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Crafting a thesis on topics related to the Holocaust is an arduous task that demands meticulous

research, sensitivity, and a deep understanding of historical events. Delving into such a profound and
tragic subject requires a level of expertise and empathy that not all individuals possess. The process
involves navigating through vast amounts of historical documentation, survivor testimonies, scholarly
analyses, and ethical considerations.

The difficulty of writing a thesis on Holocaust research paper topics cannot be overstated. It involves
grappling with the horrors of genocide, examining the complex socio-political dynamics that led to
such atrocities, and analyzing the long-lasting impacts on individuals, communities, and global
history. Moreover, researchers must confront the challenge of presenting their findings in a respectful
and insightful manner while also contributing to the broader academic discourse on the subject.

Given the demanding nature of Holocaust research, it is crucial for individuals embarking on such
projects to seek assistance from reputable sources. ⇒ ⇔ stands out as a trusted
platform where scholars can find expert guidance and support for their thesis writing endeavors.
With a team of experienced writers who specialize in Holocaust studies, ⇒ ⇔
offers invaluable assistance in formulating research questions, conducting literature reviews,
structuring arguments, and refining prose.

By entrusting their thesis projects to ⇒ ⇔, researchers can ensure that their work
is academically rigorous, ethically sound, and culturally sensitive. With personalized support and a
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Holocaust research with confidence and integrity.
Russia was not invited to join at first, but in 1934 became a member in an attempt to join forces
against Hitler. A strength in their Statement is that they were there at the time. As the reign of the
Nazi Party continued, they way of life got harder and harsher for the Jews. Communists and Jews,
and he promised jobs to the unemployed. Most them left Germany for other Europe country or were
forced to go. Within two years of coming to power Hitler found jobs for two and a half million
Germans. And was so stubborn that he wouldn’t listen to anybody else’s opinion but his own. He
believes that so little was done to help the Jews because people who knew about the holocaust, or
had the capability to work out what was happening (such as himself) refused to do so. It wasn’t that
easy to conquer territory as you think. They were not allowed to work in main government jobs like
being a doctor, judge, lawyers, bus drive, and politics all of those including police and army, these
are the well paid jobs that you can make good money out of for a good living. Germany did the best
they could to wipe all the Jews out in Europe. Those who were too ill or too weak to work were
condemned to death in the gas chambers. Nuremberg laws were passed on the 15 th of September,
1935 which stated Jewish people couldn’t be citizens, only those whom had German blood. Hire an
expert to make your papers complete on time. But instead they were showered with Hydrogen
Cyanide- this gas worked much quicker for killing people than Carbon Monoxide. Having said this,
the cartoon is not so vicious that it implies that Jews should be killed, so again it really is against the
idea that the Holocaust happened just because of Hitler’s hatred of the Jews, but for the idea that it
may have happened as a result. The Einsatzgruppen, often drawing on local support, carried out
mass-murder operations. This argument is also backed up by a German person’s account who wrote
to the British Consul in order to claim forgiveness for the average German. Sometimes they were
even too late for an effective action. It became worse when Hitler introduced the Enabling Law and
could do anything he wanted to the Jews without being stopped. This is seen as key turning point in
Nazi policy towards the Jews. Not only Vladek feels guilty for surviving, also Artie feels guilt for
several reasons. The public (who this cartoon was aimed at) were not supposed to know about the
events of the holocaust, so it is an irrelevant source when discussing why the holocaust happened.
Anyone who stepped foot outside the Ghetto was executed. Thus it is not right to see MAUS as
completely fictional books. Hitler needed to exterminate these adults and children. Ghettos were full
and the people inside were finding it easier to escape as the danger that they could also revolt swept
the country. See other similar resources ?0.00 (no rating) 0 reviews Download Save for later Not
quite what you were looking for. Source 5 shows a photograph of a street banner saying “Jews not
wanted here” this also implies that people had gone beyond the stage off keeping their anti-Semitic
views quiet and it was quite a normal thing to be so prejudiced. The Nazis called these six camps
extermination camps.
Representatives from the ministry of justice, interior ministry, foreign office and the SS met along
with Heydrich at a conference in Wansee, Berlin. As German borders expanded the Jews living in
these countries became victims of Nazi persecution. In source F, Kershaw emphasizes the constant
“passivity” towards the Jews, which contradicts the statement of Goldhagen. This decision was
rather made by editors who put the book on the bestseller list for fictional books. The obedience of
the SS was crucial for the Holocaust to have taken place. This resource hasn't been reviewed yet To
ensure quality for our reviews, only customers who have downloaded this resource can review it
Report this resource to let us know if it violates our terms and conditions. If this was taken at a Trial
then Franz Stangl may be trying to cover his back, to make him seem innocent. The Wansee
conference marked the devising of a plan that would culminate in the mass extermination of the
Jews. This was also known as the mass murder of the Jews (Genocide). The German industry grew
and grew and grew making loads of new jobs for every one. Most issues were illustrated with
grotesque caricatures of Jews. It was edited by Julius Streicher, the notorious Jew baiter from
Nuremberg. Housden argues that due to their indifferent attitudes, many Germans “conformed to the
demand” of the racial policy, and this “played small parts in making a fundamentally flowed system
function.” Thus, the occurrence of the Holocaust can be interpreted in another aspect, which supports
the existence of the ordinary Germans’ indifferent nature towards the Jews. Nowadays, in everyone’s
point of view, this was really unfair to the Jews. This is a biased account and therefore can be looked
upon as slightly invalid. These sources support the statement because they suggest that normal people
did not really hate the Jews to the extent that they wanted to cause them too much disruption,
especially death. They were given about 300 calories of food a day this was like two and a half
loaves of bread per person per month. But if there weren’t enough bullets, they will be burnt alive
using a flamethrower. This alone is seemingly harmless, and just simply a jest that would be
supported by those who had began to believe that it was the fault of the Jewish people that the
Germans had lost World War II. The author in Source I thinks that it was not only the SS that killed
Jews but the ordinary people. Their local paper, Staunton News Leader, had reported on nearby
German POW camps, and the students spoke with people who remembered seeing German officers
doing work around town. “They don’t feel like Staunton’s a hub of world affairs, so they thought it
was interesting that the government would have chosen to put those camps there,” Goss said.
Explain why the September Massacres broke out in Paris in 1792. (12 marks). This acted as a catalyst
for change in the treatment of the Jews. Adorno even demand that there shouldn’t be any books
written about Auschwitz and the other camps. Until this day it is a very precarious issue that needs
much tactfulness. The boycott was not successful because it was ignored by most Germans and it
was called off in 48 hours. It was the plan to wipe out all of these people using gas to suffocate
them. Writing case studies is often daunting for Write My Essay; Writing Book. This is a primary
source so it is reliable but we should remember that he tries to pass the blame for the executions
away from him and his men by saying “Waffen-SS were separate from the Death’s head battalions”.
Neighbours, even families, spied on each other and reported private conversations.
They were told that they were going to be bathed or showered. It shows how far Hitler corrupted the
minds of the people in Germany, but it does nothing to show that these people actively took part in
anything near as bad as the holocaust in years to come. Every Nazi was behind Hitler and his plans
to exterminate the Jews. After the Kristallnatch the number of Jews wanting to leave Germany
increased quickly. This was based on the definition of the Jews as a race. The Einsatzgruppen had a
task to murder any racial or political enemies found behind the front lines in the occupied Soviet
Union. The buildings were in bad condition, often near collapse. The SS were with Hitler throughout
the Holocaust and they helped Hitler exterminate all the Jews. It teaches us to value our freedom
and our democracy. Having said this, perhaps Hitler’s views were influenced by Martin Luther’s,
and therefore were reflected in his article. Anyone who resisted the Nazis was sent to forced labor or
murdered. Because so many people were bystanders and did not take action to stop the unfair
treatment of Jews when it first began, the discrimination against them worsened. Therefore this
source suggests that Hitler’s hatred for the Jews was not the only cause for the Holocaust. For
example, when the SS Quanza, carrying hundreds of Jewish refugees from Portugal, was denied
entry to Mexico in 1940 and docked in Norfolk for supplies, the Virginian-Pilot covered it. (The
stranded travelers were eventually issued U.S. visas after Eleanor Roosevelt intervened on their
behalf.) Advertisement Contributors say they have been struck by detailed accounts of the Nazis’
persecution and slaughter of Jews, along with a wide range of American opinions on whether to act
on it. It became worse when Hitler introduced the Enabling Law and could do anything he wanted to
the Jews without being stopped. This produced a deadly poisonous gas when it reacts with the
oxygen in the air. In this source we can see this because the woman “ dismissed all whispers as
malicious gossip ”. The Einsatzgruppen also murdered thousands of people who lived in the homes
designed specially for the mentally and physically disabled people. For those who were not selected
for work died in the Gas Chambers. Textbooks were changed and school timetables were re-
arranged to support Nazi ideas. They were on pieces of paper to remind Hitler on what he was
saying and what he was going to say. The apathetic attitude of the Germans is also presented through
a poem by Marin Niemoller in Source L, which gives the sense that many simply did not care about
what was happening to others. Thus, anti-Semitic actions were carried out legally and also widely
accepted. Most of the ideas were copied from other programmes anyway, but the mixture was
Hitler’s own. This produced a deadly poisonous gas when it reacts with the oxygen in the air. There
are some rumours that were revealed after these events, that Hitler himself was half Jewish, and
therefore he was very hypocritical. The Nazis called these six camps extermination camps. If this was
taken at a Trial then Franz Stangl may be trying to cover his back, to make him seem innocent. At
first the Einsatzgruppen shot mainly Jewish men. It began in slow stages and people gradually
became accustomed to the way Jews were treated.
The Holocaust occurred during 1933-45 and resulted in the death of millions of Jews. The German
army provided vital support to the Einsatzgruppen, including supplies, transportation and housing.
One Nazi could have read the document and think that “dealt with accordingly” could mean find
another place for the Jews to live, and another could have thought it meant kill. However, I would
say that source 3, the account by Adolf Hitler is more useful in explaining the causes of anti-
Semitism in Nazi Germany than source 2. We need to save hundreds of people that are suffering the
same fate as the Jews and gypsies did over 50 years ago. The Final Solution was the plan to
annihilate all the Jews out of Europe. They were on pieces of paper to remind Hitler on what he was
saying and what he was going to say. This sense of nationalism and racism was not uncommon
during this period; many countries had nationalist parties with similar anti-Semitic policies. They
used concentration camps, Ghettos, Death camps, Einsatzgruppen (murder squads) and the Final
Solution. There are some rumours that were revealed after these events, that Hitler himself was half
Jewish, and therefore he was very hypocritical. The Einsatzgruppen had a task to murder any racial
or political enemies found behind the front lines in the occupied Soviet Union. In Source D Heinrich
Himmler is talking in a ruthless tone towards the Jews. I think he really needed counselling at this
time of his life, which would have really helped him. Guilt is the third topic that played a big role in
Artie’s life. However there is also an account by a German Jew who claims that there was “unrest
amongst the masses” and believes that most people took part in the events. Soon, wherever the
Einsatzgruppen went, they shot all Jewish men, women and children without thought for their age or
sex. Therefore, there could be no salvation through conversion to Christianity. The strong support for
Nazi ideology was therefore evident, and many Germans willingly supported the anti-Semitic
actions. As much as any milestone in history, the Holocaust is made real and vivid by its motion
picture documentation. (Doherty, 75). Win 00 in The 2013 WOL Foundation Essay Competition.
This was because that particular party offered something to everyone, but it was also because of the
violence of his supporters. These people were in charge of keeping order during the process of
murdering the Jews, giving them most of the power to execute Hitler’s tactics. It wasn’t that easy to
conquer territory as you think. Damon’s essay wins 2012 contest by Web of Actor, Author. The Jews,
which had been captured in Poland, were heavily terrorised with public humiliation, beatings and
random killings. The Einsatzgruppen also murdered thousands of people who lived in the homes
designed specially for the mentally and physically disabled people. Furthermore, a misleading fact is
that these people were not given a choice, but truth is that many of them were. Communists and
Jews, and he promised jobs to the unemployed. This is seen as key turning point in Nazi policy
towards the Jews. This force was directed to keep order in Party meetings.
I do not believe that it is too late to say so now, as many would say, history repeats itself. They did
many things, which included hurting them, arresting them and damaging their property (homes and
shops). There is deemed to be a lack of documentary evidence which links Hitler with the Final
Solution as Hitler never wrote orders, he issued them verbally, or by simply nodding his head or
waving his hand to show his thoughts on a matter, this led to people acting upon what they thought
Hitler would approve, which to them meant that they could gain power, Hitler was seen as all
powerful. Source 9 is incredibly vague as a document containing detailed information about the
execution of the Jews would be too valuable if placed in the wrong hands. This produced a deadly
poisonous gas when it reacts with the oxygen in the air. They were not allowed to go to the same
schools, sit on the same benches, go to the beaches, travel on public transport, enter hotels,
restaurants or theatres. A new brand of anti-Semitism emerged during the second half of the
nineteenth Century, influenced by Social Darwinism and racial theories, which was more radical and
uncompromising than traditional anti-Semitism. Since the project was launched in full in February,
the museum has received 1,030 submissions from articles published in 46 states and the District.
Damon’s essay wins 2012 contest by Web of Actor, Author. The Einsatzgruppen had a task to murder
any racial or political enemies found behind the front lines in the occupied Soviet Union. Books were
written, movies were made and Art Spiegelman even wrote a comic about this difficult topic. Since
it was something so terrible, it might be difficult to imagine for people, at least to a certain extent.
These camps contained Jews, homosexuals, political opponents, gypsies, prostitutes and people with
disabilities. Religion was not allowed in the camps although they still held secret ceremonies. Before
people went to Death Camps, they had no idea where they were going. Some committed suicide by
throwing themselves against the electric wires. The laws also made it forbidden for Jews to marry or
have sexual relations with Aryans or to employ Aryan women as household help. (An Aryan being a
person with blonde hair and blue eyes of Germanic heritage.). Kershaw, claim that despite the
widespread knowledge of the mass murder of the Jews, many were rather apathetic towards the
condemnation of the Jews. They were not allowed to practice their professions, work in the media or
in the entertainment industry. The Final Solution was the plan to annihilate all the Jews out of
Europe. There are some rumours that were revealed after these events, that Hitler himself was half
Jewish, and therefore he was very hypocritical. Hitler liked this idea just as long as there were not
any Jews in Germany or any of the other places he was in charge of. During the boycott Nazi party
supporters stood outside Jewish shops threatening customers. But this is hardly the case for any
other author. (cf. Strumpel, 14). Near the end of July 1941, a troop of order police, under the
command of higher SS and police leaders recently chosen for the occupied Soviet Union, engaged in
systematic annihilation (the complete destruction) operations against larger Jewish communities. If
you were lucky enough and survived this terrible experience in the concentration camps, you were
then surprisingly moved off to the Death Camps. Carrying items of their past lives with them, they
were marched or shipped in freight cars to the ghettos. This was also known as the mass murder of
the Jews (Genocide). Lots of people caught a disease carried in bad drinking water. They were not
allowed to vote, to own property, houses or businesses.
By the summer of 1944, few ghettos remained in eastern Europe. Eberhard Jackel argues that Hitler
had made the key decisions for the Final Solution as early as 1940 but A. It began in 1933 with
Hitler ordering a one-day boycott of Jewish business’. Hitler reduced the figures by sending people
to labour corps. For example, when the SS Quanza, carrying hundreds of Jewish refugees from
Portugal, was denied entry to Mexico in 1940 and docked in Norfolk for supplies, the Virginian-Pilot
covered it. (The stranded travelers were eventually issued U.S. visas after Eleanor Roosevelt
intervened on their behalf.) Advertisement Contributors say they have been struck by detailed
accounts of the Nazis’ persecution and slaughter of Jews, along with a wide range of American
opinions on whether to act on it. Between 1939 and 1945 six million Jews were killed in parts of
Europe controlled by the Nazis. Sometimes they were even too late for an effective action. This was
also known as the mass murder of the Jews (Genocide). Write a review Update existing review
Submit review Cancel It's good to leave some feedback. Millions of Jews tried to flee to other places
in the world. It was a complex of camps, including a concentration, extermination, and forced-labor
camp. They were also driven into crowded ghettos in an area of Poland known as the general
government. Source 5 shows a photograph of a street banner saying “Jews not wanted here” this also
implies that people had gone beyond the stage off keeping their anti-Semitic views quiet and it was
quite a normal thing to be so prejudiced. The Einsatzgruppen, often drawing on local support, carried
out mass-murder operations. Soon, wherever the Einsatzgruppen went, they shot all Jewish men,
women and children without thought for their age or sex. The reason for this is that source 2, the
account by Martin Luther was written in 1543, therefore would have very little effect on the German
people’s views in the early 1900s. This sense of nationalism and racism was not uncommon during
this period; many countries had nationalist parties with similar anti-Semitic policies. Hitler introduced
new laws which prevented the Jews from having government jobs, this began to suppress the Jews
as they were no longer deemed equal in a professional respect. The German army provided vital
support to the Einsatzgruppen, including supplies, transportation and housing. They were banned
from having jobs in the German civil service or in medicine, teaching and journalism. The Jews,
which had been captured in Poland, were heavily terrorised with public humiliation, beatings and
random killings. The church could not have done much physically, but by speaking out, maybe
someone the millions of believers the Catholic church leads, could have gained the confidence to
assist those victims. In addition individual fates normally cause much more sympathy and empathy
than any other non-fictional way of representing the Holocaust. Because so many people were
bystanders and did not take action to stop the unfair treatment of Jews when it first began, the
discrimination against them worsened. In 1939 it reached the extent at which Jews were even
prohibited from purchasing cakes and chocolate. Jewish musicians were not allowed to give
concerts. During 1934 there was an increase in anti-Jewish propaganda as local councils banned
Jews from parks, swimming pools and playing fields; removing the Jewish people’s rights to enjoy
themselves in public. The ordinary Germans who willingly approved of the Holocaust played a rather
important role in the occurrence of the massacre. This assumption is because, for definite, the
wartime situation made things much more difficult. They were not allowed to practice their
professions, work in the media or in the entertainment industry.
They arrested Jews and other victims, ran the concentration camps and organized the murder squads.
Some bought Jewish families food and necessities to replace the items that had been destroyed.
Some of the main features like the use of the animal metaphor shall be examined and discussed.
Neighbours, even families, spied on each other and reported private conversations. The
Einsatzgruppen, often drawing on local support, carried out mass-murder operations. They were the
devils whom he had been given a divine mission to destroy”. All of there lead to a poor education
which meant that the Jews kids would not be intelligent when the group, another thing was that
Jewish kid were not allowed to play with non Jewish kids. They were also driven into crowded
ghettos in an area of Poland known as the general government. Some committed suicide by throwing
themselves against the electric wires. Most of the deportees were immediately murdered in large
groups by poisonous gas. Writing case studies is often daunting for Write My Essay; Writing Book.
When Germany went into the depression, Jews were the only people at the time that he could blame
so he did and made them suffer. No Hitler: No Holocaust How far is this statement by the historian
Michael. They used concentration camps, Ghettos, Death camps, Einsatzgruppen (murder squads)
and the Final Solution. He really wanted to make up his own party but really couldn’t be bothered so
he just joined them instead which obviously shows that he was lazy. This source is a secondary
source plus it is biased because the author may be a Jew. The SS succeeded in oppressing people who
objected against the regime, often making an example of them. As many as 100,000 Hitler Youth
and BdM girls attended the Nazi rally in Nuremberg in 1936 and 900 of the girls came home
pregnant. The support of the army was really needed for Hitler’s plans for war. Here is a table of
how many Jews were killed in Extermination camps. The Ku Klux Klan’s they hated Jews, Blacks
and Roman Catholics. In fear to speak out, they committed to hypocrisy, during the time they were
needed the most. He wasn’t voted into the position he wanted so he used more aggressive ways to
destroy the opposition such as getting them hanged. Many people claimed that they were
brainwashed by the Nazi propaganda which I personally believe is a major factor to their compliance.
Thus, this belief supports the theory that the popular support of the Germans led to the occurrence of
the Holocaust, which was “improvisation, rather than deliberate planning” according to the
functionalists (Source H). Although I can’t find any evidence that the German people didn’t notice
the increase in laws against them i.e. the Nuremberg laws, and the increased removal of Jews from
there homes. Something quicker and cheaper needed to be invented that could wipe out the Jewish
population forever. Death camps were also used to kill the Jews if they already survived the
Concentration Camps. As German borders expanded the Jews living in these countries became
victims of Nazi persecution. The meeting was called to discuss how they were going to solve the
Jewish Question.

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