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1. A: Shall I call Linda at the office?

B: Yes, it’s 10.00 a.m. so she ________ be there right now.

2. They __________ be very tired because they have been travelling all night.

3. They __________ be getting married! They only met a month ago.

4. Jane is raising charity for stray animals. She __________ love animals very much.

5. Thomas is always on time and today he’s late. That’s a bit strange. He __________
be stuck in a traffic jam.

6. Linda hasn’t come to work today. She __________ be ill.

7. I know she booked a holiday to Spain for this month, so if she’s not here, she
__________ be on holiday.

8. You __________ be hungry after such a huge meal.

9. She __________ be Scottish with a surname like Hernández.

10. They __________ know each other very well. They have been talking on the
phone for an hour.

11. I don’t know. They __________ go to New York City because they want to
see the Statue of Liberty.

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