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First station

Jesus is condemned to death

(pilate comes out of his court to meet the chief priests, scribes and the jews, and jesus accompanied by

Pilate: what accusation do you have against this man?

Chief priest1: if he was not a criminal, we would not have delivered him up to you.

Pilate: take him and judge him according to your law, or don’t you have laws anymore?

Chief priest2: this man is a criminal and a plotter against the seat of Rome.

Chief priest3: he calls himself king, even king of the Jews.

Chief priest1: he says he is God, messiah, prophet, infact the bread of life, that we must eat his flesh to
live, is that not blasphemy?

Chief priest2: yes! This is a serious case of blasphemy and which penalty is death, death on the cross.

Chief priest1: and as you know , it is unlawful for us to put a man to death (turning to other chief priests)
is that not what our law says?

Chief priest2&3: Yes Yes you are right.

(pilate enters the judgement hall and signals jesus to come in, the soldier directed him in) : are you the
king of the jews?

Jesus: this you say of your own accord, or did others tell you of me?

Pilate: am I a Jew? Your own nation and chief priest have delivered you to me, what have you done?

Jesus: my kingdom is not of this world. If my kingdom were of this world, then would my servants fight
that I may not be delivered to the jews, but my kingdom is not here.

Pilate: are you a king then?

Jesus: it is you who said it, to this earth was I born, and for this cause I came to this world, that I should
bear witness unto the truth, everyone that is of the truth hears my voice.

Pilate: what is the truth? (he goes to the crowd and says) I found in him no fault at all, (the crowd
murmurs) but you have a custom that I should release to you a prisoner at Passover, will you therefore
have me release to you Jesus the king of the Jews?

Priests: not this man but Barabbas

Pilate: but Barabbas is a criminal, a thief, a rapist, and a murderer, you all know him.

(pilate sends men to bring out Barabbas, the chief priest canvas and campaign for Barabbas among the

Pilate: which of this two should I release to you, Jesus the Nazarene or Barabbas the criminal?
Crowd: Barabbas! Barabbas!

Pilate: what shall I do then with Jesus?

Crowd: crucify him! Crucify him!

Pilate: but I told you, I find no fault in him, do you want me to crucify your king?

Chief priest1: we have no king but Caesar

Chief priest2: yes, hail Caesar, Caesar is our king.

(pilate walks into his courtyard and orders his soldiers to bring jesus to him)

Pilate: where are you from?

Jesus: silent

Pilate: don’t you want to speak to me? Do you realize that I have the powers to set you free and the
powers to have you crucified?

Jesus: you have no such powers over me, unless it were given to you by my father above, that is why he
that handed me over to you has the greater guilt.

(pilate wife is seen whispering to her husband, after which pilate ordered for a bowl of water)

Pilate: you should see that I am innocent of the blood of this just man, see to it yourselves
Chief priest3: let his blood be upon us

Chief priest2: and our children children

Pilate: take him away

Jesus: the father loves me because I lay down my life in order to take it up again and no one takes it
from me, for I lay it down of my own freewill. As it is in my power to lay it down, so also it is in my power
to take it up again. And this is the command I have been given by my father.

Second station

Jesus receives the cross

The soldiers are seen dragging and flogging jesus to where the cross is placed. They hand him the cross
and they flog and make jest of him

1st soldier: get him his cross

2nd soldier: yes sir

(while trying to put the cross on jesus shoulders)

3rd soldier: wait! A king does not go without his crown, all hail king of the jews ( he puts the crown on
the head of jesus, accompanied with a slap on his cheek)

Jesus: if anyone wants to be a follower of mine, let him renounce himself and take up his cross and
follow me, for anyone who wants to save his life, will loss it, but anyone who loses his life for my sake
will find it. What then will a man gain if he gains the whole world and then ruins his life or what has a
man to offer in exchange of his life.
Third station

Jesus falls the first time

Soldiers: (as they struck him) move! Move! Move! (as jesus struggles with the weight of the cross, he
stumbles and falls)

Soldier1: sorry o, king of the jews, stand up

Soldier2: oh your highness, did you fall?

Jesus: I tell you solemnly, unless a wheat grain falls on the ground and dies, it remains only a single
grain, but if it dies, it yields a rich harvest. Anyone who loves his life loses it, anyone who hates his life in
this world, will keep it for the eternal life. Now my soul is troubled, what shall i say? Father , save me
from this hour? but it was for this reason that I have come to this hour. Father glorify your name.

Fourth station

Jesus is met by his mother

Mary is seen in the crowd filled with sorrow, accompanied by a disciple and mary of Magdalene,
struggling to have a glance at jesus. As she met jesus, she falls to the ground.

Mary: (crying) my son, oh my son! But why you my son? Oh my God, help my son

Jesus: mother! I have come so that they may have life and have it to the full, I am the good shepherd, I
know my own and my own knows me, just as the father knows me and I know the father and I lay down
my life for my sheep.

(the soldiers push mary away)

Fifth station

The cross is laid upon simon of cyrene

Jesus is seen struggling with the cross almost falling again, the soldiers discussed among themselves.

Soldier 1: (calling soldier 2) don’t you see that this man may die before reaching Golgotha?

Soldier 2: what do we do now?

Soldier 1: get someone to help him

Soldier 2: (sighting someone in the crowd) hey you! Yes you come here

Soldier 1: (to the man as he come forward) whats your name?

Simon: I am simon of cyrene , I am just a passerby, I swear I don’t know this man and I don’t know what
he did, I swear.

Soldier 2: shut up! Take that cross from him(pointing at jesus)

simon quickly takes the cross from jesus

jesus: (looks at simon) the disciple is not superior to his teacher, nor the slave to his master. It is enough
for a disciple that he should grow to be like his teacher and the slave like his master. (to the crowd) if
they called the master of the house belzebul, what will they not say of his household? Do not be afraid
of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul, fear him rather who can destroy both body and soul
in hell.

Sixth station
Veronica wipes the face of jesus

Amidst the crowd is a woman seen struggling with a handkerchief and a bowl of water to have a glance
of jesus. As jesus comes closer to her, she rushes out from the crowd to meet him.

Veronica: (wiping the face of jesus) my lord and my God

Soldier 3: who is this woman? leave here now.

Jesus: who ever sees me, sees the one who sent me, I the light have come to the world so that who ever
believes in me , need not stay in the dark anymore.

Seventh station

Jesus falls the second time

The soldiers continue to flog and scourge jesus and then he falls to the ground

Soldier 3: what is it?

Soldier 4: sir I don’t know

Soldier 2: stand up your highness , we are waiting

Jesus: be like men who are waiting for their master to return from the wedding feast, ready to open the
door as soon as he comes and knocks , happy are those servants whom the master finds awake when he
comes, you too must stand ready, because the son of man is coming at an hour you do not expect.

Eight station
Women of Jerusalem mourns for our lord

As the soldiers led jesus, a group of women and their children appear mourning and weeping for him

Jesus: ( stops and looked at the women) daughters of Jerusalem do not weep for me, weep rather for
yourselves and your children, for the days will surely come when people will say happy are those who
are barren, the wombs that have never bore, the breast that have never been suckled, then they will say
to the mountains “fall on us” to the hills “cover us” for if men use the green wood like this, what then
will happen when it is dry.

1st woman: (rushed to soldier 2, holding his leg) please let him go, (crying) please! Please! Don’t let him
die please

Soldier 2: who are these?

Soldier 3: (pushing them away) leave here all of you

Jesus: happy are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted. Happy are those who are persecuted in
the cause of righteousness, theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Happy are you when men abuse and
persecute you and speak all kinds of columny against you on my account, rejoice and be glad for great is
your reward in heaven.

Ninth station

Jesus falls the third time

Soldier 1: (pushing jesus) move! Move!

Soldier 2: don’t be a coward move (hits jesus with a stick)

Jesus falls on the ground

Soldier 1: stand up your highness

Soldier 2: king of the jews did u fall?

Jesus: come to me all you who labour and are over burden and I will give you rest, shoulder my yoke and
learn from me, for I am gentle and humble of heart and you will find rest for your soul, yes my yoke is
easy and my burden is light.

Tenth station

Jesus is stripped of his garment

Soldier 1: take the cross from him

Soldier 2: remove his clothes

Soldier 3: including the under garment?

Soldier 1: yes

Soldier 3: what shall I do with it sir?

Soldier 1: divide it into three

Soldier 4: what of me sir?

Soldier 1: ok divide it into four, let all the soldiers have one shave each, and for the under garment that
is woven in one piece, we shall cast lot to decide who is to have it
Soldier 4: I have a dice here sir

Soldier1: let everyone pick a number, and roll it

Soldier3: I win! I win!

Jesus: I have come to bring fire to the earth, and how I wish it were blazing already. There is a baptism I
must still receive and how great is my distress till it is over.

Eleventh station

Jesus is nailed on the cross

The soldiers put the cross in order and lay jesus on it, soldier 2 attempts to use a nail

Soldier 1: no! don’t use that one, it is too small, use a bigger one

Soldier 2: yes sir! (he starts nailing jesus to the cross, while the other two soldiers assist him)

Jesus: (in pains) ah! Ah! (as the nailing continues)

Soldier 1: hey, don’t you know that you are a king?

Soldier 4: Kings don't feel pain, hahahaha.

Twelve Station
Jesus dies on the Cross

Jesus: Father forgive them for they do not know what they are doing

Soldier 3: We know what we are doing, we are nailing you to the Cross (all laugh hahahahah)

Jesus: Eloi Eloi Lama sabakthani

Soldier 4: hahaha! He's calling on Elijah, let us see if Elijah will came down and save him.

Chief Priest Three: You claim to be God's son, let the God you claim come and save you.

Chief Priest One: He healed many and cast demons from them, but he cannot save himself.

Bad Thief: Aren't you the son of God? Why not save yourself and save us as well.

Good Thief: Shut up! Don't you fear God? We are being punished for our crimes, but this man is
punished for no reason. Lord! Please Remember me in your paradise.

Jesus: (turning to him and said) I tell you! Today you shall be with me in my kingdom.

Mary: (Approaching the scene was Mary the mother of Jesus, Mary Magdalene and John the beloved
crying) My son oh my son.

Jesus Saying to Mary: Mother behold thy son (turning to John he said), son behold thy mother
Jesus: Father, the hour has come, glorify your son so that your son may glorify you. I have glorified you
here on earth and finished the work which you gave me to do. Now, Father, glorify me with that same
glory I had with you before the world was

Jesus: I am thirsty

Soldier 2: you are tasty? I will give you something to drink. (Saying this, the soldiers brought a jar of
vennigal for Jesus to drink)

Jesus: (when the hour had finally come, Jesus shouted soberly) It is finished!

Thirteen Station

Jesus is brought down from the Cross

(When Jesus had died, then came Joseph of Arymatia who was Jesus' discciple from afar, with a letter
from the governor ordering the soldiers to release Jesus body to be buried). Joseph is seen approaching
the soldiers.

Soldier 5: hey! What brings you here?

Joseph of Arymatia: I have a message for your commander

Soldie 5: come with me (he tookJoseph of Arymatia to their commander, were he hand the letter)

Soldier 1: (receiving the letter, he asked) this comes directly from pilate?
Joseph: Yes! Sealed before my eyes.

Soldier 1: (after reading through the letter, summons the soldiers ) Soldiers! We have received an order
from the governor to release the body to him.

(They all assisted Joseph to bring Jesus down from the Cross).

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