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UAL Level 2 Diploma

Unit 8: Extended project in creative media production

The Final Major Project – Film Marketing

FMP unit is the summative unit within final term of the qualification. It will
provide students with a measure of self-directed learning through the
completion of a substantial creative media production and technology project.

The unit requires students to apply the skills, knowledge and understanding
developed over the entire course, to complete a creative media production project. It
will provide students with a measure of self-directed learning, and an opportunity to
further clarify their longer-term goals through their choice of an activity to explore in
greater depth

Student name Antonio Higgins

Student ID number 10686565

Selected film genre Horror

Please highlight Teen Coming of Age

Suggested film title Field Dreams


1. Please write the synopsis for your chosen film idea below.
The must use 3 act structure
Incorporate 1 element of enigma
200 – 300 Words
For my movie idea I plan to have young teenager dream to be play football
professionally. Hence him joining a football club where he then gets scouted and
joins the Bournemouth football club academy. Although him dreaming all this his
family and friends believe this is not the right path for him and he should focus on
his education.

For my act 1. I plan for him to realise that he has a passion for football and
becomes a big fan for a club (Bournemouth football club) He joins a football club
tells his family and friends that he wants to become professional footballer. From
this it sparks an argument and leads to my act 2.

For my act 2. In my plan 2 the boy's family confronts him about his dreams and
tells him to focus on his studies instead of football this leads to an argument. After
the argument he ends up feeling more motivated to prove them wrong and joins a
well-known football club and starts to practice his football skills. He eventually tells
his friends about these dreams, and some of the friends believe him and think he
can do this, but some don't think this and stop being friends with him. Which leads
to act 3.

For my act 3. I plan to have this boy grow his reputation as a young baller. He
grows more and more distant with his family to pursue his dreams. After couple
hard working months, he finally reaches his goal and gets scouted by
Bournemouth football club and signs his first ever professional contract and proves
his family wrong. He gets his lost friends back but chosen not to remain friends
with them as they did not help him achieve his goals.

2. You must pick one of the following to create to promote your film
Please highlight at least one

Teaser Trailer

DVD Cover

Theatrical poster (landscape billboard)

5 Minute audio drama


3. You must pick one of the following to create to promote your film alongside
your main choice
Please highlight at least one

Teaser poster

Social media promotional image

Graphic storyboard

4. Why have you chosen these media products to market your film idea?
I have chosen Teaser poster as I believe photoshop is one of my strongest points
in media and I'll be able to show what I have learnt the most there.
I chose to do Teaser trailer so I could express what I think what the plot would look
like and because premier pro is also one of my stronger points.

5. In the box below list all the sources you plan to research to aid you with
your project.
This can include
- Existing films
- Existing print materials
- Software tutorials
- Youtube videos
- Books / Comics
- Teaser Trailers
- Storyboards
- Filming / Photography techniques

6. Please list below the resources / equipment you will require to create your
chosen media products
I think I will use things like football boots and a football ball. To record my work, I
would use a camera. I might use pictures from the internet to edit and add to my
work. Or get ideas and inspiration to do create a poster.

7. Please list the skills you will require to complete this project
Not just technical skills

I think I will use my photoshop skills to make a good teaser poster. And my
premier pro skills to make a good teaser trailer. In terms of recording my work I will
make a good script to make sure the trailer makes sense and isn't too confusing. I
can use of the skills I learnt through my media course such as layering pictures
and clips, cutting pictures and clips and research skills that I learnt such as
secondary and primary research.

8. List additional personnel you may need and their responsibilities

I might need some classmates/ friends to help me record as the scenes I would
like to record I would need the camera to move.
And maybe some of my family to help as some of the key characters are family

9. Who is the intended audience for your film campaign

The intended audience will be teenagers and maybe some people in their early
20s Maybe some football fans would like to watch it as it quite focused on football.

How to survive a final major project


1. Do something you enjoy – look back on projects this year and think about
what skills you’ve learnt and which you have really enjoyed. What job would
you like to do in the future? How can you apply it to your project?

2. Do lots and lots of research – primary and secondary are both essential.
Use a wide range of methods and resources

3. Manage your time. Just think how fast this year has gone so far. Plan ahead
and don’t fall behind. MAKE USE OF INDEPENDENT STUDY TIME.

4. You must document everything what happens as you go along. Your entire
journey from start to finish should be fully recorded. Describe and analyse as
you go along. Every aspect of your project should be fully considered. Your
Project Action Plan and Timetable will be vital to the success of your FMP

5. Research, design, experiment, build, evaluate. Your project should evolve

over the allotted time. Be flexible and adaptable if your FMP decides to go in
a different direction than first intended

6. Critically analyse and evaluate – this will refer to the research you undertake,
the pre-production, production and post-production. Don’t just describe but
analyse, interpret, research and evaluate.

7. Listen to advice from your lecturers in formative assessment

sessions throughout the project. You might just find that as we are used to
marking work we know what the requirements are to make good/exceptional
projects. Remember, your work will be graded at Pass, Merit or Distinction,
so aim for the best grade you can and take advice on board when given

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