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Student name:__________

TRUE/FALSE - Write 'T' if the statement is true and 'F'

if the statement is false.
1) Integrations allow separate systems to communicate
directly with each other, eliminating the need for manual
entry into multiple systems.

⊚ true
⊚ false

2) Integrations provide enterprisewide support and data

access for a firm’s operations and business processes.

⊚ true
⊚ false

3) Middleware translates information between disparate


⊚ true
⊚ false

4) Data integration is the integration of a company’s

existing management information systems.

⊚ true
⊚ false

5) Application integration is the integration of data from

multiple sources, which provides a unified view of all data.

⊚ true
⊚ false

6) Application integration is the integration of a company’s existing

Version 1 1
management information systems.

⊚ true
⊚ false

7) Data integration is the integration of data from

multiple sources, which provides a unified view of all data.

⊚ true
⊚ false

8) A forward integration takes information entered into a

given system and sends it automatically to all downstream
systems and processes.

⊚ true
⊚ false

9) A backward integration takes information entered into

a given system and sends it automatically to all upstream
systems and processes.

⊚ true
⊚ false

10) A backward integration takes information entered into

a given system and sends it automatically to all downstream
systems and processes.

⊚ true
⊚ false

11) A forward integration takes information entered into a

given system and sends it automatically to all upstream
systems and processes.

Version 1 2
⊚ true ⊚ false

12) Integrations are achieved using middleware —several information between

types of software that sit between and provide connectivity disparate systems.
for two or more software applications. Middleware translates

⊚ true
⊚ false

13) The customer’s customer is upstream in the supply


⊚ true
⊚ false

14) Plan, source, make, deliver, and return are the five
basic supply chain management components.

⊚ true
⊚ false

15) Plan, source, give, get, and return are the five basic
supply chain management components.

⊚ true
⊚ false

16) In the basic supply chain, source refers to building

relationships with suppliers to procure raw materials.

⊚ true
⊚ false

17) In the basic supply chain, give refers to planning for

transportation of goods to customers.

Version 1 3
⊚ true ⊚ false

18) In the basic supply chain, return refers to supporting

customers and product returns.

⊚ true
⊚ false

19) In the basic supply chain, make refers to

manufacturing products and create production schedules.

⊚ true
⊚ false

20) In the basic supply chain, return refers to prepare to

manage all resources required to meet demands.

⊚ true
⊚ false

21) In the basic supply chain, plan refers to preparing to

manage all resources required to meet demand.

⊚ true
⊚ false

22) In the basic supply chain, deliver refers to planning

for transportation of goods to customers.

⊚ true
⊚ false

23) A back order is an unfilled customer order for a

product that is out of stock.

Version 1 4
⊚ true ⊚ false

24) Inventory cycle time is the time it takes to

manufacture a product and deliver it to the retailer.

⊚ true
⊚ false

25) Customer order cycle time is the agreed-upon time

between the purchase of a product and the delivery of the

⊚ true
⊚ false

26) Inventory turnover is the frequency of inventory


⊚ true
⊚ false

27) Inventory turnover is an unfilled customer order for a

product that is out of stock.

⊚ true
⊚ false

28) Customer order cycle time is the time it takes to

manufacture a product and deliver it to the retailer.

⊚ true
⊚ false

29) Information technology’s primary role in supply chain information linkages

management is creating the integrations or tight process and

Version 1 5
between functions within a firm—such as marketing, sales,
finance, manufacturing, and distribution—and between firms.

⊚ true
⊚ false

30) Effective and efficient supply chain management

systems can enable an organization to decrease the power of
its buyers.

⊚ true
⊚ false

31) Supply chain visibility is the ability to view all areas

up and down the supply chain.

⊚ true
⊚ false

32) Electronic data interchange (EDI) is a standard format

for the electronic exchange of information between supply
chain participants.

⊚ true
⊚ false

33) The bullwhip effect occurs when distorted product- throughout the supply
demand information ripples from one partner to the next chain.

⊚ true
⊚ false

34) The bullwhip effect is a standard format for the

electronic exchange of information between supply chain

Version 1 6
⊚ true ⊚ false

35) Electronic data interchange occurs when distorted next throughout the supply
product-demand information ripples from one partner to the chain.

⊚ true
⊚ false

36) Procurement is the purchasing of goods and services

to meet the needs of the supply chain.

⊚ true
⊚ false

37) Procurement can help a company answer the purchase to minimize

following question: What quantity of raw materials should we spoilage?

⊚ true
⊚ false

38) Logistics includes the processes that control the personnel to support the
distribution, maintenance, and replacement of materials and supply chain.

⊚ true
⊚ false

39) Inbound logistics acquires raw materials and resources

and distributes them to manufacturing as required.

⊚ true
⊚ false

40) Outbound logistics distributes goods and services to


Version 1 7
⊚ true ⊚ false

41) Logistics controls processes inside a company

(warehouse logistics) and outside a company (transport
logistics) and focuses on the physical execution part of the
supply chain.

⊚ true
⊚ false

42) Materials management is the purchasing of goods and

services to meet the needs of the supply chain.

⊚ true
⊚ false

43) Logistics can help a company answer the following

question: What quantity of raw materials should we purchase
to minimize spoilage?

⊚ true
⊚ false

44) Logistics includes the increasingly complex

management of processes, information, and communication to
take a product from cradle to grave. Cradle-to-grave provides
logistics support.

⊚ true
⊚ false

45) Materials management includes activities that govern

the flow of tangible, physical materials through the supply
chain such as shipping, transport, distribution, and

Version 1 8
⊚ true ⊚ false

46) The process of 3D printing (additive manufacturing) dimensional solid object

builds—layer by layer in an additive process—a three- from a digital model.

⊚ true
⊚ false

47) 3D printing is a process that builds—layer by layer in

an additive process—a three-dimensional solid object from a
digital model.

⊚ true
⊚ false

48) Drones include a process that builds—layer by layer in

an additive process—a three-dimensional solid object from a
digital model.

⊚ true
⊚ false

49) 3D printing supports procurement.

⊚ true
⊚ false

50) RFID uses electronic tags and labels to identify

objects wirelessly over short distances.

⊚ true
⊚ false

51) RFID supports logistics.

Version 1 9
Version 1 10
52) RFID supports procurement.

⊚ true
⊚ false

53) Drones are unmanned aircraft that can fly

autonomously, or without a human.

⊚ true
⊚ false

54) 3D printing is unmanned aircraft that can fly

autonomously, or without a human.

⊚ true
⊚ false

55) Drones support logistics.

⊚ true
⊚ false

56) Drones support materials management.

⊚ true
⊚ false

57) Robotics focuses on creating artificial intelligence

devices that can move and react to sensory input.

⊚ true
⊚ false

58) Robotics supports materials management.

⊚ true ⊚ false

Version 1 11
59) Robotics supports procurement.

⊚ true
⊚ false

60) RFID systems are used to create digital designs and

then manufacture the products.

⊚ true
⊚ false

61) The maker movement is a cultural trend that places well as a consumer of
value on an individual’s ability to be a creator of things as things.

⊚ true
⊚ false

62) The robotics movement is a cultural trend that places well as a consumer of
value on an individual’s ability to be a creator of things as things.

⊚ true
⊚ false

63) Makerspaces are community centers that provide inaccessible or

technology, manufacturing equipment, and educational unaffordable.
opportunities to the public that would otherwise be

⊚ true
⊚ false

64) RFID’s electronic product code (RFID EPC) promotes

serialization or the ability to track individual items by using
the unique serial number associated with each RFID tag.

Version 1 12
⊚ true ⊚ false

65) A drone is an unmanned aircraft that can fly drone aircraft for package
autonomously, or without a human. is piloting deliveries.

⊚ true
⊚ false

66) The primary difference between operational CRM and organization and its
analytical CRM is the direct interaction between the suppliers.

⊚ true
⊚ false

67) Back-office operations deal directly with the


⊚ true
⊚ false

68) RFM stands for regency, frequency, and monetary.

⊚ true
⊚ false

69) The evolution of CRM is reporting, analyzing, and


⊚ true
⊚ false

70) List generators fall in the category of the sales

department’s CRM tools.

⊚ true

Version 1 13
71) Contact management falls in the category of the
customer service department’s CRM tools.

⊚ true
⊚ false

72) Customer service and support (CSS) is a part of product returns, and
operational CRM that automates service requests, complaints, information requests.

⊚ true
⊚ false

73) Opportunity management CRM systems target sales

opportunities by finding new customers or companies for
future sales.

⊚ true
⊚ false

74) Call scripting occurs when customer service

representatives answer customer inquiries and solve problems
by email and IMing.

⊚ true
⊚ false

75) Call scripting systems gather product details and issue

resolution information that can be automatically generated
into a script for the representative to read to the customer.

⊚ true
⊚ false

76) Web-based self-

Version 1 14
service systems allow customers to use the web to find
answers to their questions or solutions to their problems.

⊚ true
⊚ false

77) Click-to-talk functions allow customers to click on a

button and talk with a representative via the Internet.

⊚ true
⊚ false

78) CRM predicting technologies help organizations

identify their customers across other applications.

⊚ true
⊚ false

79) CRM analysis technologies help organizations

segment their customers into categories such as best and
worst customers.

⊚ true
⊚ false

80) CRM predicting technologies help organizations

predict customer behavior, such as which customers are at
risk of leaving.

⊚ true
⊚ false

81) Analytical CRM supports traditional transactional

processing for day-to-day front-office operations or systems
that deal directly with the customers.

Version 1 15
⊚ true ⊚ false

82) Operational CRM supports back-office operations and directly with the
strategic analysis and includes all systems that do not deal customers.

⊚ true
⊚ false

83) List generators compile customer information from a

variety of sources and segment it for different marketing

⊚ true
⊚ false

84) Campaign management systems guide users through

marketing campaigns by performing such tasks as campaign
definition, planning, scheduling, segmentation, and success

⊚ true
⊚ false

85) Up-selling is selling additional products or services to

an existing customer.

⊚ true
⊚ false

86) Cross-selling is increasing the value of the sale.

⊚ true
⊚ false

87) Call scripting

Version 1 16
systems gather product details and issue resolution for the representative to
information that can be automatically generated into a script read to the customer.

⊚ true
⊚ false

88) Uplift modeling is a form of predictive analytics for or people who could be
marketing campaigns that attempts to identify target markets convinced to buy products.

⊚ true
⊚ false

89) Automatic call distribution routes inbound calls to

available agents.

⊚ true
⊚ false

90) Predictive dialing automatically dials outbound calls

and forwards answered calls to an available agent.

⊚ true
⊚ false

91) Interactive voice response automatically dials

outbound calls and forwards answered calls to an available

⊚ true
⊚ false

92) When a user enters or updates information in one ERP

module, it is immediately and automatically updated
throughout the entire system.

Version 1 17
⊚ true ⊚ false

93) Core ERP components are the traditional components

included in most ERP systems and primarily focus on internal

⊚ true
⊚ false

94) Core ERP components are the extra components that

meet organizational needs not covered by the core
components and primarily focus on external operations.

⊚ true
⊚ false

95) Accounting and finance ERP components manage accounts receivable,

accounting data and financial processes within the enterprise budgeting, and asset
with functions such as general ledger, accounts payable, management.

⊚ true
⊚ false

96) Production and materials management ERP accounting, and quality

components handle production planning and execution tasks control.
such as demand forecasting, production scheduling, job cost

⊚ true
⊚ false

97) Business intelligence is both a core and extended ERP


⊚ true
⊚ false

Version 1 18
98) SCM, CRM, and ERP are all extended ERP

⊚ true
⊚ false

99) Software customization modifies existing software

according to the business’s or user’s requirements.

⊚ true
⊚ false

100) A two-tier ERP architecture allows an organization to

have an on-premises ERP system along with cloud ERP

⊚ true
⊚ false

101) The goal of ERP is to integrate all of the experience rapid change,
organizational systems into one fully functioning, high- and ERP must support
performance system that is capable of meeting all business mobility, cloud, SaaS, and
needs and user requirements. Of course, this goal is incredibly tiered architectures
difficult to achieve because businesses and technologies

⊚ true
⊚ false

102) The primary concern with mobile ERP is security of

sensitive data, including trade secrets, financial data, and
customer data.

⊚ true
⊚ false

Version 1 19
MULTIPLE CHOICE - Choose the one alternative that with each other,
best completes the statement or answers the question. eliminating the need for
103) What allows separate systems to communicate directly manual entry into multiple

C) hybrid ERP
A) integration D) logistics
B) chatbot

104) What takes information entered into a given system

and sends it automatically to all downstream systems and

D) application
A) forward integration interchange
B) data interchange
C) backward integration

105) What takes information entered into a given system

and sends it automatically to all upstream systems and

D) application
A) forward integration interchange
B) data interchange
C) backward integration

106) What integrates data from multiple sources and

provides a unified view of all data?

D) application
A) forward integration interchange
B) data interchange
C) data integration

107) What integrates a company’s existing management

information systems?

Version 1 20
D) application
A) application integration interchange
B) data interchange
C) data integration

108) What provides enterprisewide support and data access

for a firm’s operations and business processes?

D) application
A) enterprise systems integration
B) enterprise application integration
C) middleware

109) What connects the plans, methods, and tools aimed at

integrating separate enterprise systems?

D) order entry
A) data integration system
B) enterprise application integration
C) middleware

110) What are several different types of software that sit

between and provide connectivity for two or more software

D) order entry
A) data integration system
B) enterprise application integration
C) middleware

111) What is an application integration?

C) sending
A) the integration of a company’s existing information entered into a
management information systems given system automatically
B) the integration of data from multiple sources, to all downstream systems
which provides a unified view of all data and processes

Version 1 21
D) sending information entered into a given system
automatically to all upstream systems and processes

112) What is data integration?

D) sending
A) the integration of a company’s existing information entered into a
management information systems given system automatically
B) the integration of data from multiple sources, to all upstream systems
which provides a unified view of all data and processes
C) sending information entered into a given system
automatically to all downstream systems and processes

113) What is forward integration?

D) sending
A) the integration of a company’s existing information entered into a
management information systems given system automatically
B) the integration of data from multiple sources, to all upstream systems
which provides a unified view of all data and processes
C) sending information entered into a given system
automatically to all downstream systems and processes

114) What is backward integration?

D) sending
A) the integration of a company’s existing information entered into a
management information systems given system automatically
B) the ntegration of data from multiple sources, to all upstream systems
which provides a unified view of all data and processes
C) sending information entered into a given system
automatically to all downstream systems and processes

115) What are enterprise systems?

A) the integration

Version 1 22
of a company’s existing management information systems D) enterprisewide
B) the integration of data from multiple sources, support and data access for
which provides a unified view of all data a firm’s operations and
C) sending information entered into a given system business processes
automatically to all downstream systems and processes

116) What is enterprise application integration (EAI)?

D) enterprisewide
A) connects the plans, methods, and tools aimed at support and data access for
integrating separate enterprise system a firm’s operations and
B) the integration of data from multiple sources, business processes
which provides a unified view of all data
C) sending information entered into a given system
automatically to all downstream systems and processes

117) What does middleware accomplish?

D) packaging
A) the use of the Internet to provide customers with commonly used
the ability to gain personalized information by querying applications together,
corporate databases and their information sources reducing the time needed
B) the integration of data from multiple sources, to integrate applications
which provides a unified view of all data from multiple vendors
C) the translation of information between disparate

118) Which of the following is not an example of a primary

enterprise system?

D) enterprise
A) supply chain management resource planning
B) customer relationship management
C) reputation management system

119) What is supply

chain management (SCM)?

Version 1 23
and retention and an
A) the management of information flows between organization’s profitability
and among activities in a supply chain to maximize total D) a means of
supply chain effectiveness and corporate profitability connecting the plans,
B) a means of taking information entered into a methods, and tools aimed
given system and sending it automatically to all downstream at integrating separate
systems and processes enterprise system
C) a means of managing all aspects of a customer’s
relationship with an organization to increase customer loyalty

120) What is enterprise resource planning (ERP)?

and retention and an

A) the management of information flows between organization’s profitability
and among activities in a supply chain to maximize total D) a means of
supply chain effectiveness and corporate profitability connecting the plans,
B) a means of integrating all departments and methods, and tools aimed
functions throughout an organization into a single MIS system at integrating separate
(or integrated set of MIS systems) so employees can make enterprise system
decisions by viewing enterprisewide information about all
business operations
C) a means of managing all aspects of a customer’s
relationship with an organization to increase customer loyalty

121) What is customer relationship management (CRM)?

and retention and an

A) the management of information flows between organization’s profitability
and among activities in a supply chain to maximize total D) a means of
supply chain effectiveness and corporate profitability connecting the plans,
B) a means of integrating all departments and methods, and tools aimed
functions throughout an organization into a single MIS system at integrating separate
(or integrated set of MIS systems) so employees can make enterprise system
decisions by viewing enterprisewide information about all
business operations
C) a means of managing all aspects of a customer’s
relationship with an organization to increase customer loyalty

Version 1 24
122) In which of the five basic supply chain activities do
you prepare to manage all resources required to meet

C) deliver
A) plan D) return
B) source

123) In which of the five basic supply chain activities do

you build relationships with suppliers to procure raw

C) deliver
A) plan D) return
B) source

124) In which of the five basic supply chain activities do

you manufacture products and create production schedules?

C) deliver
A) plan D) make
B) source

125) In which of the five basic supply chain activities do

you plan for the transportation of goods to customers?

C) deliver
A) plan D) return
B) source

126) In which of the five basic supply chain activities do

you support customers and product returns?

C) deliver
A) plan D) return
B) source

Version 1 25
127) Where would you find the customer’s customer in a typical supply chain?

D) not in the
A) upstream supply chain
B) downstream
C) in the middle

128) Where would you find the supplier’s suppler in a

typical supply chain?

D) not in the
A) upstream supply chain
B) downstream
C) in the middle

129) Where would you find the manufacturer and

distributor in a typical supply chain?

D) not in the
A) upstream supply chain
B) downstream
C) in the middle

130) Walmart and Procter & Gamble (P&G) implemented a

tremendously successful SCM system. The system linked
Walmart's ________ centers directly to P&G’s ________

D) distribution;
A) manufacturing; distribution stores
B) distribution; manufacturing
C) stores; distribution

131) What can effective and efficient supply chain

management systems enable an organization to accomplish?

B) increase its
A) increase the power of its buyers supplier power

Version 1 26
C) increase switching costs to increase the threat of D) All of the
substitute products or services answer choices are correct.

132) Which of the following is not one of the five basic

components of supply chain management?

C) cost
A) plan D) deliver
B) source

133) Which of the following is not one of the five basic

components of supply chain management?

C) analyze
A) plan D) deliver
B) source

134) Which of the following is not one of the five basic

components of supply chain management?

C) sale
A) plan D) deliver
B) source

135) What is it called when distorted product-demand

information ripples from one partner to the next throughout
the supply chain?

D) All of the
A) bullwhip effect answer choices are correct.
B) source effect
C) supply chain effect

Version 1 27
D) the ability
A) organizations know about employee events exists to view all areas up
triggered downstream in the supply chain. and down the supply chain.
B) customers receive distorted product demand
information regarding sales information.
C) distorted product-demand information ripples
from one partner to the next throughout the supply chain.

137) What is the ability to view all areas up and down the
supply chain in real time?

D) inventory
A) bullwhip effect cycle time
B) optimization analytics
C) supply chain visibility

138) What finds the optimum value for a target variable by

repeatedly changing other variables, subject to specified

D) transportation
A) operationalized analytics and logistics optimization
B) supply chain optimization
C) inventory optimization

139) What defines, recommends, and sets flexible supply

chain strategies based on an organization’s operations and

D) transportation
A) operationalized analytics and logistics optimization
B) supply chain optimization
C) inventory optimization

140) What provides visibility across inventory levels

throughout the entire supply chain holistically?

Version 1 28
D) transportation
A) operationalized analytics and logistics optimization
B) supply chain optimization
C) inventory optimization

141) What focuses on the efficient movement of products strategies, and support to
through effective transportation management by evaluating find the lowest cost
multiple transportation modes, carriers, routes, shipping combination?

D) transportation
A) operationalized analytics and logistics optimization
B) supply chain optimization
C) inventory optimization

142) Which of the following metrics represents an unfilled

customer order for a product that is out of stock?

D) inventory
A) back order turnover
B) inventory cycle time
C) customer order cycle time

143) Which of the following metrics represents the time it

takes to manufacture a product and deliver it to the retailer?

D) inventory
A) back order turnover
B) inventory cycle time
C) customer order cycle time

144) Which of the following metrics represents the agreed-

upon time between the purchase of a product and the delivery
of the product?

C) customer
A) back order
B) inventory cycle time

Version 1 29
order cycle time
D) inventory turnover

Version 1 30
145) Which of the following metrics represents the
frequency of inventory replacement?

D) inventory
A) back order turnover
B) inventory cycle time
C) customer order cycle time

146) What is a back order?

product and the delivery of

A) an unfilled customer order for a product that is the product
out of stock D) the frequency
B) the time it takes to manufacture a product and of inventory replacement
deliver it to the retailer
C) the agreed-upon time between the purchase of a

147) What is inventory cycle time?

product and the delivery of

A) an unfilled customer order for a product that is the product
out of stock D) the frequency
B) the time it takes to manufacture a product and of inventory replacement
deliver it to the retailer
C) the agreed-upon time between the purchase of a

148) What is customer order cycle time?

product and the delivery of

A) an unfilled customer order for a product that is the product
out of stock D) the frequency
B) the time it takes to manufacture a product and of inventory replacement
deliver it to the retailer
C) the agreed-upon time between the purchase of a

149) What is inventory turnover?

Version 1 31
product and the delivery of
A) an unfilled customer order for a product that is the product
out of stock D) the frequency
B) the time it takes to manufacture a product and of inventory replacement
deliver it to the retailer
C) the agreed-upon time between the purchase of a

150) Which of the following is one of the business areas of

supply chain management?

D) All of the
A) logistics answer choices are correct.
B) procurement
C) materials management

151) What is the purchasing of goods and services to meet

the needs of the supply chain?

D) bullwhip
A) procurement effect
B) logistics
C) materials management

152) What includes the processes that control the personnel to support the
distribution, maintenance, and replacement of materials and supply chain?

D) bullwhip
A) procurement effect
B) logistics
C) materials management

153) What includes activities that govern the flow of

tangible, physical materials through the supply chain such as
shipping, transport, distribution, and warehousing?

B) logistics
A) procurement C) materials

Version 1 32
D) bullwhip effect

154) What is procurement?

D) occurs when
A) the purchasing of goods and services to meet the distorted product-demand
needs of the supply chain information ripples from
B) includes the processes that control the one partner to the next
distribution, maintenance, and replacement of materials and throughout the supply
personnel to support the supply chain chain
C) includes activities that govern the flow of
tangible, physical materials through the supply chain such as
shipping, transport, distribution, and warehousing

155) What is logistics?

D) occurs when
A) the purchasing of goods and services to meet the distorted product-demand
needs of the supply chain information ripples from
B) includes the processes that control the one partner to the next
distribution, maintenance, and replacement of materials and throughout the supply
personnel to support the supply chain chain
C) includes activities that govern the flow of
tangible, physical materials through the supply chain such as
shipping, transport, distribution, and warehousing

156) What is materials management?

shipping, transport,
A) the purchasing of goods and services to meet the
needs of the supply chain
B) includes the processes that control the
distribution, maintenance, and replacement of materials and
personnel to support the supply chain
C) includes activities that govern the flow of
tangible, physical materials through the supply chain such as

Version 1 33
distribution, and warehousing
D) occurs when distorted product-demand
information ripples from one partner to the next throughout
the supply chain

Version 1 34
157) What acquires raw materials and resources and
distributes them to manufacturing as required?

C) logistics
A) inbound logistics D) procurement
B) outbound logistics

158) What distributes goods and services to customers?

C) logistics
A) inbound logistics D) procurement
B) outbound logistics

159) What includes the increasingly complex management product from cradle to
of processes, information, and communication to take a grave?

D) cradle-to-
A) procurement grave
B) outbound logistics
C) logistics

160) Which of the following questions can logistics help a

company answer?

guarantee profitability?
A) What quantity of raw materials should we D) What path
purchase to minimize spoilage? should the vehicles follow
B) How can we guarantee that our raw materials when delivering the
meet production needs? goods?
C) At what price can we purchase materials to

161) Which of the following questions can materials

management help a company answer?

B) What items
A) What are our current inventory levels? are running low in the

Version 1 35
warehouse? D) All of the
C) What items are at risk of spoiling in the answer choices are correct.

162) Which of the following questions can materials

management help a company answer?

stored and transported?

A) How do we dispose of spoiled items? D) All of the
B) What laws need to be followed for storing answer choices are correct.
hazardous materials?
C) Which items must be refrigerated when being

163) What is 3D printing?

without a human
A) a process that builds—layer by layer in an D) a focus on
additive process—a three-dimensional solid object from a creating artificial
digital model intelligence devices that
B) uses electronic tags and labels to identify objects can move and react to
wirelessly over short distances sensory input
C) unmanned aircraft that can fly autonomously, or

164) What is RFID?

without a human
A) a process that builds—layer by layer in an D) a focus on
additive process—a three-dimensional solid object from a creating artificial
digital model intelligence devices that
B) the use of electronic tags and labels to identify can move and react to
objects wirelessly over short distances sensory input
C) unmanned aircraft that can fly autonomously, or

165) What are drones?

additive process—a three-

A) a process that builds—layer by layer in an dimensional solid object

Version 1 36
from a digital model that can move and react to
B) the use of electronic tags and labels to identify sensory input
objects wirelessly over short distances
C) unmanned aircraft that can fly autonomously, or
without a human
D) a focus on creating artificial intelligence devices

166) What are robotics?

without a human
A) a process that builds—layer by layer in an D) creating
additive process—a three-dimensional solid object from a artificial intelligence
digital model devices that can move and
B) the use of electronic tags and labels to identify react to sensory input
objects wirelessly over short distances
C) unmanned aircraft that can fly autonomously, or

167) What is a process that builds—layer by layer in an

additive process—a three-dimensional solid object from a
digital model?

C) drones
A) 3D printing D) RFID
B) robotics

168) What focuses on creating artificial intelligence devices

that can move and react to sensory input?

C) drones
A) 3D printing D) RFID
B) robotics

169) What are unmanned aircraft that can fly

autonomously, or without a human?

B) robotics
A) 3D printing

Version 1 37
C) drones

Version 1 38
170) What uses electronic tags and labels to identify objects
wirelessly over short distances?

C) drones
A) 3D printing D) RFID
B) robotics

171) What is computer-aided design?

the public
A) software used by architects, engineers, drafters, D) software and
artists, and others to create precision drawings or technical machinery to facilitate and
illustrations automate manufacturing
B) a cultural trend that places value on an processes
individual’s ability to create things
C) a community center that provides technology,
manufacturing equipment, and educational opportunities to

172) What is computer-aided manufacturing?

the public
A) software used by architects, engineers, drafters, D) software and
artists, and others to create precision drawings or technical machinery to facilitate and
illustrations automate manufacturing
B) a cultural trend that places value on an processes
individual’s ability to create things
C) a community center that provides technology,
manufacturing equipment, and educational opportunities to

173) What is the maker movement?

consumer of things
A) software used by architects, engineers, drafters, C) a community
artists, and others to create precision drawings or technical center that provides
illustrations technology, manufacturing
B) a cultural trend that places value on an equipment, and
individual’s ability to be a creator of things as well as a educational opportunities

Version 1 39
to the public automate manufacturing
D) software and machinery to facilitate and processes

174) What is a makerspace?

the public that would

A) software used by architects, engineers, drafters, otherwise be inaccessible
artists, and others to create precision drawings or technical or unaffordable
illustrations D) software and
B) a cultural trend that places value on an machinery to facilitate and
individual’s ability to be a creator of things as well as a automate manufacturing
consumer of things processes
C) a community center that provides technology,
manufacturing equipment, and educational opportunities to

175) What is an RFID’s electronic product code?

A) a system used to create the digital designs and D) a unique serial
then manufacture the products number associated with the
B) a cultural trend that places value on an RFID tag that promotes
individual’s ability to be a creator of things as well as a serialization or the ability
consumer of things to track individual items
C) a community center that provides technology,
manufacturing equipment, and educational opportunities to
the public that would otherwise be inaccessible or

176) What is a cultural trend that places value on an

individual’s ability to be a creator of things as well as a
consumer of things?

D) computer-
A) maker movement aided design
B) computer-aided manufacturing
C) makerspace

Version 1 40
177) What is a community center that provides technology, the public that would
manufacturing equipment, and educational opportunities to otherwise be inaccessible
or unaffordable?

A) computer-aided design electronic product code
B) computer-aided manufacturing
C) makerspace

178) What promotes serialization or the ability to track

individual items by using the unique serial number associated
with each RFID tag?

A) computer-aided design electronic product code
B) computer-aided manufacturing
C) makerspace

179) What is a low-cost, credit card–sized computer that

plugs into a computer monitor or TV and uses a standard
keyboard and mouse?

C) drone
A) Raspberry Pi D) robotics
B) digital supply chain

180) What fully capitalizes on connectivity, system

integration, and the information-producing capabilities of
smart devices?

C) drone
A) Raspberry Pi D) robotics
B) digital supply chain

181) Which of the following represents the three primary

capabilities of a drone?

Version 1 41
D) All of the
A) sensors answer choices are correct.
B) navigation
C) stabilization

182) Which of the following is not a valid source from

which a CRM system can collect information?

D) customer’s
A) accounting system personal computer
B) order fulfillment system
C) inventory system

183) Which of the following is not one of the three phases

in the evolution of CRM?

C) processing
A) reporting D) predicting
B) analyzing

184) What is a person or company that is unknown to your


D) sales
A) lead opportunity
B) account
C) contact

185) What is an existing business relationship that includes

customers, prospects, partners, and competitors?

D) sales
A) lead opportunity
B) account
C) contact

Version 1 42
186) Who is a specific individual representing an account?

D) sales
A) lead opportunity
B) accountant
C) contact

187) What is an opportunity that exists for a potential sale

of goods or services related to an account or contact?

D) sales
A) lead opportunity
B) account
C) contact

188) What is a form of predictive analytics for marketing who could be convinced to
campaigns that attempts to identify target markets or people buy products?

D) sales
A) lead analysis opportunity
B) RFM analysis
C) uplift modeling

189) What helps an organization identify its customers

across applications?

A) CRM reporting technologies predicting technologies
B) CRM analyzing technologies
C) CRM processing technologies

190) What is an organization using when it asks questions

such as "why was customer revenue so high"?

A) CRM reporting technologies predicting technologies
B) CRM analyzing technologies
C) CRM processing technologies

Version 1 43
191) What is an organization using when it asks questions
such as "which customers are at risk of leaving"?

A) CRM reporting technologies predicting technologies
B) CRM analyzing technologies
C) CRM processing technologies

192) Which question below represents a CRM reporting

technology example?

D) None of the
A) Why did sales not meet forecasts? answer choices are correct.
B) What customers are at risk of leaving?
C) What is the total revenue by customer?

193) Which question below represents a CRM analyzing

technology question?

D) None of the
A) Why did sales not meet forecasts? answer choices are correct.
B) What customers are at risk of leaving?
C) What is the total revenue by customer?

194) Which question below represents a CRM predicting

technology question?

D) None of the
A) Why did sales not meet forecasts? answer choices are correct.
B) What customers are at risk of leaving?
C) What is the total revenue by customer?

195) Which of the following operational CRM technologies

does the sales department typically use?

A) campaign

Version 1 44
management, contact management, opportunity management D) sales
management, contact
B) sales management, contact management, contact management, opportunity
center management
C) sales management, call scripting, opportunity

196) Which of the following operational CRM technologies

does the marketing department typically use?

selling and up-selling

A) contact center, web-based self-service, call D) list generator,
scripting campaign management,
B) contact center, cross-selling and up-selling, web- cross-selling and up-selling
based self-service
C) list generator, opportunity management, cross-

197) Which of the following operational CRM technologies

does the customer service department typically use?

selling and up-selling

A) contact center, web-based self-service, call D) list generator,
scripting campaign management,
B) sales management, contact management, cross-selling and up-selling
opportunity management
C) list generator, opportunity management, cross-

198) What CRM technology compiles customer information for different

information from a variety of sources and segments the marketing campaigns?

C) up-selling
A) sales opportunity D) list generator
B) cross-selling

199) What CRM

technology guides users
through marketing

Version 1 45
campaigns performing such tasks as campaign definition,
planning, scheduling, segmentation, and success analysis?

C) up-selling
A) campaign management system D) list generator
B) cross-selling

200) What was McDonald’s performing when it asked its

customers if they would like to super-size their meals?

C) up-selling
A) uplift modeling D) down-selling
B) cross-selling

201) Which of the following represents sales force


in the sales process

A) helping an organization identify its customers D) selling larger
across applications products or services to a
B) selling additional products or services to a customer
C) a system that automatically tracks all of the steps

202) What automates each phase of the sales process, organize all of their
helping individual sales representatives coordinate and accounts?

D) optimization
A) sales management CRM system analytics
B) contact management CRM system
C) opportunity management CRM system

203) What maintains customer contact information and

identifies prospective customers for future sales?

C) opportunity
A) sales management CRM system
B) contact management CRM system

Version 1 46
management CRM system
D) optimization analytics

Version 1 47
204) What targets sales opportunities by finding new
customers or companies for future sales?

D) sales force
A) sales management CRM system automation CRM system
B) contact management CRM system
C) opportunity management CRM system

205) Which of the following was one of the first CRM required to maintain and
components built to address the overwhelming amount of track?
customer account information sales representatives were

D) contact
A) sales management system management system
B) opportunity management system
C) sales force automation system

206) Which of the following is where customer service

representatives answer customer inquiries and respond to
problems through a number of different customer

D) uplift
A) contact center modeling
B) web-based self-service
C) call scripting

207) What allows customers to use the web to find answers

to their questions or solutions to their problems?

D) uplift
A) contact center modeling
B) web-based self-service
C) call scripting

208) What accesses organizational databases that track similar issues or questions

Version 1 48
and automatically generates the details to the customer service
representative who can then relay them to the customer?

D) uplift
A) contact center modeling
B) web-based self-service
C) call scripting

209) What is automatic call distribution?

available agents
A) a technology that automatically dials outbound D) an attempt to
calls and when someone answers, the call is forwarded to an increase the amount of a
available agent sale
B) a technology that directs customers to use touch-
tone phones or keywords to navigate or provide information
C) a phone switch that routes inbound calls to

210) What is interactive voice response?

available agents
A) a technology that automatically dials outbound D) an attempt to
calls and when someone answers, the call is forwarded to an increase the amount of a
available agent sale
B) a technology that directs customers to use touch-
tone phones or keywords to navigate or provide information
C) a phone switch that routes inbound calls to

211) What is predictive dialing?

available agents
A) a technology that automatically dials outbound D) an attempt to
calls and when someone answers, the call is forwarded to an increase the amount of a
available agent sale
B) a technology that directs customers to use touch-
tone phones or keywords to navigate or provide information
C) a phone switch that routes inbound calls to

Version 1 49
212) What is a contact center or call center?

A) a place where customer service representatives D) a form of
answer customer inquiries and solve problems, usually by predictive analytics for
email, chat, or phone marketing campaigns that
B) a technology that allows customers to use the attempts to identify target
web to find answers to their questions or solutions to their markets or people who
problems could be convinced to buy
C) a technology that gathers product details and products
issue resolution information that can be automatically
generated into a script for the representative to read to the

213) What is web-based self-service?

A) a place where customer service representatives D) a form of
answer customer inquiries and solve problems, usually by predictive analytics for
email, chat, or phone marketing campaigns that
B) a technology that allows customers to use the attempts to identify target
web to find answers to their questions or solutions to their markets or people who
problems could be convinced to buy
C) a technology that gathers product details and products
issue resolution information that can be automatically
generated into a script for the representative to read to the

214) What is call scripting?

A) a place where customer service representatives D) a form of
answer customer inquiries and solve problems, usually by predictive analytics for
email, chat, or phone marketing campaigns that
B) a technology that allows customers to use the attempts to identify target
web to find answers to their questions or solutions to their markets or people who
problems could be convinced to buy
C) a technology that gathers product details and products
issue resolution information that can be automatically
generated into a script for the representative to read to the

Version 1 50
215) What is uplift modeling?

A) a place where customer service representatives D) a form of
answer customer inquiries and solve problems, usually by predictive analytics for
email, chat, or phone marketing campaigns that
B) a technology that allows customers to use the attempts to identify target
web to find answers to their questions or solutions to their markets or people who
problems could be convinced to buy
C) a technology that gathers product details and products
issue resolution information that can be automatically
generated into a script for the representative to read to the

216) What divides a market into categories that share

similar attributes such as age, location, gender, habits, and so

D) uplift
A) contact center modeling
B) customer segmentation
C) customer center

217) Which of the following is a common customer service

CRM metric?

D) revenue
A) number of new prospective customers generated by marketing
B) number of marketing campaigns campaigns
C) average time to resolution

218) What is properly addressing the customer’s need the customer to follow up with
first time they call, thereby eliminating the need for the a second call?

D) call center
A) first call resolution
B) contact center
C) average time to resolution

Version 1 51
219) Which of the following is a common marketing CRM metric?

D) cost per
A) number of new prospective customers interaction by marketing
B) average number of service calls per day campaign
C) average time to resolution

220) What is a part of operational CRM that automates

service requests, complaints, product returns, and information

D) customer
A) cross-selling service and support
B) first call resolution
C) campaign management system

221) What guides users through marketing campaigns by scheduling, segmentation,

performing such tasks as campaign definition, planning, and success analysis?

D) customer
A) cross-selling service and support
B) first call resolution
C) campaign management system

222) What is selling additional products or services to an

existing customer?

D) customer
A) cross-selling service and support
B) first call resolution
C) campaign management system

223) What is increasing the value of the sale?

D) customer
A) up-selling service and support
B) first call resolution
C) campaign management system

Version 1 52
224) What is properly addressing the customer's need the customer to follow up with
first time they call, thereby eliminating the need for the a second call?

D) customer
A) first call resolution lifetime value
B) omnichannel analytics
C) customer profitability

225) What combines data from different channels into one

holistic view of the customer and analyzes the data for
insights on customer segmentation, demographics, spending,

D) customer
A) first call resolution lifetime value
B) omnichannel analytics
C) customer profitability

226) What measures the customer's worth over a specific

period of time?

D) customer
A) chatbot lifetime value
B) omnichannel analytics
C) customer profitability

227) What is a metric that represents the total net profit a

company makes from any given customer?

D) customer
A) intelligent virtual agent lifetime value
B) omnichannel analytics
C) customer profitability

228) What an artificial

intelligence program that

Version 1 53
simulates interactive human conversation by using key
precalculated user phrases and auditory or text-based signals?

D) customer
A) chatbot lifetime value
B) intelligent virtual agent
C) customer profitability

229) What is an animated, humanlike graphical chat bot advertisement landing

commonly displayed on website home pages and pages?

D) customer
A) chatbot lifetime value
B) intelligent virtual agent
C) customer profitability

230) What is the key word in ERP?

C) intelligence
A) enterprise D) business
B) resource

231) What is enterprise resource planning?

D) a process
A) the analysis and redesign of workflow within and involving managing all
between enterprises aspects of a customer’s
B) a standardized set of activities that accomplish as relationship with an
specific task, such as processing a customer’s order organization to increase
C) a process that integrates all departments and customer loyalty and
functions throughout an organization into a single MIS system retention and an
so that employees can make decisions by viewing organization’s profitability
enterprisewide information on all business operations

232) Which of the following is a component ERP vendors

offer to differentiate themselves in the marketplace?

Version 1 54
D) human
A) accounting resources
C) sales

233) Which of the following is not one of the three most

common core ERP components focusing on internal

D) human
A) accounting and finance resources
B) production and materials management
C) business intelligence

234) Which activities do accounting and finance

components perform?

within the enterprise with

A) track employee information including payroll, functions such as general
benefits, compensation, performance assessment, and assure ledger, accounts payable,
compliance with the legal requirements of multiple accounts receivable,
jurisdictions and tax authorities budgeting, and asset
B) handle the various aspects of production planning management
and execution such as demand forecasting, production D) None of the
scheduling, job cost accounting, and quality control answer choices are correct.
C) manage accounting data and financial processes

235) Which activities do production and materials

management components perform?

C) manage
A) track employee information including payroll, accounting data and
benefits, compensation, performance assessment, and assure financial processes within
compliance with the legal requirements of multiple the enterprise with
jurisdictions and tax authorities functions such as general
B) handle the various aspects of production planning ledger, accounts payable,
and execution such as demand forecasting, production accounts receivable,
scheduling, job cost accounting, and quality control budgeting, and asset

Version 1 55
D) None of the answer choices are correct.

236) Which activities do human resource components


within the enterprise with

A) track employee information including payroll, functions such as general
benefits, compensation, performance assessment, and assure ledger, accounts payable,
compliance with the legal requirements of multiple accounts receivable,
jurisdictions and tax authorities budgeting, and asset
B) handle the various aspects of production planning management
and execution such as demand forecasting, production D) None of the
scheduling, job cost accounting, and quality control answer choices are correct.
C) manage accounting data and financial processes

237) Which component is a credit-management feature

typically included in?

D) production
A) accounting and finance component and materials management
B) production and managerial management component
C) human resource component

238) Which component can help an organization determine

such things as the identification of individuals who are likely
to leave the company unless additional compensation or
benefits are provided?

D) production
A) accounting and finance component and materials management
B) production and managerial management component
C) human resource component

Version 1 56
239) Which of the following is an extended ERP component?

D) All of the
A) business intelligence answer choices are correct.
B) ebusiness
C) customer relationship management

240) Which extended ERP component collects information analytical tools to assist
used throughout an organization, organizes it, and applies managers with decisions?

D) supply chain
A) business intelligence management
B) ebusiness
C) customer relationship management

241) Which of the following describes ERP systems?

decisions that drive the

A) ERP systems provide a foundation for organization’s
collaboration between departments. performance.
B) ERP systems enable people in different business D) All of the
areas to communicate. answer choices are correct.
C) ERP systems have been widely adopted in large
organizations to store critical knowledge used to make the

242) What is at the heart of any ERP system?

C) customers
A) network D) database
B) employees

243) Which of the following occurs when everyone company’s product works
involved in sourcing, producing, and delivering the with the same information?

D) All of the
A) eliminating redundancies answer choices are correct.
B) cutting down on wasted time
C) removing misinformation

Version 1 57
244) Who are the primary users of SCM systems?

A) sales, marketing, and customer service D) All of the
B) accounting, finance, logistics, and production answer choices are correct.
C) customers, resellers, partners, suppliers, and

245) What are the primary business benefits of an ERP


management, warehousing,
A) sales forecasts, sales strategies, and marketing inventory, and distribution
campaigns D) sales system
B) market demand, resource and capacity
constraints, and real-time scheduling
C) forecasting, planning, purchasing, material

246) Who are the primary users of ERP systems?

A) sales, marketing, and customer service D) sales system
B) accounting, finance, logistics, and production
C) customers, resellers, partners, suppliers, and

247) Which application’s primary business benefits include

sales forecasts, sales strategies, and marketing campaigns?

D) marketing
A) customer relationship management system
B) supply chain management
C) enterprise resource planning

248) Which application’s primary business benefits include

market demand, resource and capacity constraints, and real-
time scheduling?

Version 1 58
D) human
A) customer relationship management resource system
B) supply chain management
C) enterprise resource planning

249) Which application’s primary business benefits include warehousing, inventory,

forecasting, planning, purchasing, material management, and distribution?

D) accounting
A) customer relationship management system
B) supply chain management
C) enterprise resource planning

250) What modifies existing software according to the

business’s or user’s requirements?

D) sales system
A) software customization
B) data integration
C) application integration

ESSAY. Write your answer in the space provided or on a

separate sheet of paper.
251) Explain integrations and the role they play in
connecting a corporation.

252) Describe supply chain management along with its

impact on business.

Version 1 59
Version 1 60
253) Identify the three components of supply chain
management along with the technologies that are reinventing
the supply chain.

254) Explain operational and analytical customer

relationship management.

255) Identify the core and extended areas of enterprise

resource planning.

Version 1 61
Answer Key

Test name: Chapter 8

12) TRUE
14) TRUE
16) TRUE
18) TRUE
19) TRUE

Version 1 62
21) TRUE
22) TRUE
23) TRUE
24) TRUE
25) TRUE
26) TRUE
29) TRUE
30) TRUE
31) TRUE
32) TRUE
33) TRUE
36) TRUE
37) TRUE
38) TRUE
39) TRUE
40) TRUE

Version 1 63
41) TRUE
44) TRUE
45) TRUE
46) TRUE
47) TRUE
49) TRUE
50) TRUE
51) TRUE
53) TRUE
55) TRUE
57) TRUE
58) TRUE
61) TRUE

Version 1 64
63) TRUE
64) TRUE
65) TRUE
69) TRUE
72) TRUE
73) TRUE
75) TRUE
76) TRUE
77) TRUE
79) TRUE
80) TRUE

Version 1 65
83) TRUE
84) TRUE
87) TRUE
88) TRUE
89) TRUE
90) TRUE
92) TRUE
93) TRUE
95) TRUE
96) TRUE
99) TRUE
100) TRUE
101) TRUE
102) TRUE
103) A

Version 1 66
104) A
105) C
106) C
107) A
108) A
109) B
110) C
111) A
112) B
113) C
114) D
115) D
116) A
117) C
118) C
119) A
120) B
121) C
122) A
123) B
124) D

Version 1 67
125) C
126) D
127) B
128) A
129) C
130) B
131) B
132) C
133) C
134) C
135) A
136) C
137) C
138) A
139) B
140) C
141) D
142) A
143) B
144) C
145) D

Version 1 68
146) A
147) B
148) C
149) D
150) D
151) A
152) B
153) C
154) A
155) B
156) C
157) A
158) B
159) C
160) D
161) D
162) D
163) A
164) B
165) C
166) D

Version 1 69
167) A
168) B
169) C
170) A
171) A
172) D
173) B
174) C
175) D
176) A
177) C
178) D
179) A
180) B
181) D
182) D
183) C
184) A
185) B
186) C
187) D

Version 1 70
188) C
189) A
190) B
191) D
192) C
193) A
194) B
195) D
196) D
197) A
198) D
199) A
200) C
201) C
202) A
203) B
204) C
205) C
206) A
207) B
208) C

Version 1 71
209) C
210) B
211) A
212) A
213) B
214) C
215) D
216) B
217) C
218) A
219) D
220) D
221) C
222) A
223) A
224) A
225) B
226) C
227) D
228) A
229) B

Version 1 72
230) A
231) C
232) B
233) C
234) C
235) B
236) A
237) A
238) C
239) D
240) A
241) D
242) D
243) D
244) C
245) C
246) B
247) A
248) B
249) C
250) A

Version 1 73
251) Integrations allow separate systems to information sharing
communicate directly with each other, across databases
eliminating the need for manual entry into along with dramatic
multiple systems. Building integrations allows increase of quality.
252) A supply chain consists of all parties systems. Supply
involved, directly or indirectly, in obtaining chain visibility is
raw materials or a product. To automate and the ability to view
enable sophisticated decision making in these all areas up and
critical areas, companies are turning to down the supply
systems that provide demand forecasting, chain in real time.
inventory control, and information flows The primary
between suppliers and customers. Supply challenges
chain management (SCM) is the management associated with
of information flows between and among supply chain
activities in a supply chain to maximize total management
supply chain effectiveness and corporate include costs and
profitability. In the past, manufacturing efforts complexity. The
focused primarily on quality improvement next wave in supply
efforts within the company; today, these chain management
efforts reach across the entire supply chain, will be home-based
including customers, customers’ customers, supply chain
suppliers, and suppliers’ suppliers. Today’s fulfillment. No
supply chain is an intricate network of more running to the
business partners linked through store to replace your
communication channels and relationships. products because
Improved visibility across the supply chain your store will come
and increased profitability for the firm are the to you as soon as
primary business benefits received when you need a new
implementing supply chain management product.

Version 1 74
253) The three components of supply chain transport,
management on which companies focus to distribution, and
find efficiencies include procurement, warehousing. The
logistics, and materials management. technologies
Procurement is the purchasing of goods and reinventing the
services to meet the needs of the supply chain. supply chain
Materials management includes activities that include 3D printing,
govern the flow of tangible, physical materials RFID, drones, and
through the supply chain such as shipping, robotics.
254) Customer relationship management strategy are
(CRM) is a means of managing all aspects of a operational CRM
customer’s relationship with an organization and analytical
to increase customer loyalty and retention and CRM. Operational
an organization’s profitability. CRM allows an CRM supports
organization to gain insights into customers’ traditional
shopping and buying behaviors. Every time a transactional
customer communicates with a company, the processing for day-
firm has the chance to build a trusting to-day front-office
relationship with that particular customer. operations or
Companies that understand individual systems that deal
customer needs are best positioned to achieve directly with the
success. Building successful customer customers.
relationships is not a new business practice; Analytical CRM
however, implementing CRM systems allows supports back-office
a company to operate more efficiently and operations and
effectively in the area of supporting customer strategic analysis
needs. CRM moves far beyond technology by and includes all
identifying customer needs and designing systems that do not
specific marketing campaigns tailored to each. deal directly with
The two primary components of a CRM the customers.

Version 1 75
255) Enterprise resource planning (ERP) components are the
integrates all departments and functions extra components
throughout an organization into a single IT that meet
system (or integrated set of IT systems) so organizational needs
employees can make decisions by viewing not covered by the
enterprisewide information about all business core components
operations. The current generation of ERP, and primarily focus
ERP-II, is composed of two primary on external
components—core and extended. Core ERP operations.
components are the traditional components
included in most ERP systems and primarily
focus on internal operations. Extended ERP

Version 1 76

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