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Revamping Social Media Engagement: A Data-Driven

Executive Summary:

This proposal outlines a data-driven social media strategy to increase user engagement. Our
analysis (see Figure 1) shows a decline in key metrics like likes and comments. We propose a
multi-pronged approach (see Pie Chart 2) focusing on:

 Content Diversification (40%): Experiment with video formats and user-generated

 Targeted Audience Engagement (30%): Focus content based on user demographics and
 Increased Posting Frequency (20%): Maintain a consistent posting schedule for optimal
 Community Building (10%): Host interactive content and contests to foster connections.

Expected Outcome:

This data-driven strategy aims to reverse the downward trend and increase user engagement by
X% within Y months (see projected growth in Figure 3).

Next Steps:

A detailed content calendar and budget will be presented upon approval.


Figures 1, 2, and 3 are placeholders for the actual graphs and charts you would include in the full

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