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Ravens Never Lie with Wolves (or Foxes Either)

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Explicit
Archive Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con
Category: M/M
Fandom: All For The Game - Nora Sakavic
Relationships: Neil Josten/Andrew Minyard, Neil Josten & Jean Moreau, Kevin Day &
Andrew Minyard, Kevin Day & Riko Moriyama
Characters: Kevin Day, Riko Moriyama, Jean Moreau
Additional Tags: Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Omega Verse, Omega Neil Josten, Alpha
Andrew Minyard, Alpha/Omega, Mating Cycles/In Heat, Raven Andrew
Minyard, Raven Neil Josten, Raven AU, Aftg au, Alternate Universe -
Canon Divergence, Canon-Typical Violence, Sorry Not Sorry, Neil
Josten as Nathaniel Wesninski, Nathaniel is his own warning,
Implied/Referenced Torture, Rape/Non-con Elements, Past Rape/Non-
con, Suffering, A/B/O dynamic, POV Andrew Minyard, POV Neil
Josten, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Andreil, Dubious Consent,
dub-con, Choking, Sex, Knives, Hand Feeding, Sex Toys, Scenting,
Scent Marking, Soft Andrew Minyard, Soft Neil Josten, Bubble Bath,
Language: English
Series: Part 1 of ABO Raven AU
Stats: Published: 2022-02-28 Completed: 2022-03-06 Words: 18,394 Chapters:
Ravens Never Lie with Wolves (or Foxes Either)
by kimberly_show


There were many things Andrew expected when he joined the Ravens but he didn't know one
would ruin his life and turn everything upside down in the worst way.

Basically, an omegaverse AU where Andrew beings a raven and Neil never ran


Hey everyone. Please check out the tags before starting. I will add more as more chapters
come out, but I will also make a list of all the triggers that I can think of.

Trigger warning for:

Knives being mentioned
References to Andrew's past
Threatening behavior
References to drugs
Knives being use in torture

I think that's everything but let me know if I miss any

See the end of the work for more notes


Andrew took a deep drag of his cigarette as he waited for someone to let him into the castle.
He left everything behind, a brother who doesn’t want him, a cousin that was more like a
friend. It didn’t matter, in the end, what he did for them, everyone always turned on him.

A door popped open. Andrew tossed the smoke on the ground and crushed it between the
concrete and his shoe.

He sighed, tightening his grip on his duffle bag. After all, it was too late to regret this, even if
he did care enough. He reached the threshold and a hand shot out to stop him. He clenched
his fist to keep himself from lashing out. A Beta, from the scent, and Alpha like him could
easily take him but he was trying to make a good impression.

“Take a good look at the sky, you won’t see it for a while.” There was something ominous
about that but Andrew shrugged them off and moved inside without a glance back. This was,
after all, just something to do to pass time.

Andrew, who was all about aesthetics, was a bit turned off by the red and black theme. They
reached the bottom to the stairs and down a red hallway. They stopped before a door and he
was let in.

Someone else had already moved in. Their side of the room was covered with personal items,
a mess that was kept to one side. Once he cleared the door, it swung closed behind him and
there was a very clear click.

He was fine, he could be fine. It wasn’t the first time he was locked in a room and he was
alone. He turned back and saw that he could unlock it from the inside. Everything was fine
and he needed to get a grip. Andrew took a deep breath and tried to place the scent of his
roommate. It was Beta like but there was something. It smelt old but there wasn’t a touch of
dust in the room.

Andrew set his duffle on the bed and crossed the room. He knew better than to snoop but he
needed to know more about the person he would be rooming with. He didn’t touch anything
but he looked at everything thrown across the desk.

Sloppy handwriting made it hard to read but he eventually found a name, Nathaniel
Wesninski. He stepped back and his eyes latched on one thing, a cup full of knives. He
reached out and took one. There were plenty and surely Nathaniel wouldn’t miss one.

He crossed back to his side and put away his few belongings.

Someone tried to open the door but the lock held. There was a loud sigh as a key scraped
around before the lock clicked and the door opened. Standing there was a boy with auburn
hair and a wicked smile.
He didn’t speak as he placed a small bag, it clinked from whatever was inside, on his desk.
Andrew followed his every movement, trying to pinpoint whether he was going to be able to
sleep here the first night.

“Hi,” the boy said, turning around, the smile was small, almost inviting. Andrew knew he
was going to be trouble but couldn’t help his eyes tracking slowly up and down his form.
“I’m Nathaniel and you are?”

Andrew raised an eyebrow. As if he didn’t know. Nathaniel stood there, waiting for an
answer so he eventually said his name. Nathaniel's smile went wicked again before he turned
away and ruffled something on the desk.

“It’s nice to meet you.” There was something changing about his voice, it became more
neutral from the strong Baltimore accent from before. “When we’re alone, if you like, you
could call me Neil.”

Andrew’s brows furrowed. “Is that what you prefer?”

Nathaniel shrugged before nodding. He turned back and there was something almost soft in
his expression. Yep, Andrew was fucked.

Neil, this was Neil before him and whatever walked in had to be Nathaniel. That was two
check marks in the no fucking sense category. Andrew turned away but Neil called his name,
he turned his head in his direction.

“I have to give you a little speech about rules.” Andrew almost snorted but that would be too
much of a reaction. “For now on we will go everywhere in pairs. We are partners.” Andrew
turned fully to him. This had to be bullshit, something to fuck with him, right? There was
something serious about the set on Neil’s shoulders. “We will be each other's allies. Your
success is my success. If you fail, I fail as well. Does that make sense?” No, the fuck it didn’t
but Andrew didn’t have words to share that. “I have my schedule marked here. You can fill in
anything you want to add. There won’t be much time with it being sixteen hour days but it
will be fine.”

That was the one too many record scratch moments in the last five minutes. “What the fuck
do you mean sixteen hours?”

Neil shrugged. “It’s the most efficient way and we get more practice in. Four hours of
practice in the morning, lunch, activities, four hours of night practice, dinner, bed for six. It
works. You’ll get used to it.”

“And who the fuck decided that?”

Neil shrugged and turned away. He placed his mystery bag on the ground and paused. He
didn’t say anything before he turned around. “We should get one more thing out of the way, I
know you’re an Alpha but you will never forget your place. Riko is our Alpha. It would be
good for the both of us to remember that.”
For the first time, since he entered the room, Neil looked uneasy. He fidgeted and walked to
his bed. “We have an hour or so before night practice. I will rest while you can.” Neil pulled
something out of his pocket and tossed it across the room and with alarming precision for
someone who didn’t even look up, a phone landed right beside Andrew. He picked it up and
turned it on.

“That has everything you need on it.” With that, Neil turned his back to Andrew.

Everything that happened was too much and too little at the same time. What fuck did he sign
up for?

An undetermined amount of time passed before Neil made one comment that stopped his
blood cold. It was that Baltimore voice from before, Nathaniel. “If you touch my things
again, I’ll hurt you. Keep the knife. Just don’t let them know you have it.”

Later, they were in a red walled locker room, dressing for practice. There was something very
mechanical about Neil’s movements. Andrew had questions, questions about how does
someone as pretty as Neil end up in a place like this, questions about whether or not Neil was
a Beta because that was up in the air.

Questions, questions, questions.

They finished before the first Raven pair walked in. Neil led the way out and stopped short
before the door to the court.

“Two things.” Neil paused, like it would give weight to his next words. “Never call Neil
when we are inside these walls,” he tapped the door, “and two, you will try every time or we
will suffer. I can promise you that.” With that, Nathaniel pushed open the door and led them

Two were already inside and Andrew knew them well. They were the ones to recruit him
after all. Riko and Kevin. Nathaniel didn’t even blink as he made his way to their side.
Andrew followed because he was curious more than anything else.

They spoke in Japanese, leaving Andrew out. He didn’t react, taking a moment to get used to
the space. He has played in a half court in juvy, a cheap high school edition but this, if he
cared, was impressive.

After a minute or so, Kevin turned to him and watched him. It related on his nerves and
Andrew was close to snapped at him, but Kevin walked over and spoke to him in English.
“How are you?”

Andrew stared for a second and debated not answering. Why the fuck did Kevin Day out of
anyone give a fuck? “Fine.”

“I mean, you’re off the drugs, right?” That hit Andrew for about two seconds before he filed
it away under never to be seen again.
“We wouldn’t be having this pleasant conversation if I were there, would we?”

Kevin growled, legit growled like a wolf. Of course a beta like him would be like this. It had
to be from spending so much time with Riko. “You’re gonna play, right?”

Andrew snorted. “What the fuck do you mean by that?” For the first time since entering the
castle, he wanted a cigarette. He didn’t let the comment about not seeing outside get to him
before but now he could see how fucked he was.

Kevin looked away for a second, watching a pair enter, before turning back. “Remember
when we recruited you?” Andrew remembered everything even though that wasn’t a special
night. “I hope you figured out how to play like you care in the last few months.”

“Oh goodie,” Andrew said, “with a junkie like you, I’m sure it will be fun.”

“Fun,” Kevin almost sounded offended. “When you play on his court, you play with
everything you’ve got, every single time.”

The court was filled with athletes, Alphas and beta scent was irritating but that was normal,
wearing black uniforms. It was almost suffocating and this conversation was boring. Before
he could respond, Riko demanded Kevin’s attention and Neil-no Nathaniel-came back to his

Everyone gathered around in a circle waiting for orders. Andrew knew some of their names,
he did his research after all, but there were enough new faces to put him on edge.

Silence broke around the room as Riko turned to them. It was like this was his court, in more
ways than one. “Five,” was all Rice said as they lined up for laps. They ran in two lines, in
pairs. Andrew, in spite, kept up with the impossible speed. There was no way he was going to
let some two face kid like Nathaniel beat him.

But as he found, those who fell behind were pushed out of the way. They were left behind,
their pattern right there to keep them going. As the laps finished, they started their warm up
routine and there was no explanation. They were expected to keep up.

Once warm ups were done, they started scrimmaging and Andrew just didn’t. He stood there,
leaning on his racket, watching. It was aggressive, even by the standards of exy. Ravens were
shoved into walls in order to get the ball. They were tripped and left behind.

The first one slipped past his backliners and made a shot on Andrew’s goal. He watched the
goal light up red. There was a moment, almost a pause, a held breath, where everyone waited
for a reaction. A hand gripped his helmet and shoved him back into the goal post. Alpha
scent surrounded him. For a second he was back in time, a bed room and powerlessness, but
no, he had power now.

“You will play or you will suffer.” Riko, Riko shot him. There was a moment, a second,
where Andrew thought of trying, of keeping him from getting what he wanted, but after
everything that’s fucking happened that day, it didn’t seem worth it. After all, what was the
fucking point?
He smiled, one of those drug manic ones that was like muscle memory, and pushed back.
“Fuck off.”

Nathaniel was there, putting himself between the two of them. Andrew raised a brow, waiting
to see how this would turn out. He didn't have to wait long. Nathaniel turned on him next. He
got close, real close, close enough that the Alpha scent was gone and replaced with nothing,
and said, “I don’t know why you’re like this but are you really going to let him win?”

Blue eyes. That was all he could focus on, and the fact that Nathaniel didn’t have a scent.
That didn’t make any sense but he couldn't focus on that for long because he glanced behind
Nathaniel and saw Riko and Kevin. Fine, for blue eyes, he would try. He pushed Nathaniel
and took he stop in the goal, picking up the ball and serving it to the other side of the room.

So he tried. He did it out of spite. To show these struck up Ravens that he could. He was
better than them and there was no way he would let them pass. An hour later, completely
covered in sweat, Riko called a pause.

They got water and spilt off to practice skills. Andrew was introduced to his first test as a
Raven. Precision drills. It was harder than he would like to admit. Practice wrapped up soon
after that, with the promise that they would never see game time if they were not able to
complete this in the order called.

Nathaniel was at Andrew’s side again. He put a hand out to keep him there but didn’t touch
him. Riko came up to them. Riko shared some biting words to Nathaniel in Japanese before
turning to Andrew.

“You,” there was a bite, a bit of an Alpha tone there, “will never do that again. You will put
your full effort during practice or you won’t at all.” Nathaniel went rigid beside him. He
could feel something coming off his waves. They were left alone with the order to clean up
from practice.

They did it with ease but there was a stiff set to Nathaniel’s shoulder, something that was
becoming harder and harder to ignore. “You have something to say, say it,” Andrew said as
they finished up, heading to the locker room to shower.

“If you cost me practice time because you don’t try, I will kill you.” The words were more of
a whisper, something more threatening.

“Why would that affect-”

“We do everything together. You will not be the first Raven to sit out during practice. You
will try and I’ll help you.”

“Help? Why do you-” Andrew was shoved into the wall. He was getting really tired of people
pushing him around. He thought of the knife he took hiding in his arm bands. He could do
something about the problem in front of him.

“Were you not listening? We do everything together. We are partners. If you cost me anything
I worked for, you won't like how it ends. Now hurry up, we don’t want to miss dinner.”
Nathaniel backed off and started to strip. He kept his back to Andrew as he grabbed a towel
and started his shower.

Andrew pulled himself together. Who the hell did Nathaniel think he was? The next time he
put hands on him, it wouldn’t end well. If anyone else tried that, they would be dead. So why
wasn’t he?

Andrew showered and they left. They ate together and Neil was back. The softness returned
and Andrew could almost forget about the threat still thickening the air between them. There
was something more important though. Andrew felt eyes on them the whole time they ate,
made longer by Andrew first tearing his food into small pieces. Riko was staring at them and
Andrew didn’t like it.

A man sat beside them and started a conversation with Neil. “Andrew,” Neil said, pulling his
attention back to them, “This is Jean Moreau.” Jean didn’t even give him a half glance before
continuing his conversation with Neil.

Andrew turned back to Riko but he was gone, Kevin too, but of course. If Neil was his
partner then of course Kevin was Riko’s.

They finished eating and went back to their room. Moreau followed and said a quick goodbye
to Neil before glaring at Andrew.

Inside, Neil locked the door and sighed loudly. “Please, don’t turn it into a problem.”

“Don’t say that word,” Andrew shot back. This whole day was rubbing him raw and he
wanted to sleep even though he knew it wouldn’t even be near bed time.

There was a tap, tap, tap of nails on their door and Neil unlocked it and moved back so Riko
could enter with Kevin far behind. Andrew backed up, putting space between them but Riko
wasn't having that. He took a hold of his wrist and pulled him close.

He didn’t say anything as he was led backwards to his bed. He was cuffed and this felt too
similar to other experiences. His first thought was to fight but he knew better. They always
liked it when he did. Riko came back and he closed his eyes. He hoped they would get over
this quickly.

He waited and waited. He opened his eyes to Rice being less than an inch away. “Let this be a
reminder who is your king. You may be an Alpha but I’m yours.” The knives sliced into his
forearm. A long line from wrist to elbow. He got matching ones on the other side. It cut
through the arm band and it was ripped away. The knife he hid there tumbled out.

Riko picked it up and turned to Neil. Andrew turned his head to see Neil disappear and
Nathaniel show up.

“What's this?” Riko asked.

Nathaniel walked forward, taking the knife from Riko’s hand. He turned it over like he had
never seen it before. With a flick of his wrist, he sent it into a wall full of small holes, knife
shaped. Whatever the hell Andrew signed up for, it wasn’t this. He was going to get the hell
out of here.

“Sorry, I misplaced one.” Riko took hold of Nathaniel’s wrist and cut lines into his skin as

“Don’t let it happen again and keep him in line.” Riko left with a hunched over Kevin in tow.

The moment the door was shut, Neil was back and he released Andrew from his cuffs.

“I hope this is all worth it.” Neil crossed the room and pulled out a clear bin and brought it
over to Andrew. He held his hand out but Andrew scooted away. “Give me your arm. I have
to clean it so it doesn't get infected.”

Andrew gave him his arm and watched as Neil wiped it clean with an alcohol wipe before
gluing it shut. “You’re lucky it wasn't deep. This will hurt tomorrow at practice but it’s
nothing compared to what he could have done.” Neil finished both arms and held his out in

Andrew rather he didn’t. If he could, he would push Neil away and roll over to sleep. Fuck
that, he would find somewhere else to sleep. There was no way he was going to sleep with
someone who could slip skins off and become a new person, who had a cup of knives, who
knew how to throw one, but Andrew returned the favor. He cleaned it slowly, making sure to
take his time.

“Are you starting to get it?” Andrew didn’t answer so he went on, “whatever you do, what I
do, will always affect both of us. The only way we are going to survive is to be the best.”
Neil pulled away and put away his kit.

“It’s going to be a long six weeks,” Neil muttered before he turned out the lights and they
went to sleep.
Chapter Notes

Welcome back

Trigger warnings for:

Reference to underage sex
Dub consent
Heat activities (fade to black)
Reference to Andrew's past
Reference to sex
Negative thoughts

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Neil didn’t know how to feel about this new roommate. He did ask, after all, to be placed
with him. Three weeks had passed and they had their ups and down.

Andrew, on a good day, didn’t care about playing. He would block the goal, shutting out Riko
more than Kevin, but nothing more. On a bad day, he would stand to the side and bleed. Neil
knew that it was going to come back on him but Riko was being forgiven the last few weeks.
Other than the normal bruises from playing, he was in perfect health.

Neil was still learning what made Andrew tick. He was getting better, a single please had him
pushed up against a wall with his own knife against his stomach. Andrew didn’t know what
he was doing with a knife, not the way Nathaniel did. A small part of Neil wanted to teach
Andrew, so they could better defend each other.

And in another strange turn of events, Andrew hadn’t made a move on him. Neil knew the
soap he was using to neutralize his scent wasn't working as he got close to his heat but
Andrew didn't say anything. Soon, Rico would come for him, so he might want to explain to
Andrew ahead of time but each time he thought about bringing it up, it wasn’t a good time.

It was the end of a hard practice, afternoon practice always went harder, as if it would be their
last shot to play, and it was one of those days that Andrew tried, really tried. He only let one
shot in and it was a trick shot from Riko. Neil knew his ankle would be swollen, having
twisted it sometime during practice.

He walked out of practice, keeping his weight to his good foot, but refused to limp. It was
never good to expose his weaknesses especially right before a heat.
They showered. He ended up waiting for Andrew but that was fine. He kept the weight of his
foot, slowly twisting it. The joint popped but that was normal. He was going to be fine after
icing it tonight but first he had knife practice.

Now that he was older, he was allowed to do it alone without Lola looking over his shoulder
but that would be the first time he went since Andrew arrived. He was too focused on Exy
and mastering the precision drills. The only problem was that he had to wait for Andrew.
That caused a huge fight and too much energy forcing him to try. He would have to split his
time again and maybe Andrew would enjoy knife practice considering how close he held that

Andrew finished and they went to eat. Jean joined them.

They talked for a while. Neil refused to speak in French in front of Andrew so they stuck to
safe topics. Andrew never even glanced their way. Jean squeezed Neil’s leg and he felt the
first burn of preheat.

There was a small part of Neil that missed being with Jean. They were partners for a while
before Andrew arrived and he missed being near him. There were only three omegas on the
team and sleeping in the same room as one always allowed Neil a chance to breathe. Not that
the past weeks didn’t prove to him that Andrew wasn’t going to jump him. Still, he missed
having a close relationship with Jean but it was better this way.

He stood and waited for Andrew to do the same. They threw away their trash and left. Neil
turned down a different hall and felt Andrew pause. He waited to see if Andrew would ask
but he didn’t, just followed.

At the end was a makeshift weapon range. Targets at one end and every type of weapon Neil
would ever need. Nathaniel pushed forward but Neil held back, he had to explain first.

Andrew didn’t shut the door and that was fine for the time being. Nathaniel could do it later.
“I should explain,” Neil said, turning to Andrew. Andrew raised an eyebrow but didn’t say a
word. A lie was on the tip of his tongue but he knew better. Everyone else knew, other than
the freshman, and he couldn't lie to Andrew. “My dad is the Butcher of Baltimore.” He could
feel Nathaniel take control and Neil stepped back. This was, after all, Nathaniel’s hobby and
story. He was the fake one.

“And so I have to learn knives like him. One day, I’ll be him but for now I play. Does that
make sense?” Andrew didn’t move away so that was a good thing. There was a question on
his face but it slipped behind his blank mask.

He finally asked, “why?” and Nathaniel snorted.

“Why what?” he snarled, taking a step forward. He didn’t like to be questioned. “This was
the life I was born into. I’m my father’s son and so of course I have to follow in his steps. I
brought you here to offer to teach you.”

“No, you brought me here because of the stupid pair rule.” Nathaniel swallowed, forcing
down his anger. He fucking hated that rule. Ever since he was left here all those years back,
he was expected to follow their rules but he always found a way to bend them by using Neil
not that many knew.

He picked up a knife and twirled it between his fingers. “I could find a way around it.” It was
forced boredom but he was growing restless. “Do you want to learn or not?”

“Why do you care?” Andrew flicked his fingers, taking a step forward. He had tried this
daring thing for the last few days. Always pushing forward to see how Neil would react. Neil
would let it go but Nathaniel liked to bite back. He forced himself to take a deep breath to
stay centered and calm. Rico wouldn’t like it if Andrew was dead, and neither would Neil, he

“I don’t but Neil does.” A long time ago, they decided that it was best to divide the
responsibilities of the body. Neil would do the almost human with emotion thing and
Nathaniel would deal with everything else, the pain and blood. They shared Exy most of the

“There’s only one for you.”

“Sort of. It’s not dissociative identity disorder, if that's what you’re thinking. This just makes
it easier to deal with. I’m sure you get that.” Nathaniel could count on his hand how many
times he was able to catch Andrew off guard. Yeah, Andrew thought he could read Neil but
Nathaniel was raised on reading people. He had to know moods and how to work around
them. Andrew was nothing.

Andrew walked away from him but not out of the room. He closed the door and made his
way over to the display for sharp edges. “You know how to use these?”

“Yep.” And that was the beginning of a relationship between Nathaniel and Andrew.

Neil woke to Kevin knocking on the door. Andrew was awake and looking at him to answer.
Riko leaned against the other wall, arms crossed and Neil knew why. They noticed yesterday
and he ran out of time.

It was going to be another long heat with Riko. Kevin would take his place for the next few

“A minute, then we’ll go.” Neil shut the door before they could answer.

“And where are we going this earlier?” Andrew asked. Neil swallowed and tried to run
though his list. Riko would have most things, if he even stayed after words to take care of
him, but there had to be something. “Neil?”

“I’m going away for a few days. Kevin will stay with you.”

“Kevin? What the hell-”

“I don’t have time for this.” Whatever Neil was forgetting, he would remember later and if
Riko was being nice he could get it. Neil grabbed shoes and opened the door before Kevin
could knock again. He traded places with Kevin and followed Riko down the hall.

Riko unlocks a heat room and opens the door for Neil. This would be his last chance to run.
Once that door shuts behind him, only Riko would be able to open it. The fingerprint scanner
makes sure of that. It wouldn’t be good.

In the beginning, when his first heat hit, he was about seventeen, Riko mounted and claimed
him. Neil never wanted that. He never wanted an Alpha or anyone in his life. He was starting
to like Andrew but no one else. No one would call it rape, or forced sex, if an omega was in
heat but Neil didn’t know what else to call it. He may beg for it during but he always felt like
shit afterwards.

Not that Riko was good at taking care of Omegas. There were others, before Neil, and from
what he heard and experienced, Riko didn’t know what the fuck he was doing but that didn’t
change the fact that Neil was stuck with a shit Alpha.

The door shut behind him and he was left in the dark. Neil blindly reached for the night
switch. The light was blinding but he was able to dim it. It was one of the only rooms that
had white light rather than the red. He went to his nest and got acquainted. The bedding had
been washed since he was last in and wasn’t arranged right.

He took his time getting his nest right. Not that he needed to impress Riko, but there was still
a part of Neil that wanted an Alpha approval. Once it was full of his scent, he got to work
himself open knowing that Riko wouldn't care whether or not he was ready.

The door opened before he was completely ready but he took a deep breath and rolled over. It
was still early in his heat but he knew better than to fight.

Riko didn’t have any pretty words for him, nothing that would take away the pain, as he
pushed in and rode him. Neil bit his lip as the hormones took over and forced him to get hard
and beg.

Andrew had no fucking clue what was going on. He knew about two things, Neil was gone
and in his place was Kevin.

Kevin was the biggest goddamn pain in his ass that Andrew has ever had the displeasure of
being near, and there was nothing he could do about it. Exy this, exy that, Andrew when are
you going to care more, really try and on and on it went. Practice couldn’t come any sooner.

Andrew was a creature of habit so it was a strange feeling to walk out onto the court without
his usual partner. No one noticed, or at least they didn’t say anything, until practice started
and Riko walked in alone.

He would never say it out loud but his heart did skip a beat. Where the fuck was Neil? Riko
ran practice harder than he ever did in the morning. Half way through their usual drills, he
called them off and they split into groups of threes to work on skills.

It was like Riko had a vendetta against them because he matched teams in a weird way, off
form the way they paired up normally. There was a huge hole in their line from where Neil
would be but no one said a word, other than a freshman who would mutter words to each
other during water breaks. Andrew was missing something but no one was speaking.

After a difficult practice, Andrew and Kevin (even the ring of the two names next to each
other made him want to stab something) went to each together and spent time with the other
Ravens. Kevin spoke to a few of them and no one tried to speak to Andrew until Moreau sat
next to him with his pattern in tow.

The room was pointedly missing two people.

“So,” Moreau started, “how are you liking the nest?” There wasn’t one thing Andrew liked
about Moreau. He hated his accent, the way he walked, everything about how he played and
even worse he hated how he looked at Neil. There was something there, something deeper
under the quick glances.

Andrew couldn't think of something witty to say, and it was even worse since they were
talking exy, so he chose to ignore him. “Aren’t you going to answer?”

“Maybe when you say something interesting.”

This caught Kevin’s attention who turned to them. He said something under his breath to
Moreau, maybe in French if he had to guess, before moving his attention to Andrew. “I knew
you made a shit partner but what the hell. Why are you here if you don’t want to play?”

There was something to draw about that. Andrew thought he gave a pretty good half try at
practice but that ain't enough of course. He was placed against two other freshmen who were
falling over each other then shooting on goal, so he figured he did well.

But of course the great Kevin Day had something to say about his performance.

“Fuck you. Do you even have hobbies outside of stick ball?”

Kevin glared, scooting closer on the bench. “I don’t know-”

“Answer the question.” Andrew turned so he was facing Kevin head on. He even repeated the
question slowly like Kevin didn’t understand the first time. Kevin still didn’t respond. “Yeah,
like I thought. You know, you can’t always depend on a sport. What if it was taken away?”

“It's not a toy, Andrew. Our lives revolve around it.”

“See this is the sticking point, I’ve had a life outside this-”

“How did it treat you? At least exy can’t turn it’s back on me.” That was one step too far.
Andrew stood and walked away. Kevin scrambled to follow because of course he would
follow that fucking ridiculous rule.
Once back in the room, they didn’t speak, they didn’t even look at each other’s way. They
were dead to each other but Andrew thought he was doing well. He could have hurt Kevin
pretty bad but he didn’t because he had self control.

Some time later Riko walked in. It was a strange sight for the afternoon but Andrew barely
looked his way until he was standing beside him, waiting. In the few weeks of being there,
Andrew knew it was better to acknowledge him quickly so they would get this confrontation
over with.

“Riko,” he said with just a hint of disrespect.

A hand came up and landed on his throat pushing him on his back. Andrew’s hands flew up
to try and stop him but Riko was on top of him and he had nowhere to go. Dark memories
flooded his vision as Riko spit words at him. He couldn't focus on anything but the room
slowly turning dark.

He woke later to blood staining his skin and Kevin watching the wall. Andrew didn’t care
about Neil but he did feel the lack of his presence as he cleaned his own wounds.

When it was done, Riko left him alone. Two other Alphas had joined at some point but it
wasn’t to punish him. They were forced to fight each other to mount him and it had been
bloody. A punishment for them and Neil was the reward.

His nest was full of cum, sweat and blood. Neil hated it. He rolled out of the sheets and onto
the floor. He landed in a clean spot. It was the first time in days that he was able to think

And he was alone because of course Riko wouldn't want to be around him afterwards.

Neil forced himself to shower. It consisted of him sitting in the tub, letting water spray over
him and as he hugged his legs. He didn’t cry, even if he wanted to, he wouldn’t. There had to
be something wrong with him, that was the only explanation.

When the water turned cold, he washed. The scent blocking soap was running low and he
made a note to grab some next time. Once he was done, he dressed in the clothes he came in.
He didn't have any need for them once he entered the room.

The door was still locked and being in the room was nauseating. Neil stripped the bed,
making a neat pile or ruined blankets and clothes. Someone would wash it for next time. He
hid in the bathroom until he heard the door pop open.

He made his escape and went down the hall alone.

He entered the room and Andrew wasn't there. He stripped out his clothes and showered
again. They must be at practice. He would have to catch up later. Andrew was going to hate
that but they could fight later.
He dressed in loose clothes, took care of any cuts and bruises he had before laying down in
his bed. It smelt like Kevin and that was fine. Andrew’s Alpha scent was all over the room
but that was okay. He was used to the smell and found it a bit comforting. Kevin was a beta
so his scent wasn’t as strong but after horny Alpha, he would do anything for a change.

Later, he woke to the door opening and Andrew entering alone. Kevin must have gone back
to Riko. That’s good. He didn’t know if he could stand to be near Riko right then.

He rolled over and looked over at Andrew. He had bruises on his face and a few cuts on his
arm. He looked a bit worse for wear but would be fine.

“Where the hell have you been?” There was anger there, the Alpha scent reflected it and Neil
didn’t know if he could deal with that then. He cringed and rolled over, covering his body
with his blanket.

He was weak. That was the only way to explain this. A weakness and that could get him
killed. He needed to pull himself together and fix whatever happened between the two other
them while he was stone but-but.

A part of Neil was howling and he didn’t know how to stop. It hurt. Physically hurt and it
won't cut. It was something deeper, something that didn’t have a name but was begging for
some recognition.

Andrew paused before walking over. “What’s wrong with you?” he asked, stopping by the
bed. Nathaniel snarled from inside. He hated being useless for the last few days but lashing
out for Andrew wasn't going to help anything. He shrugged from under the blanket. “Can I
help in any way?” Neil wanted to laugh. There wasn't anything Andrew could do now, it was
too late. Maybe next time.

“Just leave me alone,” he whispered, pressing his face into the pillow. Andrew stepped back
and went to his side of the room.

As always, Neil would pull himself together and it would be fine.

He was fine after all.

Chapter End Notes

Thanks for reading. Let me know what you think!

Chapter Notes

Another chapter, how do I do it?

Trigger warnings for:

Neil's parents and past
Some talk of Neil's heat

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Andrew hated everyone on a good day. He hated that his family would never pick him when
he did everything for them. He hated every single person who ever said it gets better. He
hated the Nest and everything he signed on for. And he hated Neil.

Neil who was half a person. Who disappeared for several days without saying why. Who
showed back up without explanation. Who flinched if anyone got too close. Who plays like
his life was on the line.

Neil the goddamn mystery.

If only Andrew could put together the pieces.

Even worse, Riko was also gone for the same amount of time. He would show up to practice
smelling like an Omega and no one questioned it. It was normal for them but whoever it was
had to be fucked. It wasn't normal Omega in heat, it was a hurt one. Andrew didn’t react to it,
but if he finds out-

And Kevin was no help. The whole time, he kept his head down and refused to answer any of
Andrew’s questions. It was fucking too much.

He was done being left in the dark. When Neil felt better, he was going to demand answers.
He was putting up with Neil and his need to be on the court 24 hours a day, like he was trying
to make up for lost time. If he had to put up with that, he needed answers.

Dinner was finishing up after another long practice. Surprisingly, Andre was used to the 16
hour days and he lost track of what day it would be on the outside. Neil stood and waited for
Andrew. Jean made a sound of displeasure.

Jean was another thing Andrew didn’t get. He spent as much time as he could with Neil. All
meals were spent together and he would even come by their room. He came by the first
morning after Neil disappeared. He turned cold when he saw Kevin there and it royally
pissed Andrew off.

They walked back to their room in silence. Andrew wasn't sure what the best way to start the
conversation was but once the door shut behind him, he demanded Neil tell him.

“Why should I?” For days, Neil hasn’t spoken in sentences longer than five words.

“Because everyone else knows and I’m sick of being left behind.” Neil shrugged and sat on
his bed. He would never get Neil to talk if he laid down and turned his back to him. “I’ve put
up with your practice time-”

“Thank you.” That caught Andrew off guard. “For doing that. I can stop if you want.” That
was then most he spoke in one go. That was good progress.

Only problem was that we didn't answer his question. “Answer the question, Neil.”

Neil fidgeted for a minute before they made eye contact. “I’m an Omega.”

There was part of Andrew that wanted to laugh at the unfairness of the situation. Why the
hell would they put him, an Alpha, with an Omega like Neil? Does that mean it was his heat?
Oh, shit, things were falling into place and Andrew did not like where it was going.

“You just had your heat?” Andrew remembered the weird scent coming from Neil, hidden
underneath his soap. It must be scent neutralizing, that was the only thing that could explain
that. “Who did you spend it-” and the questions answered itself. “Riko?”

Neil nodded. “Yeah and I’m fine. Sorry I was off but I’m good now. Don’t worry about me.”
Andrew thought, for a brief second, how quick Neil could turn into Nathaniel and if that
would be long enough to kill him.

“You can’t be serious right now?” Things were still falling into place. If Riko smelt like hurt
Omega and Neil was the only Omega in heat. “He fucking hurt you.” There was no question
about it, Andrew was going to kill Riko when he got that chance. Who the hell hurts an
Omega who chooses to spend their heat with them?

“It’s fine.” Neil stood and crossed the room. He kept a good amount of space between them.
“Just don’t.” Andrew knew he had to be radiating pissed Alpha but Neil wasn't flinching.

“If he ever does that again, I'll kill him.” Andrew stepped back and turned away. Neil sighed
and went back to bed. Andrew pecked over his shoulder to see Neil curling into a ball once
again, covering himself with blankets. Of course, he could now see how similar to a nest it

The next day at practice, Andrew tried more than he has since walking through the doors. He
didn’t let one shot pass him, it didn't matter if it was Riko or Kevin or any of the other
strikers. He wanted to tear this place down with his bare hands, to make them feel angry.

The only problem was that he wasn't bending to Riko. Riko, for the Alpha he pretended to be,
needed everyone to bend to his will but Andrew out flat refused. He would never give into an
Alpha that chased to hurt Omegas.

And it got worse.

As long as Andrew wasn’t giving him, Riko would come into their room each night and try to
break him. But Riko didn’t know how. He was broken before and he wouldn't let anyone do it
to him again.

Then Riko changed one night.

Him and Kevin still followed them to their room. They handcuffed Andrew to the bed.
Andrew was able to separate himself from what was currently happening and it would pass.
Something was off tonight, so when the pain didn’t come he checked back in.

“Back with us?” Riko laughed, leaning over Andrew. He didn’t have a weapon and that was a
bit frightening. “I figured, it was only fair to wait, after all, we want an audience, right,

Andrew turned his head. Neil was gone, and sharp-eyed dangerous Nathaniel was in place.
He was tied down like Andrew but he was staring at the ceiling. “I wanted to make sure you
didn’t miss it.”

Riko crossed the room, took one of Neil’s knives and started to cut. It was jagged and
uneven. Nathaniel bleed over his sheets and it was hard to tell what was injured with
everything covered in drying blood.

Andrew tried to fight, to pull on his cuffs but only succeeded in cutting open his wrists. He
knew if he pulled too long, he could break something and who knows what would happen
next. Riko looked over and with a wicked grin would sneer as he traced the knife over
Nathaniel’s cheek.

He threw the knife on the ground and walked over to Andrew. He placed his hands on
Andrew and it took everything in him to keep from lashing out. “Remember, as long as you
fight, I’ll be back and we’ll see how much our little Nathaniel can take.” He tossed the key to
Andrew and left with Kevin in tow.

Andrew struggled to get his cuffs unlocked so he could go help Nathaniel. He unlocked him
and got to cleaning each cut as Neil did for him the last week. Neil slowly came back and
took his turn to clean Andrew’s wrists. This was all so fucked up.

“Why are you here?” Andrew asked Neil as they waited for the pain meds to kick in.

“I have to. I’ve been here since I was ten.”

“At the castle?”

He hummed. “Yeah, I grew up with Kevin, Riko and Jean since then.”

“And your family?” Neil shrugged.

“I see mom every once in a while and dad-” his voice broke a bit at the name, “whenever he
comes for business.”

“The butcher?”

“Yep, that’s the one.”


“No.” Andrew dropped the conversation after that.

The next day, he gave it his all as Neil fell behind. He was tripping and bleeding. It was his
fault and when Riko asked him to bend, he did.

Weeks passed and soon classes started. It was the first time Andrew had seen the sun since he
got there. Boring basic classes but he was let out and he could breathe again.

It did help that Neil was with him. They were consistent with each other and it didn’t matter
if Andrew tried to lose him, not that Andrew tried that hard, Neil would always be there
around the next corner.

Andrew picked smoking back up. During those first few weeks down below were hell but he
didn’t show it. He got cravings bad and was half tempted to see if there was a way to escape
for a minute or two. He could have asked Neil since he had lived there since he was ten and
would know if there was.

The first day, Neil didn’t say anything when he pulled out the cigarette. Day two, he huffed.
Day three, he had a short lecture about the harms of smoking. Day four he asked for his own.

It took a while but slowly Neil opened up about his life inside the castle and when he noticed
Andrew’s need to be high up, he found them a spot. After dinner, Neil took them down a
curving hall and two flights of stairs. It was steep but Andrew didn’t say a word. At the top,
he popped open the door and they were outside.

It was a long drop down, made more eerie by the lack of guard rails but Neil took a seat on
the edge and lit up a smoke. After a minute, Andrew joined him.

Twice a week, they would make a trip. Some days, Neil talked, some days Andrew would
talk back and some days they sat in silence, sharing smoke between them.

It was almost a normal day, practice went smoothly, breakfast, class, homework, but Neil was
off. He was skittish, jumpy, and rabbit-like. Andrew didn’t say anything but when Moreau
came by the room, Andrew was left alone with him as Neil left.

Part of Andrew, the small Alpha part that had no right to demand anything, wanted to know
where Neil was doing, to be there and protect him. Something was going on all day and he
was willing to almost guarantee that Neil was getting ready to run. But like a good Alpha he
said nothing because Neil wasn’t his Omega and he would never be.

It was almost like Moreau wasn’t there. He didn’t talk, just read a book found in Neil’s stuff.
Something about that killed him. Why could he touch Neil’s stuff? Didn’t Nathaniel also
threaten him?

“Do you need something?” Moreau asked, looking up from his book. It was almost like he
could feel Andrew’s glare.

“Isn’t Nathaniel going to cut you for going through his stuff?” Moreau snorted, placing the
book down in the same spot as before.

“Is that what he told you?” Moreau faced Andrew with raised brows. There was a joke that
he was missing and Andrew didn’t like to be left out.

“Who are you?” Neil did say though they grew up together but this almost seemed closer.

“Why would it matter?” Moreau countered as he stood and made his way across the short

Moreau smelt like a beta, a basic no one, something of no consequence but he knew better.
He was close to Riko and Kevin and if he let something slip about Andrew, who knows how
Riko would react. Things were easier now but Andrew could only pretend for so long.

Andrew flicked his fingers and turned away but that didn’t stop Moreau. It seemed like he
had a death sentence. “Why would it matter?” he asked again.

“It doesn't.” The door opened and Neil walked in.

Moreau backed away and went to Neil. He spoke to Neil in French, checking him over. Neil
looked fine, a little worse for wear, but not hurt. He had a far off look but that was okay. If
Andrew didn’t have to stitch anything the better.

Neil said something back in French and Moreau left. Neil sat on his bed and stared off into
space. Andrew didn’t ask and Neil didn’t offer.

Ever since Neil’s father visited, he has kept to the outskirts. He was going through the
motions, following the simple routine everyday. Andrew never asked and Neil almost wished
he did. Neil wouldn’t burden Andrew without being asked to. After all, Andrew was fighting
with his own monsters the last few days. It took everything in Neil to have enough energy for
the both of them.

So, when that familiar heat started to roll in his stomach, he knew what was coming. Now
that they weren’t locked down below all day, he might have a chance to disappear for a few
days but it wouldn't go over well when he returned. He didn’t have long to decide.
As they walked back from classes, Neil stopped Andrew and pulled him to the side. He
struggled to get the words out but he laid it bare of Andrew to make his decision. While Neil
didn’t know how Andrew would react to an Omega in heat, it had to be better than whatever
Riko might have planned.

“What do you-”

“I don’t know. I just don’t want to go back to-”

“I won’t let that happen.”

“What are we going to do, Andrew?” There was almost a whine in his words. Neil has never
laid it all bare like this before. He usually rolled over and took it. After all, Riko beat it out of
him the first time. It was better to give in than to fight.

But maybe they could fight together.

There were heat rooms on campus for Omegas and their mates but Riko would know and
could get them. They would need to disappear without a trace. Maybe they could find
something abandoned, out of the way so no one would bother them.

“My cousin has-”

“Riko can trace that.” Simple fact was that there could not be a connection to either of them.

“We take my car and drive. We’ll find somewhere safe.” There was a hint of a promise there,
something Neil could hold on to. He didn’t have to spend this heat in pain, forced to take
over and over again. He could be normal, at least for a few days, and if Andrew was there-

Andrew was an Alpha and Neil knew this. He knew, somewhere in the back of his mind, that
he would have to offer, but he figured that Andrew wouldn't be as bad as Riko. They would
be punished when they return and no one would do that without some type of reward. It was
worth the risk.

“That might work. We just can’t-”

“Neil, do you trust me?” He almost laughed. In the few months they’ve known each other,
Neil has almost never trusted anyone more. Jean and Kevin aside, Andrew was the closest
person he was to. It would be foolish if he didn’t trust him, but the way he was asking, hint
that this was something deeper.

“Yes, of course.”

“There is no of course here. Do you, or do you not trust me?”

“Yes, Andrew.”

Andrew started for a minute, like he was trying to process whether he could take him for his
word. “We leave tomorrow, if that’s not too late.” Neil shrugged. “Do not guess at this. When
will he notice?”
“Don’t know,” Neil mumbles, “he always seems to know right after I do.”

“How fast do you drop?” Neil shrugged again. “Give me something I can work with.”

“A few hours after Riko takes me.”

“Then we have less than a day.” Andrew turned away for a moment before turning back. “We
leave now then.” Andrew walked away and Neil jogged to catch up.

He was now in full panic. This was happening too fast and he wanted to feel safe. That silly
little omega part. “They’ll notice when we don’t return and I have to grab a few things.”

“We can buy anything you need, but we leave now.” Andrew pulled out a keychain as they
crossed the parking lot.

Since Neil was ten, he has lived inside and now that they are leaving, a small part of him was
panicking. They weren’t running away, no, they would come back, but it felt something
close. The Nest isn't the most warm and welcoming but it was what he knew and now that he
was leaving, he didn’t know how to stand it. But Andrew would be with him, someone who
has lived on the outside for his whole life. He would be fine.

Andrew unlocked the car and opened the door for Neil. There was a second where he might
run but Neil slid into the seat and let Andrew shut the door for him. He buckled in and tried
to relax.

He couldn’t breathe, this was a fucking mistake that was going to get them killed. Andrew’s
hand on his neck shocked him back into the real world. He pulled away and Andrew let him.
That was proof that he cared, anyone else would have hurt him for showing weakness. He
was making the right choice.

“Last chance,” Andrew offered.


It must have been the level of trust Neil was placing in Andrew because less than five
minutes into their drive, he passed out.

Kevin was used to keeping his head down and out of their raven’s bullshit. It was the only
way to survive with little cuts and bruises. He did have his limit though.

It was getting late and he hadn’t seen Neil, and so Andrew either. He didn’t think Neil was
avoiding them unless. He did the quick mental math and found that it would be close to
Neil’s next heat. Wonderful, he was going to have to spend the next few days with Andrew.

Out of anyone here, why did it have to be Andrew, with all his talent–raw talent that couldn’t
be taught–who could give a less of a fuck? He could make court one day, he could make
history and yet, it was a waste with how he treated the sport. The amount of disrespect
couldn't be taught.
As it got closer to dinner and practice, the more anxious he became. Neil should be here so
they could over their homework, to go over strategy for the night.

Practice started and neither of them arrived and Riko lost it. Up to this point, a few different
things were going into play. While Andrew had been submitting, it wasn't enough, at least for
Riko. He was pulling back but he was just waiting for the right moment, Kevin had to listen
when he went on rants about him. Last week, during their post game interview, the question
was raised whether or not Riko was holding Kevin back.

Kevin almost died right there on camera. How would someone ask that question of them?
Later, as the different talk hosts discussed the question, it became clear where they stood.
Violence in Riko's body came and left in seconds. That couldn't be healthy and Kevin knew
he was holding off, waiting for something to happen.

As ravens fled from the court at the end of practice, four stayed behind. It was too planned
and Kevin’s heart started to race. How did he miss this? Riko planned something behind his

Riko turned on Kevin and he knew he was fucked. It took a second for the pain to set in, to
realize what Riko did to him. The pain was nothing next to the whispering thought that he
would never be able to play again.

Kevin was left alone with their physician who did his best to set Kevin’s hand. Slowly, pain
and pills muddy in his mind, he came up with a plan. He would leave, he would escape and
he would ask Andrew and Neil to help if they ever came back.

He hopes they never come back.

Chapter End Notes

Thank you for reading. I wasn't as sure about this chapter as the others. The next chapter
is going to be long.

Let me know what you think

Chapter Notes

You know what's coming

Trigger warnings for:

Smut for the most part
Dub consent
Some mentions to Riko and past heats
Negative thoughts
Child like traits

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Two different times Andrew left Neil passed out in his car, one inside a store to get supplies
for the next few days and the second was to find them a place to stay. The last one was harder
to achieve. There were only so many secure places for Omegas to have their heat in peace
and even less that would allow Andrew, as an Alpha, to stay by his side. He was able to find
one place that agreed to house them with the promise to not give up their location if anyone

They would be locked in a room that once locked would only be able to open from the inside.
It would hopefully keep Riko away when Neil was vulnerable. It was all he could throw
together in a short amount of time. If Andrew had time and could prepare anything, he would
have found a way to get them across the ocean where Nicky could protect them.

God, from what Andrew remembered from Neil's last heat, he has never been treated right
during one. Riko fucked Neil up too many times and Andrew wasn’t going to stand to the
side ever again. He would give Neil’s wolf whatever he needed to get though this-short of
fucking him. Sure they still had a little time before the heat would take over but Andrew
didn’t think he could trust whatever came out of Neil's mouth.

Andrew parked a few blocks away from the building in underground parking. He needed to
be able to keep the car safe and out of sight. He paid for it ahead of time so they wouldn’t
have a problem. He turned to Neil who was still passed out. He looked so at peace with his
face pressed against the glass but they needed to move. Riko would know they were gone by
then and the sooner they were locked behind the metal door, the safer they would be for the
next few days.

“Neil,” he said loudly, slowly reaching out to touch his shoulder. Neil doesn't usually wake
up violently but he didn’t know how the Omega part would react to an Alpha so close by.
“You need to wake up.” He hummed and curled in on himself. Andrew had a bad feeling and
he knew they were running out of time. “Neil, get up now. We need to move.” He pushed his
shoulder again.

“Why?” he whined, loud and long. He turned his head and had the cutest little pout on his
lips but they could sleep once it was safe.

“Out of the car, now.” Andrew was out of the car and to the other side just as Neil was
shutting the door. He grabbed the duffle bag of supplies out of the back, locked it and took
one long look before turning to Neil.

“Where are we?” Neil asked in the middle of a yawn. Andrew didn’t answer and started to
walk. Neil kept up as they exited the building out in the evening. The sun was setting and felt
good. While Andrew hated heights, he did have a newfound appreciation of the outdoors.
After spending so many hours underground, anyone would feel the same.

Andrew, in true gentleman fashion, held the door open for Neil. Once inside, Andrew had a
fake name that he set the reservation under and they took a seat to wait. He took a deep
breath and realized how far along Neil was. Back in the castle, he couldn't smell Neil’s heat
last time but it was already so much stronger so he took it as a good sign.

Neil started to lean closer to Andrew and he knew why. There was something in the
biological makeup that wanted to be near an Alpha when they were about to go through
something so vulnerable.

During the drive over, Andrew took time to figure out how he was feeling about it all. He
liked Neil well enough, sure, and he was attractive, but he knew they couldn't fuck. There
was no way he could let himself give into those instincts, he wouldn’t be able to hold himself
back, but he was fine with how much comfort Neil might need. He could handle the touching
and the second he couldn't, he would pull away and Neil was going to have to understand.

They were called back and were separated for a minute. They asked questions about
Andrew’s intentions with Neil. How long they knew each other and about the special request
to keep things anonymous. Andrew gave a vague response for each one and soon he was let
back out with Neil.

Neil went to Andrew’s side right when he walked in. There was no way Neil was fighting any
of the Omega instincts and he knew this was going to be a hard and long heat. They were
given the go ahead and then they were locked into a room together.

Andrew had Neil drink some water and eat something while he set the room up. They were
provided with bedding but Andrew also added what he was able to collect. He would let Neil
arrange it how he liked. He also stocked their fridge with food and water.

He tossed their duffle bag by the bed so Neil could access anything he might need. Andrew
did a bit of research about heat cycles and what he might expect. He knew the basics, keep
your Omega happy, but passed that was a mystery. How was he to achieve that, through trial
and error? No, he would fucking pass on that. So he spent precious minutes researching what
he could and figured he had a basic understand of how not to fuck up.
Without being asked, Neil made his way to the bed and started to make it his nest. He took
great care in where he placed the pillows and blankets to make a warm little hole for him. He
curled up and closed his eyes. Andrew sat on the other side of the room and waited for Neil
to guide him.

They didn’t have much time to discuss what Neil would need, so he would have to rely on
that hormone filled brain to figure it out. He pulled out his phone and did some research
again until Neil woke up again.

The room slowly filled with the scent of content Omega and Andrew’s wolf preened. He
wasn’t completely failing as an Alpha. He promised himself that he would make things
alright for Neil. The main thing Andrew needed to do was keep Neil hydrated, fed and happy,
and how hard could that be?

Slowly, Neil rolled over and looked over at Andrew, his eyebrows pulled together in
confusion. The scent started to change but Andrew couldn’t place it. He crossed the room and
stood by the bed.

“Is something wrong?” he asked, making sure to mind his tone. He didn’t need to overwhelm
Neil with his Alpha tone.

“Nuffin’,” he mumbled into the pillow, before shyly flashing Andrew a smile. “Do you
wanna start?”

Andrew raised an eyebrow and sunk down to Neil’s level. “What do you mean?”

“It won’t hurt now, if you give me a few minutes I can stretch and-”

“No,” his voice came out harsher than he meant but the second he understood what Neil was
asking, he couldn't help it. He had two problems with it, one, he would never fuck an Omega
who was in heat, especially without their permission ahead of time, and two, it should never
hurt. Omegas stretch naturally for their Alpha so that must have meant that Riko was forcing
himself in before Neil was ready.

The next time Andrew sees Riko he is going to hurt him more than he hurt Neil. Neil whined
and rolled over on stomach. He was muttering nonsense and Andrew couldn't figure out what
was happening. How did he go from being the best Alpha in the world to failing in two

“Neil, what’s wrong? Talk to me,” he said, speaking slowly and calming down. No need to
overwhelm him.

Neil turned his head towards Andrew. “Alpha angry. Sorry.” He was falling deep if he wasn’t
putting together full sentences. Andrew took a deep breath and made a silent promise to not
think about Riko again during Neil’s heat. It would only piss him off and he couldn't force
Neil though that when he wasn't in his right mind.

“You did nothing wrong,” Andrew said, and held back from reaching out for Neil. He wasn't
ready to cross the line. Soon but not yet.
Neil turned back to him and watched him for a second before reaching out to touch him. He
waited a second, watching Andrew closely. It took Andrew a minute to realize why; Neil was
waiting for permission. It was a strange moment and Andrew knew it was still early in the
heat if Neil could use his head long enough to ask. With a nod, Neil ran his fingers over his
covered arms. This was fine, he told himself. Neil wasn't going to hurt him.

“What do you want, Neil?” Andrew asked slowly, turning his hand over so Neil could hold it.

“Join me?” There was something soft and sweet in Neil’s eyes, something he had never seen
from anyone, and he nodded. Neil led him into his nest and once Andrew was comfortable,
he slowly rested his head on Andrew’s shoulder, turning his nose towards Andrew’s neck. He
reached out and pulled Neil’s face into his neck. Neil’s full body relaxed as he took a deep
breath and fell asleep again. Andrew soon followed.

Since Neil’s first heat, he had never known anything soft. He grew up inside the castle, where
bruises and cuts were normal, and before that he lived in the same house as his Alpha father
who would love to show him his work.

Soft was also not a word he would associate with Andrew. From the moment they met in the
dorm room, Neil knew Andrew was hardened from a hard life and wouldn’t be sweet for
anyone, but Andrew right then was a perfect Alpha dotting on his Omega.

Not that Neil thought Andrew as his Alpha and him Andrew’s Omega. They never discussed
that and he knew that there was no way Andrew would want someone like him. Riko had his
way with him so many times, both during his heats and Riko’s ruts. He was used, so why
would any respectful Alpha want him.

“What’s wrong?” Andrew asked in his ear. His scent must have changed.

“Nothing,” he said, pressing in closer to Andrew if that was even possible. Maybe it was time
that he offered himself up again. Omegas didn’t need Alphas to fuck them but it did feel nice
in theory. Neil never experienced that before but he might have a shot with Andrew. “Do you
want me to turn over?”

Andrew almost snarled and pissed Alpha hit Neil. It wasn't that he didn’t know the smell, he
was well familiar with Riko, but Andrew’s, after everything was going so well, hit him a bit
hard. His brain jumped to conclusions and he knew it was his fault. His Alpha was pissed and
it was his fault.

He forced himself out of the warm nest and on the ground. He would prefer to keep his nest
nice for now if Andrew would give him that much. He tipped his head down as he felt
Andrew’s eyes on him.

“Neil.” Neil whined at the sound of his name. Riko would only use it if he really fucked up.
Andrew must have hit his limit of how nice he could be. “Look at me.” He shook his head.
This had to be a trick. He knew better than to look. Andrew kneeled on the ground beside
him and reached to touch him. His palm cupped his face and Neil was waiting for the pain to
follow. After all, a heat was just pain and punishment for being born.

Slowly, he looked over. The room was filled with calm and passive Alpha, a sweet and
pleasant smell. Whatever he was doing, it was the right thing.

“I’m not angry at you,” Andrew spoke slowly, “I will not fuck you during your heat unless
you agree before hand. Do you understand?” Neil nodded. “Good, now, why don’t you go to
the bathroom and freshen up and I’ll get you something to eat. Sounds good?”

Neil got up and did as asked. Once he was done, he stopped and stared in the mirror. He
hated the person staring back. It reflected everything he hated about himself and he couldn’t
believe he had Andrew here with him. How could a caring Alpha like Andrew care for such
a shit Omega like him?

“Neil?” Neil left with one more glance back.

In their room, there was a bed and a table in a corner. Andrew was sitting in the chair and
offered Neil a granola bar. Perching on the side of the table, Neil nibbled on the bar until he
realized that yes, he was hungry.

Andrew also offered him some lunch meat and he feasted on anything Andrew handed over.
They made small talk and for the first time in a long time, Neil truly relaxed. It was good and
it didn’t matter what would happen when they got back.

The low heat in his stomach slowly grew and was harder to ignore. Omegas didn’t need sex
but after so many heats ruined by violent sex, he was expecting it and it almost hurt to be so

“Neil?” there was a warning in Andrew’s voice. Neil surged forward and placed his nose in
Andrew’s neck. No one could hurt him as long as he had that scent. “What’s going on in that
head of yours?”

“It’s just-I-” he whined loudly right into Andrew’s ear. He didn’t mean to but it was getting
hard to focus and he didn’t know how to say what he was thinking.

“Fuck, Omega,” Andrew pulled him back. “Don’t do that.” Neil couldn’t help it. He knew
that he was more sensitive during his heat but that stung. After so much care and sweet
words, the reprimand hurt. He pulled away and went to his nest to cry.

He hugged Andrew’s pillow to get his scent, knowing if he was anything like Riko, he would
be punished, whether by pain or forcing him alone. After all, Omegas weren’t meant to go
through heats alone.

Andrew sighed loudly from the other side of the room. There was swelling in his chest,
something long since buried. He was getting attached in a way he never allowed him before.
This should have never happened. He should have just gone to Riko like he always had. If he
fucked this up by being a bad Omega, why would the punishment be worth it for Andrew?
There was a hand on the back of his neck. He waited to be pulled up and tossed out of the
bed. To be used. The hand didn’t move, just a thumb running up and down his neck in a
calming gesture.

Neil sniffled and turned his head towards Andrew. “I’m not going to hurt you, do you
understand?” He nodded, wiping his eyes on the pillow. “Tell me what you're thinking.”
There was an Alpha command there, so he tipped his head down in submission.

“I can't figure out what you want. And it hurts.”

“What hurts?”

“Inside. I don’t want you to be angry, I want to be good, good for you, and I feel so empty.
Riko doesn't usually let me go this long without a knot.” Andrew’s scent turned sour when he
said Riko’s name so Neil made a note to never say his name again if he could help it. He
could be good and he would figure it out. Whatever his Alpha wanted, he would offer.

“Is that what you need? Someone to fill you up?” Neil nodded into the pillow. “I won’t, not
now, but I bought you a few things just in case.” He whined when Andrew disagreed with
knotting him. Did he not see that was what he wanted? He would do anything for him. How
could he refuse like that?

Andrew pulled out a dildo with an inflating base to mimic a knot. It was the best he could do
for the moment and Neil was going to have to live with it.

“I’m going to undress you and if you don’t want to at any time, you are going to tell me. Do
you understand?” He nodded. “Yes or no?”


With great care and making sure to keep eye contact the whole time, Andrew pulled off each
piece of clothing. First his shirt. Andrew took his time to run his hand over the scar covered
skin before moving down to his sweatpants. They soon were on the ground. There was a
pause before Andrew pulled off his underwear. Not a single piece of clothes left Neil’s body.

Now naked, Neil painted and tried to roll over like how Riko would want him. There wasn’t a
single time Neil wasn’t fucked on his knees. Andrew held him back and shook his head. His
legs were pushed open but he didn’t fight. He let Andrew do whatever he wanted. It was
going to be good and pleasurable, nothing like Riko.

He was slowly opened even though his body was already stretched from the heat and being
used to being used by Alphas from his past heats. Andrew sank the silicone cock into his hole
and Neil’s eyes rolled back. It was perfect and everything he wanted but it wasn't Andrew. He
was fine with that, he could wait and give his Alpha what he wanted. He didn’t push.

Once the dildo was ball deep, Andrew paused and waited for Neil to nod before moving. It
thrusted the toy into his and Neil moaned. Usually, he would consider this a failure. Riko
liked to force him to be vocal but here in the safe arms for Andrew, he knew it wouldn't be
used against him. He let every noise come naturally and he released them.
By the time he was cumming, the knot flared in his ass, Neil was happier then he has ever
been. He didn’t feel the not need burn of being forced on too early. He didn’t feel gross with
blood or cum. He was perfect and content with life. He closed his eyes, knowing that Andrew
would look over him and keep him safe.

Andrew looked down at his hands, covered in Neil’s cum, and took a deep breath of happy
Omega. Neil was more relaxed now than he has ever had the privilege of seeing. Neil fell
asleep without a concern in the world and it was hitting Andrew how much Neil trusted him.

He cleaned them up before trying to think of what to do next. This would last a few more
days and if he keeps fucking it up, he wasn't sure if he would make it. Neil was so reactive
that it hurt a bit. A word out of place would have him turning away to hide his tears. This was
nothing like the wolf he met on the first day in the nest.

He stayed in the bathroom, taking a minute to himself. He couldn’t believe Riko would ever
hurt Neil when he was in this state. He could understand the usual, loud mouth wolf, but this
easy going, happy Omega, never. None of it made sense.

Andrew wasn’t stupid, he knew that he was missing something here but it wasn’t the time to
ask Neil. Most likely, he would talk too much and tell more than he wanted, that was if Neil
was able to complete sentences. That would be something for later when they head back.

And now his mind was wandering back to the Nest and how there was nothing Andrew
wanted to do less. He only accepted it out of spite and now he didn’t see a reason to return.
He hated playing Exy and fuck Riko and his fucking cult. He didn't need to be a part of it.
Maybe he could convene Neil to never go back. They could run and do anything else. They
could be happy together, if not happy, then safe.

But that was assuming Neil would want to be near him after the heat hormones left his body.
In this state, he would say yes to any Alpha willing to fuck him. Heats were a messing and
making Neil promise anything right now would be a breach of everything Andrew stood for.
He could make a deal afterwards, once they were out on the streets again, not sooner.

There was a small part of Andrew that wanted to contact anyone on the outside, to get a
different perspective on what he should do. Maybe he could reach someone and get them to
pick up but that would be perfect. After months of not talking to either Nicky or Aaron, to
call them now would be just what they needed to make quick judgment about him. He and
Neil were unbonded and should not be allowed this close to each other.

His happy little Omega. Once he got his hands on Riko, he was going to strangle him, take
him apart one piece at a time. How could he take an Omega and not care about him? It made
no sense unless Riko didn’t have a soul and who knows at this point. It would make more
sense than whatever the fuck was going on now.

Andrew returned to their room to have Neil reaching out for him, calling his name in his
sleep. Andrew went to him and allowed Neil to use his chest as a pillow. His little Omega, he
liked how it sounded but he would need a normal Neil to agree. They could say whatever
they wanted while inside the heat space, but it would be all off once they left. Promise meant
to be broken and Andrew knew better than to set himself up for failure.

Neil moved up to his neck and pressed his nose into the crook of Andrew’s neck. His breath
was pleasant against his neck. Andrew also took the time to scent Neil as well. Happy, calm,
content. His wolf was satisfied. He was doing good by Neil, as long as he remembered to
watch what he said. No harsh words.

"My good Omega," he muttered before closing his eyes, arms wrapping around Neil.

Andrew woke to Neil kissing his neck. It took him a minute to decide how he felt about it. He
didn't hate it and it wasn't like Neil was biting him, making him.

"Morning, Omega," he said, his voice still thick with sleep. There weren't any clocks or
windows in the room so it was hard to judge how long it's been or even what time of day it
was. This was a normal feeling after being with the Ravens for months.

"Hi, Alpha," Neil responded, placing one messy kiss on his neck before sitting back, smiling
down on him. There was something almost childlike about this behavior and Andrew wasn't
sure how to feel about that but he wasn't sure about how he was to feel about anything in that

“How are we this morning?” It didn’t make sense to Andrew why he was giving in to this
small talk but he blamed the hormones and scents.

“Good, want you.” Andrew raised an eyebrow.

“What do you mean, Neil?” Neil’s smile widened somehow as he leaned forward. “No,”
Andrew bit out before Neil could do anything. He knew Omegas weren’t in the right mind set
during their heat but this was something different. He never heard of an Omega becoming
child like but he knew that this wasn’t the time to allow any sexually things to happen.

Neil frowned like he never heard the word before but sat back, looking down at his hands
sitting on his thighs. Andrew swore that he wouldn't push his boundaries while with Neil but
he also wasn’t going to allow Neil to do anything he might regret. Even though he couldn’t
make heads or tails of this, he would be careful enough for both of them.

Andrew took a second to collect himself and reset his mind. He was the Alpha and he needed
to be in control. A shower, food, then they could figure this out.

“Neil,” he said as he sat up, “We’re going to shower then eat, do you understand?” Neil
nodded but pouted. “What?”

“Can we take a bubble bath?” Andrew’s brain blanked for a second. Where the fuck did Neil
expect him to find that? “I saw some in the bathroom. Ple-'' Neil covered his mouth. “Sorry,
we don’t have to.” This close, the change in Neil’s scent was immediate. There was a bite of
disappointment and it turned Andrew’s stomach.
Andrew didn’t miss how Neil barely missed saying his trigger word. “I’ll see what we got.
Let’s get up.”

Once they were both free of the blankets, Neil took over a minute rearranging his bedding in
his nest. Andrew took this time to head to the bathroom and find whatever bubble bath Neil
was talking about. Under the sink was cleansing bubble wash. It would wipe their scents
clean while keeping an Omega calm. Andrew was getting soft, he drew the bath and poured
in a good amount of the liquid.

Neil came in after a minute, watching him from the door. “You can come in,” he said and
Neil crossed the space to stand by his side. Andrew glanced over and Neil was already
stipped, not that he was wearing much clothing in the first place. He pointed to the bath and
Neil pouted again like they weren’t planning on getting in.

“You’re joining right?” Andrew agreed to a shower but a bath should be fine. He stripped out
of his clothes and slipped in first, making room for Neil to sit between his legs.

Neil played with the bubbles for a bit while Andrew ran his hand up and down his arm,
slowly washing Neil’s body with the soap. Soon, the water turned cold, so Andrew emptied
the bath and they finished in the shower. Andrew dressed but Neil just watched.

Now all nice and clean, they made their way out to the room. Andrew went to grab food but
Neil stood in the center of the room and spined in circles. He watched for a minute before
Neil focused on the bed. He went over and tried to move it. It didn’t budge.

“Andrew, help,” Neil grunted as he used his body weight but nothing happened.

Andrew walked over and checked under the bed. He knew this wasn’t going to go over well.
“Neil, it doesn't move.” Neil dropped to the ground and cried. Andrew got whiplash from the
extreme change. One minute everything was fine and now Neil was attempting to flood the
room with his tears.

A small part of him whispered it was because of the scent killing soap and the only way to
calm his Omega was to scent him. Andrew rolled his eyes and dropped down to Neil’s level.
He placed a finger under his chin and lifted it so they were making eye contact.

“Scent me, yes or no?” Neil paused his crying, a small hitch in his breathing before he
frowned and pulled away, crossing his arms. Andrew wasn’t going to force him, either he
would give in or not.

There was a knock on their door. Neil panicked and drove into his nest, covering himself.
That left Andrew to answer since they could only open from the inside once locked. He
pressed the speaker. “What?”

“I have fresh food for you.” Andrew didn’t recognize the voice and figured it would be

He almost forgot about that. They would get warm food once a day but time was fluid inside.
It had been two days but he only knew that because of the food deliveries.
He hit the unlock button and opened the door a small bit. No one was there but a tray of food.
He snatched it and locked the door again. He set the food on the table and turned back to
Neil. Maybe he would be able to feed him.

He picked though and pulled out the fresh berries. Since they spent so much time together,
Andrew knew just about everything about Neil and he had a thing for fruit. He went to the
bed and sat on the edge. Neil whines from under the covers.

Andrew pulled back the blankets so he could see Neil who glared at him. “Omega,” he said,
picking up a blueberry and holding it out, “eat.” Neil shook his head and turned his face into
the bed. Neil was being childish and Andrew was about done. He knew they had to be near
the end of the heat but he was so done with everything having to do with Neil and his moods.
He also knew this wasn’t all Neil, it was more something deep inside saying he was a bad
Alpha since he couldn't make his Omega happy.

“Neil, you are going to eat.” Neil whined loudly even though it was muffled by the bed. “Sit
up now.”

Neil sat up and did something Andrew did not see coming, he growled loudly in Andrew’s
face. It was pathetic but it still caught him off guard. He flicked at Neil’s nose. “Stop that.”

Neil flinched away and glared. He turned his body away and said, “I don’t wanna.”

Andrew tried one more time. “Be a good little Omega and eat your food.” Neil wrinkled his
nose and huffed. Andrew didn’t know if he had the energy to keep this up. He tried to pull
out his Alpha voice and had a similar reaction. Fine, he wasn't going to force Neil to eat.

He got off the bed and went back to the table and ate anything he got his hands on, leaving
things he knew Neil liked. There was a gnawing feeling in the back of his mind that
demanded he fixed things with his Omega but he argued back that Neil wasn’t their Omega.
He had done well until not but this wasn’t his fault. There was something going on with
Neil’s head and that wasn’t on him.

He glanced over to check on Neil only to catch him staring. Neil stared at him for a minute
before turning away, diving under the covers. Andrew rolled his eyes, and covered the rest of
the food. He would try that again in a bit.

Some shuffling came from Neil but Andrew kept his eyes turned away. Slowly, Neil got out
of his nest and went to him. Andrew wanted to punish the stubborn Omega but knew better.
“Are you done throwing a temper tantrum?” Neil nodded, sitting on the ground by Andrew’s
feet. It was a form of submission that Andrew didn’t need from Neil but in that moment, he
would take what he could.

Andrew offered him food and Neil ate each bite, even asked for more. Whatever this was,
Andrew hoped it passed quickly.
Neil didn’t know what was going on with Andrew but he was being mean and it didn’t make
sense. He was doing everything he could to make him happy but Andrew kept pushing him
away. Sure, he knew he needed to eat and shower but that didn’t mean he wanted to.

He hated how he smelt and it was killing him a bit that Andrew was sitting there, smelling so
good, and Neil was on the ground below, looking up. Maybe Andrew wanted to leave and
Neil was close to crying again.

Of course Andrew would leave him. He was nothing and Andrew deserved more–deserved
better. No wonder Riko would hurt him, it was the only way to remind him of his place.

Andrew tipped his chin up. “What’s wrong?” Neil shrugged and tried to pull away but
Andrew tightened his grip. “I’m not playing this game anymore. Tell me now.” His Alpha
voice bleed into his words and Neil whined.

Earlier, he fought the words and didn't let the words have control over him but he
remembered all the lessons Riko taught him. This time, he leaned forward to bare his neck.
“I’m sorry.” That was the best way to wrap up his thoughts. He was fucking up and it was
always better to own up and take responsibility.

Andrew released him and it burnt. He wanted-needed-Andrew’s scent but didn’t know how to
ask. He was offered early and he was regretting being stubborn. Tears came and he didn’t
stop them from falling.

Andrew stood and walked away. Neil curled in on himself and sobbed. He done it, fucked up
too far. Andrew would leave him and Riko would get him. If that was to happen, he needed
to pull himself together so Riko didn’t see weakness.

A sob caught in his throat as something soft landed on him. He paused crying to look at the
jacket. He pulled it close and buried his face in his. It was Andrew’s and smelt like him. It
was the scent he needed but didn’t know how to ask for.

He slipped the sweatshirt on and looked up when he felt a hand on his neck. Andrew
crouched in front of him, watching him with a cool, blank mask. Neil took a deep break,
hiccupping a few times but Andrew’s thumb rubbed his scent glands.

“Are you done?” Neil nodded. “Scent me, yes or-”

“Yes,” Neil interrupted, jumping forward to press his face into Andrew’s neck. He rubbed his
check on Andrew’s jaw, trying to make his Alpha happy. After fucking up so many times, it
was the least he could do.

Andrew scented him back and was everything Neil needed. He didn’t push Andrew too far
and they were going to be fine.

Slowly, his body started to cramp and burn. He wanted off the ground and back into the
safety of his nest. He pulled back and stood.
Once he turned to his nest, he noticed the problem right away. It was in the wrong spot; it
needed to be moved a few inches to the right but he remembered what Andrew said. Andrew
came up behind him and rubbed his neck.

“It’s in the wrong spot,” he whined, turning so he rested his hand on Andrew’s shoulder.

“I know but we can’t move it.” That made sense and slowly, things were becoming more


“Lead the way.”

Neil let Andrew climb first so he could lay on his chest. Andrew made a good pillow and it
allowed Neil to close his eyes and just float. Andrew would protect them. After all, Riko
hadn’t bothered them once and things were good.

Andrew pulled the covers over them and Neil was in darkness once again. Warm, relaxed and
happy, he settled and let things happen.

It was the last few hours of his heat and Neil was once again feeling too empty. He didn’t
know how to ask Andrew without making his Alpha angry. He rolled off him and sat up.
Andrew slowly opened his eyes and reached out to capture Neil’s wrist. That was fine since
he wasn't leaving.

“Alpha?” Andrew’s eyes became alert. “I don’t-don’t be mad-I just-”

“What is it, Omega?” Neil bit his lip before sighing.

“Empty.” He whined when Andrew’s scent turned sour for a moment. He knew it would but
the lack of anything was getting to him and his body was fighting him again. Of course Riko
had to fuck his heats up too. He had nothing left untouched, a broken little Omega that no one

Andrew ran a finger along his jaw. “Is that what you need, little Omega? Feel empty?” Neil
nodded, ready to turn around the moment Andrew let go of him. “Lay on your back.”
Andrew moved to grab something off the ground as Neil did as instructed.

He opened his legs and waited. Andrew would take care of him, he always did. They did it
for each other–they were partners after all. Andrew made eye contact with him before slowly
stroking his leg.

“Close your eyes, my little Omega. Let me take care of you.” Neil’s heart soared. He snapped
his eyes shut and soon something wet pressed against his slick hole. Yes, Andrew would open
him like a good Alpha would.

After a while, Neil was open, panting, and ready. Andrew pressed a dildo inside him, and
while it wasn’t a ready cock, it was close enough. Neil was fine with it but he still wished it
was Andrew’s.
Andrew thrust it in and out a few times before clicking a button and changed the angle.
Whenever Riko would use Neil, he never gave Neil pleasure on purpose, it was only an
added bonus sometimes but Andrew never skipped over it. The cock vibrated inside him and
pressed right on his prostate.

Even behind his eyelids, Neil was seeing colors. Everything was too much and too little.
Moan escaped his mouth without him noticing. It was all real and beautiful. Neil came in
minutes with Andrew expertly stroking him while lining up his thrusts.

Neil laid there for a bit while Andrew cleaned him up. His mind was some other place and
things were good–even better than good. He knew this was what a heat should feel like.
Andrew came back and rubbed his arms, massaging his hands as well.

When Neil came back to the present, he turned his head towards Andrew. “Do you want-”

“Hush. Sleep.” That was enough permission and Neil was out like a light.

Chapter End Notes

And wow. This chapter is over 6k and I don't know how I let that happen.

Thanks for reading. Let me know what you think!

Chapter Notes

Here we go!

Trigger warnings for:

Illusion to violence

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Neil woke up with his head clear for the first time in days. His body was sore and warm. He
was laying on top of Andrew with who knows how many blankets covering them. It was a
miracle that they didn’t suffocate.

He wiggled closer and placed his head closer to Andrew’s neck. He remembered most of it
and he couldn't make sense of it. Never before had he had a heat like that. It was peaceful,
warm, happy and safe. Safe, he guessed it was a first for him. He didn’t have to worry about
pleasing an Alpha. Maybe heats were meant to be like that.

Andrew ran a finger down his back. “Good morning,” Neil said, sighing. Who knows what
was going to happen next. They would have to go back and surely Riko would have them
punished. They might even call in his father and if they did that who knows what he would
do this time.

This wasn’t the first time Neil ran when he had his heat. After his first time with Riko he
knew he never wanted to go through that again. When recognized the early signs, he hid
himself away in the castle, in a corner no one would look. What he didn’t expect was his heat
flooding the floor with scent. A few Alphas went into rut because of it since everyone knows
if an Alpha isn’t property prepared, they would give into their nature. When Riko got his
hands on Neil, it was bloody and hurt, and when his father heard what he did-

“Neil,” there was a hint of warning there in Andrew’s voice. “Stop.” And so he did.

Taking one last deep breath of Andrew’s scent, he pulled back and stretched out his muscles.
“So when do we head back?” he asked.

Andrew raised an eyebrow. “Do what now? Your heat just ended and you want to head

‘You don’t get it. We have to go back. If we don’t-'' Neil didn’t even want to think of the
possibilities. They would track him to the end of the world but Andrew was no one to them.
“My whole lifes there. If your worried-”
“I’m not worried about Riko.”

“It will be fine. Let’s go back.” Neil got off the bed to look for his clothes.

“Now? You ended your heat-what two minutes ago? Give it a couple of hours.”

“Sooner we get back, sooner things go back to normal.” He located the duffle bag only to
have Andrew stop him.

“Not yet. Give it a few hours then we’ll leave.” Knowing he wasn’t going to win, Neil
nodded and gave in. He could use the time to return to normal, it would be fine. He would be

They ate and rested for a few hours. While Neil showered, Andrew started to clean their
room. They wouldn’t have too much, just making things easier for everyone else. Once Neil
was done, Andrew went and took his.

Andrew did all the talking for them when they left before leading Neil back to his car. They
drove back to Virginia in silence. Neil couldn’t make heads or tails of how Andrew was
feeling about the whole heat. He knows they should talk and figure out how it was going to
affect them.

They would have time later.

The castle came into sight and it was just as intimidating as usual. Nothing off about that but
there was a pit in Neil's stomach about what they were walking into. He tried to argue with
himself and say they would be fine. What was the worst thing that could happen?

They left everything in the car and went inside. Andrew walked ahead of him like a
bodyguard but he didn't need one. He was Nathaniel Wesninski, he didn’t need anyone to
watch out for him but a smaller part of him overjoyed that Andrew took the lead, like an
Alpha would. That would not do but they could worry about that later.

Inside, things were quiet. They made their way to their room and changed their clothes just to
make sure they wouldn’t smell. There were no texts on their phones demanding to know
where they were but that didn’t mean their absence didn’t go unnoticed. If anything it was
something to worry about.

They made their way down to the court and it was empty. It was eerie to be there alone but it
was what Neil needed, some time to reset. He turned to ask Andrew if they could practice to
see Riko leaning against the door. Neil knew something was wrong and Riko had to be pissed
but he couldn’t place the air of calm Riko had about him.

He strutted into the room, the door slamming shut behind him. From the other side of the
room, the door opened and a few ravens blocked the exit. This was a set up.

Andrew moved to stand in front of Neil like a good Alpha would but it only put himself into
more danger. Riko snapped his fingers and the ravens moved forward and surrounded them.
“What do we have here, Nathaniel?” For the first time in a long time, Neil forgot to put up his
little façade before entering the court. It was just him and Andrew. The court was a safe place
where he could be himself. Now it was being filled with a dark slug that would fill every
square inch of the room and leave behind muddy finger prints.

The court would never be the same.

Riko slowly approached, glaring at Andrew. He gestured and two ravens had their hands on
Andrew, pulling him to the wall, but it took four to hold him. Neil backed into the remaining
Ravens who pushed him towards Riko.

He landed on his knees, looking up at Riko. “And look at that, you know your place. Did you
think I wouldn’t figure it out?” He reached out and caught Neil’s jaw, rubbing his thumb over
the bone.

For some reason, Nathaniel wasn’t coming forward. He was leaving Neil right when he
needed him most. This punishment would be bad, easier if Nathaniel who was all jagged
lines and cutting smile came forward, but Neil could do it. He’s done it before and there was
little that Riko hadn’t done to him.

“Since you stole a heat from me,” Riko turned to Andrew with a wicked smile on his face, “I
think I’ll take it now.” Neil’s blood ran cold. He couldn't help it, his body started to shake and
he tried to pull away but Riko’s grip turned bruising and there was no getting away.

Ravens moved forward and Neil was stripped of his clothes. Andrew shouted for him, tried to
fight back but it wasn't worth it. Neil’s stomach turned. He knew better than to run but he did
it anyway. His body felt hot all over and all the happy feelings from Andrew were stripped
from him as Riko had his way with him.

When in heat, an Omega’s body wants-almost needs-an Alpha’s knot and so it has to be able
to stretch without preparation. Even though he was in heat the day before, most of those
hormones had left him so it ripped when Riko forced himself in. It was also dry, since his
body wasn’t turned on so no slick was produced.

It burnt and tore and was the worst feeling Neil has ever known. Riko had taken him for
years but it was always during a heat. Who knows now that he had the taste of Neil without
one. Would he be bored of the ease of it, how willing Neil was, or did he like the pain gasps
and Andrew yelling in the background?

Something hot and sticky filled him and Riko filled his vision. “This could have been so easy
if you just waited for me.” His head was shoved on the ground, blooding his nose as the
ravens took turns.

They liked to bruise him, to make him bleed and one got a bit too rough and his head hit the
ground hard enough to black out.
Andrew was sure his voice gave out. He knew that pain, he knew how it felt for someone to
take his life Riko did to Neil, but he didn’t know being gang banged as they were currently
using Neil’s body.

All the feeling from the heat left him, leaving his wolf howling at how they were using his
Omega. There was nothing he could do as they took turns using him. They whispered dirty
words to Neil, telling him how much he liked it, how next time he was in heat, they would
use him.

Andrew was getting them out that night.

When everyone had their fill, Riko mounted Neil again. Once they were done, they left him
on the ground, visually used, ass up ready for the next one. Andrew, when he got the chance,
would kill all of them.

He was dropped to his knees and Riko forced his head up. “If you ever take what’s mine
again, I’ll do worse to him and you won’t make it.” With that, they were left alone on the half
lite court.

Andrew went to Neil then, his wolf demanding that they somehow make it better. Neil
flinched when he touched him and Andrew almost screamed. He could still see the pretty
Omega, willing, and happy from hours before but now it was tainted with the image before

He lifted Neil up and carried him back to his room.

He slammed the door shut behind him and once the lights turned on he turned and saw Kevin
sitting on Neil’s bed. He rushed forward and helped Andrew place Neil in Andrew’s bed.
Andrew didn’t know how Neil would react to the Alpha scent but he turned his face into it
even though it was days old.

“What happened?” Kevin asked in a disbelieving whisper.

Angry flooded Andrew. “Your fucking Alpha. Speaking of, why aren’t you with him?”

Once Andrew turned to Kevin he saw why. A bandage covered Kevin’s hand. “Riko” was all
Kevin said. Yep, they were getting out.

Andrew went around the room and collected whatever he thought they would need when they
left. They would never walk though his halls again if he could help it. No one would ever
hurt Neil again and he would take Kevin as well. After all, if Riko liked to break his toys, he
would take away his toys till he had nothing left to break.

Kevin was attending to Neil the best he could. Andrew took over and Neil woke up some
time later. Andrew then told him their plan. Out of all of them, it was Kevin who argued that
wouldn’t be able to get out that night. Riko wouldn’t let them out of his sight now, since they
already slipped away once.

So, the next time Riko left them alone, they would run and never come back.
It took weeks for them to be alone. Kevin was left on the sidelines and Rico had a new
partner. Andrew could care less about the whole thing but for some reason, the whole thing
was taking up too much space in his mind. He wanted to run and get Neil as far away as he

Since Neil woke up, he was withdrawn. He was acting strange and would only react if
someone was actively talking to him. Riko broke a small part of him and Andrew wanted to
kill him for letting an Alpha like Riko get to him.

It was the day of the winter banquet. They planned for weeks till this point but for some
reason, everyone was too excited to keep a close eye on them. Andrew knew this would be
their only shot until school started again in January and he couldn’t stand the way everyone
looked at Neil.

He found Kevin and told him to meet them outside. Getting Neil to come was harder than
Andrew thought it should be. There was a fear there and Andrew knew if he could get Riko
alone, he would be dead.

Less than an hour before they were scheduled to leave, an Omega, Beta, and Alpha made
their escape in Andrew’s car. As long Andrew was alive, he would never let them enter that
court again.

Jean was the first to notice that they were gone. He knew Kevin wasn’t coming with them,
Riko let the press know that ahead of time, but it was strange when neither Andrew or Neil
showed up.

When Riko arrived, everyone kept out of his way. Furry thickened the air and Jean couldn’t
breath. He knew this anger and he knew who Riko was going to focus it on. After all, Jean
was a play toy.

If Riko had it his way, they would have dropped everything and looked for them but they
were going to be late and that would ruin the Raven's reputation. The whole time, Riko was
pissed and was barely interacting with anyone. He would slip away and text someone while
people asked about Andrew and Neil. They were, after all, well known by this point and were
well on their way to being starting line.

That night while they were in their hotel rooms, Riko found Jean and took him out on a little
trip. It ended with blood and Jean promising he didn’t know anything. He hoped they would
disappear and slip away.

Riko would never forget this.

Chapter End Notes

Thank you for anyone who finished this story. This is part one in what I think is going to
be a three part series. I don't have much planned after this, so it might take a bit longer
for me to update, but I'll be back as soon as I can
End Notes

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