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NAME: DATE: FIRST TERM PAKISTAN INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL -ES CALIPHATE OF UMAR BIN AL-KHATTAB (RA 13 A.H - 634 CE) ELECTION: 9 ‘Abu Bakr (RA), during his illness consulted the Shura about the next Caliph and then gave his decision in favour of Umar (RA) Umar (RA) was intelligent, had strong will power and a sense of justice ~ which earned him the title ‘al-Faroog’, one who distinguishes between right and wrong Some companions were apprehensive about this selection of Khalifah because of Umar (RA)'s strictness ‘Abu Bakr (RA) rejected their opposition and said: ‘iis strictness was there because of my softness; when the weight of the caliphate is on his shoulders, he will no longer remain strict. If I will be asked by Allah as to whom I appointed my successor, I will say that I have appointed the best among your men.’ Umar (RA) assumed the office as the second caliph on the same day that his predecessor died ‘Abu Baker (RAY's official title was ‘Khalifat Rasool Allah’ ~ thus Umar (RA) was first called ‘halifat Khalifat Rasool Allah’ meaning Successor to the Successor of the Messenger of Allah He also got the title of ‘Ameer al-Muminun’ meaning commander of the Beleivers Muslims took Bai’ah or oath of loyalty at the hand of Umar (RA), in Madinah in Jamada-al-akhirah, in the year 13 A.H/634C.B When the Bai'ah by the people was over, Umar ascended the pulpit and addressed the people assembled in the mosque: ‘Abu Bakr ts no more with us. He successfully ran the affairs of the Ummah for more than two years. I wish the responsibility of leading the nation had fallen on someone else. I never desired such a position. I do not want to put myself on the same level as Abu Bakr’ ADMINISTRATIVE REFORMS MADE BY UMAR (RA| Introduction + Umar's period - the golden era in Islamic history + empire expand vastly during his reign + he also introduced several administrative reforms that made the caliphate prosperous and well run in which the living standard of the citizens improved a lot. * Plvided state into provinces each under experienced & qualified governors called wali ~ ‘made caliphate safe and prosperous and well administered that led to the prosperity of its People. + He established advanced administration for newly conquered lands, and ordered census of all the Muslim territories, * Made the Judtetary separate from the executive, Qadt was the head of judiciary - appointed Judges which gave the citizens swift and impartial justice. He was displeased when a judge Showed some respect to him when he appeared in his court as a defendant, * He established department of finance called Dewaan, it was in charge of the revenues and its expenditure. After meeting expenses, surplus was distributed ‘amongst Muslims on the criteria Of closeness to Prophet (SAW). His wives received highest allowance, followed by those who Participated in Battle of Badr. Even children and old Dhimmie were given stipends. He also introduced old age pension system. Poor people used to get allowance as well + The battulmaat was created under Amils - made the government finances safe from misuse and introduced checks and balances on public finance and Kept corruption out of government, * Government officials when appointed had their eredentiate and finances scrutinized at the time of appointment and when they left government to ensure no wrong doings had taken place. Complaints against them were heard at the time of hajj and dealt with effectively and they ‘Mere instructed to live simply. All this ensured that the public servants were there to serve the People and ensure smooth running of government without any corruption. + Umer (RA) imposed certain restrictions on his officers, he made them take pledge that they Would not Keep doorkeepers to ensure easy access to the Pubitc, or wear silk cloths,or eat bread made from refined flour or vide Arabian horse. * He established many new departments and institutions like board of inspection, board of Ssvenues, military department, judicial department, police department, jails department etc. * The revenues were generated from jteyah, Zakat, Kharaj (spoils of war) and fay (income from Grown land), He also levied tax on the produce of the land called usher. + He paid special attention to expansion of cultivation and construction of canals for irrigation. * Town planning, building of roads and highways were all undertaken to better the life of the People and make communication and defence of the caliphate better. + Mosques and schools were constructed to make the Public well versed in religious and other subjects, + He constructed rest houses for wayfarers. * Gantonments were made for soldters and their needs were looked after. This kept the armed ‘orees content and happy and they were happy to serve the caliphate, * He introduced Istamie calendar and ordered that it Should be counted from the first year of Mirah and set Muharram as the first month of the year + Special attention was given to the wellbeing of non-Musitms which ensured good relations between all the citizens so much so that their affairs were settled by their religious laws. It fostered religious tolerance. + He took spectal care of the farmers in the conquered land and forbade Arab soldiers to ‘acquire land in the conquered territories. + He founded new cities such as Kufa, Basra and Fustat. + He started the practice of pryatng Taraweeh in congregation during his caliphate ~ made Ubay bin Ka’o the Imam to lead people in Taraweeh + He expanded the Sacred mosque in Makkah and also expanded the Prophet (SAW]'s mosque in Madinah. Coneluston: Umar (RA} was an outstanding example of being intelligent, responsible, just and simple, after Holy Prophet (SAW). Though his state consisted of different nations and different people, yet he efficiently kept all his people united. He consolidated the conquered territories in an efficient system of administration. Past Paper Questions QL-(a} ‘Umar made several administrative reforms during his ten year caliphate. Write an account of at least. five of them and say how these reforms helped make his rule co admirable. (10) [2017 - May June - 22] ourin Introduction: Umer's period as caliph is regarded es +. golden era in Islami history + the empire expand vasly + introduced several administrative reforms + living standard ofthe citizens improved + Umar ruled bravely and justiy Reforms snudente need to write about any five of administrative reforms and say how each of those reforms made his rule admirable for example As the empire expanded ‘Umar dived the state into provinces and appointed qualified and experienced governors to run the states. This made the caliohate safe and prosperous and well administered that led to the prosperity ofits people, + ie must be remembered that itis not enough to just list the reforms but the anewer also needs to say how these reforms helped make Umar's caliphate admirable. Conclusion Q2 (a) ‘Umar’ caliphate is regarded as a golden era in Islamic history.’ Write an account of how ‘Umar ruled during his ten year caliphate. [10] [2015 - May June - 22] uri (Administration aspect of his caliphate needs to be brought out in the answer) (Same as Q1) Q3- (a) Write a detailed account of the administrative measures put in place by Umar (RA) during his caliphate. (10) [2011 - May June -02] (Same as Q1) EXPANSION OF ISLAMIC STATE BATTLES FOUGHT DURING UMAR (RAJ’S CALIPHATE Introduction + Umar's - 2%! Caliph + Islamic empire expand vastly during his reign in the east and west + Itwas largest ever territorial addition to the Islamic State BATTLES FOUGHT WITH PERSIANS BATTLE OF NAMRAQ (MARWA) (13 AH - 634 A.D) + During the caliphate of Abu Bakr (RA) - under the command of Khalid bin Walid (RA) ~ Muslims conquered part of Persia called Hira + Persians — outraged at loss of Hira + Emperor of Persia ~ sent army ~ under the command of famous general Rustam bin Farrakhzad ~ ‘commander in chief of Persian forces + Umar (RA) appointed Ubaid ath Thagafi as commander of Muslims accompanied by Muthanna bin Harith Muslim army 5000 men ‘Two armies met 10 miles from Hira ~intense battle took place Persians — defeated - put to flight Jaban - right hand of Rustam was killed in battle te te BATTLE OF JASR (BRIDGE) (13 AH - 634 A.D) Defeat of Persians enraged Rustam Assembled huge army at the eastern bank of the Euphrates under great warrior - Bahman. Muslims ~ under command of Abu Ubaid at-Thagafi t+ et Persians ~ unfurled their royal flag , called ~ “Great Flag” - made of panther skin - considered it good luck + They sent array of trained elephants with army - wearing bells that frightened the horses of the Muslims ‘+ Between two armics was a river ~ could be crossed by a bridge + Bahman asked Aby Ubaid whether the Persians should cross the river or the Muslims + Acting rashly against his advisors Abu Ubaid ordered Muslims to cross the bridge — hence battle was inown as the Battle of Bridge Muslims were stuck after crossing In front of them was Persian war-elephants and at their back - rivep Euphrates Every time enemy attacked sound of bells & the sight of elephants frightened Arabian horses and they fled ~ only few horses could stand firm - that too with great difficulty + Persians targeted Muslims with arrows ~ killed many Muslims + + tee ee +e eee eee ++ et + ‘Abu Ubsid ordered army to dismount and fight - Muslims with some success were able to cut the straps of the litters or saddles and drive the elephants from the field ‘Though Muslims fought bravely ~ hundreds of them were trampled under the beasts feet Abu Ubaidah was martyred by one of the elephants, his brothers succeeded him, but one by one, the Muslims commanders were martyred Muslims tried to tum back ~ some one cut the rope to encourage them to fight - exit was closed - ‘Muslims panicked -many routed jumped into river- lost their lives Muthanna tock charge as commander - backed by few soldiers - seized the banner He restored the bridge — small detachment of soldiers held the Persian army back — while the surviviors crossed the river Out of 9000 Muslim force - 5000 were evacuated across the bridge and - 4000 martyrs were left behind Martyrs included many companions of Prophet (SAW) 2000 survivors returned to Madinah Muthanna was left with 3000 men under his command Muslims ~ managed to kill 6000 of enemy Muslims lost the battle BATTLE OF BUWAIB (RAMADHAN 13 AH - 635 A.D) ‘Umar (RA) - received new of defeat — gave call for Jihad ~ sent reinforcements to Muthana’s army Rustam ~ commander in chief of Persian army ~ appointed Mahran Hamadani as commander over 200,000 men Mahran ~ knew Arabian ways of fighting Both armies met at Buwaib (near‘Kufa), situated near Euphrates Muslim army —little more than 20,000 men Muslims invited Persians to cross the river A fierce battle took place Muslims foguht bravely ~ Persians were defeated — Muslims won. Mahran was killed - Persians fled ~ couldn't cross bridge - Muslims destroyed it already 100,000 Persians lost their life - their army was almost completely destroyed Result of victory ~ entire Western region of Persian Empire (now Iraq) - under Muslims BATTLE OF QADISIYYAH (MUHARRAM 14 AH - 637 A.D) Heavy defeat of Buwayb shocked the Persian Empire Ie was cause of distress not just to the rulers but also the people ‘The Persian emperor Yezdgrid reorganized the army under command of Rustam Number of revolts against Muslims arose in lands conquered by them and as a result they lost some parts they had conquered earlier Mutahanna sent an urgent message to Umar ~ told him about new threats all around Umar realized that if Hira was to be held by Muslims, Madain, the Persian capital of Iraq must be captured + Umar issued tough orders for reinforcements — wrote letters to his allies and assembled the his banner + Umar wanted to go himself and lead the army but advisory council didn't agree to it and he staye in Madinah + Saad bin Abi Wagas was appointed as Commander in Iraq ~ over the army of about 20,000 men (Saad was an early convert to Islam when he 17 years old ~ participated in almost all battles of Prophet (SAW) and he was also from the ashra mubashra, He was also the first Muslim who released arrow in the path of Allah) + The army had 70 companions -participants of Badr and 300 companions - who were present at al- hudaybiyyah for pledge of Ridwan + Saad was commanded by Umar to encamp at Qadisivyah, a town 45 kilometers from Kufa + Umar commanded Saad to send delegation to the Persian Emperor with three options: to accept Islam, if not then pay jizyah and come under Muslims protection or fight + Saad sent an envoy of fourteen people to the court of Yazdgrid with this message + The emperor insulted the delegation and ordered his men to place the basketful of earth on head one the noblest men of delegation, Asim ibn Amr + Asim returned to Qadisyyah and placed the load before Saad and exclaimed, ‘Rejotce, O Saad! Allah has given us the soil of Persia. He has given us the keys to their kingdom.’ + Rustam came out with huge army of about 120,000 strong men and 33 elephants + He reached al-Qadisiyyah at a bridge called al-Atig, facing Muslim camp, with a river between them + Mulims again offered a peace agreement to them and gave them 3 days ~ Rustam consulted with his officers and they refused to enter into this agreement. + Muslims were fully prepared for the fight and they offered dhuhr prayer and Saad commanded his army to advance + Saad was suffering from boils so he gave instructions to the army from the camp + The Persian army used elephants, which caused panic in Muslim ranks + Muslim archers pierced the eyes of elephants and cut their trunks -blind elephants ran towards Persian armies and destroyed their ranks + Heroic feats of Badr were enacted on the battle field - fighting was severe and the bloodshed was great Battle lasted for 4 days Persians lost eventually ~ their commander Rustam was killed Muslim loss far exceeded that of any previous engagement 8500 Muslims were martyred ~ 30,000 Persians were killed It was one of the decisive battles in the history of Islam tet eee Shattered the Persian’s strength ~ put an end to the military might of Persians ~ Arab tribes no longer hesitated to fight against Perisa it also gave courage to then to fight the enemies of Islam + Victory at Qadisiyyah also led to the conquest of the whole of Iraq from the Perisans Fall of Madain + Saad with the permission from Caliph Umar marched towards Mgdain with the intention to capture it + The army defending the city fell back before the Muslims assault- they fled into the city and closed the doors otey Pte Pet tad op + Muslims captured the city after a siege Emperor and his family and the nobles fled - leaving the city, ite etreets, garden and Palaces deserted Royal treasures were collected and sent to Madina along with the one fifth of the war booty ~ rest was distributed among the troops Peace was declared - remaining population came to hear and agree to the terms of Jizyah ‘This brought the whole territory from the Buphrates to the Tigris under the banner of Islam BATTLE OF JALULA (637 A.D) ‘The Persian emperor took shelter in Halwan ~ started preparations to attack Muslims ‘They made preparations for the battle ~ entire town was converted into fortress — deep ditch was dug around the town Muslims laid siege to Jalula - lasted for 7 months Fleree battle was fought under command of Hashim and Qaka ~ Persians were defeated — agreed to pay Jizyah Muslims advanced to Hulwan - city where Yazdgrid was staying and they captured it Yazdgrid fled and settles in Merv BATTLE OF NAHWANAD (MUHARRAM 19 A.H- 642 A.D) After the battle of Jalaula, there was peace for sometime Umer (Ral stopped further conquest and sought to consolidate the Muslim rule in the lands already occupied A peace treaty was signed with the Persians ‘The Persians , however soon broke the treaty and united against the Muslims Persians were 60,000 men under command of Firuzan and Muslims were 30,000 Both armies met at Nahawand and there was a fierce battle for 2 days 3" day Persians took refuge in their forts By clever strategy the Muslims got them out of hiding and flerce fighting took place between them Persians were defeated - Firuzan was killed ~ 38,000 Persians were killed ‘Thus in 642, this battle shattered the ancient Empire of Persia for all times to come Series of victories followed the victory of Nahawand Umar (RA) ordered his commanders to march against all the remaining provinces ‘This administered a death blow to the Persian Empire ~ all unity and cohesion of the empire was gone Tewas last and the greatest victory of Umar (RA's marvelous reign BATTLES FOUGHT WITH BYZANTINES ‘The Eastern Roman Empire consisting of Syria, Jerusalem and Eygpt was called Byzantine Empire. ‘The conquest in Syria during the reign of Umar bin al-Khattab represent the second stage of conquest in this direction, after the conquests at time of Abu Bakr(RA). Muslims under the leadership of Khalid bin Walid (Ra) had captured Hims and Qinnesrin and hed laid seige to Damascus at the time of Abu Bakt’s death. The Muslims conquered Damascus at the time of ‘Umar (RA). Fall of Damascus (14 AH - 633 CE) Abs Ubaydah and halla bin Walid were occupied on Syrian front during Iraq campaign Khalid organized a siege and captured Damascus Damascus was the seat of Roman Empire, it was their fortress twas considered ‘Queen of Cities? - known for its culture and wealth the ee Syrians were hoping for reinforcements from the emperor, Heraclius or else thet the Syrian winter would break the Muslim resolve * Muslims led by Khalid bin Walid swam across the moat and using the rope ladders, scaled the walls + ‘The Syrians panicked and threw open the gates to escape, the remaining Muslim forees rushed in ‘This way Muslim army entered this magnificent city, ‘The Eye of the East, and it was assed from the grip Heraclius in to the hands of Caliph Umar + The fall of Damascus alarmed the Romans - the super power of that time - who didn't consider the rise of Islam a serious threat to their power in Syria ‘The “all of some important cities angered the Roman Emperor; Heraclius, He sent huge army to fight Sesinst Muslims, In order to face the huge army the Muslims left some places they had occupied and stumed to safer border. While leaving the conquered lands, the Islamic forces paid back the Jigyah that they had collected from non-Muslims of those regions, telling them, ‘Since we cannot protect 0 We are returning tt.’ This was an extremely rare example of integrity set by Muslims in history BATTLE OF FIHL/ BATTLE OF MUD (14 A. - 635 A.D) * Heraclius ordered a large number of concentration of Byzantine forces at Beisan, which is located at west 6f Jordan river He wanted to prevent the Mulim forces in Syria from communication with Arabia Muslims had small battalion at Fahl, at some distance from Beisan * When Abu Obaidah came to know of the concentration of Byzantise forces at Beisan, he held a war meeting and left a small force under command of Yazid in Damascus He marched towards Fahl with the rest of the Muslims Byzantines got to know about the Muslim advance so they dammed River Jordan and flooded the country side around Fahl 6 * Byzantines wanted to negotiate and offered Muslims some area adjacent to Arabia if they withdrew from Syria Pasir tie cna ae ns ea anaes, 4 tae the matter through war Muslims wanted to advance to Beisan, but were prevented by the marsh caused by flood so they returned to Fahl and decide to wait Byzantines crossed the River and proceeded to Fahl and launched attacked there under the command of Saglar on January 23% Muslims slowly retreated until they were on firm ground away from flooded area ‘Then the Muslims charged Byzantines were caught up in the trap they had set up for the Muslims -thousands perished in marsh Romans suffered heavy loss ~ those who survived scattered and fled This Battle was also know known as the Battle of Mud because of mud Mulims then crossed the river and captured Beisan and advanced to Tabariyya With the fall of Tabariyya, the whole Jordan came under the Muslim rule BATTLE OF YARMUK (18 AH - 636 A.D) When Heraclius received reports of the fall of Damascus and defeat at Fihl and Hims in 635 AD he was determined to recover Palestine - the Holy Land - for Christian rule He mobilized a large army around 260,000 men who camped in the valley of Yarmuk Muslim army was about 40,000 men and initially was under the command of Khalid thn al-Walia - he began to group his forces along the River Yarmuk, a tributary of River Jordan ‘Umar was in contact with the army and sent them messages of advice and encouragement Romans tried to drive out the Muslims from Syria through negotiations and bribery but Khalid refused and in turn elaborated upon the positive changes that Islam had brought about in the Arabs and invited the Romans to accept Islam, pay jizya or fight - Romans refused so Khalid bin Walid returned and prepared his army for battle During the course of the battle Umar (RA) appointed Abu ‘Ubaldah bin Jarra as the new commander- in- chief ‘The Muslim strategies paid off and after a fierce battle that lasted 6 days the Romans were defeated and about 100,000 Romans were killed ‘The Muslims also lost 3000 men in this battle Battle of Yarmuk was a great victory for the Muslims & was a tuming point in the history of the Byzantine empire The power of Byzantine was completely crushed & Syria fell in the hands of Muslims forever Umar (RA), when received this news, fell into a prayer of gratitude before Allah Heraclius withdrew from Syria and moved his capital to Constantinople After this battle the Muslim forces spread out in all directions in Jordan and captured key areas to Pave the way to Jerusalem “In battle of Yarmuk both sides invoked their faith ~ The Christians carried the emblem and banners of their faith while the Muslims recited verses from the Quran to bolster their courage, Another significant feature of this battle was the active heroic role of the women who accom| the army and whose camps were behind the battle lines Fall of Jerusalem (16. A.H - 637 A.D) + The Muslim army under the leadership of Amr bin al-Aas besieged the city of Jerusalem surrounded by huge wall (Muslims had spiritual links to Jerusalem ~ several prophets and Messengers of Allah had lived in that land and were buried in and around Jerusalem. Prophet (SAW) was taken first to Jerusalem on the night of Isra & Miraj and initially it was the Qibla of the Muslims till 2 AH) + Artabun was the guardian of Jerusalem at that time — he was second in authority only to the Emperor himself + The siege lasted for four months - Muslims had to endure rain, snow and bitter cold + Since the people of Jerusalem had already seen the defeat of the Byzantine forces - they agreed to surrender but Artabun said: “The one who will conquer Jerusalem will be a man whose name is Umar" + Amr bin al-Aas wrote to Umar - “Artabun does not believe anyone would conquer the city expect you. I have been fighting a fierce battle, but it seems the final honours are saved for you! What do you say?” + Umar (RA) received the message — after consulting Shura he accepted the offer + He appointed Ali (RA) as his deputy in Madinah and went to Jerusalem with his slave + They had one camel on which they rode turn by turn ~ as they neared Jerusalem, it was the slaves turn to ride ~ he offered his turn to Caliph but Umer refused saying: ‘The honour of Islam (being a Muslim) is sufficient for us.” + When they entered Jeruselam it was his salves tum to be on the camel - Umar (RA) entered Jerusalem holding the rope of camel on which his slave was riding His cloths were dirty and had several patches on them ‘Umar (RA) signed the treaty under which the inhabitants of Jerusalem were guaranteed complete ae security of their life and property they agreed to pay Jizyah Places of worship were secured and remained intact People were allowed to follow their religion freely This led masses of people to embrace Islam This way Jerusalem was also conquered by the Mustims eee CONQUEST OF EYGPT (17 AH - 638 AD) FALL OF ALEXANDRIA + Egypt was a great danger to the security of Hijaz (Northern Arabia) + It was a powerful province of the Byzantine Empire & had a strong base of Byzantine navy at Alexandria + Romans were busy in plotting against Muslims to regain their Ist territories from Muslims & to attack them through Bygpt + ‘Therefore it was necessary from the point of view of defense to drive the Romans from Egypt + Conquest of Egypt would open the way to large parts of Africa Amr bin al-As knew that the common people of Egypt were living in miscrable conditions under the Byzantine rulers so they would welcome and support the Mustims Besides - Muslims had a faith, a religion, which they wanted to establish all over the world Egypt bordered Palestine so it was natural for the Muslims to flow into Egypt after having conquered Palestine ‘Towards the end of 17 AH in 638 AD, Amr bin al-As got the permission from caliph and set out from Palestine to Egypt, at the head of 40,000 men Amr bin al-As entered Bgypt through route of Wadi al-Arish and after attacking some small towns laid siege to one of the strongest forts of Romans in Egypt at Fustat ‘Amr was unable to make headway, requested reinforcements from Madina Reinforcements arrived led by four brilliant commanders: Zubayr bin al-Awaam, Miqdad ibn Umar, Ubaidah thn Samit and Maslama ibn Mukhallad Amr handed over the operations to Zubayr bin al-Awwam ~ who captured the fort after a seven ‘month long siege, by scaling the walls and opening the gates for the Muslim army to enter ‘The fall of Fustat gave a severe blow to the Roman might in Egypt ‘The Byzantine emperor upon hearing the news of the fall of fort got furious & sent a big army to Alexandria It is important to note that at that time Alexandria was the capital of the region and also the financial capital & Romans were aware of the dangers posed by the Muslims invasion of the city When Muslims reached the city they found it heavily fortified manned by 50,000 soldiers and the Muslims strength was about 12,000 only Whenever the Muslims tried to get close to the city the enemy rained boulders on them & also because Alexandria was a major port and help could come from sea any time Heraclius wished to personally face the Muslims in the battle for Alexandria but Allah caused his death during the siege and that caused disorder in his troops as well This siege was dragged on for about nine months and finally the troops were placed under Ubaidah bin Samit by Amr ibn al-As and the Muslims conquered Alexandria the same day - it was last month of the year 21 AH, 641 Cz ‘UMAR (RA)'S DEATH (27° DHUL HIJJAH - 23 AH - 644 AD) Cause of his death + Al-Mughaira ibn Shu’bah, who was the governor of Kufah, had a Persian slave named Feroz Abu Lutu'ah ~ who was a native of Nihawand + He was highly skilled worker ~ carpenter, smith and sculptor + Al Mugahira wished to let him work in Madinah and to profit from his earnings ~ as under Islamic Jaw the owner of the slave was entitled to a certain share in the latter's gains + Abu Lulu’ah set up his trade in Madinah and prospered + Al-Mughaira used to take 4 Dirhams from his daily earnings - which was quite reasonable + Feroz complained to Umar (RA) that his master charged him too high tax * Umar found out that his earnings were far above the sum demanded by al-Mughaira * Though he planned to talk to al-Mughaira - for the present- however he advised the slave to behave well + This roused the slave's anger - and he openly threatened to kill Umar - some people advised Umar to arrest the slave but he refused to so and also he laid down the rule that citizen should not be arrested on grounds of suspicion + On the morning of 27% Dhul Hijjah, Abu Lu'lu’eh attacked Umar (RA) ith a double bladed dagger while Umar (RA) was leading the Dawn Prayer + Umar took the hand of Abdur Rehman ibn Awf and made him advance to lead the prayer + When Feroz was caught he killed himself + Umar (RA) was severely wounded in the stomach and survived for few days after the attack * Umar, knowing that his end is near nominated a board of six leading companions (Ali bin abi Talib, Uthman bin Affan, Abdur Rahman bin Awf, Sad bin abi Waqas, az-Zubair bin al -Awwam and Talha bin Ubaydullah) to elect Caliph within three days of his death + He passed away at the age of 63 in 23 AH, 644 AD + He ruled for 10 years, 5 months & 21 days + He was buried next to Prophet (SAW) in the apartment of Ayesha (RA) as he requested her to permit his burial by the side of Prophet (SAW) PAST PAPER QUESTIONS Q1 (a) The conquest of Persia was one of ‘Umar's great achievements, Write an account of any two battles fought with the Persiens during his caliphate. [10] (6) Say which in your opinion was the most significant of the battl fought under Umar against the Persians and why. [4] [2016 ~ May June - 21] Outline part (a): Students need to name any two of the battles that were fought against the Persians during ‘Umar’s term as caliph and give a detailed account of them, Include statistical dates, names of generals, facts of battles, the key players, the length of the battle, the date, places conquered along with the developed facts and details of the battle. Giving dates, names of generals, other relevant details and outcomes of the b tles will help gain higher levels. ‘Outline part (b): ‘The candidates need to choose any one battle that was fought against the Persians, The battle they choose to write about does not necessarily have to be from the two they have written about in pert (a). They do, however, have to say why in their view the one they have chosen to write about was the most important one fought between the Persians and the Muslims, Evaluation is what is being looked for and here candidates could write about the effects of the battle after it was over or perhaps compare it to other battles. 22 (a) Write an account about the battle of Yarmuk fought during the caliphate of ‘Umar. [10] (b) ‘Umar’s unbending attitude led to his assassination’. What can Muslims learn from this? [4] (2014 - May June ~ 21) Outline part (alt Students need to give a detailed account of the battle, The students may give many facts about this battle and develop some of them or give a few facts and develop them in great detail, The answer will need to be read as a whole and given marks accordingly. Include statistical dates, names of generals, facts of battle, the key players, the length of the battle, the date, places conquered along with the developed facts and details of the battle. The cause, main event and outcome should be very clear. Giving dates, names of generals, other relevant details outcomes of the battle will help gain higher levels. Outline part (b}: Umar went about conducting the affairs of the caliphate even though there was a threat to his life, he did not increase the security around him, nor did he succumb to the demands of Abu Lulu who threatened his life for not relieving him from paying a tax, Students may well give this background|the whole scene of Firoz and Umar) but to get to the higher levels they need to evaluate the points they make e.g. + Muslims should learn from ‘Umar's action and have complete faith in Allah and believe that only He is the giver and taker of life + They must not give in to unjust demands and work honestly at whatever they do + This incident reflects his simple life style - the head of the largest empire in history was easily accessible and roamed around like an ordinary citizen In Part (b) answers it is evaluation that will earn the candidates marks even if itis simply put, Q5 (a) Give an account of the following two battles during the rule of ‘Umar + Battle of Qadisiyas + Battle of Yermulk, [10] (b) Was ‘Umar better as a military leader or as en administrator? [4] 2013 - May June ~ 42 Outline pert (a: ‘The answer for this question needs to be read as @ whole and the mark is not to be divided 5 « 5 between the two battles. Information about the dates, names of generals, facts of battle, the key players, the length of the battle, the date, places conquered along with the developed facts and details of the battles. The cause, main event and outcome should be very clear. Outline part (b}: Students can choose either of the two choices given or say that he was both an excellent military leader as well as an administrator as long as they back up their point of view with reasons. Good evaluation is what will get them the higher levels. + Gifted administrator & skilled military commander ~ proved his talents in both capacities + As administrator ~ he was able to manage a huge empire successfully ~ making sure all his subjects receive justice end live in peace + His remarks in this regard are worth quoting: ‘ Even if a dog sleeps hungry on the bank of river Euphrates, ‘Umer will be accountable for that’ + Bayt ul mael was full of funds during his rule - spent honestly on public welfare +The census he conducted enabled his governors to make economic planning easily Independent judiciary promoted a sense of justice and security among all citizens ~ Muslims & nog Muslims + ‘These measures led to establishment of truly welfare state - based on security, prosperity, peace and justice + During his caliphate every Muslims was ready to pay but hardly anyone to accept Zakah + His military policies were also successful + He cleverly utilized the skills of the talented military commanders like Khalid bin Walid, Saad bin abi Wagas, Abu Ubaida & Amr bin al-As + He used delaying tactics against Romans in the battle of Yarmuk - so to receive good news from Qadisiyah as Muslims were facing two military giants simultaneously + His policy to send small reinforcements at regular intervals was a successful psychological warfare ~ due to this Muslims suffered only occasional and minor defeats (Q4- (b) How does Umar's conduct at the surrender of Jerusalem set an example for Muslims? (4) 2012 ~ Oct Nov~ 22 Outline part ( Here students could write about any one or more examples of Umar's conduct at the time of the surrender of Jerusalem and discuss how it scts an example for today’s Muslims. He entered Jerusalem accompanied by just one servant and a camel between them which they rode in turns. His entry into Jerusalem is one of the rare examples of bloodless victories. He signed a treaty according to which the inhabitants of Jerusalem were granted complete security of their life and property. The people's freedom to practice their own religion and the protection given to their places of worship shows that he believed in having cordial relations with non-Muslims and didn’t want enmity or hostility to continue. His conduct therefore sets an example of simplicity, humility, a respect for all faiths and tolerance. He acted upon the devine command: “But if the enemy inclines towards peace, you too incline towards peace, and trust in God.” (al-Anfal- 8:61) + Muslims should learn and follow lesson of tolerance & respect for places of worhip of other religions + They should shun pride and arrogance whenever they make an achievement + ‘Their goal should be only to seek pleasure of Allah Q5- (a) Trace the expansion of the Islamic empire under the rule of Caliph Umar. (10) (b) What does the way he died tell us about his character? (4) 2009 ~ May June - 02 Outline part (6): Basic answers may show some knowledge of the main battles and areas brought under Muslim rule during the caliphate of Umar. Better answers will be able to expand on the points made earlier and be able to name and date the main battles. Some of the important dates/battles are: 636AD/15AH bettle of Yarmuk, 638AD/ 17AH battle of al-Qadisiyya, 642AD/21AH battle of Nibawand. Better students should be able to give a coherent account of the progress of Muslim armies, the battles won and the land captured. Fully detailed and dated answers showing a gradual expansion of the answer will enable the candidates to get top range marks. Outline part (6): Students might begin by showing signs that they have some knowledge of how the caliph died. Some might go on to describe how ‘Umar was assassinated by his servant, However a more complete answer will explain why the servant killed his master, and will show an awareness of the severe faimess of Umar this reveals. It was ‘Umar’s scrupulous sense of faimess that was the reason for his refusal to give preferential treatment to his slave despite his relationship with him which led to his assassination, Another version regarding ‘Umar's assassination is that he was killed by a Persian slave Firoz, who was owned by Mughira b. Shuba, Firoz wanted a reduction in the daily payment he made to hig master. Umar rejected his claim ‘and so in anger Firoz stabbed him at dawn prayers the next day.

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