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Middle Eastern fragrances are compared and recommended based on their

performance, scent profile, and value, with specific recommendations for

different fragrances.

 The video compares Middle Eastern fragrances like Sterling perfumes House of armou
and House of Leafa, ultimately preferring the shal shuk final Edition for its longer lasting
o The video discusses the most hyped Middle Eastern fragrances, including Sterling
perfumes House of armou and House of Leafa, comparing their longevity,
projection, and price.
o The speaker discusses the longevity and projection of two Middle Eastern
fragrances, ultimately preferring the shal shuk final Edition for its longer lasting
 Salvo Elixir is similar to Dior Sage Elixir, but LFA Asset has better performance, while
Alhamra Kos is similar to Kanan but Royal Sapphire is the preferred choice for better
performance and compliments.
o Salvo Elixir by Me Alhamra is more accurate to Dior Sage Elixir, but LFA Asset
has better performance and longevity.
o Alhamra Kos is 60-70% similar to Kanan, while Royal Sapphire has better
performance and compliments, making it the preferred choice.
 House of Leafa and Fran Olivia fragrances are compared, with Fran Olivia's blue touch
being the winner in terms of performance, compliments, and price.
 Frankia Blue Touch and Leta are recommended Middle Eastern fragrances, with Frankia
Blue Touch being the preferred choice for its performance, while Hunter Intense and
Urban Man Elixir are also good options.
o Frankia Blue Touch and Leta fragrances are recommended, with Frankia Blue
Touch being the preferred choice and Leta being a great house, and both
fragrances are similar to Invictus by Pabon, with Frankia Blue Touch being the
winner in terms of performance.
o Middle Eastern fragrances like Nasia and Hayot have different longevity and
projection, with Hayot being safer and more pleasing, while Hunter Intense and
Urban Man Elixir are inspired by well-known fragrances.
o Hunter Intense is longer lasting but Urban Man Elixir is more complex and has
more weight, while Afnan and Arma Fresh fragrances are also good options.
 Club The New Iconic outperforms Blue de Chanel and Afnan Supremacy in Oud beats
House of Leffa's OT for Glory in terms of performance, price, and accuracy.
o Comparison of Middle Eastern fragrances, with a preference for Club The New
Iconic over Blue de Chanel and Afnan Supremacy in Oud over House of Leffa's
OT for Glory.
o One fragrance is better in terms of performance, price, and accuracy, making it
the winner over the other.
 Sil Mountain Water fragrance now has a more feminine and woody spicy version with
added rose, and the video compares Middle Eastern fragrances based on performance,
scent profile, and value, with recommendations for specific fragrances.
o Rose has been added to the Sil Mountain Water fragrance, making it more
feminine and a woody spicy version of the original.
o Comparison of different Middle Eastern fragrances in terms of performance, scent
profile, and value, with recommendations for specific fragrances based on
longevity, projection, and compliment factor.
 Supremacy intense and Club intense man limited edition are similar to Creed Aventus but
with differences in performance, Howas Ice is refreshing and minty with a bakar roui
base, Howas is better for compliments and longevity, Havas is better for projection and
both are extremely sweet fragrances.
o Comparison of two fragrances, Supremacy not only intense and Club intense man
limited edition, both similar to Creed Aventus but with differences in performance
and projection, with the limited edition being slightly better.
o The fragrance "Howas Ice" has a refreshing aquatic and minty feel with a bakar
roui base, while "Howas" is better in terms of compliments and has a longer
lasting beast mode type of fragrance.
o Havas is better for longevity and projection, while Havas Ice is also a great
choice, but both are extremely sweet fragrances and not every new release is
better than the previous flanker.
 Regular camera fragrance is preferred over CRA as it is denser, longer lasting, and has
better projection.

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