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About Me and Why I want to be a Doctor

When I was in elementary school, many aspirations crossed my mind, whether it was
to become a nurse or a civil servant, and I also thought about becoming a kindergarten
teacher. I thought being a kindergarten teacher was easy because all I had to do was teach
children to write and read until I saw how kindergarten teachers not only taught but also
assisted, and directed children who did not yet know what was right and what was wrong, as
well as nurturing all children with different characters, I just understood that no profession is
easy. When I was in the second year of high school, many teachers asked me about my future
aspirations, what major I would choose to support those aspirations, and why of the many
professions available, I was interested in choosing this profession. The first profession that
came to my mind was doctor. In my opinion, being a doctor is one of the noblest professions.
A doctor will use all his energy and abilities to help others. Many reasons make me interested
in becoming a doctor, but out of all these reasons, there is one reason which is the spirit of
service performed by doctors. Another reason that makes me want to become a doctor is that
many of my family members are sick, so I intend to become a doctor so that I can take care of
them, can be the first doctor in the family, if I graduate and become a doctor, I can work in
hospitals, health centers, and health clinics. In my opinion, becoming a doctor is not easy. For
me, being a medical student is quite a task. To enter medical school, I not only had to have
good grades to compete with my friends who wanted to become doctors, but I also needed a
diligent attitude, patience, and strong determination and never give up, because to hold the
title of doctor, I had to study for approximately 7 years with a lot of medical material.
Medicine is a science that concerns the lives of many people. Many people say that entering
medicine is difficult, but what is even more difficult is to survive.
I don't have many plans for the next five years, but for now, I will try to finish my
medical education on time and return to my hometown to serve, help, and apply my
knowledge. I also hope that after becoming a doctor, I can interact with patients and provide
good and friendly service. There is one thing that I have in mind if I become a doctor, and
that is that I will help financially strapped people. So if there is a patient who comes to me
but cannot afford to pay for my medicine and services, then what I will do is barter. What I
mean by barter is that he can bring what he has. For example, if he is a farmer and only has
pumpkin vegetables, then I will do the service of giving him medicine for his illness, and he
will give me pumpkin vegetables to barter with. That's what I can say in this place along with
the reasons why I want to become a doctor is to be a servant. Thank you.

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