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In addition it was should that many more alcohol related health concerns in places with a higher
access to alcohol. So why does America choose to be the only one left out in the cold by putting off
the age to twenty- one. Over the life of many people it has been proven that most people drink the
most in their late teens and early twenties (Chen 1). If consumed alcohol interferes during the
development stage chronic problems can occur such as having a greater susceptibility to addiction,
dangerous risk-taking behavior, memory loss, depression, violence, suicide, and reduced decision-
making abilities. Similarly, they added that the amount of alcohol consumed individuals of 21 years
and above have remained constant for about forty years (Aretha). Rainforth 2). If you spend the rest
of your life in jail from such a young age having been charged as an “adult,” then you should be able
to drink any beverage of your choosing. Not only does alcohol affect a person once they drink a
beverage but it also affects them in their future. However, one may also cite that the arguments in
support of Lowering the Drinking Age are based on problems that could be easily addressed by other
relevant approaches. The livers job is to break down items with the bile and enzymes that are located
within it, this includes the breaking down of the chemicals in an alcoholic beverage. In the United
States, one is considered an adult at the age of eighteen. By continuing, you agree to our Terms and
Conditions. This due to the fact that responsible drinking would be taught from a younger age and
teens would not feel the need to hide their drinking. I believe it also should be lowered because at
the end of the day at 18 years old one is able to enlist in war, get a job, vote for the future leader of
the country, and is essentially an adult but can not drink. However, one argument against decreasing
the alcohol drinking age concerns the experiment, which the US policymakers did during the
Vietnam War, of decreasing the minimum legal drinking age. Despite America’s 21-year-old legal
drinking age, it’s National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) reports that “in
2003, 29. 3% of youth ages 12-20 reported consuming alcohol in past 30 days. (Fennell, 2007). This
demonstrates that even though America has a high legal drinking age; this does not stop the youth
from drinking. The more people know about the problem the more people will work together to stop
the problem. They will so be forced to depend on the authorities for public assistance and benefits to
last. Therefore. by cut downing the figure of unwanted teenage gestations. It then goes through a
process called fermentation. Based on my view, drinking age in United States should not be lowered
to 18 because of health related issues and safety concerns such as motor vehicle accidents. But not
every place in the world has the same legal drinking age. Now if the drinking age was lowered it
would mature kids. If so many underage people have least tried alcohol, where is the real debate.
Having the Minimum Legal Drinking Age 21 can be argued to be setting up teenagers for failure
because it is known that if you tell a teen that they can not drink until they are 21 hey will still do it.
We’ll occasionally send you promo and account related email. The National Minimum Drinking Age
Act, passed by Congress in the year ofenforced a change in the state laws of young drinkers to
satisfy the worries of Mothers Against Drunk Driving, or MADD. If this is the case, then why can’t
an American citizen choose to drink alcohol after they have reached adulthood. Initially, the
minimum drinking age in USA used to be 18 years. Many people suggest that 18 years is the
standard age at which many youths join colleges where they get introduced to alcoholism. The age
was raised from 18 years to 21 as a result of numerous negative effects that the society and the nation
at large had experienced. All this information hints at the fact that the minimum drinking age in the
U.S. is reducing traffic accidents but might not be enough.
One of the worst things for any family to experience is getting a phone call and hearing a police
officer say their child got into a wreck especially if that wreck cost them their lives or if they took
someone else’s life. For example, in California the real drunk driving limit is.08 blood toxicity levels,
but even if a person is below a.08, but they are still above.01 then that individual is still considered
under the influence and they are still given a ticket (Fell). This papers seeks to present an argument,
counter-argument and refutation on the legal drinking age being set at 21 years. In the year 1982,
President Ronald Regan decided to make a committee in order to provide solutions for these
increasing drinking related incidents. The legal drinking age should be lowered because it would
result in fewer drunk driving accidents, reduce underage alcohol arrests, and it would decrease
unsafe drinking activity of younger adults. A study by the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and
Alcoholism found that 36% of 18- to 20-year-olds reported drinking in the past month, despite the
fact that it is illegal for them to do so. If you want a unique paper, order it from our professional
writers. This lack of a reliable supply makes young drinkers are more likely to overindulge when
alcohol is available. And yes they did, because even though underage drinking may not seem like a
big apart from the teenagers landing in Juvenile detention, underage drinking has so many more long
term effects. In women with low estrogen levels infertility, depression, irregular periods
etc.According to the study done by Frias et al. 2002 men and adolescent boys who consume a larger
amount of alcohol have shown decreases in the levels of luteinizing hormone and testosterone. Thus,
in the case of the drinking age being lowered to 18 years, young people who in fact have access to
alcohol will automatically decrease to 15-17 or even less. If you want a unique paper, order it from
our professional writers. Reducing accidents and fatalities among the youths is another supportive
evidence that the drinking age should remain at 21 years. 21 and above years old persons are more
mature and they are likely to drink responsibly on top of making sound decisions (Carpenter and
Dobkin 176). This would ensure that the drinking takes place in moderation (Kiesbye, 103-104;
Peck, 26-27). Reagan enforced this act by withholding states a percentage of highway funds from
the states who. It was believed that if consuming alcohol would lose the symbolic significance of
being grown-up, young people might learn to drink moderately and more wisely than their elders.
Another major reason that people use in arguing that the minimum drinking age should be 21 years is
the issue of health. Since the age was raised, many young adults have drunk more abusively than in
the past. Age limits range from a high of 21 in the United States, Malaysia, Ukraine and Korea, to a
low of 16 in countries such as Italy, France, Belgium and Spain. Researches and many individuals
have stressed on the fact that drinking age must be lowered to 18 in the United States. The legal
drinking age is currently set at twenty-one. In 1987 there was a law passed that said in order to drink
legally and to buy alcohol a person had to be 21. In addition, studies have shown that persons below
21 years tend to be more violent while drunk and may engage in suicidal and other risky activities.
Both of our bordering countries and our allies are allowed to drink at age eighteen. Because of these
reasons, Write- Cheap- Essay has decided to enter the. During Ronald Reagan’s Presidency, he
declared ice cream as a “nutritious” food. Furthermore, there have been cases in United States over
the past few years where various teenagers have suffered from near death experiences and some of
them have even died due to excessive alcohol consumption or alcohol poisoning. Then more jobs will
be created such as: farming, brewing, construction, bars, clubs, liquor stores, alcohol companies and
distributors, and accountants. The law is implemented in the United States but it hasn’t stopped
underage individuals to stop drinking. They made the transaction on his behalf and are liable for legal
action within Kentucky state statutes and laws.
While some people believe drinking age is fine at the age of 21, others believe that drinking age
should be lowered. By continuing we’ll assume you’re on board with our. It is reasonable for those
who are being headache when they get older. For instance, drinking at the parties can create
environments that foster dangerous, develop risk-taking behaviors such as binge drinking, sexual
assault, and unprotected and unplanned sex, to list just a few. The law enforcement agencies spend
too much of their time and resources trying to chase a drunken kid who is a lesser threat to the peace
and order of the community as compared to a serial killer, drug dealer of mafia gang member. One
might ask, they died because of underage drinking. The more people know about the problem the
more people will work together to stop the problem. Keep on browsing if you are OK with that, or
find out how to manage cookies. People below the age of twenty-one should not be able to drink
because most of the time they want to go out and drink with their friends after they get their driver’s
license. For a few years now more recently question being, should the drinking age be lowered to
eighteen. Every country and culture has its own way of using this substance. If you want a unique
paper, order it from our professional writers. The National Minimum drinking age Act of 1984
highlights the ethical benefits of setting the minimum drinking age of the American population at 21.
If a man and women is old enough to go to war and put their life at risk they should be able to drink
on their own. According to Hanson et al, a drinking permit shouldreplace the minimum Legal
Drinking Age as a solution to the problem. Let us write or edit the research paper on your topic.
Though there have been several calls for the reduction of the drinking age, it is a bad idea. Most
people I know are partying every single weekend and consuming very excessive amounts of alcohol,
ignoring what the law says. Binge drinking in the United States is getting famous and people are
adopting this dangerous habit in which they have unsupervised environments which can be a deadly
problem for these young adults. Essay examples. Essay topics. Most argumentative essay on drinking
age essay topics on Lowering argumentative essay on drinking age drinking age prepared by our
experts. There are not only serious long term health effects that are significantly correlated with one
starting to drink before the age of twenty-one, but the legal drinking is a law that has substantially
prevent the loss of live since it was enacted. As a result, youths who are below the drinking age may
give wrong age for fear that legal action may be taken against them. Therefore, the drinking age
should remain at 21 in order to give youths more time to mature and develop their brains mentally
and physically for the benefit their own benefit, that of the society and the country in general. A
minority of the adolescent population may intentionally dispute to jurisprudence. Padwa, Howard,
and Cunningham Jacob. “Addiction: A Reference Encyclopedia.” Santa Barbara, Calif: ABC-CLIO,
2010. Print. Drinking alcohol is made with a type of chemical alcohol that will not damage our
bodies too badly unless over used. People support their arguments with various reasons with some
being baseless while others seem to make sense. In 1980 the minimum age of drinking in the United
States was raised from 18 to 21. These deaths may result from binge drinking or simply continuous
heavy drinking which wears down the body's vital organs such as the liver. Miller, David T. Levy,
Rebecca S. Spicer and Dexter M. Taylor. The research shown in this article shows us how in 2001
1,737 of drivers who were drinking died for having alcohol in their system.
Since the law was passed, there has been a decrease in car accidents, but a very high increase in
excessive, irresponsible drinking. Avoidance of youthful intoxication and anti-social behavior
associated with alcohol misuse is generally held to be a positive objective in all societies. If you want
a unique paper, order it from our professional writers. In the United States, one is considered an
adult at the age of eighteen. The drinking age should be lowered to How can the U. They will so be
forced to depend on the authorities for public assistance and benefits to last. Therefore. by cut
downing the figure of unwanted teenage gestations. To make sure that young adults are protected,
the legal drinking age must not be lowered. On the other hand, underage drinkers have a higher
chance to binge drink Argumentative Essay: The Legal Drinking Age. In the United States many
ague that is ridiculous that the legal age to get married, to vote, fight in a war is legally eighteen, but
drinking is still set at twenty-one. The National Minimum Drinking Age Act, passed by Congress in
the year ofenforced a change in the state laws of young drinkers to satisfy the worries of Mothers
Against Drunk Driving, or MADD. Also stating that they were also fairly easy to make or gain
access to. Short-term effects can include elusive behavior, making wrong decisions, being more
likely to drink and drive, as well as more likely to be the victim of sexual assault behaviors. If young
adults aged 18-20 have the same responsibilities that older adults do, they should also have the right
to choose to drink. If people start drinking at a younger age the more problems they will encounter in
their future. That would come from legalization.”In 1982 we accepted appointment to the
Presidential Commission on Drunk Driving and agreed to chair its Education and Prevention
Committee. Very few even of the most hopeless drunkards ever do so. The chemical is called ethanol,
in order to make alcohol you need the ethanol, and fruits for some drinks and grains for others.
Every year millions of dollars are spent on twenty one year old drinking law and this law is
promoted and enforced by the government (Kirk) that could be saved. Symptoms of Alcoholism
There are several signs and symptoms by which alcoholism could be identified including introverted
or secretive drinking, constant alcohol cravings, and inability to regulate the amount of alcohol one
drinks. Argument in support for drinking age to remain at 21. The amount of students at colleges
under the age 21 are more likely to be binge drinkers, which means they have more than five drinks
in a row. Nonetheless, their research also outline that 297,700 of people who were driving and
drinking sustained really bad injuries. It will besides cut down the figure of immature people who
binge drink. It must be used as a compliment to a meal but teenagers don’t follow this attribute of
alcohol. Drinking in young adults is turning to be a serious concern with public health. Imagine
being a senior in high school, 18 years old, argumentative essay on drinking age. Though becoming
an adult entails certain rights, lowering the minimum drinking age in the United States is not worth
the consequences. Peck, Garrett. The prohibition hangover: alcohol in America from demon rum to
cult cabernet. As far as the argument of liberty and freedom is concerned, this is a self-countering
argument because if liberty is such as essential element of United States than it would be better to
abolish the drinking age limit altogether. Thus, in the case of the drinking age being lowered to 18
years, young people who in fact have access to alcohol will automatically decrease to 15-17 or even
The United States as a whole, besides a few exceptions, has enforced an alcohol consumption law
prohibiting anyone younger than 21 from purchasing alcohol. Paying and having bills in your name
such as electric, water, and cell phone, are all examples of adulthood. Only because they will get the
feeling of drinking responsibly so it might change the way the kids would drink. This is due to the
fact that no matter if there is and MDLA or not adolescents will still drink. Eighteen years is
considered as the “age of majority” in law as well. Age limits range from a high of 21 in the United
States, Malaysia, Ukraine and Korea, to a low of 16 in countries such as Italy, France, Belgium and
Spain. Give me your paper requirements and I connect you to an academic expert. They point out
that there has been reported rise in binge drinking as teenagers increasingly turn to hard liquor and
prove that minors cannot be allowed to drink. Prohibition didn’t work, and it doesn’t look like this
idea of the U. United States Office of National Drug Control Policy. There is ongoing debate on
whether keeping the drinking age of 21 has the positive or negative impacts. Also, it is no secret that
a lot of underage people purchase alcohol illicitly. This text is free, available online and used for
guidance and inspiration. One could argue that if the MLDA was lowered to 18, drinking would not
be such a taboo topic and kids would not feel as pressured to drink in social situations. Drinking in
college also makes college students miss class, fall behind in classes, and possibly even fail a classes
or multiple classes. The National Minimum drinking age Act of 1984 highlights the ethical benefits of
setting the minimum drinking age of the American population at 21. As a parent many are worried
about their children and want to make sure they will not ruin their life with alcohol related problems.
The legal drinking age refers to the youngest age at which a person is legally allowed to buy and
consumes alcoholic beverages. For a few years now more recently question being, should the
drinking age be lowered to eighteen. All of these behaviors are indices of irresponsible drinking,
which is exactly what the legal drinking age was trying to combat. Various studies have shown that
people who became alcoholics at lower ager struggle in future trying to stop it especially if the habit
gets to extreme levels like becoming completely addicted. In this paper we will discuss the arguments
that are in favor of lowering the age limit from 21 to 18. However some argue that by lowering the
MLDA to 18 would be an alternative. Therefore, if there is a consensus that at the age of eighteen,
people develop the capability to make commitments and distinguish between right and wrong then
why not allow them to make their own decisions about alcohol consumption as well. So, question is
does the drinking age need to be lower. In my opinion it should be decreased because if we are
classified as an adult and we are allowed to get married. This has been an ongoing controversy in the
United States as to whether the drinking age should be lowered from years-old to years-old,
argumentative essay on drinking age. However, the right to purchase or drink alcoholic beverages
remains far off. Let us write or edit the research paper on your topic. Immediately you can smoke
cigarettes, vote, be a jury member, even join the military and fight for your country. But.
Eighteen years is considered as the “age of majority” in law as well. If there was not a problem with
the drinking age at 21 they would have never raised the age to 21, the law was set in place for a
reason and it has been shown that it is a good law. Bancroft, Angus. “Drugs, Intoxication, and
Society. We’ll occasionally send you promo and account related email. This is not just a rumor but
nowhere have they actually lowered the age. This clearly shows that the laws is not working and
needs to be adjusted. They made the transaction on his behalf and are liable for legal action within
Kentucky state statutes and laws. This papers seeks to present an argument, counter-argument and
refutation on the legal drinking age being set at 21 years. The brain is still going through crucial
developments in the teenage years that should not be interfered with, at all possible. If young adults
know that they are legally allowed to drink then there would be a lot less thrill seekers trying to
break the law. In addition there are exceptions for education and as well as if alcohol is consumed on
private residents where in the supervision of an adult. Should the drinking age be 21 or should we
lower it to 18. However some argue that by lowering the MLDA to 18 would be an alternative. The
drinking age should be lowered because they become an adult at the age of 18. However, one may
also cite that the arguments in support of Lowering the Drinking Age are based on problems that
could be easily addressed by other relevant approaches. This text is free, available online and used
for guidance and inspiration. This has been an ongoing controversy in the United States as to
whether the drinking age should be lowered from years-old to years-old, argumentative essay on
drinking age. Then more jobs will be created such as: farming, brewing, construction, bars, clubs,
liquor stores, alcohol companies and distributors, and accountants. Most people I know are partying
every single weekend and consuming very excessive amounts of alcohol, ignoring what the law says.
Attention Getter: By a show of hands, how many people in this classroom are under the age of 21.
This act of increasing the drinking age across several states provided researchers with different
natural experiments to evaluate the effects of these policy changes on alcohol consumption and
related problems among youth. Alcohol has been a controversial issue for many hundreds of years
now. Many also argue that if a person is old enough to fight for the country they should be old
enough to have a beer. Not only this but alcohol related problems in youth also turn out to be very
expensive. It is no secret, that people drink alcohol before they turn 21. If more people got in trouble
for selling to minors the less people would sell to minors. These statistics were only with a legal
drinking age of 21, imagine the increase if the minimum age was lowered. One might ask, they died
because of underage drinking. You are expected to be responsible and take care of your own
business, so why aren’t you seen as responsible enough to consume alcohol. By continuing we’ll
assume you’re on board with our.

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