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React interview questions

1. What is React? React is a front-end and open-source JavaScript library used for
developing user interfaces (UI) in single-page applications. Key features of React
○ Server-side rendering support.
○ Use of virtual DOM for efficient rendering.
○ Unidirectional data flow.
○ Reusable and composable UI components.
2. Advantages of Using React:
○ Efficiency: React uses virtual DOM, which improves rendering efficiency.
○ Component-Based Approach: Allows building complex and reusable UI
○ Quick Learning Curve: Ideal for front-end developers.
○ Clean Abstraction: Provides a clear separation of concerns.
○ Reusable Components: Encourages component reusability.
3. Scope of React: React continues to evolve and is considered the fastest-growing
JavaScript framework. Its demand in the marketplace is increasing, making it a win for
front-end developers.

Remember, these are just a few questions. Depending on the interview, you might encounter
more specific questions related to React components, state management, hooks, and other
advanced concepts. Good luck with your interview preparation!

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