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emmy ur never gna read this cos i hv no internet but ig what ive been fucking

whining ab/wanting to tell u is that yeah im still fucking in love with u, idk its
so complicated if i were to ever explain this i dont even know where to begin, your
my best friend obv but like idk i just rly ended uo liking u, u got me more than
anyone ever do/ever could you understood what i felt like, u listened, u shared, u
made me feel happy ur so sweet asnd kind andd witty, and funny, and smart, and
sociable, and u listen well, u give good advice ur always there and ur really
stupid and adorable, and ur also just rly funn to be around, u make me laughh and
make me able to be myself around u, but u also make me feel safe and comfy, like i
trust u with all my real feelings emotions and thoughts, u to tell me when im
being stupid and dramatic and taking things to far which i appreciate it shows u
care for me more than for just whjat i want to do cos im not always right, but i
also dont have a doubt youd have my back, for some reason i just ended up liking u
lots, ii trust u and i care ab u, i wanna grow up with u, i wanna see u again, you
mean to world to me and id go above and beyond for you because of how much i care i
love you platonically or romantically i love you always and forever, sometimes u
kinda break my heart but thats not ur fault, sometimes i forget for a split second
that were not a couple, it hurts but i get it, i know you have other prorities more
important than a desire for a relationship, especially with a girl who still needs
to figure out alot about herself , ig i just wanted to really be real with u, about
how i really feel, cos best friends dont keep secrets and this si one ive been
keeping since like february like im not even gna lie not v well tho, sry if its
kinda awkward reading ab ur bsf actually having a crush on u mb, i swearr i didnt
mean to, ily tho i promise bsfs forever no matter what, i would never compromise
our friendship over mhy selfish desires for more mk ilysm gn my emmy <3

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