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Presentation by

Emmanuel Karaba

SCHEME OF WORK Define a scheme of work.

“The day you’re willing to veer off the lesson plan, follow a kid’s lead, and learn with your pupils is the day
you truly become a TEACHER.”
Refers to a kind of plan that outlines all the Essential elements of a scheme of
learning to be covered over a given period work
(usually a term or the whole academic year) 1. Administrative details: include the
name of the school, subject, class,
Or term and year, name of the instructor,
and date of preparation.
It refers to a plan outlining how a program of 2. Week: measurement of time.
study (pos), syllabus, or curriculum will be 3. Topic: main area to be taught.
translated into teaching or learning activities, 4. Sub-topic: specific part to be taught.
including sequencing of content, amount of 5. Content: subject matter to be
time spent on each topic, and how specified covered.
learning objectives will be assessed. 6. Objectives: what do you want the
pupils to learn from the content?
The main function of a scheme of work Objectives must be SMART that’s;

Help teachers plan and sequence their lessons S- Specific

in advance. This ensures that the course
content is taught before the end of the M- Measurable
academic year.
A- Approachable
Why do we need a scheme of work?
R- Realistic
 It is important because of the
following reasons: - T- Time bond
 It defines approaches, methods, and
skills that are suitable for the content 7. Teaching methods: principles and
and the objectives. strategies used by a teacher to enable
 Help in the selection of suitable a pupil to learn.
resources that best achieve the goal. 8. Learners’ activities: what the learner
 Familiarize (internalize) content, does.
hence assist teaching to be effective. 9. Teacher’s activities: what the teacher
 Effectively and efficiently use the does.
available resources, such as time and 10. Reference: source of information.
others, by prioritizing them. 11. Remark: the result of the


Name of school: ________________________ Term/Year: _____________________________

“The day you’re willing to veer off the lesson plan, follow a kid’s lead, and learn with your pupils is the day
you truly become a TEACHER.”
Subject: _______________________________ Class: __________________________________

Name of Instructor: ____________________________________ Date of preparation: ________

Week Period Topic Sub- Content Objectives Teaching Learners’/ Teaching Reference Remark
topic Learning
Method Teacher’s Aids
activities Resources)


In a group, draft a scheme of work that contains two periods/lessons.

Lesson Planning

What is a lesson plan?

“The day you’re willing to veer off the lesson plan, follow a kid’s lead, and learn with your pupils is the day
you truly become a TEACHER.”
Refers to a road map of what pupils need to learn and how it will be done effectively during class

Why do teachers plan their lessons?

It allows teachers to provide learners with the required structure and direction to receive knowledge
skills through engaging methods of instruction.


Subject: __________________________________ Class: __________________________

Date: ____________________________________ Time: __________________________

Name of Instructor: ________________________________________________________

Duration Average age Number of girls Number of boys





Teaching methods:

Teaching/Learning activities:

Teaching Learning Aids (Teaching Resources):


Remarks: Strengths -

“The day you’re willing to veer off the lesson plan, follow a kid’s lead, and learn with your pupils is the day
you truly become a TEACHER.”
Weaknesses -

Recommendations -

Phases of your lesson

Lesson Phase Teacher’s action Pupil’s action Time

Introduction Phase:

 Elaborate on the
previous lesson.
 Engage pupils and
connect to the prior

Experiencing (Body) Phase:

 Includes the main

learning points of the

Conclusion Phase:

 Assesses pupils'
learning and tie the
lesson together



“The day you’re willing to veer off the lesson plan, follow a kid’s lead, and learn with your pupils is the day
you truly become a TEACHER.”

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