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Pagan 2020 Calendar - The Wheel of the Year April September

7: Full Moon - Growing Moon at 09:35 PM 2: Full Moon - Harvest Moon at 12:23 AM
12: Easter 17: New Moon at 06:00 AM
22: Earth Day 21: International Day of Peace
22: New Moon at 09:27 PM 23: Fall Equinox or Mabon
23: Wiccan pentacle is officially added to the list of VA-approved 23: Ostara (Southern Hemisphere)
emblems for gravestones, 2007
May 1: Full Moon - Blood Moon at 04:06 PM
1: Beltane 16: New Moon at 02:32 PM
1: Samhain - The Witches' New Year (Southern Hemisphere) 31: Samhain-The Witches' New Year
5: Cinco de Mayo 31: Beltane (Southern Hemisphere)
7: Full Moon - Hare Moon at 05:45 AM 31: Celtic Feast of the Dead
22: New Moon at 12:39 PM 31: Full Moon - ??? at 09:51 AM
31: All Saints' Eve
1: England's Witchcraft Act of 1563 goes into effect November
5: Full Moon - Mead Moon at 02:12 PM 1: All Saints' Day
January 21: Litha 1: Mexico's Day of the Little Angels (Día de los Angelitos)
1: New Year's Day 21 :Yule (Southern Hemisphere) 2: Mexico's Day of the Dead (Día de los Muertos)
10: Full Moon - Wolf Moon at 01:23 PM 21: New Moon at 01:42 AM 2: All Souls' Day
24: New Moon at 03:44 PM 21: In England, the Day of Cerridwen and her cauldron 1: Reign of the Old Woman Calileach, or Festival of the Dead
22: England's last Witchcraft Law is repealed in 1951 1. Day of Banshees in Ireland
February 14: New Moon at 11:08 PM
2: Imbolc July 26: Thanksgiving Day (United States)
2: Lammas or Lughnasadh (Southern Hemisphere) 4: Independence Day (United States) 30: Full Moon - Snow Moon at 03:32 AM
9: Full Moon - Ice Moon at 01:34 AM 4: Full Moon - Hay Moon at 11:44 PM
23: New Moon at 09:33 AM 20: New Moon at 12:33 PM December
14: New Moon at 10:18 AM
March August 29: Full Moon - Cold Moon at 09:30 PM
1: Matronalia, the Festival of Women 1: Lammas or Lughnasadh 21: Winter Solstice or Yule
9: Full Moon - Storm Moon at 12:48 PM 1: Imbolc (Southern Hemisphere) 21: Litha (Southern Hemisphere)
18: Sheelah's Day in Ireland, honoring Sheela-Na-Gig, the 3: Full Moon - Corn Moon at 10:59 AM 25: Christmas Day
goddess of fertility 18: New Moon at 09:42 PM 31. Hogmanay in Scotland; ward off evil spirits by wearing costumes, such as
20: Ostara hides and horns
20: Mabon (Southern Hemisphere) 31. Day in Mexico called Wishing Night
24: New Moon at 04:29 AM 31: New Year's Eve

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