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pol, 5 1987 the return... -s for the delay reat hands and trite. about SLATER, that wt think of the sane f ‘change its, buy ve don't know any ve become a bit Snapir EATHFUCKT Mell, T think tha! sour great support! SEE YA? QLORTION (Where are, you know?) Onae, Thoré and Sandro of omy "The prisoner” Unblnaan of DISRESPECT, TT TASK, Anna of NEUTRON RATN, UGLY weLSon’Cteah, you really are ugly hehe), TRIBULATION, MORDID LIST Chrne Babb vill pot ga!De Dani (Roy'l don thask you are m gota fish even Jor avin tn an aguarton,,.-) of ORSGIRITY, DDG MOTHERS, THE HOSE TS OOSE, BYSiGConD, "EKZS0H0U and nbs" (or was It’ Alas Garon?) PHANTOM tor i Incredible patience, CIACt and the rest of the, ye of BLACK UWIFOBSS, Nick ihe Ripper. Robert The chocolate Mik drinker* Gone ia, Diakoy site and Sohott!ot the great ASCASGIN, (Te ply’ ASSASSIN, Fisher, Satanic Stayghter Hicha "scott lat ottaem, Lemay from Gxloenkirchen, An Heeler, Jotiee Hite Pisce ond "Achenbeges” on of EREATOR (StII1 Toneher the proto se2a08 Te the tellet??), angel Ripper fitch finter of te simighty SOB. Uwe Sh the golese player of SOUIN® (well, at Inst he used tober), GRATE TiotaTol, svery fuckin Thrashers atthe MEPILSTO CUB, Andy Soeap andthe ther ones Tn SABBAT, SLATER. SATAN'S HOLOCAISY (hot about and worl tout ene peor?) OEADLOCK Uwe, FAVION MARION CDLon't you Take ny Inter ey ae Uhat275."ELIOR, CORE (try again), SADIST, AGRESSOR (ous, Dusteldort), X-CRETA, PINE EG. Tochest of HESSIAN, KILLIOT of NECROPHAGIA, SOOMSATER, SUTTLATOR (Bravil), MUFILATOR (France), SLAUGHTER "We cone tron'a place down under’ IRD Cheep Jonping! Hick E NAPALM DEATM (Ine UC tings” of Thrashin bspeedcore). Bobby Peker Wlivand tho ultinate POISON (Ohae about being straight Soper), DESHCHKTION (both of thon), EVI REEHESY, TAPPHATOR, INGLIS gwd Steritoy Yor Sarboronsh TIE MIEOTEENS snd their meneger Gernot "Mone InPEMUAE MATESTT rian Uehteldt of WERRAGIT (aere"g the teamere?), SARS, IITENSE "Manonar® MUTILATION ond Fetua "Bend Serious™ Fucker (Yeah, you ate Hake you canre fost statue and sat it tel), Bick Alton’s stm Cettil on the Toseeto" bovtd and Trey of the hellish oqendran of death (or une it MOEBID ARGEL?); Max of SPPULTTHA, Lori Brave (Tite ultiaate female Desth Thrash Singer) and RICLEAR DEATH, TACIMERATOR. Pat "Let's get Serious” Riese, THE DISEOUIMF (the fantest letter vriter tn the world!)® LESLIE for the prestest dravingo ever’, SCHLDD (Nazi's should be att prouti), AGGRESSOR fron Italy feLcaWS, SORT? cron ckin® Nore. ARCTIC THNDER (iy you forever rest in piece!), The ultimate in dest, the’only TRUE MAYHEM from Norvay! (Fuckin Jowis.!), BLASPHDMER (also you may rest in peace), DEATHLIKE SILENCE FRoDicTiOis, MANIAC 4 DawGE INC. (or was tt DAMAGE THE!" T think so.--, 1 prontee not ‘terest pour cheescbarger again yon yon). Nella! Your louon Pectin: RELts AFROGIIM), Hanne ad Elin, TO-THE DEATH. ine" HEGALUMTAC Woctne. UPrehens shere ove you? T'miee your Lettorers-babuhs), Johnny and Aer PRODUCTIONS, ‘ATONS. ond Sean, SELZURE MAGAZINE, Mike Rorders {hatever you ave-ap te, keep Se\gothg’)._ RUDE BRAID.” CMNE HO = THRASHERS IM Shelley slavery Roberta Powers Coneghty, maghy), HELDATEN, ARNE ANB (oor sin Inepiration!), MUCLEAR ASEAIL, "NOISE INTERNATION. WH TENAISCANCE REGUDRDS. MINOTAIR and Jorg (Reet beer), The aplattering HELLSAW, VINNIE MOORE (HUN?2); THMMATOS, SURFER, SPAZZTIC WALK, MISPLTS, FUMOUSE ECCORDS in Germany (The best Hardcore, shop), GANG GREEN, DIE HARD Ckeep on frying!» DECAY LIST, MEIKLSTOR tran’ Sarpaborg, Meno" Bly, Monsen ‘he CANCER DANCER Legions of babbistan, Motalson (Yeah, I'm really great vt) CASBM, WAR S°TAIN “asney HAAN, CHECKER PATROL,” DEATHCR OMNES Br 'Ritipattose/the Noon doctor’ RAWEID DECAY, RIFEDRD, ‘Scott Tan and: Din Spite trou ANTHEAY (Hoveay ien'< that bat La it). Jone a Lars Crom 8 Wan NETMAIGN, Bitten, Heldase, Reggen, Skale, Grim, 1Aite, Yaggie, DekTuvchs TuRistNe Dart PRONOTLON, RELLDASTARD, SPAZ2TIC RLURE, Peace Ponte FILLOME “sive, Sots, VIOLEICE, VACANT GEAVE, METAL RAGE, nus Tobberated, VOr'vOD, OVERKILL (r-i.dx Jeff of AINTRTLATOR apd Jody Cou can cat me shatover you vant, but please don't call ne 40 élock tn the mornings sorr=)r Terry Sadler of SLAUGHTER: MASSACRE, ALELe (The great inaaro fricadi),” BABBEN AYLEE FRODUCTIONS, rvid Tobe ETRE WISE THROES ANEL DEATH DHBENESS, SLAUGTTEROOUSE “sine, Fe ee foraarceeryone who is supporting their scene, tape iradery Fea sreecae Tavashers) oshers, divers, stomerss ANTT BARBS, Ri Here erie ae pace at hia places thane aloe dude'), Macardi, Noise, Secta' Seu abstractions Helipaced Booth Metal You vant some fuckin’ noise? ey noise? Then I got the Feat thing for you. DEADLOCK! Tapp, DEADLOCK From Germany of course, This band vas puked out of a nasty place back im May '83. Tt was back then when two totally wad’ lenat ica formed this outfit. Well, if you want to know their names” ok, Peter ~ drums and Uwe - base and vocals. They rehearsed a couple Of times and then recorded their first deno "Vermin Hayhos", bat the members claimed that it was ghit. (HUH?) In the summer of °86 they got an new guitar slayer and they recorded their second demo "Deadly Intention”. But also this demo the band dislike. Te to to slow and unnormal they say Gloy and -unnormal??? I'd better go to the nadhoure at once. Ed) Their last guitar player left and they gota new insane on called Thomas. This mayhenic three piece Plan to release an demo sometine in “87m, and it might could be the ore Metal demo of the your “87. "And if their adv./reh. tape is Something to judge by. You con expect some real morbid noise By the way. the third demo will be entitled "befected Game” Sone of our readers vill certainly hate this band. Because it ten't good sound, nor is class Metal. Tr is Boise for the sake of noise. Tf you are still alive you can write them of course DEADLOCK c/o Uwe Stolze Nordring 208 8500 NURNBERG 10 W~ ceRmany Metation AGCGRESSION, from Canada, eh? I don“think'I will vaste’ so mach pace on then tis time Althought they are pretty good This hould. have released Tp "The Forgotten Skeleton” om the new PACEMELT RECORDS Iabel. So I guess their demo ie not for sale any more. THey vere nizo on one. of the SPEED’ METAL HELL 1p’es That track is BAD! And it sure as hell is the woret track on this demo. There is also three other tracks here which ts Slightly better. AIL ia ail SLAYER Inspired Thrash You wight vant to check them out if you are rich or s-thing Tou caw always steel it WETUNDER WE Weaheriaal RA EXXOR és one of the new upcomming bands from Switerzland. And think some of our readers vill like what this outfit offers Tt is by no means Death Metal. Yeoh, it’s one of those Crossover bands again. You know, a bend like DeR.e, 7 SECONDS. or Tnetover, And since they are Crossover band they like to write Stout ‘sersous” things, not eny satanic "crap"! (I think I heard Something like this befere...--) They got their debut gig wien they opened for MESSIAN last year! Their Line up ta Steve Jentzech - guitar and. Roger Gautseht - drums/vocal. they also had a female bass player, but she Left the band because of musical difference! (Wow, Never heard of anyone vho left a band due to musical differences!) hen they played Live they also aid’ sone cover versions of D.RiI 4 MIRAK. They vill soon make a Single on the CHAINSAV MURDER RECORDS which ie nanaged by Dinossura- I doe’t know which trax witieh vill be on it, but faybe "Surronded By In justice! Clviteation Dissease™ ss444444 T really don’t know. This io 9 band I think you ought to support so please send 10 Sviss france for'their pretty good croosover Iive tape. And aaybe they enclose gone studio trax for you ae vell. THeir tape is released by company with the great name KROKEL RECORDS! Here ia the Contact addren STEVE JENTZSCH Thesenacher 4 csai26.20m1KoN SWITZERLAND Algo ask for the price of their forteommoag single EP. Metalion eS Eel stm, kolstadsyei 1700 sarpsborg NORWAD’ =a = Sa SCENT HARDCORE. a =e) OR Paseo | Peat we] a 42-TRACK ALBUM eee Cla) ee Ree ALSO GET OUR BIG, FREE MAILORDER CATALOG ! i ee aN ge ate ert a N__5999 62-200) ro Sor ma orp! We decided to write that no. “vines Ry in etarting to get real fanoous nowadays, bbut no one really know mich about hn! S2 here ts the officsal ARNE BABS story. Ho 1s Tiving at Honzzz"es place in a ‘natchbox.You see, he is really ‘Small and he Likes to live there! ARNE BABE is a mighty fine masican a yell. Tt ought tobe a top secret, but tt seems Like everybody knows $¢ ow, ARNE EABB ta the guy that Play all the tastrunent on Harta © don "Pure Fuckin” Armageddon"! He also made all the traxeex! Great, oh? ‘That's why the sound is not 20 ‘good on the dono! Can_you Seapine poor 1ittLe ARNE BABB Floying the buen, the guitar, the drime and the sineing st ‘once! Thats pretty hard! Ko fuckin’ overdoubet HELL NOI! e's rather strange that MATHBS didn’t give any credit to ARNE! ARVE BABB as0 clatse that he in one of the strings on Kerry Kings guitar, but 1 thine you ‘ean concider ‘that ae a pire Viet “Cause ARNE BABB 18 8130 Iying alot, and he is very Cheek en avail TE Fou ever talk to im, don’t ever mention thet he Sera bit to meal. Then he will jump and bite you sn Jour teoth ead you will get ARNE BABB viii "soon release has debut demo "Strange Noises" (or ‘oneching completely different) fon BAEBEN HYLER PRODUCTIONS WrcITTeetEEtBeceecEEEEEEREece BABREN HYLER PRODUCTION: e/o Jon Kristiansen Stn. Kelatadsve! 29 1700 SARPSBORG Welly since ve did an write-up ‘on ARNE BARB. Ue fipired that. ve ould write about another sickle ‘as vell! (Fron Norway of course!) Here ve gol We are not really fsure when this creature called MAVIAG wns bora, but the only thing we Know for sure 18 that he is borat (I found that out fal. by mpookE1INNTTUITTTIIT=ED) T think MANIAC ts mostly known for hie “sine DAVAGE TNC, And that {3 really an fuckin’ godly fanzine! It’s written in both English and Australian (270779? Make no sence???) The “zine Features Death Metal bands Like MATIIES, SEPULTURA, SLAUGHTER, MEFISTO ete. Also Hardcore Punk is featured here with banda Tike C.0.C, and DEAD RENNEDYS! YATREGOURHRPAURE 11 find of course the maaters of technical music NECROMANCER/ CANCER. DANCER and INTENSE MUTILATION i featured here as Yell! You can buy his second “zine for 3f and the First one sa still availble for 281 think!! Te's easily one of the best. “zines evere! So buy it fond. die by AENTITONETITTTINN? fs time vent by the man from the fields decided to form an ‘one an band. called SEPTIC GUNS! (On yes, ugh, huff1) (Ghat band? On, that. band helpless sereana YACHT) Itch. tape with the bice sane eaped In Piso” and it was eh. Total,! Teah, TOTAL SOMETHING! The most positive voice about this was HANLAC's voice! Real grotesque! AREY RPUARPHAREHARPUARFVARE 1 ou know, 2 kinda rev version Of early KILLJOT of something. ‘They pugs of the true MAYHEM from Noreoy “discovered” Maniae’s atent and asked him if he would Like to sing on their "Deatherust Tint Lp/dewo! And so be fuckin’ ‘id! He grovis 1ike_an anti ponssessed Maniac (727777227702?) te these truly classics: "Wecro Test", "Deatherush” & "Chainsaw Gattofeck"! As vell as he do seme {Intense howling on the "Witching Hour" track! Ok, here I'm going tro describe hie voice: YIRKKKKRKER ‘invocceccococeurmnmRGEREN Ind now of ‘course you know exactly that T moan! Right? Tis band SEPTIC CUNTS seeas to hove an stabile Line-up now. And fn’ ehe autumn they will go to the studio and. cnwalt for ibs... Feceord an ipttitistrnniiiiiittd The mate will be Hardcore/cowboy. You cam contact this morbid soul of infernal. breakdance by writing to this addre HANIAG PRODUCTIONS, Box 62 Ne3e64 RAULAND rowar Tvonder if the vorld vould be Still the save 1f Maniac hada’t eard "Chainsaw Lust" vith NEGHOPHAGIA.. coat DAMAGE INC. ‘THE BIG TOTALDEATHMAGFROMNORWAY Damage Inc. costi three dollars, or the equivalent in your currency. Order from the address below. Bands wishing to appear can ‘send demo/bio/pix/logo ECERNAL FIERCE EATER THE ng, T'm just hearing the slere soundtrack of ny favorite movie, Ben lar How ia these Abra Helin"? MGreatil!! Our first edition (in black) ta totally sold ont, the new edition (in Fed) te sold out too. 1000 copies of them ve Sold to a record’ label in Japan Dinosaver don’t know if he will press a third edition. Ke ore Tooking for s release in the teas All interested Jabets or tribetors write to CHATISAW BR RECORDS, ve need your Support! THANX." Are! you satisfied with CHAINSAW MURDER’ RECORDS? Or" do" you wane to change toa Digger compan for yout second etrike? ~"tyes, ve vant to chenge to a Bigger record label. Then we vant a Vorldvide release and more tine in the studio for s better Production, Dinesauce’s label is Brest, vith hin we sold 4 Sibums without a good. pro then he (ond we toot) has ng of “lynn To = "Oh fuck no. The mixing is terrible, the songs are mot hea enough and our wise (?) lyrics fare very boring. But for s seit production, the Ip is okay Describe the scene in fuckin a"he have noi areal here in Seitzertand. Tr tan’t enough people into Thrashy music and Boot attitude. ‘The most are Scene. In Svitzerlands scene are 30 people and bands Like EXXOR, EIRUCIATION, 8.0. NESSIAM, the Tabeliing Dinosauer ds of airplay and the y Megavinp (still apathetic? ??2) crew "I think the WHIPLASH featsvat (uith' NEGRO. DEATH, BULLDOZER. --) f MESSTAM wii teacaaeh like Hardcore play heavier (sorry!) 2 WENRMACHT (ye Really "I 'vould say l'm a bie. T wn cheraighe edges? Uh 4 bullshits D: nm SOOTHSAYER before, you might. wond Whst the hell this io! Oke this is, SOOTHSAYER ond SOOTHSAYER is great! Vos there anything more you would like to Kaew sbout then? Rell tee I ie ae follows, (ley, eras just got to find their bio j We could alvaye start with the iine up, that’s always an good start Stephan. Whitton — vocals, (that dude got a real hellish votes.) Martin Cye ~ guitars, Simon Genest bass and Dan Clavet — drum They have played together as an 4 demo ts called. "To Beh Real Terrorist". It's an five track and They have also played with another Toca! band called AGGRESSION. But With oven bebter local’ bast SLAUGHTER ond fuckin’ KREATOR!!!! I€ should aurely be some nights. of P.O. Box 5201 Beauport, QUEREC EGBA, “CANADA You can lao call then if you are rich of something. Their phone TO THE DEATH 48 9 brand new ‘zine sein as VOT 18 2 ond soem of the of the “ine all alone! Hehehehe!) MAYHEM, GORE, OBSCURITY and’ some cs well! The price ts 1 $1 The seccond isewe =b DeaTaog se eTELAT Ion, Ne eo s Polish Mees 101 Froictions SOM hg iy CRIONICS 15 5 » J "et WRITE Toba done F rey ott Fosters Back, Do you belive in ghosts? What bands do you have sost Seen ere) eereerars have never seen any-" (Look out ay Lord NE couldn“t pinpednt one vend. of your window’ ~ Ngnred) I have respect for METALLICA lot. They have done a great job. And SLAYER are on a major Taber and still fase & death and fuckin’ so heavy! Plus I respect sen pasties Ice aire ed who do what they vant in thelr ~"*peATiIBANCERS!” QQ QQ ’»™»)»»‘ The best track 18 probably had heaps) But you'll get it Tast vocis satel reader Do you Like kangaroos? istis mag. He certainly asks =""T'knev Thad to get a oe intereating (RASH “TELL DEATHI® question mu the scene dowa there? the scone here 18 getting Better ail the time. of banger: tne {nto THRASH/DEATH/H°CORE bands ‘couse they have finally got \\S their junps. (SKTPPY TS GOD!!!) Let's go on, what do you think of 4 bangers Me Sands Like MASSAPPEAL, DEATH HISSTON play with the Thrash bands all the time.” ands ike D.R Mow did you Like to be in the | \cciisen, CRUMBSUGKERS ete." studio to record your 2n Do you think punka & bangers shuld unite or seperate? "I think they should unite, le fockin’ world showid Ssp'really [ike it, and 1 love WOE Do you fear WORLD WAR IIT and a nuclear holocaust? st Manse think T reatay fon Se. Toknow that it can become a reality at any tines But T don't walk around hit scared oe dt oh day jecieeegpeein Steve Buahes ares. DO. Box 572 Pavramatta,2150 NW. Aust ed up some of the Do you like cartoons? a a Poi nae gaa SQ [,9 vv lt e.,—]; Tdr dG WGK T heard that you just joined force Sith EXTROME BOISE TERKOR, how is Play in two bands at the Sane t kell, Twas asked to. join £.N about two months ago dur to their old Gromer waa giving th whit. So they decided t and asked HET would. join Bined to. then aterfere with angt NO aod ENT. ave tw Te ink you area neaber of E:¥-T ore the better. Tt might hacker Joie drumming is very sppedy. How do Jon'annoge te keep up that omazinaly SPiaying. Cost. a Et Yogine to do s0 noe. But It is flonan, T eat alot of apinachy that trust help me to play qvite fast + To'keep ft ap I reckon. T eat a lot Of spinach, we cotl-it-xpinachcore of Pedr have sore effect on ee. ke Wows, your "Sha indereround grown ail the tine. It’s getting EEQEET MT the Une which ts really Nooo, Te coud do with a few mre hat the fuck i happening in the UE nov? There te so many extrene good bande overthere now isso foekin’ ust check out this outfit called NAPADM DEATH! Tr roine. Can you imine ten vacun cleaners on distortion siajed at ererene high speod with lots of musical talent? Well, that’s Pieyty ike what NAPALM DEATH sounds Tike. They startgd up in ‘82 as Punk Bond, split up and reformed with extrenely extreme, Listen to the voc Liston to the beaitful molodies! UHL fnew Line-up. fis band 4s 50 Tieten to the intense speed, RE THUUICUUDUCUUUU I T'teil yo more Miotory 1 reviews after this interview! DEATH TO MELODY! FROM 1 taeMeNt Ee -OBLITERATION TO people supporting the scene at tines Like crowd turnouts, but it’s getting, better. Alot of English heeds pet on very well togethor and help eachother fut whom they ean, which ia really {00d Good English bands at the moment ‘ire RIFOCORD, CONCRETE SOX, DEVIATED INSTINCT, AGL, OOM, ‘SCREUING, WeRest, HoLOciust, STUPIDS + WEL BASTARD all of which ve know very vell and play with." What’ do” you think of the DEATHVINE action whe have arte ERRANG? T hate KERRAP shit mag. Alvays have teen + alvays vill be. They are’ just fas’ found 2 little write 1 often do you play. Nive? wooks Notley but it did get a 1ittle it boring. nat. is why our of@ guttar player left the band, Coz he. got. bored. But since November. "86 ve have only done four gigs, due to sorting ot new Songs vith our step in guitarist for the b) side of the 1p. (Ost 1m May on EARACHE REZORDS) Bot! uhen we do play, the crow usually go wild, slamiag + stage diving peacefully. And having fun shouting various things Ike Taster after 9 song food fun. Ho enjoy playing live. The Erowd various trom hardcore puns to MICK HARRIS 117 Lazy Hill Kings Norton, Birmingham, B3BONY ENGLAND Metal hardeore thrashers, Some Weraighte, fost of then cajoy its Berto thik thre Ine sense Maer aot really. It aeems to be Groring quite veli and stromsiy. Heeeete Ty in Europe and U5k, dost hope {¢ carries on growing with more tnd mors upcomming bands forming 11ke heee slrendy ia. Just hope more people tick cogsther + cooperate Uogether and use their heads and do Scecthing vorthuile.” NAPALM FUCKIN’ BRATW DEATH Just hope one va such bullet have fovsing sing euch, Iyrica chon they play good susie; Why con"e he Bing/Shout/groan positive meankngtel iyrics instead of the shit they do?" hot" the sickest thing you ever have wot: wave = the sickost hing I ever done Fei eatiy chet chon this happened {snes And it endo ne broke for two Sots, t'atitt"Tose soney ever? nov med then, ost five quid the other cee MiSs and ohon féon"s tno Te Tatcs et stek/anty espectally shen I Ganve ottord ta a3 so." tepeiction Siotee in oy Ills. st) byhonds =. Yes, permatine bubble Pinar Wiis’ they gre called that to ne Rileibte. ratsttvest fest Ee caetes foot like perma Ghgt te you think of Canaines? “Pa nen are cxcolfonts L think C/O B. LEHFELDT 3339 NE. DAVIS PORTLAND, OR 97232 a. 3.0. Theet® (HELL TezzZz. ads you would to compere yourself vith? Rack aiacK_ sPlattermania-exPloding heads- cannibal carnaYe-brain eaters NiFORMS blood_ zombies! ded to break up, And that was Since’ then, there have bee! . an tell me about noomRAT LIEVIDATION Tt was the band {joined to play bass Inatead of drome when T broke up fron the UNEFORAS. MODERAT LTKVIDATION wae a RESPECT and BL Ack c vm ae have, Andy. fom vincin fe base & vocal and sr of WHE eee ry | i your demo “ick Fee” ” ey eneappe chy, wool itt. roca pet ab pe Near Exon Ger gat 5 eneicted "Bark Prom They novi RIGITHNRE Ov fi SMRERT PAR 1.16 1." the uniforms originally Shit. this band is evil! Shit," this bond ix evil! You geet an real occult feel in Your hotige when you play the Verack "Fragments Of A Faith Forgotten" with these English rogerst L have never heard a Singer ike this bend Ravel! He sounds Tike he te fockin”™ pocsensed or something! NITE This tm the future of English Death Metall! As aleays there ait ing for? Crat dame or Andy — "Woy. "Fag Ts not oer’ fret dem, aneaclier tape eatitled "Magic In The ‘Theory And Practice” im June "5. This tape however, does mot have the pover end rév encray of our latest one. It vas also Feccorded just fev weeks before our old (and really bad) dramer left the band for health reasons. lle male uo ick!)" 1 dou you think of Bands: Like ONSLAUGHT? Martin ~ "We think that Bands such ae’ ONSLANKGT are musically excel lent and ve give then @ great deal of credit for thet T've heard their latest ‘atta and I think ita fuckin” brillsant. However we feel that music should Convey a message and. have goed Iyrical content! ot’ of bands just use the Satante inage just to be cool ete. shat's your view om then? ae. Martin - "It seems to be the fashonible thing to 40 at the manent ‘to play to then, Lot's of guys “ley, Lets form @ Black Netai_band”, grab 8s miny Studs as they can find, 0 to the nearest grave Yard and have sone’ pix taken, write a: song called "Sacrifice The Virgin’, and then sit back and" thik: "Onrise, aren't weevil"? ‘The only problem with this 4s that when people hear that se are a Black Metal bond, they automatically clasi ua atong with those types of bands. But saying that we are not Claiming’ to brow eccult. A:practising mmepicen vould probably end our Lyrics and burst fut Laughing, bat at make out lyrics ao possible, We've alvays been fascinated by the ecu and. the paranore four songs are just 8 natural progression from this. factnationt Tell me about. sour view fom the chiteh of od. Frazer "If ve told [about our views on the church of God, I'm sire you wouldn”e be able to Print then in’ "family ‘Rag such a8: yours! (Famity- mag??? Hh??2??) Martin -""Yean, but we're foing to tell jou anyway! Basically In our opinion the church af Cod te 8 plogue that. has scoured humanity for the beat part of two millenia. They are directly responible for the death of countlese millions Ehrowghtove: the world and for this we condemn it. TE Enieed the sane amount of death and misery as the thugch of God, then they vould be branded as the murdering, selfrighteous bastards. that they surely Have you ever boon to Frisco and visited the hureh of, Satan’? Etazer " "Wo, we have not been there yor. But ve intend to. goa 9000 a3 wevcen afford its At the fonent the band sens to be taking most of our tine and’ money. Both mnyself and Martin have studied sone of Laleys teachings and have found Interesting!" Tell we what your belif is. Well, bestcally we belive that’ Lucifer and Mis demons very unjustly expelled from heaven. Bot iI return there in the Fightfal places, and to east God, Michael and his fngels lito hell for all Reeser = "Yen, 1d jut Tike to add that meanshile by daing everything in our power to offend God! Our Feward vill be everlasting blessedness with Lucifer ‘This fo what we are trying to achieve throvgh ou What’ do you belive happens with you after your death? Martin "When the whole Sorld 1a destroyed by fire, ccrerything. that have, bee Created will no Longer be tise, bat of cee seeaice, either vbolly good or Sholly evil. Tt ta tn the nis of this that ve belive, that, upon death the spirit dome not die, but Instead Iives on and ‘either ascends to the plane that Christians call heaven, or decends into hell.” When you sre deed, whore III You be buried? Martin ~ "Ie matters not to me where I'm buried, for “Well hath no Limits’ “here we are ts hell, and shere hell ts, there mst ve-ever be". When the nt wa? Rg | IN World dissolves and every creature is purified, Al! places’ shalt be hell that ven 0, 46 Would prefer not to he buried" on consecrated Spirits! ethic of having as Little todo with the church of ‘THIS Tare Ts DEDICATED 70 AUL 0 DIED AT THE, SANDS (Of "THEE CHRISTIAN GHURCH, BY WAR AND HON. THEY L ME AVENGED = Are you thinking of the vere burned you are ‘ite correct, Our tape {5 dedicated to all the innocent people who have been slaughtered in the sane of "God. Almight” Chrowgout the ages, Not sely those who burned at the’ stake during the the witeh hunt of the 16th and 17th centuries bt aleo to those who, have died in the numerous "Holy Wars" instigated by the arch of God, for the purpose of increasing the ealeh and furthering the political carcers of it's Bishops, cardinals and Ere you nesters of any Satanic brotherhood? y Satanic Brotherhood, ts none of tis have sot ie vont Knowledge to join toch on nobel order. ie are throvgh our make and lise, Gan you tell vs sonething thout: your oceslt sect ings? Frazer "edo not sttond any occute mosting a0 ouch, ut ve Like to think of out Live show se occult imeetinge, sere both ott Telende snd’ fone alike, can Join together with vs praising the Devile name!” Well, tell me something about your live show... andy - "We try to make our live performance as exciting and entertaining as possible for the audience, (and as loud as possible as well). With each show ve try to provide more onstage effects than ever before, and improve our equipment set up as well. I’ve just bought my third Marshall stack, so I intend to burst a few ear drums next time we play!" Martin - "We like to think of our live shows as "Satanic Operas" which is precisely what they are, As I said earlier, all our songs have a story to them, which ve try to act out when we play live. Our greatest at the moment is to do some gigs in your country (1!) and around Europe, so if there are any promoters reading this interview who like the sound of our band, then please get in touch. We'd love the chance to play in front of some Norwegian thrashers! Is there any people in your local area who try to stop SABBAT in their quest for world domination?| Frazer - "Yes, we have aroused deep concern ‘among christians of all denominations in our area. ‘The thing that seems to worry them most is that this "wicked and blasphemous" will corrupt their impressionable sons and daughters. The thing that they don’t seem to appriciate is that ‘ Have you ever burned a unlike their churches, we aS church? do not try to force our Martin - "Due to the state views and belife on of christianity at present people unwillingly, and Y= we see no need to destroy if they disagree with us churches, they are doing a in anyway we do not pretty good job persecute then for doing destroying thenselves. so!" low can a religion Tell me about the most command any respect whilst frightning experience you it is clergy constantly have had with the unknown... argue and kill eachother Andy ~ "We have had no , over minor religious Frightning experience with differences????7" the unknown as such. We do BUH! Here we must ieave not interfere with the SABBAT! I suggest that you forces that we can not write to this evil fuckers control . This we leave to at once. The three trax on people with far greater the demo is "A Cautionary knowledge and experience losanna In Excelsis" then ourselves. Althought and "For Those Who Died". a local evangelist The demo also comes along preacher has attempted with their lyrics, and if several times (without you are lucky, they might succes!) to exorcise the threw in some stickers as band and divert us from well!" our path of wickedness!" SABBAT c/o Andy Sneap Farm Close, Pentrich . Ripley, Derbyshire Sa PONTE 202 js aaa eee an eeigueaindt® sucking, make up spike Funny funny treck. And wee, saead, (esereTUEN Cote ae SIE Gon°e nog. 1 1tke alt of the best tracks featured Liste ren eke Do you think there will be a pet 32" thin SADUS tte an Thrash Motel underground in Since our kawledge to this bin ag. let’s say DARE ANGEL Fixe years? band wasn’t to big, T took VOE'VOd or ceuTie Frost? Mack You!" Contact with Darren for an ‘Definitely! Our new Any bands impressed you Tittle snterview natorial out soon, Totally Ilely that you would Tike to Toe diclen mesh anil, ened — ; feaew over tiem. We deat, mention? oe cectreserall of dgteve, gee°E seem to gst = brea wStper one, DEATH albus Perea tenes. eaidLL (ntnee = (POS aTiaa ALL Frat UAe They practise et mu house Re iresngerciehorcae de sey". piesa Sands SARyE Ls” With tor Stave fa playng dace Hind’ of mail is gore Do'you think SADUS deserves to for chem and ve"¢g gonna have "Yee ve vill! And if we don’t, PUCK IT! We'll just Sone Killer gigs! Taportant than other kinds of ail? Rareee tara pera fee pabge tte Chrashie 3\ aD atte a ear aas, onl > eae What's the funniest thing you have seen lately? ‘The bands that are making it om major Lebele!™ Well, "COUCH SLOUGH one demo fon the fadio, and ve had several people order demoo From ua in Norway.” Toanswer every Letter, Even the anit ones: We don’t cond adeno to every zine just feelly now the established Shes, /ualess they sound real What does "D.T.P.” mean! Some Thrashers are getting that we get crazy on. And ve nto rapping bands Like RUN spluge all the major hills DMC and BEASTIE BOYS ete around our tovnl™ Vhgt do you think of that Ok, that's all. Thanx for BEASTE BAGS sucks! Kap your support! Any closing Big’ for met" Comments? Did you know that Kerry King Mello to all european play on track om the BEASTIE Fagers. Look for SADUS Ip BOYS ip? De you think that is Soon! And spread the vord pogitive or negative? of SabUS. Thanx to you, PPRuck? who gives » fuck SLAYER "sine!" What Kerry does vith BEASTIE Bost vt ne neean'e The Ip he mentioned will he aerelotiner : out on thelr own Label, and ele anes Matiagt T'thin you can order. it erate ect We hate «halt directs’ from them when tt gaa An tee Ts out! Meanunite you can masks co nobody really know who they are! Shit, maybe TM Lo"MANOWAR? On God’ Almighey!! That Son't @ so stupid thought realiy! Never the lees I'ma big fan of this very talented band. They really are great!! Thest Iine-down, PUNGENT VOMIT Mouth of motion sickness and. god of the kotex strings of Cataclyamie catastrophe You can say whatever you vant about this band, but don’t Come around and call them good! This 19 the worst band ever! (aybe....-) But, are hey realy that bad? Welly 1 let you knew what T think You See, T have alvays been @ suspitious about this band. I have listen to sone of their demos/live tapes Intense for pany daya nove And my fonclusion is that this bond fsfull of talent! You don't Delive we do you?? Just listen to the "Poser Sacrifice” dono many tines and you will urely find alot of talent ther After the first. listen you Aight wont to secribe It as noise, but it isn't. Listen fo the track "My Gir1". That's an beatiful song! I'mean it. But of course, they are etal pretty sick in thelr heads! (And. that's not ny fault!) Maybe this band. is ® so called session band??? They are alvaya wearing those Neti, Him Rick Allen's arm hear the new ZA demo! buy their mega fuckin’ deadly excellent demo for 58+ stamps (two T think.) of some IRC*es! Well, I guess this band iso soukd"a bit Ike DEATH) SaDUS PRODUCTS c/o Darren Travis 517 Kean Ave, Antioch, Ca. 94500 sk Netalion FETUS FUCKER - Master-of the 4 ymbilical chords of death aad the 4 prongs of the fetus fork. PARAPLEGIC PULVERIZER - Hie homicidal highness of the hamongous hammers of hyper sonic. hailstorm terror: BUT ALL THEIR: HERCHANDISES! Gee ad sonevnere else!) Sivance tape should be nade ogee an interview with brutal and ye did have ange. Onr old ‘This ie SEPULTURA, the masters 0 death. (Or maybe ishould say Stareiors Of Desth"?) Well, that weon't to funny vas it? Ok, this bond do everything you thought EREATOR never vould do! (1 think Tineed an vacation) This 1 FUCKIN BEATA! You EP "BestitDevas brutal product hes heard it know what T mega! So what. shout their mew Lp "No Visions"? Well, I have only heard the four track advance tape, and {tig reolly faster and heavier as the band claimed! Surprise eh? A bend claiming to be faster than Here follows an interview vith Haxk Possensed of the ultimate Detah Metal band tm Brazi Nonely SEPULTURA. Here we go: Do you have difficuities figding Theesh Lpves tn Brazil? iitkow we only have problems Finding the new eneas Bat the Older ones is relatively easy to finds But we caa only get then ae daport.” T heard that you had a & tour in Brazil, tell ne MTe was the promotion our ep "Bestil Devastact played in the biggest. three Citles of Brezily and also tn sone emailer cities. The shows Mere always full of thrashere hardcoress noise, vodka & beer Nomen and things Like that. Tt Yas really fuckin’ great to do These gigs. We intend to do the sane for the new 1p. So tell up about your new Ip = "Totally different from the EP, ie vas recorded in’ 16 track studio and we had = week to Fecord it, The songa are faster & the production is also much better, So I can tell you tt ha everytiting to be the Death Metal album of the year im “86 here in Brazil. The only thing ve vent nov ig to have it released vorld~ wide." Te it nerd to be» Death Metal band from Brazil? feah, ve have to deal vith problems puch as equipment, (1 ever get that word right” Ed) aiaoat no support from Brazilian magazines. They only want to publish shic. (There are fone sone exceptions of course.) Aiso many people from outside of Bresil dan'e belive in our sound ane think that it's only jungels fan¢ indians here. Belive ws Ts many great bands & greet rean't explain st is Cords, but the whole thing here is fuckin’ great then are to oma pring. There not any “sine only about Thrash Metal Like yours or BLACKTHORN, VIOLENT NOIZE, BLOWING THRAR+#3" What do SEPULTURA mean ye means "grave". It ts 3 Portoguese vord, our, language Are you surprised that so People Like SEPULTURA worldwide? that's easier that people prised with us." CAAARERGEGGHIAMIOA! y Sokken an er had av Cn over dase fot spray, AIDs adde den oy sa SALVEEQ 1: DEATH (cODS). ICH, DEVASTATION IC FROST, DESTRUCTION ot: BE mH INTERVIEW WILL. AUTO DESTROY APTER YOU READ IT! BAAAAAAAAANG! THRASH AND KEEP LISTEN 70 NOISE! SEPULTURA c/o Massimiliano Cavalera, Rua Dores do Indais 267 Sta, Tereza 31010 Like GRYPTIC SLAUGHTER Vike “THRASH. EXTREMEL NEAVY ¢. EXTREMELY 4G And every fon that point. Ok, that’s it ow with over got thea! Tra helping vith promotion! They Used Co be tales PENTAORAM, bot they recently changed their nase $080 TRIBULATION want tother you talking for thig band! Tetr Cirst ono If called "Lntereal Return"? The misic fa hare inepiced by TODOS & POSSESSED! Faekin” eild pare Wy pera faye tran on {his dom 4s "Choose Death" and Snroshin’ With Powes"® AREURPCH? Welly a eeccond demo shiowle be Teleased any seceond gow. 1t vi1L feature killer tran like "Eltaal Coroc™ ond “Beyond Bterniey" Ok. thelr praent Line-up ia ike Tora —"peitar/vncaly Mark Forsberg Pirumet Steven Reuman = eeitar and’ Dan ojos = basst itn tre Forsberg hisselt? Shy ad you decide to form 9 Thrash Sond? “Because we vanted to play what we = "Of course it is a albun deal, a Listened to. This shole “thrash Mania” tour ete: We think Chat ues TCH started, for ne sien T heard "erat fete deal vith the troche on the Militia” with METALLICA on the'radio » Sleteome To‘heli®" (They dsan’e Couple of years ago and {'thowght: This sound to well back (hen) { think ve {a fast, Woon I think of it olay and.” should get one mov. capare st vith CRYPTIC SLAUGHTER and tha'voulf yor like’ to be reborn ax S000" Laugh ae bel SAE wouldn't have anything apsinat SINRERHAL TETRA aight eound a Ticcle ying Suan tune anything oBaan tie BATORTISHs Do" you Like BATWORY, pyar Tebogn ae Dave Lonbardo. fe know Qupethon? Weta ona Cree De ee eee Riemer niu werasto jose ait the shines Tod Hike to Ge. Zea tea tect boasion Venta Rosayeie, | rors, nti, fosernh te'had no thoughts of "The Return ee Saccreceitne "ier Reo? Gnome | Maas ie Sek ence tener wb “Ey Tams SOM ENO, ha tee foal Tike to do Stecsia tse? one. Te vill scare the shit out of Vere would you Tike to be in 5 years? Jog. And've appriciate gett ing "Te would be pretty cool to be in Pee tes is ReneS see STECTROM who hes» vote House, os th Sihde {att son...) Se an soon 8 ve hed a couple of songs ve Boved cur pete our deo ins stodio in this Seals for the future’ TRIBULATION demo. (late Letters welconed) RETURK! And to you Metalion, keep the tbeashin® spirit. "eh death THRASH WIT TOTAL POWER." You can write then at this address, ‘TeIBULATION Benbacken 24 735,00. SURAHANBAR ite to ne Instead! (I give avay free copies...++.-) The demo an be TRiBiLATiON c/o SLAYER MAGAZA Sta. Kolatadavel 2 The he Black Mark" (UNDER ONE FLA ith the pride of at least we } Thi ever released! BATHORY show: Under GARFFFFFFFFFF! At least it arrived! The hellis! Scandinavia! This time QUORTHON all the work alone, now he got a drummer! (We don’t know his name thought.. probably one of the best Death Metal 1p that they stand head and above everyone é the in and out of De "OE Do +." and you he "13 Candles" and at tI didn’t find this lp. Everyone r ! Check it out god damn! The latest news is that will make an hour (!) long > in summ hat QUORTHON can creat ideo. riots Of Fire" and be pretty intersting to se ILE, not ness This band 18 This band got lopether in the Soir Yercucing. Hike couple of Geomee. And Tne practised for Bess ones left. Their bio ese they wouldn't ploy Perensressive Thrash! So Fe enanges in the fockin’ hate that BS mescanin) ve1l, the bend a3 piece and’ the Mike Started to play the Seb tee 2nd Mike Started Pies nonths aft Tees eschacd"to make « Te's pretty average T gompastomping! n "they do. pretty Settona: enought 1 je and. good. ctordings vill sey BILE wit Sot got a secon ‘and fopefully Tere stopped Tape. bet they should Bsetic tape out nov! S foe write to one of tee Febreary in ‘87! Me cece sicraduitra line. Teakeant pancakes: Hans ers. Ferdinand ~ bone Spritar. Those three see Fim They tere recorded one ins "Forty feats ta «minutes. Ae SGirenty bove understand a Seisisc: THis BAND TS Samer or SCHLEINCUTTEL CARKKRKSCHLEIMGITTEL vas founted in April "88 by Mayhenic Schiesmbatzen (tocals & gutter) tnd Living Cuttel, (drums. and tSeuground vocals). These two orbid souls hove receorde: two Senos, But. some months ago they fecraited another *Sehteiners” Esiled Rectial Scbleimotze and fe ie only singing! With theve new Line-up they feccorde three fey demo! The tae of their Senco ore: SRAZITTEN N.SCHLEIN, Sesraote BY CUTEL", "CUT"HL, om DIE", "ON DIE PRESSE HALE Sd the’ Lest one "G.P-"t That STL the domes Ti know, tue 2 think wo can expect wore nolse {rom this three piece in the future ao ell! Also they playe Tee 26/4 “apt They claim that {e'toe great {unl The mute 13 aloo font The Iyrix seena t0 be retty funny! They deat with Mich intelligent Copies auch as Sine ond epittingt ory fanny Sr shat? The Iyrix are both In ight ad Garman! MECALOMANIAG 9, brand new Svedish Thrash “sine brovght fut on the Metal market! Tt Gs in Ad. and the printing is good! Te’ written in English find tt feacures bande Like IASNIHELATOR, CANDLE MASS, (oD, MEFTSTD, MAYEN, DREW DeATH, SLAUGHTER etc. etc ALL this and nore on ‘only 2) pages! Send 3$ or 2 ‘outside: Scandinavia, and if Jou live in Scandinavia, you Can. send 15 sche oF 261 PeRALONANTAC in ‘c/o Martin Carlsson Me jogatan 9. S271 00” YSTAD This de the best Danish Thrash. band lever heard On to their debut demo “ine Land Which Once ere” and it starts with this track ea which have an rhytm. Yeah, this stucked on your brain for a While! Pretty ment. ‘The other trax on this demo are nd which Once Were" neaking, Disease” and the last one "Putrescent Deceit”. Ae least this bane sounds Thrashy and not som "pop Like the new DesExult. It seems to me Iike CRIONIC take over from where SAMIAIN ended. Thie is noe a band 1 Like alot Like for instance SODOM, ASSASSIN, DEATH, HORBID_ ANGEL or WENEMACHT. Bot it’s an cool dena. ‘The claim that METALLICA, DESTRUCTION and EXODUS s'their influence and their current’ line. Ton.....~ Lead guitar/vocal Kesse..1- Lead guitar = Drums = hess f@ of the demo is US$5, DM'10 or 40 DER. (Tncluding everything.-...cesereenees Buy only if you just got a pretty good calary.. eRioNtc c/o Kesse Espedaien 80 8240 RISSKOV Denmark ) 4 This is probably one of the best Canadian Thrash bands ever. Formed by the multi talented Jeff Waters. Their seccond demo "Phantasnagoria" is so incredible heavy Thrash. On this deno Jeff sing as well, and he really got a growling/dark voice. Also their music is inspired by lot‘s of veird stuff! GREAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAATITTTITITITITT! I think Jeff says all of importance in this interview.. Firat of 911, maybe you can tell Ge about the situation with @ Couple of ex menbers of the band? Tieveold that they hove forned o band called LIGETA and they have a track called "Alison are you going to do about it? baolutely nothing, that 1s ay lavyere Job! Tthatly iike your singing alot on your second demo, vill you do the Uinging in the future as well or. “inane alot over realiy well, T vill love ing permanently ag veil as pinging lead guitar. 1 had bees wedltloning afot of yocaligts, bet they all vant to be “Araya” oF Wisteteld’ clones. My style is pretty vell what T want for INNINILATOR: Power # originality!” Tell me about your lyrics, you Tes to aveld Cliche titles, (Mow, Tihene1y sounde Like # BLACKTHORN question - Nonz) S*Sa" few of ay soma titles (rsehizge®, "Foxicanania”; “Alison fetit, "Phontasmagoria", Mal Ler sre ail about mind disorders or Giseases. *Phantasmagoria® for {natence da about a mind disease in’vhtch the victim “aces” ghostly apparitions. These vistons multiply Ghd nore and more ghosts f111 the Siceine mind until de oat itself up {ithe victim becomesconatose, feusiily recuteing. in deaths Fun Sturl, ch? (up —Hotalion) Alot of Geupie wey think deve a ntupié thing Peerive about. buc ar Teast it 4 fn Intrioste subject and it's Atolity 1a someting so many bands Egrget about ts their Lyrice, and T Thigk all songe about anything ants Iucleer are becoming a bit boring The usie is pretty spooky at times Tur weave not into Satan or any Phantoms (huh?) or garbage Like th i che main difference between Std and. new ANNTHILATOR? oMiyet that much. 1 still write cverything ¢ om che sew demo T Tay ait the instruments. (Except ares paul ‘Modeke is the drunmer seme ca on both. the ANNTHTLATOR ‘ember 1 suppose the asin Gitterence voold be thet I have Gtorecstonal nustcane working With aeoeeee here as ay old Line= uP TEASE catent, atarity anda prof. attitude, Sette gour guiter playing on both The dekos 1s fuckin’ grest! How inte neve you played guitar? LUE Rive been’ playing for! auite EL pretty young, but I°d never played Teriowsly untal the last few years, S'otadied at a conservator? and took elassical/jazz guitar lessons for quite a while , and now I’m teaching guitar. T'write all kinds bf music and play different fnotruments, tnd althought I feel qia'i"Teed guitarist, [find more Enjoynent in creating catchy thytan — hovever, if you're a Lend guitarist you'll Likew the leads.” How was the reaction on your two first demos? With the first demo the record Companies didn’t take too much Sorice, especially not. the vocals Gar old singer wrote about some Nery sick subjects vhich come Aérdas as being quite offensive SIPER RECORDS sosd that they thought the music vas excel iont, but they had no interest. in ve Bitause of the vocels and lyrics teen the ner *Phantasmagor ie” eno ve hove had an increased tumber of people venting to buy The deno and nore magazines want Ser topes information and Qherleva: We've had offers Eton’ record companies and ve"re fetting mores Right now, it's fest atancter of waiting for thee tonget our stuff. Some. of them have it and we've h fram them. Everybody see {nerested - we vant to an sibum out soon!” Gis ti etic cDeath/Speed/Thrash & melodic Metal." Ghate 4 where would you like to Til glways want to write Tonga. no matter what. T love Play and be onstage, so thats thing I hope to be doing. T cant to be succesful with my Gaic and T-also want to have @ tivate life outside of the Susie. Me'll just have to see hat happens T'vant. to. be Te to perfora, I knov that,” If someone who reads SLATER is vondering, why vould you Tecommend your tape and how can hey get it? ST would definitely recommend anyone who Likes good powerful Hecaly that they should get a Spy of "Phantasmagoria”. I think GRNTHILATOR Ls one af the most lented and interesting bands rrounds (Modest guy ~ Metalton) itirst when the Lope just got wee Twas really happy with tts then you get nervous, because you ore alvays hoping everyone Wty ike its So Fight now Jodging on the respond we've gor fare T think it's safe to say that wo are certaisly a popusar B} ianinttaton c/o Jeff Waters os ] SSSetioheas deanney sete a. That would you Tike to be born a erYeah, I belive ta ‘ f On, TE anybod sPhovery young, dive streaked per ae os Tag tot, pretty good! It’s on four track Infinite Pain"! It's Hardcore Thrash in the Je definately find the first track infinte Pain’! Fuckin’ fast, fuckin’ vildl!t1! But 1 think their 2 track single released last year fas much better! You know, featuring the classics "Death Metal” and. "Russian Roulette"! This ss the best ASLAM songs ever! Hopefully these trax will be on their debut Ip! And mo, St isn’t going to be put out by NOISE RECOORDS! The 4 track demo costs 5§, cash iy? WRETEY he c/o Taka Hatord 1-26-1-206, Ohana Kite smnebasht city, chiba pref. 274 JAPAN Hiey, this is certainiy one of the most loved/hated bani around this darst hate! I personally fuckin’ love this Ehres piece Eyscn Thrasheore Death outfit! Hell yeoa! As a matter of fact SODOM vas ooe a fuckin” long time ago! And I" Sho taped’ sone of these em stutt for me fokan” In etal? ARGH HARGH Bat that's Tong time ago! SODOM resily have progressed since that, Teete first ving! onslaaght wee the 3 track tet Ip Pin Ihe Sign oF Eri"? Great stuft? Bren better waa thetr first full tine Ip vith the Litte "Obsessed By Cructt 1 Ie takes sone tine before you got wsel to te really rips! Witch llunter fa'a fuckin’ great drummer! They to have sone problens vith their guitarists, but now they gat this tied Blackfive! ita first works with SODIN was on the three track Bp Radon And Last" vhic 1 concider no the best SOUM matersal 4} date! tf Style great! 1 think that people vho have telked shit about SODOM earlier, ith Angel Ripper (bass/vocals) and Witch Hunter dems! thy do Jot think you are wore = “The stuff ve Like is: popular among the IIs thrashers MOTORHEAD, DEATH, WEMIACET nan the German. theashers? TARY, ERESY, KOTSEN, GENOCIDE, =the Us thrashers Ioke it NAPAIM DEATH, GASANGRIEF 4-4 fat and beavs! In Germany Wrere do. you'get the lyrical there are just m few real Angplration from Angel Ripper? Mardcore. poopie. he Americans “From ny fantasy, esoteric, Lke It dirty and brutal!™ Meister Crovely.- Tell ts about your video How old are you gua? "The video wos recorded in “angel Ripper is 23, Witch Essen “Zechecari at the "Day Hanger 4s 20 and Blacktire ts OF Wrath" "06! (In colour of zor" Course!) tvery Song af the Do any of you have any vork? inini ip + "Satan" angel Ripper 1s working €9 Seer ent temtycion of a alner, Uerather ones ate feel”, "Obsessed By Cruelty” tinenployed! (To Inzy to work! land sone others te featured? Bo°you hare any contact with any Greatest nits of SOKM) former menbers of SOD? Tell es about your first gig "Wo contact any more! But T "Que First gly. was. in think Grave Vielator formed » new Frankturt eh TAMKARD and band, but T don’t knoe exactly. DISTRUCTION and at the end of What's the funniest’ thing that it all it vee am outogreph have faapened to you during. your session sth VENOM. But caprier of SOIOH? ering our get 3/4 of the ="that ve got a reccord deal It udterce run cut of the Faye drake? holt and tried to hide their "Beer: (STAUDER PILS, KARLSBERG) ors. TURE FUN!" What do you Listen to this aye? MAYHEM/SODOM/MAYHEM = "oro Pesh, Betsy, Madonna, my other, Helge Peicrsen, jer lindo, Future’ plana? hing. the trains of the hardcore people! ue vant to raise the WM. EITE™ (Ohno, not, again?) inp do jou have nick ames? “Why not? Yow don't Tike them? (On yea, T do~ ta) Which bande do you have contact "NECROWANCER* (CANCER DANCER??) Wich band do you concider aa the fastest band th the world? NOE Antettgent question!” (i <"'SLay the members of those toads who turn their backe to the underground asd begin to play nore Commer teal. T dea't wean! bands ke BATT iho don’t have/ever ha true fms. T mead bands who beceay fans and think that hardcore is jest nolae for empty heads Nobody who plays in’ the Hardcore scene 18 going to get rich by It Because Hardcore 1s for HIN" And ‘at's our motto, go aut, have fun Please don't unterstand me in the wrong vay. 1 don't wean that Hardcore’ is' nat to be taken seriously. My message is that i You want to. have fun/Ceel good Listen to the energy, Liaten to the only kind of mesic ia the mortar tri Wise word by a wise maa! a iva 1 think the guys pls ‘le! Anether great thing about this station ie that they Of denos and Stuft? So all you qrest banda oat there 40 , I lost their address. .contact me for more info.... Tiley used to call their show HEAVY METAL BREAKDOWN, but they changed 1¢ case it didn’t really fit with the muate they ployed! the first time ever a demo from a Death Metal band from France! Hell yezzz! The two pice band MUTILATOR send us their debut demo "Omens Of Dark Fate"! And what a truly master piece that is! Well, maybe a little info first eh? The band is "Nonos” Dumas - guitar/vocals and "Jackhammer" Dauvergne - drums! Since they are only two they are currently looking for a bass player and another guitarist! They started up in April ‘86 and they have always tried to play their own kind of Thrash Metal! They write about themes like Satanism, occultism & murders, but they try to do it in a very serious way! ‘Cause they claim that their lyrix are anti satanic!! To bad that they didn’t enclose their lyrics..... Jippy, for we recived They played on a Thrash Metal festival in Switzerland the 30th of May with MESSIAH, MINOTAUR, AGRESSOR ++4+44+444+4. Then the bass player for AGRESSOR also played for MUTILATOR! Back to their demo again! The intro is pretty sinilar to METALLICA’s "Damage Inc."! But that’s the only thing similar with these two bands... The rest is pure fuckin’ deadly Thrash Metal. The drums sounds like a machine gun on speed and the vocals are very growling!!! It’s sounds great!!! !!!!! Also the guitar work is pretty wild! Truly Death! GARFGGFGHJHGFDDGYY They also have an instrumental number on this fine demo! The trax on this demo is "Omens Of Dark Fate", "Unholy Church" "Wish My Death", "Apocalyptic Prophecy", "Rabid Axe Man Slaughtering" (Great title, ¢éh?) and Cabalastic Cryptograms"! BUY & DIE BY IT! Thrashin’ with pleasure! HURKURKURKURRRRRHURKU! This demo can be yours for lovsy 4$ and that’s what I call a bargain! And this also include a bio, sticker and p&p. You should make checks or money orders payable to Dumas Michel. Not MUTILATOR. Write them, “cause this mighty fine Death Metal act really need your support! MUTILATOR c/o Dumas Michel 3 Rue Des Marguerites 01000 BOURG-EN-BRESSE France One time in the future we hope to include the french Thrashers AGRESSOR as well! FRENCH DEATH WILL RULE! Sandro - bass + vocal, Robba E. great ard Onar Tie: Antal on. wed : : dr with a better aenaa mye uae . an't your first deno originally? With s better sound. But chae“s Jastter foing to be produced by a HEAVY "et commercial. We"ll alvays do is probably one of the best LOAD member? What happened? Mee eRe ee Mere be releageatittiit Melis thet demo ven dene ine Neevy and Camelity | Te'features four songs and all of hurry: fe didn't have time, So ve D2 fou feel that it’s any kind uc dra excellant! {i cthesane vac dite the aisdie ee one irake, of compart silae cith "hinting Te kestee tincay lt. was B chesecin- hac as °%, ae 20, note at all. We feel more VhlGh have one ti the best “Uae Jou Kaow ovr nev demo is recorded 7;,¥0s,t0t@ st 11. Ve feel more YT aver kaseal-Oeer reiting ike ina ‘ehanoeta atatan 3m Sake ree ru nara Wacare Recent a baby who's got a voice colder Stockholm. (The THUNDERLOAD studio | fcCr no, competition. It’s more than King Billy! The songs are were CANDLE MASS for instance Bare eee ee nixed very vell vith slow & fost recorded their Ip) A very good f2,Conduer the vorld. Katch ou rhytms, Sandro has a voice of his studio.” SHeEEaD Death = vary avn, Tt aouafa-iibe ha: talks oQwers meay_ pesple’ here: heen tholusrds wMAch eee nny deailea: “Stsepcaumastup yaar getter glefin Clack Ten) "but sone will love it CA.DIE.Resve) How fo. you fee se well! The best song on this ita gor ceed anchireeinen’ ead demo ia definately "Feast Of aeipe causa Suva sea pinses the Sateena': The baal dn seakaag oot apeteert Shae: dual viicl seane (bor be Pletestly-{ tindeienty pieyod haréy But T'can't see it will acbihs verre Ge aancte Tige i skerieica\ tinh igi moethe:tmtace Cee eary eat vues Td dae: chet they they ore signed. MEFISTO to whet have Oriteon ia A.befaRrs Tow weden needs! Aiong with AGONY faevs te iceaia goat Fe ake neh HANTANYA BLADE the crusade hos fou ers nok: eniy. intesdinndncrs benun. (Don't forget PENTACRAM, Death, but afso’ bands Tike Digeesneer and NEUTRON RAIN ANTHRAK, METALLICA etc right? clther Ed) Moke. « texetval MITT you try. te. get MERTSTO more With these three bands sc God will turn you into the spirit of Olof Oalme! !(True conmereial because of is? hat do ya mean commercial? Do you think MPTALLICA & ANTHRAT are commercial? (In a way.-.-Ed) By God Waltback, the not so Verre not going to do anything very almighty to get more commercial. But our Oty’ rathert) 2nd'demo is sore proffeatonal

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