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Police Officer: Good evening, sir. How can I help you?

Complainer: I want to file a complaint about a theft that happened in my house.

Police Officer: I’m sorry to hear that. When did it happen?

Complainer: It happened last night, around 10 pm. I was out for dinner with my
family at that moment.

Police Officer: Did you notice anything missing?

Complainer: Yes, a lot of things. My laptop, some cash and some documents were

Police Officer: Do you have any idea who might have done this?

Complainer: No, I don’t. I don’t have any enemies or suspects.

Police Officer: Do you have any CCTV cameras or security system installed in your

Complainer: No, I don’t. But what can you do now to catch the thieves?

Police Officer: We will do our best, sir. We will take your statement, collect the
evidence, and look for any clues or witnesses.

Complainer: How long will it take?

Police Officer: It depends, sir. Sometimes, we can solve a case quickly, and
sometimes, it takes longer.

Complainer: I hope you can find them soon. They took a lot of valuable and
sentimental things from me.

Police Officer: I understand, sir. We will try our best to recover your belongings and
bring the culprits to justice. Please give me your name, address, and contact number,
and I will start the process.

Complainer: Sure! Here you go. Thanks for helping me.

Police Officer: No need sir! It’s our duty.

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