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.As King Duncan spends the night at Macbeth's castle, Macbeth murders him.

Upon Macbeth's stab to Duncan, Lady Macbeth smears Duncan's intoxicated

chamberlains with the blood from the knife in an attempt to implicate them for the
murder. Following a fight, three "Weird Sisters" appear to Macbeth and his ally
Banquo, predicting that Macbeth will become king and that Banquo's progeny will
follow in his footsteps. After reaching his castle, Macbeth and Lady Macbeth
devise a scheme to murder King Duncan, who is due to visit them, in order for
Macbeth to ascend to the throne. About 39-year-old Duncan was king of Scotland
and the father of Donalbain and Malcolm, and he was assassinated by Macbeth.
Malcolm was Donalbain's brother and the eldest son of King Duncan. Malcolm's
brother and the younger son of King Duncan was named Donalbain. Many people
in Scotland consider King Duncan to be a compassionate and giving man who
inspires respect. Macbeth was a dependable military leader and the ruler of the
Scottish province of Moray under King Duncan. But he rebelled against Duncan
because of his connections to the Saxons in the South. After a fight near Elgin on
August 14, 1040, Macbeth killed Duncan and took the throne of Scotland. Macbeth
stabs King Duncan to death while he is sleeping. Given that the king is a visitor in
Macbeth's home and that Macbeth is a sworn subject of the monarch, there is a
double treachery going on. At her husband's request, Macbeth kills him because
she wants her husband to become more powerful. Duncan is slain at Macbeth's
castle in Inverness in Macbeth. However, Macbeth and Lady Macbeth have the
chance to carry out the murder that will establish Macbeth as king thanks to
Duncan's visit.

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