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Resolution can refer to several concepts, each with its own context and meaning. In general, resolution
implies the act of resolving or settling a problem, conflict, or disagreement. Here are a few different
contexts in which resolution can be understood:

1. **Conflict Resolution**: This involves the process of addressing and resolving disputes or conflicts
between individuals, groups, or nations. Conflict resolution techniques may include negotiation,
mediation, arbitration, or diplomacy, aimed at finding mutually acceptable solutions and restoring peace
or harmony.

2. **Resolution in Technology**: In the context of digital imagery, resolution refers to the clarity,
sharpness, and level of detail in an image or display. It is often measured in pixels per inch (PPI) or dots
per inch (DPI) for printed materials. Higher resolutions result in clearer and more detailed images, while
lower resolutions may appear pixelated or blurry.

3. **Resolution in Decision-Making**: Resolution can also refer to the firmness or determination with
which a decision or course of action is made. Making a resolution implies a commitment to a particular
course of action or goal, often accompanied by a strong sense of purpose or determination to achieve it.

4. **Resolution in Law and Governance**: In legal and governmental contexts, a resolution is a formal
expression of opinion, intention, or decision adopted by a legislative body, such as a parliament, city
council, or board of directors. Resolutions may address various issues, including policy matters, budget
allocations, or declarations of support or condemnation.

5. **Resolution in Literature or Storytelling**: In narrative contexts, resolution refers to the conclusion

or outcome of a story, where conflicts are typically resolved, and loose ends are tied up. It is the final
stage of the plot, providing closure and often conveying a message or moral lesson.
Regardless of the specific context, resolution implies a process of addressing, clarifying, or settling
something that is uncertain, contentious, or unresolved. It often involves commitment, determination,
and sometimes compromise to reach a satisfactory outcome.

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