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myrrh was used to prepare a body for burial.

THE GENEOLOGY OF JESUS (MT 1:17, LK 3:23- -These gifts testify to the identity and mission of
38) Jesus. They make an important statement: Jesus is
truly the King of the Universe, the Son of God who
In Matthew's genealogy, Jesus' lineage to David will undergo death to save His people.
and Abraham is highlighted to fulfill Jewish Luke relates the story of some poor shepherds,
expectations of the Messiah being from David's to whom angels proclaimed the good news of
royal line and an Israelite, respectively. great joy: a savior has been born for you (Lk 2:10-
- The use of fourteen generations or 2x7, with 11). Shepherds of that time often did not observe
seven being a symbolic number of fulfillment for the Jewish religious laws and were considered
the Jews among the unclean or outcasts of Jewish society.
- Matthew's audience, Jewish-Christians familiar Thus, Luke wanted to show that Jesus
with Old Testament prophecies, emphasizes compassionately teaches out to the poor, the
outcasts, and the sinners.
Jesus' identity as the promised Messiah.
Luke's genealogy, targeting Gentile-Christian UNIQUE DETAILS IN THE INFANCY
readers, traces Jesus' lineage back to Adam, NARRATIVES IN MATTHEW
emphasizing his universal role as Savior for all Matthew's Infancy Narratives include the Holy
people, both Gentile and Jew. Family's flight to Egypt to escape King Herod's
- Both genealogies imply Jesus' dual identity as slaughter of the innocents, a detail absent in Luke's
both divine and human.
- This event parallels the Old Testament story of
THE ANNOUNCEMENT OF THE BIRTH OF Moses leading the Israelites out of Egyptian
JESUS (MT 1:18-25; LK 1:26-38 slavery in the Exodus.
In Matthew's account of the announcement of - Egypt symbolizes the land of slavery for the
Jesus' birth, Joseph is the recipient of the Chosen People, and just as Moses was saved
message about the miraculous conception and from Pharaoh's slaughter, Jesus is saved from
birth. Herod's massacre of infants.
- Matthew focuses on Joseph to defend the - Both Moses and Jesus are spared by chosen
legitimacy of Jesus' birth according to Jewish law. individuals to fulfill God's saving plan: Moses as the
Luke, on the other hand, emphasizes Mary's role liberator and teacher under the Sinai Covenant,
in his narrative, portraying her as the recipient of and Jesus as the Savior and New Teacher under
the annunciation from the angel Gabriel. the New Covenant.
- Luke highlights Jesus' mission for all, especially UNIQUE DETAILS IN THE INFANCY
the poor and outcast, reflecting the societal context NARRATIVES IN LUKE
of his time where women, though respected, were
often marginalized. The annunciation
- Both accounts underscore Jesus' significance as Luke introduced Mary when Angel Gabriel came
the Savior. upon her to bring the good news, Here. Luke
wanted us to know that Mary's obedience and her
THE FIRST VISITORS OF JESUS (MT 2:1-11; LK trust to God is remarkable and this is the beginning
2:8-20) of God's plan of saving us.
Matthew narrates how the Magi traveled from the His people, During that time, the unmarried
east to visit Jesus. He wants to show that Jesus is woman will be thrown to death by stone if she will
King, someone deserving of our loyalty and get pregnant without being married, Mary knew
worship. The term magi probably refers to this custom and was not afraid to give birth to a
astrologers, perhaps from Persia, Babylon, or the son, the Son of God, even though she is a virgin
Arabian desert. They were Gentiles, or non-Jews. The visitation
The narrative shows that Gentiles embraced Jesus refers to the biblical event when Mary, pregnant
as the Messiah, while the Jews did not recognize with Jesus, visited her cousin Elizabeth, who was
Him. also pregnant with John the Baptist. It's significant
Magi's gifts: as it demonstrates the recognition of Jesus divine
gold is worthy of a king nature by John even before birth and symbolizes
frankincense was used in offerings to God the fulfillment of Old Testament prophecies about
the Messiah.
JESUS WAS CIRCUMSIZED - This event symbolizes Jesus' upbringing as a
Jesus was given the highly symbolic name of practicing Jew and his awareness of his special
Jesus foreshadowing His mission as the world's relationship with God the Father.
Savior, as revealed by the angel at the - Jesus expresses his sense of mission, stating,
Annunciation. It also foreshadows his willingness to "Did you not know that I must be in my Father's
undergo suffering and fulfill his mission, house?" (Luke 2:49), emphasizing his divine
demonstrating his commitment to humanity and his calling.
role as the Savior for the name B is Hebrew for - Despite this, Jesus returns to Nazareth with
"God saves." Mary and Joseph and remains obedient to
Circumcision signifies the covenant relationship them, advancing in wisdom, age, and favor before
between God and his people. God and man.
THE PRESENTATION IN THE TEMPLE - These "hidden years" between Jesus' childhood
Mary and Joseph brought Jesus in the Temple and his public ministry are cloaked in mystery but
in accordance to the custom of the Law that Every exemplify his obedience to human authority,
first born male shall be consecrated to God.' Luke fulfilling his mission and establishing a contrast
introduced here the Prophet Simeon and Anna, with Adam's disobedience.
the old prophetess.
-Simeon took the child Jesus in his arms and
praised God. Saying that he as God's servant may GROWING OPPOSITION AGAINST JESUS P. 134
now die in peace as promised by God since he has
already seen God's salvation and declared that 1. Jesus' identity and authority were questioned
Jesus is the light and the glory of God's people. from the beginning of His public life.
-Prophetess Anna was also there in the Temple 2. He was held under suspicion and surveillance
and began praising and thanking God and telling by Jewish authorities.
everyone that the child Jesus is the redeemer of 3. His deeds and words were considered
the Jerusalem. Simeon and Anna see God's contradictory by religious leaders.
salvation and bear witnesses to the Redeemer. 4. Jesus was viewed as a threat to the established
religious order.
COMMON ELEMENTS IN MATTHEW AND LUKE 5. He was popular among common people but
1. Both Matthew and Luke affirm that Jesus was considered an impostor by authorities.
born of the Virgin Mary through the power of 6. Jesus was accused of being a false prophet,
the Holy Spirit, emphasizing his unique identity as in league with Satan, a blasphemer, and other
the Son of God incarnate. offenses.
2. Jesus was born during the time of King 7. He associated with tax collectors and those
Herod the Great, with Matthew specifying his outside the law, causing scandal among religious
conception and birth during Herod's reign, while leaders.
Luke places the events in the context of the 8. Jesus healed on the Sabbath and challenged
census decreed by Caesar Augustus and the ritualistic practices.
governorship of Quirinius. 9. He criticized the hypocritical lifestyle of religious
3. Angels play a significant role in both accounts, leaders.
bringing the Good News of Jesus' birth, 10. Jesus reached out to Gentile and pagan
symbolizing the divine presence and intervention in territories, attracting a diverse following.
human affairs. 11. The cleansing of the Temple and the raising of
4. The Infancy Narratives serve to reveal Jesus' Lazarus are highlighted as events leading to His
true identity through a literary form that integrates death.
divine and human history. 12. Religious leaders' efforts to discredit Jesus only
increased His popularity.
13. Despite opposition, Jesus continued to gain
LOOKING UP TO JESUS IN HIS GROWING followers, frustrating religious authorities.
Luke's Gospel provides insight into Jesus' growing JESUS’ PREDICTIONS OF HIS PASSION P. 136
years, particularly highlighting an incident at the Important Details:
age of twelve when he was found in the temple in 1. Jesus was aware of the fate of Old Testament
Jerusalem. prophets and the opposition they faced.
2. He faced rejection and opposition from Jewish chief priests and scribes, mocked, spit upon,
leaders since the beginning of His ministry, scourged, and put to death by the Gentile
including at the Nazareth synagogue. followed by His resurrection after three days.
3. Despite claiming His Kingdom was not of this 2. Jesus walks ahead of the apostles,
world, Jesus' teachings and actions challenged demonstrating His determination to fulfill His
Jewish religious customs. mission.
4. His acts, such as dining with outcasts and 3. The apostles are bewildered by Jesus' words but
healing on the Sabbath, went against established continue to follow Him out of love.
norms. 4. Thomas expresses willingness to die with
5. Jesus' teachings on God, human dignity, Jesus, highlighting the depth of their love and
morality, prayer, and piety did not please Jewish commitment.
political and religious leaders. 5. Love motivates acceptance of Jesus' words and
6. The Gospels report three occasions where mission, even when not fully understood.
Jesus predicts His passion, death, and
7. Jesus explains in these predictions the necessity SUPPER (JN 11:55-57)
for the Son of Man to suffer and die. Important Details:
8. Jesus gradually came to understand God's plan 1. Passover was approaching, leading many to go
for Him as the Suffering-Servant Messiah. to Jerusalem.
2. There was speculation about whether Jesus
would attend the feast.
JESUS’ FIRST PREDICTION 3. Orders were given to inform authorities if Jesus
Important Details: was sighted, aiming for His arrest.
1. Jesus predicts His suffering, death, and 4. Despite the danger, Jesus attended the
resurrection, but without providing specific Passover and arranged the Last Supper with His
details. disciples.
2. The disciples, including Peter, fail to grasp the 5. At the Last Supper in the upper room, Jesus
significance of Jesus' words. washed the disciples' feet, imparted the new
3. Peter rebukes Jesus for speaking about such a commandment of love, and delivered extended
future. discourses.
4. Jesus responds sternly, rebuking Peter and 6. The Synoptic Gospels additionally detail the
identifying the temptation to stray from His mission. institution of the Holy Eucharist during the Last
5. Jesus' rebuke demonstrates His total fidelity to Supper.
His mission, even if it involves suffering and death.
6. This fidelity is further exemplified by Jesus' THE WASHING OF THE FEET JN 13:1-11
rejection of the devil's temptations in the wilderness Important Details:
at the beginning of His public life. 1. Jesus, despite being the Son of God, humbly
washed the feet of His apostles during the Last
Important Details: 2. This act was unexpected and confused the
1. Jesus and His disciples journey through Galilee, apostles, as it was typically done by the lowest
keeping a low profile. slave.
2. Jesus teaches His disciples, emphasizing the 3. Washing guests' feet was a Jewish custom, part
prophecy of His impending betrayal, death, and of welcoming them into a home.
resurrection. 4. Even disciples did not wash the feet of their
3. The prediction includes the phrase "to be teachers, but Jesus, their Master, took on this role.
handed over to men," suggesting a sense of 5. The act of washing feet symbolized Jesus' life of
betrayal. loving service, culminating in His death on the
4. The disciples struggle to understand Jesus' Cross.
words and are afraid to ask for clarification. 6. It represented divine forgiveness and the
invitation to fellowship with God and one another.
7. Jesus set an example for all to follow,
JESUS’ THIRD PREDICTION emphasizing the importance of humility and taught
Important Details: the importance of loving service to others.
1. Jesus predicts His suffering and death, including 8. True greatness comes through humility and
specific details such as being handed over to the
service, as taught by Jesus and demonstrated by 5. His friends, overcome by grief, were asleep
martyrs and saints. during His time of need.
6. Despite His fear, Jesus demonstrated perfect
Th e Sac r a me nt of th e Ho ly E uc h ar is t is s o c a lle d bec a us e obedience to God's will through prayer.
eu ch ari st c o m es fr o m th e G re ek w or d e uc har is ti a, wh ic h
m ea ns " t ha n kfu ln es s" or "t ha nk s g iv ing ." D ur in g th e
7. His agony in the garden emphasizes His full
L itur gy of t he E uc h ar is t, we t h ank G o d th e Fa th er f or humanity while also revealing His perfect harmony
g iv in g us H is s o n, w e c a ll on t he H o ly Sp ir it to "c o m e up o n with His Father.
th es e g ifts t o m ak e t he m h o ly s o th at t hey may b ec o m e f or
8. Jesus' experience in the garden assures us that
us t h e bo dy an d b lo o d of o ur L or d J es us C hr is t"
(e p ic les is ) , th us pe rp et u at in g th e s ac r if ic es o f th e Cros s i n He understands our struggles and offers us His
th e m e mor ia l (a n a mn es is ) o f H is D ea t h an d R es urr ec t io n love and support.
(Sac r os a nc t u m C o nc iliu m 47) .
Summary: Important Details:
During the Last Supper, Jesus transformed the 1. Jesus was betrayed by Judas, one of His
traditional Jewish Passover meal into the New chosen Twelve, who identified Him to the temple
Passover, instituting the Eucharist with His guards and Jewish authorities for 30 pieces of
apostles. silver.
2. Judas betrayed Jesus with a kiss, leading to His
3. Peter attempted to defend Jesus by cutting off
Important Details: the ear of a servant, but Jesus stopped him and
1. The apostles were familiar with the significance healed the servant.
of the Passover meal's elements. 4. In John's account, Jesus twice identified
2. Jesus expressed His eagerness to share this Himself to His captors, showing His willingness to
Passover with His apostles before His suffering. be arrested.
3. He transformed the traditional Passover meal 5. Jesus' self-restraint and courage in facing His
into the New Passover with His Body and Blood. accusers and judges demonstrate His character.
4. Jesus instituted the Eucharist, saying the bread 6. His prayer and surrender in Gethsemane
is His body and the cup His blood of the new prepared Him for this moment.
covenant. 7. The uniqueness of Jesus' passion is
5. The actions of Jesus at the Last Supper (taking, emphasized, highlighting its universal salvific
blessing, breaking, giving) are reenacted at every significance.
Mass. 8. Jesus' suffering, death, and resurrection have
6. The Liturgy of the Eucharist mirrors Jesus' saving power for all through His divine love.
actions: taken at the Presentation of the Gifts,
blessed in the Eucharistic Prayer, broken after the THE TRIAL OF JESUS
Sign of Peace, and given at Communion. Summary:
7. Jesus' offering of His body and blood signifies Jesus underwent five examinations during His trial:
forgiveness and salvation for all. by Annas, Caiaphas, Pilate, Herod, and Pilate
8. At Mass, Jesus' sacrifice on the Cross is again, ultimately leading to His condemnation.
sacramentally present through the consecrated
bread and wine. Important Details:
9. This ritual symbolizes Jesus' painful offering on 1. Jesus underwent multiple examinations during
the Cross during His crucifixion and resurrection. His trial by both Jewish and Roman authorities.
2. The trials were predetermined, with the religious
AGONY IN THE GARDE LK 22:346 authorities determined to have Jesus executed.
Important Details: 3. Caiaphas expressed the belief that Jesus' death
1. Jesus went to the Mount of Olives with His would prevent unrest among the people.
disciples, where He experienced agony. 4. The trials were akin to a stage act, lacking
2. He prayed to God, expressing His desire for the authenticity.
cup of suffering to be taken from Him but ultimately 5. The religious leaders saw Jesus as a threat to
accepting God's will. their authority and were committed to His
3. An angel appeared to strengthen Jesus during execution.
His intense prayer.
4. Jesus' agony expressed His dread and sorrow at
the thought of His impending suffering and death.
6. The final verdict by the Sanhedrin was 8. Pope Francis emphasizes the centrality of the
blasphemy, punishable by death according to Cross in Christian faith, as it is through Jesus'
Jewish law. crucifixion that we are redeemed.
7. Pilate, despite knowing Jesus' innocence, gave 9. Responsibility for Jesus' death is attributed to
in to pressure from the Jewish leaders and Pontius Pilate, with some cooperation from Jewish
sentenced Him to death by crucifixion. leaders in Jerusalem.
8. Pilate's decision was influenced by fear of the
consequences of defying the religious authorities. 7 last words of Jesus
1. Father, forgive them; for they know not what they
When we recite the Sorrowful Mysteries, we do.
meditate on our Lord Je sus' great love for us 2. To day shalt thou be with me in paradise.
through His passion. Go to your chapel as a 3. Woman, behold, thy son! Behold, thy mother!
class and pray and reflect on the Sorrowful 4. My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?
Mysteries of the Holy Rosary. 5. I thirst.
6. It is finished.
The Sorrowful Mysteries 7. Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit.

1. The Agony in the Garden MEANINGG PF JESUS’ DEATH

1. Local Romans viewed Jesus' death as routine,
2. The Scourging at the Pillar
with little significance beyond a troublemaker's
3. The Crowning with Thorns execution.
2. Jewish leaders saw it as the end of their fears
4. The Carrying of the Cross of Jesus threatening their authority, but it was
actually Jesus' triumph over evil.
5. The Crucifixion 3. His followers initially experienced devastation
Suffering Servant-The prophet Isaiah's enigmatic and loss, with shattered faith and messianic hopes.
image of the one who would realize God's salvation 4. Jesus Himself saw His death as fulfilling His
by establishing justice in the world. mission and demonstrating supreme love for
In the New Testament, it refers to Jesus Christ as 5. For present-day disciples, Jesus' death signifies
the Savior or Messiah who would save the world by redemption, guidance, and victory over evil,
offering his life. Jesus Christ is sometimes called bringing new life and eternal salvation.
the Suffering Messiah.
JESUS’ DEATH ON THE CROSS The Resurrection narratives depict the visit of
Important Details: women to Jesus' tomb on Easter Sunday, as
1. Crucifixion was a painful and humiliating death recorded in Matthew 28:1-10, Mark 16:1-8, and
reserved for slaves, foreign traitors, and worst Luke 24:1-12.
criminals. Important Details:
2. Jesus, weakened from scourging, struggled to 1. Women (mga unang nakakita kay Jesus)
carry the cross and needed help from Simon of visited Jesus' tomb on Easter Sunday to anoint
Cyrene. His body.
3. At Golgotha, soldiers stripped Jesus, nailed Him 2. They discovered the stone sealing the tomb
to the cross, and placed aa Latin inscription rolled away.
declaring Him as the King of the Jews (INRI). 3. Jesus' body was missing from the tomb.
4. Jesus died after hours of agony on the cross, 4. They received a message indicating Jesus had
commending His spirit to the Father. risen.
5. Joseph of Arimathea buried Jesus in a new 5. Witnesses, not expecting to find the tomb empty,
garden tomb and sealed it with a large stone. recorded the event.
6. The chief priests and Pharisees secured the 6. The empty tomb opened the possibility of Jesus'
tomb with a seal and a guard. resurrection, though it alone does not prove it.
7. Jesus' suffering and death fulfilled prophecies, 7. The appearances of the Risen Christ
including Isaiah's prophecy of the Suffering confirmed the resurrection event.
RISEN LORD APPEARS BEFORE MARY 6. This encounter demonstrates Jesus' mercy and
MAGDELENE compassion for Peter, offering him redemption
1. Mary Magdalene encounters the Risen Jesus without scolding or rebuke.
outside the empty tomb. 7. Peter's love for Jesus is validated through his
2. Initially, she mistakes Him for the gardener due commission to serve as a shepherd, a role linked to
to His transformed. service and willingness to sacrifice.
3. Mary's faith in Jesus was initially immature 8. Peter's encounter with the Risen Jesus
compared to what it would become. transforms him, enabling him to become one of the
4. She recognizes Jesus when He calls her name, great Apostles and the head of the Church.
"Mary." 9. The Resurrection appearances of Jesus
5. This encounter emphasizes the importance of demonstrate His humanity and divinity, as He eats,
faith in recognizing the Risen Jesus in our lives. speaks, and allows Himself to be touched, yet
6. Faith is described as a divine gift enabling a transcends physical limitations in His glorified state.
response to the Risen Jesus.


Important Details:
1. The apostles, hiding in fear, encounter Jesus in
the Cenacle room.
2. Initially mistaking Him for a ghost, Jesus
reassures them with a greeting of peace.
3. Jesus shows them His hands and feet, bearing
the wounds of His crucifixion, to prove His identity.
4. He further demonstrates His physical presence
by asking for food and eating in their presence.
5. This emphasizes the reality of Jesus'
resurrection, as He is not a ghost but alive in a
glorified existence.
6. Thomas the doubter, absent during the first
appearance, later encounters Jesus and verifies
His identity by seeing and touching His wounds.
7. Jesus' wounds serve as a link between His
earthly life as Jesus of Nazareth and His
resurrected state as the Christ of Faith.


THE SHORES OF THE SEA OF GALILEE -this is for review analysis and REVIEWING only.
Important Details: -You may print, highlight, and edit it. (I-download
1. Jesus appears to Peter and the disciples while nyu
they are fishing on the Sea of Galilee. muna)
2. After a miraculous catch of fish, Jesus prepares -If ayaw madownload or acsess pm nyu lng po me.
breakfast for them. -If may errors and questions, feel free to pm Pat M
3. Jesus questions Peter three times about his on
love for Him, allowing Peter to affirm his love and teams or mssg!
receive forgiveness for his previous denials. Disclaimer – this is all based on the PowerPoints,
4. Each time Peter affirms his love, Jesus
commissions him to feed and tend His lambs and
videos, and Book provided Thank you! The teacher.
5. Jesus forewarns Peter of his future death but
also invites him to follow Him. “Prayers mo lang sapat na”

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