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Now we will talk about classifications of Ethical

In discussing moral development theories, we explore how individuals acquire moral
values, while ethical theories specify the considerations guiding our actions. Applied
ethics, the focus of delineates the principles for resolving ethical dilemmas and guiding
our actions accordingly.

The history of ethical philosophy spans human history, with traditional religions
prescribing ethical codes. Aristotle developed Virtue theory, and figures like Immanuel
Kant, J. Bentham, and J.S. Mill have proposed various theories over the past two
centuries. However, no single theory serves as a complete guide for all situations.

Ethical theories can be broadly categorized into three main groups: consequentialism,
deontology, and virtue ethics. These classifications were proposed by Rosalind
Hursthouse, who outlined the relationship between these theories in her essay "Virtue
Theory and Abortion".

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Professional Ethics
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Ethical Theories Ethics of Conduct
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Consequentialism Deontology Ethical Egoism Utilitarianism
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For the agent For everyone affected

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