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Q1: First Teapot Dome, & now Daugherty, his A.G.

, was on trial for shady dealings; he kept

feeling that the end was near?

The crrect Answer is: Warren Harding

Q2: While we have stars & stripes on ours, Lesotho has a straw hat?

The crrect Answer is: its flag

Q3: To bump up against something repeatedly & a place to grab all the food you can eat?

The crrect Answer is: buffet [BUF-fit] & buffet [buf-FAY]

Q4: Arvo means afternoon & servo is this place, as in "better stop here, it's 600 kilometers
til the next servo"?

The crrect Answer is: a gas station

Q5: It can precede tip, nut or ding?

The crrect Answer is: wing

Q6: (Dr. Oz delivers the clue.) Dust can trigger an immune response in the lungs, leading to
an attack of this breathing disorder from which 9.6% of American children now suffer?

The crrect Answer is: asthma

Q7: After being fitted out at Palos, Spain, these 3 ships left for the New World on August 3,

The crrect Answer is: the <i>Nina</i>, the <i>Pinta</i> & the <i>Santa Maria</i>

Q8: The American Tolkien society honors these fictional creatures with their own day on
September 22?
The crrect Answer is: hobbits

Q9: A group of 3rd graders got a bill passed to make the Pacific chorus type of this
Washington's state amphibian?

The crrect Answer is: frog

Q10: Before the invention of plastic this racket game used a cork stuck with feathers?

The crrect Answer is: badminton

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