figure on the board: move target 1 square orthogonal squares direction and deal damage on on the same Adjacent Square
• Placed in the same room as • Behind a wall each passing square
you. • In another room, if you
Without platform under the feet: Range equal or greater than 0.
• Placed in an adjacent room are not on a square that
and you are on a square with a shares a door with that For Chain Reaction is important that your
door on the other room room first VT must see second target, second
• Other figures on the board are target must see the third one
not an obstacle, your weapon
hits always who you want. After dealt damage, you may move
target 1 squares
Weapons always need a Visible Square, except for the
special ones, regardless of the type of Target (VT or HT)
Specials Move up to 2
Deal damage to a VT/HT on squares, before
Weapons may show arrows in the iconography before or
a straight cardinal line: or after weapon
after the target: target can be move to/push from a
ignore walls. Range => 0 shoots
Visible Square before/after deal/dealt damage Deal damage only to a HT

Some weapons can target multiple opponents and deal same or Primary Secondary Tertiary All targets in
different damage. Different Targets, Damage, and Marks are target target target space/room
designated by color.

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