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Abubakar Siddiq

Lawyer’s English and People’s Frustration

Lawyers English is not plain, it becomes wordy by using old terms. Their sentences intermingled that
numb reader’s mind. Their writing becomes unclear, dull and pompous. They became criticized, once an
English Chancellor made an example of lengthy document and ordered to create a hole and stuffed
through the head of the writer at Westminister Hall. This writing style came with American law when
Jefferson regretted legislators using words “Said and aforesaid” repetitively. Recently a popular press
criticized a lot by saying, consumers feel frustrated by solving this type of puzzle. President Carter
ordered legislations would be written in simple English for easy understanding. Then, New York law was
written in Simple English. Once Attorney Goldfarb claimed, our writings confused the client that
increased our work. We should change it. (130)

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