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Tiny Changes, Remarkable Results Atomic Habits An Easy and Proven Way to Build Good Habits and Break Bad Ones James Clear Welcome to the..... with Dr, Kristin Palmer HOUSEKEEPING Fs 8 This is a safe place Please mute On or off You'll get the Please pravide when not camera is, slides via email feedback in the speaking a-ok survey Format for today’s workshop @ Introductions e Coaching vs. Therapy @ High-level takeaways on the book ® Active discussion and engagement e Follow up email with slides, tools/templates, and survey Dr. Kristin Palmer CEO, Life Coach, Builder, Woman who gets stuff done, Crusader for Improving the Warld through Education. + Looks to the future « Focuses externally on how to achieve goals + Explores courses of action + Asks “How can I...?” Therapy +Looks at the past «Focuses interally on how to process past experiences » Explores emotions + Asks, “Why did |I/we/they ...?” The Power of Tiny Gains 1% better every day 10)" 3% worse every day 094°" “Habits are the compound interest of self-improvement.” COMPOUND INTEREST: WHO WILL EARN MORE? hae Nereis visa ae Sisk Teneo wenriveretieees., sni7 bo nivesror a: |] wveston 2 stare 28 || suns a5 Sets ste Ss000 yeu 3 3 3 4 8 So Ss wm 8S NOTES Assumes a percent terest compounded aay Balance shaw ae aprot ene SOURCE Aaah clon FEDERAL RESERVE SANK 0 STLOUIS Environment Put the router on a timer. Identity 1. Decide the type of person you want to be. 2. Prove it to yourself with small wins. OUTCOME -BASED HABITS: : Three Levels of Change: 1) Identity Change 2) Process Change 3) Outcome Change soenminvanseo tens What this might look like: 1) | am an athlete 2) | work out 5 times a week 3) | lost 10 Ibs this year Your identity emerges out of your habits. Every action you take is a vote for the type of person you wish to become. | am not a morning person. I’m always late. I’m not good with names. but on who you wish to become. : is to focus not on what you want to genie THE HABIT LOOP STAGES OF HABITS cue craving. RESPONSE REWARD, CTT Tl > . t . | & Ww = ‘Yourwant talearn the see ent Ceaser oe pie. Yourptonstures “mentee menage bcomattanciied ath atest menage ou grabsour pine tn wargame soiled the text = Prablem Phase cue Your phone buzzes You are answering emails You wake up You smelt a donut shop going to work You are stuck at work You walk into a dark craving, You want to see what itis You begin to feel stressed, yyou want to feelin contro! You want to feel alert You crave a donut ‘You feel stuck and want to relieve your frustration You want to be able ta see Response You grab your phone and look You bite your nails ‘You drink catfee You buy and eat a donut You pull out your phone and ‘g0 on social media ‘You turn on the lights Solution Phase Reward ‘You satisfy your craving to look and grabbing your phone becomes associated with phone buzzing, ‘You satisfy your craving to reduce stress and biting, nails becomes associated with answering emit ‘You satisfy your craving to fee! alert and drinking, coffee is associated with waking up You satisfy your craving for a donut and buying a donut becomes associated with walking to wark ‘You satisfy your craving to feel relieved and you ‘associate checking social media for when you are feeling stuck on a problem at work ‘You saisfy your craving to see and turning on the light ‘switch becomes associated with being in.a dark room Whenever you want to change behavior, ask yourself: 1) How can | make it obvious? 2) How can I make it attractive? 3) How can | make it easy? 4) How can! make it satisfying? Cue Craving Response Reward Cue Craving Response Reward How to Create a Good Habit Make it obvious Make it attractive Make it easy Make it satisfying How to Break a Bad Habit Make it invisible Make it unattractive Make it difficult Make it unsatisfying aa pe a am ve 4 2 ex —- £ OK & a para ev Law #1: Make it obvious Redesign your environment to make it obvious. Implementation Intentions Make a specific plan vs. waiting for inspiration. | will do (Activity) on (Day) at (Time) in (Place). The Habits Scorecard Wake up Check phone Snuggle + Unload dishwasher + Tell Scott | love him * Make oatmealjcoffee * Go tothe bathraom = Set the table = ‘Wash hands = Pester Theatohurryup —- Brush hair = Wake Fox : Floss/Brush teeth + Pester Theo to eat, vitamin - Make bed + Send boys offtaschool == Get dressed = Check email = Open blinds Put in load of laundry + Habit Stacking Piggyback on something you already do. Dee detaily on Hotz Bale! yrs 1 — After | (current habit), —_— | will (new habit). Stack onto habits or events. Snuggle Tell Scott | love him Goto the bathroom = *% Wash hands Or make it invisible! versus eli o stop a bad Maal em lahUieelaenteiale If you can’t get your work done, leave your phone in another room. If you are wasting too much time watching TV, move the TV to another room. If you buy junk food at the grocery store, change the store you shop at. if you are playing too many video games, unplug the console and store in a closet. Law #2: Make it attractive We want/anticipate rewards more than we like rewards. We want to “fit in” and we imitate the close, the many, and the powerful. Join a community where your desired behavior is the norm. Temptation Bundling what you want to do + what you need to do After | (current habit), | will (habit | need). After (habit | need), | will (habit | want). After | pull out my phone, | will do 10 push-ups (need), then | will check Facebook (want). After | get back from lunch, | will call three clients (need), then | can check ESPN (want). Law #3: Make it easy iT Habits form based on frequency not time. AvTOMATICITY REPETITIONS Two-Minute Rule: When you start a new habit, it should take less than two minutes to do. The truth is our real oe do what is convenient. Make the habits you want easy. Two minute rule. Healthy treats ready. Gym bag packed. Make the habits you don’t want alae Unplug the TV. Uninstall the app. Change the password. Commitment Device: Achoice in the present that controls your actions in the future. neers sane a meeR ea) | Buy the snack size. Law #4: Make it satisfying What is rewarded is repeated. What is punished is avoided. Immediate rewards, not delayed rewards. ous lather = clean hands. Track Your Habits to Keep Them on Track 1) Obvious 2) Attractive XK XX x XK XX XX KX Ke XXX 3) Satisfying GXXXxX SOOM MAn ccm Me re) VA Start again the next day. Never miss twice. ou are less likely to repeat a bad at Las o TU Rol mela Lei Ae): The greatest threat to success is boredom. Keep doing the reps. Cutting up the healthy snacks. Down dog after down dog. Thank you! Dr. Kristin Palmer HOW TO CREATE A GOOD HABIT ‘Autemate your habits inveat in wehnology and onetime purchases thal lock in future behavior 2m _| Snteespeiomeina ie ome de Use reinforcement Give yoursef an immediate rowers when you complete your habit Ga | Genta motasion raat Boman oUF oz _| teem ewe ops mara Makes Attract 35 The it re Ee Flt the hats Sorecar Wt down your cuent 1 | Rec cen Oecrme the mere of pa between 11 | Raotaeo became swareortnem | Sea ey eae <2 | Ysetmelernttioninenons "wi (BENAVIOR) a 32 | Primeanw eneranmart. rere yur enemas to thoieyatocanon Bap eevee ce L Use nabie stacking: “After [CURRENT HABIT]. | wit Maiter the decitive moment. Optimize the armall choices 3 | Rawkus“ i = [perm emersees | benign you envionment Mae te cs of ood ba Use the Two-Minute Rd once ow Fa | eres ee ED Pee ie | Immesistaty before aestcut hat habit. design a way ta see the benefits =” Usa a hott tracker, Keop track of your habit streak ard ua Taerer miss twice. When you forget to do a habit, make sure you get back on tek immediatly, HOW TO BREAK A BAD HABIT ory conyers eae) Reduce exposure. Remove the cues of your bad habits from your environment. oe the 2nd Law Make It Unattractive Reframe your mindset. Highlight the benefits of a4 avoiding your bad habits. Tod Sete foe Incraase friction. increase the number af steps as between you and your bad habits. Use a commitment device. Restrict your future = choices to the ones that benefit you. Inversion af cies pO) Get an accountability partner. Ask someone to watch your behavior Create a habit contract. Make the costs of your bad habits public and painful | will do (Activity) on (Day) at (Time) in (Place). After | (current habit), | will (new habit). After | (current habit), | will (habit | need). After (habit | need), | will (habit | want). After | (current habit), | will (track my habit). HABIT TRACKER TEMPLATE

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