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* If you want to Master JavaScript, Checkout my new eBook. Steal this REACT Cheatsheet Components + A’building block of React applications. * Can be either a class or a function. ¢ Responsible for rendering a part of the UI. ISX + Asyntax Ceacariielahce) JavaScript that IMAReR onic) HTML-like code in our JavaScript. + Used to describe the Ul of our React components. + JSX elements are transformed into JavaScript function calls and then into HTML elements by React. Boh c-y + An object that holds data that can change over time. * Managed within a component ‘and can only be updated’ using the setState() method. + Changing the state of a component will trigger a re-render - of that component. Props + Short for “properties”. + An object that is passed from a parent component to a child component. + Used to customize the behaviour and appearance of a component. * Props are read-only and should not be modified directly. LB tore (a vu telo ly + Methods that are invoked at different stages of a component's life cycle. > componentDidMount(): Invoked once the component has been mounted (i.e., added to the DOM). Pee Ty Tarun ear aol cred Ucimeticelt malt component is unmounted and removed from the DOM. * + shouldComponentUpdate(): Invoked before a component is re-rendered to determine if it should update. bay « USed to handle user interactions with a component. + Defined using onEventName attributes (e.g., onClick, onSubmit). + Can be handled using class methods or arrow functions. ry ; : + Away to reference a DOM element or component instance. * Created using the React.createRef() method. + Useful for accessing the properties and methods of a component or DOM element. atte c) + Away to add state and other React features to functional components. * Introduced in React 16.8. Peas colanve) (ccm ty cone MES -)agi teas UT -Loredanc a) useReducer(), useMemo(), useCallback(), useRef()

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