Undying Stories

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Philippine Literature

Undying Literary

Are you looking for a pleasure or feel the real essence of love?

A true love be found this book

Every page seems like ice cream
Forever clipped the pink lips
Let us try reading the first page,
Let see, what may happen between us

This book aims to provide reader’s experience through fictional stories

and enticing facts.

Ariel C. Cabasag, LPT
Mahayag, Zamboanga del Sur
Table of Contents
a. Ariel’s perspective
b. Preface
c. Types of literature
Fictional stories
A. Short story
Loving You More till the End
B. Interactive
1. Loving You till I Die
C. Chat Story
Return the Phone; Share the Feelings
D. Poetry
The Sunrise Should Never Fade
E. Memoirs
1. Farewell to You, My Honeybee
F. Fable
Dog Never Lies
G. Legend
A Love Perfectly Found
Nonfictional Stories
a. Essay
a. Persuasive essay
b. Descriptive essay
c. Narrative essay
b. News Writing
c. Letters
d. Science Writing
e. Feature Writing

H. Conclusion
Ariel’s perspective

The world brims with stories which can’t be found in the book either creative
or facts. Letting us know the story shapes our actions or cast the mirror, what
somebody did. Bridging to the story is quietly normal, since human beings
have feelings, to connect with the readers experienced in the cloying

Also, some people have varied purposes why they love stories either
fantasy or real story. In other words, it merely depends on the reader’s taste.
Believing that reading is one of the toughest skills, but a few readers are
undyingly clipping their eyes on the pages, to know, how the story ends.

Furthermore, the world is too wide, indeed everyone didn’t explore the
entire universe, due to lack of time, money, and distance. By putting the
eyes together, the readers can unfold their journey or experience the
passage, or story what they have read through putting their emotions and
senses. Ultimately, they will interact the authors silently. Once the article or
story seems amazing, the readers share their admiration to the authors.

To conclude, this book is not right as rain in the eyes, but I urge the eyes to
try gripping the text, to know how salient engaging the world in writing.

What are you waiting for?

Let’s try to read some stories which give a pleasure, lesson or discover some
experiences as human beings in the world.


Living in the 21st century period, some people didn’t perceive the value,
how significant the literary is, carrying the different genres in English
literature. Indeed, some teenagers get busy spending their time on any
online game, which ameliorates their analytical skills. However, they don’t
sufficient comprehension skills due to lack of reading skills, perhaps they feel
envious or dull understanding the meaning of the text. Despite that, let’s try
to engage ourselves with the different forms of fiction and nonfiction. This
gives a pleasure, acquire vocabulary, and engaging journey that can’t be
found to the other books, except here.
Types of Literature

It is form of writing composition, which creates the writer creative

imagination in the text.


Short Story, novelette, poetry, parable, fable, myth, legend, fairytale, novel,
travelogue, song, drama, memoirs, and more

b. Non-fiction

It is a form of writing composition, which focuses on facts and real

events happened in the globe.

Essay, science writing, articles, passages, letters, and more

All of these genres have a specific style developing the content whether
facts or creative.

How do you narrate the story?

Having an unblemished fascination, the readers would have spent their

time reading the text, no matter how long the story is. Furthermore, making
the lines to be captivated, hence, the readers love to extend their times; to
fully understand, what the author is trying to imply in the text. To make the
story short, fiction defines the author’s creative imagination. Below, these
are the following genres of fiction, I have been writing for a thousand nights,
beneath the star:

Short story
It’s a form of fiction which contains one problem, the protagonist may have
suffered or fought the challenges, was given by the antagonist in the story.
In addition to that, the story seems simply narrated, to fully understand the
single problem.
“Loving You More till the End”

Can’t imagine how wretched the life was, if the family itself wouldn’t have
loved and appreciated the best thing you did. Spending time with your
friends, to be snug in their hearts, but they never did it for you. Everything
that you had experienced was abhorrent. Despite the atrocious storm
passed by your side, someone admired how talented you were both
academic and talent in singing. The enthralling part was, you were
catching enamored and sometimes you got more than in love with him.
Every lesson in the school, no matter how difficult the concept is, you could
easily explain it, but to have a desire to be part of his enticing heart is
indeed hard to expound.

It's such a tantalizing day to clutch with him, but he is the richest and
handsome guy ever in the campus. So, she only behold at his compelling
appearance, it relieved her heartache and pain. Her name is Anne, a 20
years old senior high school student, clever, and lonely girl who lived in the
house where Keith, a stepmother kept on getting savage at her.

Every day, Anne fell down in tears, how dreadful her life was. That time, she
craved to be comforted by her daddy, but he passed away. Can’t imagine
how threatened her life is, living in this world without someone, who stayed
beside her. She wanted to leave the mansion but nobody could advocate
financially for her.

One night, Anne began to skip the house, but Keith physically abused her.
That time, she did not understand why her stepmother kept on blocking her
way. With her, she was traumatized by what she had experienced in the

All day, Anne fell down in tears and sometimes her mind was out of place.
When the twilight began to close, it was the time when there was an event
happened in the school.

Instead of not participating in the night event, Anne boasted herself to be

one of the awesome singers. It wiped her uncontrolled pain, indeed she
had expressed her feelings to the man, who insanely lived into her mind
through uttering the romantic lines. With the lovely song, the students and
teachers were amazed by her talent. It was their first time, how precious
and elegant her talent in singing was.

Such a night, Lawrence, a 22 years old guy, clever and super handsome in
the campus. It was not his intention to shake his silver heart upon viewing
how miserable the girl was. Couldn’t deny, he noticed one of the best
qualities that he is looking forward to be his girlfriend. So, he swiftly went to
the stage, to give a flower to her. It was awesome and romantic receiving
such a gift.

While gripping the romantic flowers, Anne’s hands trembled, it seemed like
the handsome guy hugged at her shoulder.

After the program had ended, one of Lawrence's friends longed to have a
blind date with Anne; what he thought, Lawrence really liked Anne. That
moment, Anne just prepared herself to depart the campus, meanwhile she
couldn’t forget how precious her time with Lawrence was, whose image
kept on touching her painful heart.

Every time Anne sauntered on the way, her mind kept on slipping back at
the tempting shadow, who looked identical with Lawrence’s face. With
him, her feet hankered to stand up whatever the storm may happen in her

As her hands pulled out the gate, however, a strong hand put the mask to
his elegant eyes. With that, she couldn’t have seen her path, a soft voice,”
just follow me, don’t worry, you are safe,” meanwhile the guy pulled her
body to the way.

It’s so dimmed in the room where she never heard any voices. That time,
she was so curious why the guy brought her to the room. She wanted to
turn on the lights, but the guy said," just follow my instructions, please hold
these hands while you’re dancing with him,” the charming song that she
had sung, played by somebody else.

Too dark in the room, yet Anne looked familiar to the hands, she beheld it.
By touching the hands, her captivating eyes could have decried the
charming man, who carried her hands to the sky. To verify what she had
imagined, the dazzling light turned on, what she lovely found, her charming
crush who romantically held her.

Couldn’t explain how precious it is while staring at the man, whom she
secretly infatuated very much. While Lawrence felt chuffed that Anne
smiled at him nor to be miserable to her day,” nice to meet you, Anne, I
never expected to meet you in the dark room. It was one of the best
moments that I have experienced in my entire life,” he said.

A girl chuckled while staring at him,” it’s my first time to show my smile
exclusively for you. I have been dejected since I was in the family,” then,
she confessed to him that Lawrence was the first man, who touched her
hands not to give her thorns in life, but to face no matter how terrible the
storm was.

Before leaving the dark room, Lawrence pledged to keep on staying in her
side. It penetrated Anne's heart till the end of her life.

One beautiful day, Anne went back to the school where she dreamy
meeting Lawrence again, her day completed, upon seeing her crush, who
served as her charming star in the school. Without him, her life was an
indeed miserable.

After a week, Lawrence met and gave flowers and letters to her. It was
congenitally given by Lawrence. That time, Anne couldn’t measure how
glad her life was, to stay with him; she wished to live with him someday.
Alongside them, Mitch, a rich and exquisite girl, was totally enraged since
she has been in love with Lawrence. So, she craved not to meet Anne
anymore after knowing that the man that she loved, never in love with her.

Every time Mitch could meet Lawrence, she never felt ashamed to display
her feelings to him. She stayed closely with him, even if Lawrence just
respected her presence. That moment, Anne found what Mitch did. She
felt a green-eyed monster to view them, what she made up her mind to, to
kill her feelings for him. Such a night, Keith brought Anne to Huxley, a CEO
of the hotel, her main intention is, to get the payment for her. It was happily
paid by Huxley, who craved to build a new life with her.
One day before the graduation, Mitch sincerely requested to bond with
Lawrence on the beach, she would be willing to pay any cost. But
Lawrence met to the hotel where Anne worked, it’s the perfect time to
confess his feelings to her.

A soft voice,” I feel how stressed you are!” he said.

A giggle,” hmm, it’s okay, at least I am more than happy with the moments
that I met with you,” she said (happy face).

Tears immediately fell down,” can’t teach to hold my tears, you were also
given the meaning to my feet,” he said. Then, he tried to hide what he
craved to reveal it for her.

So silent, then, the charming guy romantically held at Anne’s hands,” it’s
our last night to meet one another since our college setting is distinctive,”
then, he fell down his tears again.

Without any hesitation, the lovely man hugged her, so far it was his first time
to hug the girl in a romantic way, a farewell message,” I can’t forget you till
the end of my life,” Lawrence said.

It sincerely penetrated Anne's heart, especially Lawrence’s hug. Honestly

speaking, she did not want this night to end, just to see how tempting the
guy is.

“Endless thanks to tell. With you, I feel happy as a Larry no matter how
threatened my life is,” Anne said. Meanwhile, she cried in front of him.

A whispered,” let’s keep our memories, we will extend it sometime below

the lovely sun,” he said. Then, both of their hands held one another, yet the
wind pulled it, since the sunrise got ready to emerge its scintillating lights.

Will both of them confess their feelings?

Chapter 1- Inspired starting their college life

It’s so hard to expound how to forget the man, whom you dreamt to stay
with your arms. Sometimes she could regret why she met the man, who was
her temporary happiness, she believed Lawrence mightn’t have met her
anymore, since her place was very far from him. What she has been longing
for, Lawrence may live a perfect life more than the heaven.

Meeting a woman, who looked vitamins to his seductive eyes. It compelled

Huxley, rich and had a special interest to Anne, no matter how old he is, yet
his love is still young exclusively for him. Sometimes, he kept on asking himself
why his love looked like a diamond for her, why didn’t he show that he was
a young. To that, Huxley never want Anne to leave his company, he bought
car and sent her in the University where she could study, he didn’t let her
know about his intention, but he will marry after her graduation.

A beautiful morning, Anne excited to start her college day, she drove her
car to the school where she would start her new environment. It’s so
awesome a day, when she met her congenial classmates, she looked
forward to meet the man, who may help him to forget Lawrence from her

It’s too late enrolling his name, due to much confusion if Lawrence would
continue his studies, though he had a big opportunity since he graduated
a valedictorian and had much money. However, studying without the
woman whom he trusted and expected to be his inspiration is indeed
A rainy afternoon, Anne had a hurt ache after her professor was not
satisfied to her report. Although she gave her best what she could, yet it led
to frustration. So, she went to the library where she could take time to study.
Here, she spent her serious moments to reflect and discover more ways to
be competent enough. Can’t deny, she fell down her tears to the page
while she read her book.
A charming man sincerely approached her, what she thought, the girl had
a problem,” can I sit here beside you?” soft voice, he asked.
Hearing such a soft voice, it controlled Anne’s tears to fall, so she slightly
stared at him, it enticed her heart and cell,” you are, Lawrence!” It jumped
her nerves to know that Lawrence was also part in the University.
Smiling face,” did you forget me, Anne?”
Twinkled an eye,” nope, I feel over the moon to meet you here,” she said.
“I don’t want you to be dejected,” he said.
Then, Anne showed her smile to the man whom she got surprised. That day,
she couldn’t describe how blissful her life is. While Mitch knew Lawrence
and Anne had connected, so she let Huxley, her cousin knew about it. She
wanted Huxley to rape Anne, so that she could tempt Lawrence.
Though Mitch and Lawrence were classmates, so she gave best to her
studies, just to be admired by him.
That night, Anne got busy to take video call with Lawrence, to connect with
him as a special friend to her heart. Unknowingly, Huxley observed what she
did, a sharp eye held her,” is he your boyfriend?”
Hesitated face,” hmm,” then,” why?”
“Don’t spend your time with him, focus your goal,” Huxley said. That time,
Lawrence wanted to know why the guy had controlled Anne’s actions.
Sometimes Anne got shocked why Huxley looked enraged at her, when she
spoke with Lawrence. In the University, she always shared her experience
with Huxley, who supported to her studies, though her life was awesome like
a rich, but her inner heart was not healthy. Despite that, Lawrence never
left her, even Anne had a problem to her lesson which made her confused
or without any knowledge about it. Lawrence offered himself to answer her
assignment and let her get ready to the class.
Most of her professors got amazed what Anne excellently performed in the
University. Without knowing that, Lawrence made it just to help Anne to
After their classes, Lawrence spent his journey with Anne to the place where
they could eat and enjoy. Such a time, Lawrence craved to reveal his
interest to her.
The lights have turned off when Lawrence deeply hit his eyebrow to her. It’s
so cool to live this place, so Anne squeezed her cell. Due to much dim,
Anne allowed the guy to hug at her shoulder, it’s so hot being attached by
his hands. It seemed like her tantalizing appearance may turn to heaven.
A whispered, “can I hug you?”
It's easy to decline but her mind and heart did not what to reveal that for
him. That night, she will accept what Lawrence did to her, if ever the time
is their perfect timing.
“It’s so heavy to carry my feelings, it’s the time to reveal it,” he said.
“How long is it? Maybe I can.”
“To hug you is so compelling and tantalizing, do I have a place in your
heart,” he asked.
“Lawrence? I can’t comprehend what you were trying to tell,” she said.
“I found the best quality in you. I have been searching the enticing image
to the moon, luckily you were the best woman in my heart,” he said.
“I am cheerfully accepted your feelings, to be part in your heart is more
than millions of nights to hug at your tempting body,” she said.
Meanwhile the phone annoyingly yelled, so Anne answered it, an angry
voice,” Anne, why didn’t you go back to my mansion? Go home now,”
Huxley said.
That time, Anne hurled her mind to imagine Huxley’s voice,” don’t worry,“
Lawrence said.
In the mansion, Huxley thought Anne bonded with Lawrence, it was the
reason why his blood came up to his upper cell. He promised himself once
he will know Anne’s lover, he would put Anne to the room where he could
he live with her than to allow the woman to engage with someone else,
except him.
Chapter 2 enticing night with her
The nerves ceased to dance when Lawrence softly heard,” I am okay now,
don’t feel terrible about me,” so, he began to take his sleep than to cast
back Anne’s situation.
Being confronted with Huxley about her life, its indeed quagmire. The fact
that she attempted to lie, but her heart can’t do. To her situation, Anne
craved to depart the mansion, it’s better to live a simple life than someone
will hold her. That night, Anne’s phone has left on the balcony where Huxley
stayed in. Here, the phone loudly rang, so Huxley answered the call with
soft voice,” hello, this is Anne’s brother, how may I help you?” he pretended
to be brother.
A whispered,” this is Lawrence, Anne’s savior,” he said.
Nerd,” savior for what?” he asked.
Soft voice,” I am her forever secret admirer,” he said.
Due to such a painful word, Huxley made up his mind to drop the call not
to be heard again. So far, his cell and nerves got withered to reflect about
it. He has been spending much money for her, so he never wanted his heart
to let someone went out from his life.
A beautiful morning, Anne bravely faced Huxley about her decision. Her
poise made Huxley had a bundle of nerves to speak with,” sir, I wouldn’t
continue my studies, I am contented what I have now,” she said.
Twinkled face,” what? You would leave me,” he asked angrily. Then, he
softly uttered,” I have been investing thousands of dollars for you, so don’t
leave my mansion,” he said.
“I am so grateful what you did to me, but it’s time to stand my feet,” she
Nerd face,” sorry, you could never leave here,” then, Huxley called James
to carry Anne to his room.
Countless nights falling down Anne’s tears while living her new life. She
never met Huxley, who may receive her slap what he did to her. That time,
Huxley prepared himself to be so sweet for her. He schemed to visit Anne
to the room where he may own her life.
The more to cast back Anne’s image, the more Lawrence craved to end
his studies, it’s been a week since he never met her in the University. Every
night, Lawrence had a worst dream about her. It affects to his focus, since
his mind kept on looking forward to her.
Sometime Mitch noticed how dreadful his life is, what she finally thought,
the woman whom he loved had gone. That time, she let him know that
Anne can be found on the island. So, she aspires to meet her again. In
reality, it’s just a lie, what she wants to meet, of course an undying love.
Such a night, Mitch happily met him to a tempting place, she craved to
happen what she has been planning for. Staying at night with her, it might
make Lawrence’s heart shocked since he never met Anne anymore.
Alongside to her, Mitch uttered to him,” let me here now, you may wait for
Anne’s presence, she’s about to come.” That night, Lawrence had a fever
pitch to meet Anne, just to comfort her.
A star swallowed its light to the water, so the dim took over the lights.
Meanwhile, a seductive shadow clutched at Lawrence’s chest, it may
tempt him to hug at her,” nice to meet you, Anne, it’s been several months
for not seeing you,” he said.
Hmm,” me too,” then,
“I love you, Anne,” Lawrence said. Then, he kissed her much, it’s so cool
like the French fries.
“I love you more Lawrence,” she said.
So hot their hands gripping together, it’s the main reason why both of them
decided to proceed the cool place where they can take their journey.
However, the lovely girl never wanted to be not successful to her plan. So,
she tempted the guy till Lawrence took it. That night, Lawrence felt so
blessed after taking her life, he had a bounced off his hands to marry her.
While the fetching girl had a bundle of nerves what might be Lawrence’s
A lovely sun appeared in the sky, so Lawrence feverish to open his eyes, to
kiss his sweet girlfriend. However, what he found is, Mitch who sleep beside
him, his nerves wrenched to know about the reality. He got enraged to
reveal what he experienced from her, he didn’t want to take any
responsibilities. But Mitch would let their professors and classmates know
about what Lawrence did, including her family.
It took thirty nights when Anne never ate food, what she always showed
was, to fall down her tears, even if Huxley will abuse her, she would be
happy, so that she may end her life. Can’t deny, Huxley felt pity to her, so
he made up his mind to give freedom for her.
Huxley never allowed Anne to go back her studies, he only let her to work
as a manager to his hotel. To that offer, Anne declined it but Huxley would
get 1 trillion dollars that he had paid for her stepmother. It’s better to follow
her heart to find for Lawrence, but the guy completely gripped at her.
Will Lawrence and Anne meet and answered their inner dreams?

Chapter 3 A fascinating night

So huge the storm fell down on Lawrence's life, his mind got perplexed on
how he could stay away from Mitch who accidentally got his cloying heart.
He has been wishing to leave the city, just to forget what she did to Mitch,
but he’s a graduating student in the University.

It took a hundred nights, Mitch eventually declared about her pregnancy.

She had a fever pitch to let Lawrence know, including her parents.
Lawrence continued his studies no matter how terrible his life was. That day,
Mitch brought her boyfriend to the room, otherwise she would let the
professors know what Lawrence did to her.

Whether Lawrence declined it, but Mitch’s family forced him to take any
responsibilities to their daughter. To that, Lawrence couldn’t skip anymore,
especially the girl was already pregnant, despite he never stopped his
studies, though his life so ennui without Anne, who served as his star in the
campus. He has been wishing to meet her for a night, just to reveal his
arduous situation. However, Anne stopped her studies due to an intricate

That night, Anne lived with Huxley’s hands, she actually hankered to leave
from his life, but Huxley never allowed her, unless Anne would accept his
marriage proposal. Otherwise, he would put her over his hands which can’t
be touched by anyone, except him.

It took uncountable nights to fall down Lawrence’s tears about his situation
with Mitch, who made his life terrible. Despite that, he never proved himself
to be the top-notcher in the University, indeed his professors felicitated him
as a flying color. His gleaming heart was amazed by what he heard from

That night, Mitch felt happy as Larry congratulated him, but Lawrence
never felt the same, what he wanted to greet him, of course the woman
who acted stars to his tantalizing heart.

It’s already 1:00 am, Lawrence never went back to the mansion, instead he
spent his time on the charming island where he could meet his friends. While
Anne attended her batchmates on that island, to take their celebrations,
even if she didn’t graduate this year.

It took nine hours to wait for them, but she accidentally beheld the
seductive man, who insanely touched his arms, a soft voice,” it seems
familiar to look at you.” Then, a lovely star lit the lights between their hearts.

So cheered,” I feel over the moon to meet you, Anne,” Lawrence said.
Once he would look at her, the more to fall in love with her. It’s the perfect
time to let the cat out of the bag, what Lawrence had faced in life. Having
such an experience, it may fall down at Anne’s heart into the snow. Such a
time, Lawrence kissed and hug at her, it wouldn’t be deleted from his heart
the moment thy did, despite Lawrence’s situation, he kept on longing to
carry her over the moon, till the end of the world, while once Anne lived at
his heart, it seemed like she already met the impeccable person who is
forever love in life.

Chapter 4- Ending

The time Lawrence found his baby after Mitch delivered their first child. A
heart twinkled to create one family, nevertheless his heart can’t be deleted
his undying feelings for Anne, who never faded to his way wherever he
stared at. With his situation, Mitch deeply sees it, but her love can’t be
thrown to the other guy, except him. To live with him, it’s indeed an
unblemished life which can’t be experienced to anyone, except her.

While Huxley found how dreadful Anne’s her day is, to live with him. Can’t
deny, he almost gave his love to her, but the lovely star couldn’t help him
to convince her. The more to pursue her shining heart, the more to feel hurt,
since Anne wouldn’t recognize him anymore, so he made up his mind to
give hundred nights to stay away from him.

It would be so grateful to hear Huxley’s decision, despite their mismatch’s

heart, yet Anne is forever blessed to have him. To saunter her journey, is to
search for the brightest night, the time she finally met Lawrence, who
romantically hugged her. It was so romantic to be held at his hands,
however Anne respected him, since the handsome man already had a
family. Now on, she remained single in front of the stars, but she’s forever
married at Lawrence’s heart, indeed wherever she stared at him, her eyes
could view and feel how unblemished to absolutely cross their heart is.

Though Anne remained single yet her heart had been heading over the
heels exclusively for him,” to love you, it remains indelible to me,” then, a
dazzling light hugged at her,” to love you more, Anne till the end of my life
is the best gift ever in life.” Then, the sunrise emerged in the sky where Anne
looked enchanting in Lawrence’s eyes, no matter what his situation was,
but his silver heart would remain exclusive for her.

To Lawrence,

So tough trudging the thorny way where I can pass by without your elegant
appearance. But to perceive your precious heart, it would transform my life
into a shining star.

Interactive story
What is interactive story?
It’s a form of fiction which has played the characters through engaging
their feelings through interaction. To understand the essence of interactive
story, I urge you read the entire text of my story, I have been making it for
“Unblemished Night to Meet Beside the Aisle”

So down in the dumps to live the place where the man had broken the
heart without enough reason. For you, nobody can love you, except him.
Looking back, everything that you give, just to retain by his side. However,
the man had passed away in the hotel, every romantic moment that he
had experienced with you, was indeed an unending memory. With him, she
couldn’t move on with her life, except if the man whom she loved more
than herself may meet her for the last beside the aisle.

Who is she?

Her name is Eden, clever and rich girl who undyingly gave her silver heart
to Lance, who shared his tantalizing exclusive heart to her. Clutching the
diamond heart to him, it would have given am impeccable inspiration and
love which couldn’t be found to anyone.

Sometimes, she craved to talk with the stars, why the man whom she loved
very much had gone to his melancholy heart. It indeed affected her
studies, since she couldn’t focus on it. With that situation, she felt forlorn if
she mightn’t have graduated as flying colours in the University. Couldn’t
deny, that’s what she had been promised to Lance since they started their
relationship, her romantic and handsome boyfriend ever.

One shining night, Eden went to the Samal island where she found her
romantic man. To saunter the way, she eventually heard Lance’s voice,
including the shadow which kept on staring at her,” hey, I am still with you.”
Though it’s just a fantasy, yet Eden hunkered to touch the shadow. The
more she gazed at him, it’s not her intention to get tempted staring at his
enticing eyes. With him, she eventually forgot her painful experience.

In between their ways, the dimmed began clutching, thus the lovely girl
viewed at him. A heart quaked perceiving at the man’s eyes which
touched her heart again, it led to intertwined her heart with him. Meanwhile
the tempting shadow began to approach her.

Lance: (twinkle lights with the soft voice) to meet you tonight, like to meet
my dreams. Can you still recognize me, Eden?
Edina: (giggle face) of course, the eyes twinkle to gaze at you. It’s
wonderful to decry, you never leave me, even if you were physically gone.
Looking in the mirror, you have been promised sometime to hold me
wherever you would go.

Lance: (serious face) it’s so distinctive to treat you as my dreams in life.

Though I have been faded for almost a year in the world, my love is still
alive exclusively for you.

Edin: (laugh) it’s so sweet to hear your words, but I might be dying if I
couldn’t meet you again.

Lance: (romantic hands) let me clutch your arms, holding you is the
unending promise, I can pledge to do this for you. Put it into your mind, to
meet you tonight is the romantic night I can give it for.

Edin: (can’t understand her feelings) can you please go back to your
original life? I feel forlorn if I couldn’t glimpse at you. As I had disclosed, you
were the reason why I feel chuffed, no matter what the storm I had
experienced in life.

Lance: (romantic voice) let me drenched you till the end of this world.

So, the lovely sun appeared in the sky, instead of hugging the man who
came back to her life. However, the shadow faded to her eyes, what the
clouds told her, Lance kicked the bucket, so he would no longer went back
the square one to her life.

Though it squeezed Eden’s heart, the enchanting heart couldn’t bury the
sweet moments that Lance had shared for her.

To Lance,

Can’t deny, my mind insanely slipped back how incredible your heart is.
My eyes couldn’t gaze at you anymore, but letting you know that you were
still my best man ever in life. Indeed, I never shifted to the shimmering way
without you.

To Eden,
Though you could never behold my appearance, cast back you were the
princess to my glittering heart. To end my message, let’s meet sometime
above the star where we can share the unending love.

Chat story
It’s a form of short story where the characters perform the plots through
chat. To know the flow of chat story, I invite you reading the story, I made
for you.

Return the Phone, Share the Feelings

It’s an indelible time when you have seen the man, who looks so handsome
and the best basketball player in the University. Instead of engaging
yourself in the sports since it’s an intramural day, your body declined. What
you have been enjoying is that, you witness how talented the man is. Can’t
deny, your eyes got addicted to gaze at his talent and appearance, and
most of the time considered him as your dream man in life. You have been
dreaming to acquaint yourself with him since you started your class in the
University. However, you feel so clumsy to talk with him.

Her name is Jessy, an exquisite and top performing student in the University,
due to her under the counter feelings for the handsome man, who looks
star to her way. Indeed, it’s already night till the game has ended, though
everything looks dim, yet Jessy’s eyes could glimpse at how seductive the
guy is.

It is so cool the night when Jessy gazes at Ron, who becomes the top
basketball player in the University, it’s the impeccable time to warm his
hands. Nevertheless, she feels bashed to utter her warm words to him, every
time many girls shake Ron’s hands. Can’t deny, Jessy felt a green-eyed
monster staring at them. So, she went to the room where Ron had put his
things. She will wait for him till the end of this night.

It took more than half a night but Ron never got his things. So, Jessy went to
the green ground where Ron had played with his co-player. Here, it would
surprise her the loud voice which kept on ringing, the more to listen to the
song, the more to cast back Ron’s appearance which entered to her silver

When Jessy’s feet turned at the right side, she unexpectedly found a
phone. It’s the most expensive phone ever, viewing its side, her mind
slipped back at Ron’s image. Her hands were unintentionally carrying the
phone, holding the parts, it seemed like she touched Ron's tantalizing

That time, Ron, a handsome and clever student, finally arrived at home.
She has been enjoying his life for almost six hours with his friends. He
immediately took his sleep to the cool bed, after an hour, too loud knocking
on the door. It would mumble Ron’s ears. So, she woke up and opened the
door, a soft voice,” my son, please take your breakfast now.” And then, he
let his mommy know that he wanted to continue taking his sleep on the
bed. While lying down on his cool bed, he realized that he missed his phone
somewhere. So, he stood up and looked for it, but he never found it in the

So, he alternatively used his other phone to call it, but the phone kept on
ringing. That time, Jessy heartedly craved to answer the call, so she started
to send some messages.

Jessy: (anxious) hi sir, nice to meet you.

Ron: (worried) who are you? Please answer my call.

Jessy: (trembled her nerves): I am sorry, I can’t do that for now. Can we
chat with one another?

Ron: (enraged): nope, I want to use that playing the online game.

Jessy: (laugh) :I know how to play, can we play together?

Ron: (mad face) your mind is stubborn, please stop chatting with me.

Jessy (giggle): oh! Don’t tell me that.

Ron (so furious) stopped, chatting on my phone, bye!

It’s time to contemplate the man, who had a bundle of nerves on you.
Having such a situation, Jessy craved to return the phone, just to clear up
her mind. Before she went to the University, she put her phone under the

In the university, the administrators have informed the students who found
Ron’s phone, the owner is madly waiting for it. That time, Jessy was
astonished that she sent messages to him. She actually craved to return the
phone, but her hidden feelings had been attached to it.

Every time Jessy found the alluring man, who twinkled his sweet eyes on the
way, she craved to reveal it for him, but her heart shook like a leaf. That
time, Ron twinkled his golden eyes when she gazed at the fetching woman,
it seemed like the phone can be found to her scintillating heart.

A countless night contemplating about Jessy did to the ravishing guy, she
actually craved to return the phone, but she felt scared if the students
would consider her as a stealer. Meanwhile, the phone is loudly ringing,
even if she already turned off the phone. To end her trembling nerves, her
hands were sending lovely messages to him.

Jessy (cool emotion): letting you know about my words is indeed the best
time to chat with you. I have been thinking for a million times, to return this
phone for you, yet I feel shy to meet you, it’s just there’s a personal reason
why I feel awkward to stare at you.

Ron (chuffed): Knowing that you have found my phone is indeed incredible
news to me. Would you please meet me somewhere? I pledge to make
you comfortable and chuffed to speak with me.

Jessy (cheerful): It’s so nice to hear your offer, but I feel shy to gaze at you
for personal reasons. If I would have met you, I can’t describe my feelings
to mold at.

Ron (astonished) I respect your reason, but why are you getting scared at

Jessy (serious) I am so sorry, I couldn’t reveal that for you, once everything
is fine, maybe that’s the time.
Ron (wonder) I don’t understand you.

Jessy (serious mood): Letting you know, it may squeeze your enticing heart.

Ron (glad): My heart bounces off to perceive it dear. Wish to meet you
someday, to receive my phone.

That time, Jessy wondered if the phone converted into a feeling for him,
she would be willing to return it, to let him know how touching this guy is.

Jessy: Don’t worry, I will do that, make sure, you will notice me beside the
shining star.

Twilight enclosed to the sky, Jessy accidentally answered the call,” hello,
this is Jessy. May I know who is speaking on the phone?

So soft voice,” my name is Ron,” can you please return my phone?" Then,
the phone was immediately cut.

Ron: Hey, would you please answer the call again?

Jessy: Let us chat now, no need to talk with you over the phone. (Everything
looks so dim in the University, even if some lights have turned on.)

Ron: Where are you now? I have been waiting for that, like how I am waiting
for my destined girlfriend.

Jessy: Look at the right side please.

Ron (astonished): Is this you, Jessy? (His eye-popping eyes twinkled at her,
then, his heart unintentionally liked her face and eyebrow like the tempting

Jessy: Yes dear, (looking at the man, it trembles her eyes, since she finally
met him in person.) Let me turn my phone for you.

Ron: (laugh) Yehey! Thanks a lot, Jessy, this phone serves as my partner in
life. (Then, she shook at his hot hands which reached to her heart.)

Though the phone has been returned to the owner, her feelings are still
apart from the heart which can be touched by Ron’s eyes. While Ron felt
chuffed receiving his phone, he always asked himself why Jessy’s image is
still indelible to his mind, sometimes he craved to meet her somewhere to
explain what he romantically dreamy about her life.

Dear Jessy,

Seeing the phone seems like a shining star where I can view your
appearance. Letting you know, I have been spending countless nights
contemplating what you had told me before. I realize you were part of my
heart. So bouncing off my eyes to meet, to share my admiration for you.

Dear Ron,

Being the sender of your message through chat, it’s my pleasure to

appreciate what you have found to me. And thank you for letting me know
that you want to share something with me.

That night, Ron couldn’t wait to meet her sometime, so he spent his time
sharing his hot feelings with the woman, who accidentally came into his life.
Though it’s just a message, both of them were connecting their apple
hearts. Jessy fell over the moon after receiving Ron’s response. She didn’t
expect her dreams to happen in life, it’s indeed an incredible experience.
On the other hand, Ron pledged to clutch his heart to the woman, what he
always thought, her feelings for her are indelible, even if the storm can’t
erase the beautiful sunrise.

It’s an art which contains lines and rhymes. The author paints the story to
the readers through poetic lines. Today, I invite you reading my poetry, I
made for you.

The Sunrise Should Never Fade

A day is incomplete without glancing the glowing star
My eyes are madly waiting for the bronze car
Wherever I gaze at, my window is always bewitching your elegant

I swear to stay the balcony, to definitely qualifies

Every night, my heart feels like a dead
I blink my glistening eyes, astonishingly, you have scattered the

My nose whiffed how delicious like French fries

The pearly star longed to try, indeed its heart arise
The night entombed the whole universe
My heart metamorphose blood like the dirty dress
Too glistened spreading the west
It followed a gloom is identical with honeybee
Cloying wind clutching my arms together unblemished sunrise

Every hour, I feel chuffed sighting the twinkle ice

Every minute, I got freeze with your romantic hands
I sometimes unseen your shimmering can
Anyway, the sunrise may never be gone
Indeed, your apple eyes make my day shone

It’s a form of literature which contains remarkable moments that can’t
be forgotten, due to its intense feelings, which has been shared by
somebody else, since then.

Farewell to You, My Honeybee

First (POV) (MEMOIRS) Written by Ariel Cabasag
The moments that I glimpse at the mirror, a lovely image has displayed
which made me insane. The more to cast back the invisible image, the
more to gravitate my feelings for you, the more to decry the crystal
connotation of your heart. Sometimes I can behold the dimmed which
made me feel downcast to imagine, how enticing my love is.
A night to carry you above the spring, a night to create more meaningful
moments with you. Being gripped by your hot feelings, it wouldn’t die till the
world remained alive. Though you were just a simple island, yet you were
the reason why everything came to be. Tonight, is the dazzling time to
mingle our glittering hearts.
Dating with you on the waterfalls, like how my love never ends to fall with
you. It’s indeed the saccharine moments to have a you in my life. Without
meeting you tonight, it made my feelings withered like the thorny sand.
Everything that I can imagine below the falls, is my unending feelings which
never ends.
An unforgettable time when someone sits beside you where the spring and
sun gazed both of you. The time when the spring and star ravishingly stared
at them, the more to make their nights meaningful and forever alive on their
undying memory.
So, rhyming words uttered by the lovely man,
“Let me hold your hands like a bee
Everything that I behold at you is like an impeccable sea
Indeed, the world makes me into a king
Looking at your eyes, it transforms me into an undying ring”
“It’s indeed the captivating lines attached my arms
Crossing the lines, makes me into a crystal canned
Where you can haunt the hot pan
Every time to hold by your enticing eyes, a hot feeling bravely alarm. “

It’s an indeed time to cross the glittering hearts, being attached by your
arms. The sweet moments remained indelible to my life. However, the
woman whom I love very much had faded to my eyes, shouting loudly
wouldn’t aid to call. Can’t understand how to search for her diamond heart
which would make me insane till the end. It’s been thousand nights to seek
her, however the lovely eyes can’t be found, except the awesome
memories which would help me to stand in front of you.

Dear Xen,
Living my life with you is indeed marvelous
Being attached my heart with you remained fabulous
Wherever you are, my hot love is still with you, baby
Loving you from the heart, it’s indeed hard to be away, lady.

It’s a form of story where the animals acted as characters in the story. In
addition to that, the story contains moral of the story.
Dog Never Lie
Living with the peaceful kingdom where Zebra acted as king, he’s actually
kind, clever, and generous to all of his companions. With his good
leadership, all of the animals really loved to work with him, sometime Zebra
secretly showed his love to the dog, who might change his mood, if ever
the Zebra feel dejected to his day. To that, he kept on giving delicious food
and give a nice room where the dog would take his sleep either day and
Every time, the dog stayed with the king, his heart warmed up upon viewing
at him. Similar with the other animals like snake, bird, and cats who were
getting enraged their teeth as they could glance how good the Zebra is,
to treat with the dog.
One night, the Zebra heartily invited the dog to take their vacation to the
other kingdom, it’s terrible to perceive the other animals, since they weren’t
included to the list, though they had a good impression with the king, but it
turned into a salt. Staying in the kingdom, snake and birds starved to eat
food, imagine it’s been ten days since the king and dog were not around.
It was the time to did their brick if they would still stay in the kingdom, since
they don’t have foods to take, their stomach might be broken due to such
an experience.
A bountiful morning, Zebra and dog went back to the kingdom where the
birds and snakes were bawling. Hearing their feelings, it squeezed the king’s
heart, so he let the dogs to give food for them, but the snake did not like
take, even if the dog gave a delicious food for him.
Never letting the king knew what happened to snake who declined the
food. What the dog thought, it might cause chaos, so he went back to his
room to take his nap. While the Zebra quickly already took his sleep.
It’s a noiseless night to trudged on the way, the snake craved to eat the
king, just to fill up the invisible wind to his stomach. Though it against to his
intention yet his mind pulled him to dribble the meat into his mouth.
Knocking the door, it was loudly arrived at the dog’s ears, so he quickly
stood up, what he found a snake was already pulled the door. That time,
the snake bravely cracked the zebra’s body while sleeping on the bed.
An eye largely saw him, then his feet attempted to pull the snake with a
loud voice,” why do you do that to me?” then, the snake loudly laughed,”
I feel starved in you, I can’t do anything, except to eat you.”
Though the Zebra what he has been doing to his companion, but the snake
finally sliced the meats. That time, the birds and dogs were getting
befuddled based on what they smelled. So, they went to the king’s room,
what the dog has found, the snake began to eat the meat.
Aw,” hey, aw, hey, aw,” dog said.
Hymm,” don’t pull me, otherwise I would take your body,” the snake said.
Then, the snake further informed him, once the dog would spread the news,
the snake would eat the dog sometime.
Before the dogs started to leave, the cats (Pulis officer) bravely came, while
the silver eyes looked around the entire kingdom. To begin the
investigation, the cats asked the dogs about it.
It’s a feeling befuddle if the mouth would utter the truth or not, especially
the snake bravely stared at him. The time to gaze at him, the moment to
cast back,” I will assassinate you sometime once you would disclose the
truth,” the cats had an up in arms to wait their responses,” if you wouldn’t
told me, you would be included to stay in the prison,” cats said.
In a loud voice,” the snake killed the king,” dog said.
Then, the snake showed his angry eyes at him.
The more to see it, the more the dog uttered the truth,” the snake has
indeed killed the Zebra.” Then, he would let the snake know in a brave
way,” no matter what you do to me, I feel chuffed to accept that, at least
I have a true color.”
The cats brought the snakes to the prison where he would stay till the end
of his life. Now on, the snake realized about his mistake, not to take the
action if he got angry. While the dog has given a gift to the cats, and being
appreciated by the other animals in the kingdom. Now, the animals have
chosen the dog as their another king, who would rule the kingdom. By his
leadership, all of the animals have treated in a good way, not only that but
also, the dog never stopped to give unending happiness to all of his
companion. For them, a new kingdom, a new place where they can find
their true happiness.
Moral of the story:
Learn to decide wisely before taking an action, avoid experiencing a
regretful feeling.
A form of story where the characters acted the different beliefs or
superstitious beliefs in the specific setting of the story.

Legend of Bamboo; Love Perfectly found

Living with full of hurt ache and sad life, it might erase the dreams in life, no
matter what the shining the light is. Indeed, the storm threatened the life of
Mhela Ella, a 21 years old woman, who had an interest to finish her studies
in the University. The time when her family the truth that she wasn’t the
daughter, but adopted girl since the family couldn’t produce their children.
The time the family had produced many daughters, it’s the moment when
then they never valued her presence anymore.

It's so dreadful to live the place where the family never treated her well. So,
she went to her friends, who were good to her before, the images turned
like a lion who craved to eat her, indeed they hadn’t allowed her to join
with them in the University. It was painful experience when thy never
accepted her.

One rainy night, Mheke Ella quickly ran away to the darkest storm, but the
wind pulled her body back to the dimmed house where she has been living
with them. Her curly eyes never craved to gaze at them again, she craved
to end up her life than to behold and heard their lion words.

While the strong wind pulled hugged at her shoulder, a brightest light
clutched at her arms. The moment to be touched by the dazzling sun, the
moment to feel how precious her life is. However, her body transformed into
a bamboo which danced when the wind passed by. It’s a incredible
moment when the bamboo has experienced it, so far the painful heart and
heart had eventually gone.

To stay in the city is indeed marvelous, especially the rich man and had a
good profession as a medical doctor. Nobody would like to leave it, but
when Kher, a 24 years old man who lived with an affluent life, he never
been experienced a dreadful life, since his life has started, except the
painful and stress that she had from his patients in the hospital. So, he made
up his mind to visit the charming land where he could live comfortably with
a piece of mind.

A night filled with uncountable stars emerged in the sky, it enticed by Dr.
Kher’s eyes to take his tour, the moment his eyes gazed at the bamboo, the
moment to feel more than pleased to gaze at it. Looking at the bamboo,
it touched his enticing heart which can be clutched by the lovely girl who
can create a memory to his heart.

By highlight the lovely star, the more to view the bamboo, the more to hang
up his heart, he craved to explain the reason why, he couldn’t expound
why he abnormally got insane to the tree. It took nine times of not breathing
well, due to his crazy admiration to the tree. His parents pulled him to go
back his profession and business in the city, but his heart took a magnet, it’s
easy to follow the direction of his mommy, but drenching the eyes at the
bamboo, the heart wouldn’t breathe well.

It took uncountable nights to visit the bamboo, just to know, why he liked
bamboo the most. Being attached by the bough’s movement, the
moment he admired more than the hot feelings. With that, he endlessly
held at the bamboo till the end of the night, but he had a problem to
breathe, otherwise his hands may fall down to the ground. To end up his
crazy feelings to the bamboo, he pushed the sword to the bamboo, it leads
to fall down beside his arms. A dazzling light bonked at them, the boughs
transformed into a fetching girl, who lay down at his seductive chest.

So chuffed beholding at her,” what a lovely girl you are!”

An eye got insane to gaze at his tempting face,” do you know me? I feel
shy to touch at your enticing arms,” Mheka Ella said.
A soft voice,” it’s not my intention to carry you, letting you know, you have
been appeared to my heart since the world began,” he said.
A face fell down upon casting back to her background in life. So Mheka
Ella cried in front of the lovely man. She let him that, it’s better to leave
alone than to be hurt by someone else. Meanwhile, she fell down her dry
tears on the ground, no matter what her experience is, the lovely man
wiped her tears, the more to know her terrible background, the more to fall
in love with her.

A romantic hand completely gripped at her, while the enchanting eyes

stared at her,” I can accept no matter what your background is! You have
been touching my eyes since I was gazing at the bamboo, it’s indeed an
incredible time, to meet you.”

Giggle beneath the face,” thank you for your acceptance,” Mheka Ella
said. Then, her feet were about to run, but Dr. Kher sincerely held her hands,”
I can make your life worthy and meaningful, so please stay in my heart.”

It’s not the intention to romantically show the smile in him, then her mouth
uttered,” yes, I can accept you, but do follow your promise,” she softly said.
It was gladly heard and carried by Kher’s heart; meanwhile the king
cheerfully saw their situation. So, he offered himself to give the Nile Kingdom
where they could give their unending love to each other. A feeling that
can’t be given to anyone, except him.

Living with the dimmed kingdom, it’s the best moment when Kurt gave his
precious night with her. It was an indeed marvelous moment living with the
fetching whom he loved very much, he always assured himself to make
Mheka’s life fantastic till the end of their lives.
It’s a type of literature which focuses on facts and events. Like for example
Essay is an example academic writing. It focuses on the serious topics,
which further to expand or develop.

There are many types of essay:

a. Descriptive essay
b. Analytical essay
c. Narrative essay
d. Persuasive essay
Let me share with you an example of persuasive essay.
Employees Should Welcome the Diverse Cultures in the Workplace
Written by: Ariel C. Cabasag

Living in a place where somebody doesn’t feel the warm hands. No matter how stunning
the water or the place is. Still, somebody has less motivation to showcase his/her potential
due to some cultural barriers. Allowing the glimmered hearts and hands to accept the
other's cultural background is indeed salient to poster positive relationships to one
another, no matter what the internal color his/her life. I agree that, being welcome, the feet
have a zealous on the door, which leads to a harmonious place. That would carry the
different hands, to work together in the palace.

Do we need to embrace other cultures in the workplace?

Being the door to the different cultures around the globe, is valuable in the workplace.
Knowing the fact, culture is diverse, should need to be appreciated. No matter what your
color is. By taking this consideration, it would have helped the employees to value
themselves, along with their jobs in the company. Though there’s ups and down, still the
employees could have performed their jobs satisfactorily, since they could interconnect
with the others. If ever someone is badly needed a help from someone else.

For instance, Mr. Ariel is working at Cambridge University where everyone has different
cultural perspectives and beliefs. Couldn’t deny, his culture is accepted no matter what. In
the workplace, he could build his bridge with them, since everyone is indeed open to him.
In addition to that, Ariel would embrace the other cultures, to view the different
interpretations. By allowing the hearts and minds to bridge their beliefs or cultures. This
would help them to make a better place for one other.
On the other hand, Mr. Ariel is being judged for his beliefs or background without knowing
about his side. Though he is willing to appreciate or view the good side of others, still not
being understood by his cultures. Perhaps Ariel would build his communication gap to the
other employees, which led to misunderstanding. Like he doesn’t want to boast his talents
and grow due to the different judgements which might have destroyed himself. But if the
others are open about his background. He would eventually build self-esteem and positive
relationships with one another.

Based on the two mentioned examples, Mr. Ariel had a problem with his colleagues, once
the others didn’t behold the optimistic side to his culture. Letting the readers know,
everyone is longing to be welcomed and appreciated about their cultures. Like the first
example, Ariel was being welcomed to the employees, which led to positive relation to one
another in the workplace.

Embracing the diverse cultures, it would help the employees to be well-rounded in their
minds, thinking about the different spheres of the world. In addition to that, carrying the
different cultures like accent, dialects, facial expressions, religion, perspectives, and more.
This might have shaped the different personalities and characters to be respectful, flexible,
and open-minded to lings.

Around the globe, everyone has different perspectives or beliefs which couldn’t be
discriminated against, no matter how ugly to the eyes of others. Like in the workplace, it’s
imperative to pull the hands which may have helped the employees to create a better place
where everyone should be gripped in their arms. And lived harmoniously to the million
eyes where everybody is being drenched in their door. That would forever cast along the
way, where the sweetest bees clutched to each of them.

It is a form of writing composition which normally aims to send the message to
the receiver.
There are many types of letters either personal or business letters. Like for
Business letters
Application letter
Recommendation letter
Informative letter
Claim Letter
Inquiry Letter
Letter of Approval

Like for example letter of recommendation

Recommendation Letter
Lanang, Davao City, 8000
Davao del Sur, Philippines

28 March 2024


Company Manager

Yell’s Company
Makati City, Manila 1764

Dear, Sir Cabasag:

I am writing this letter to highly recommend Mr. Joseph, who has been
working for five years at British Airways. After checking your website, you
were hiring for manager’s position, perhaps he’s indeed qualified for the
position, due to his talents and effective communication skills. Further he
graduated as Suma Cumlaudi at Ateneo de Davao University.
I understand the process and qualifications which you have been
posted on your website. Being acquainted with him, have noticed his
potential in speaking and managing the employees, which merely needed
to consider. In addition to that, he has been one of the top managers in
the company, I was amazed by his capability. Being part of his team, I can
attest his capability, he is deserved enough for this position.
For April 2024, he will be staying in Makati City, closing attach at the
vacant position. I highly recommend him for this job position. Thank for
considering his potential. I look forward to hearing something from you in
the future.


HR Manager
ABC Company
123 Davao City, 8000

While personal letters such as love letter, excuse letter, appreciation,

apology, and admiration letter.

News Writing
It is form writing composition which contains five WH Questions. It narrates
the facts or events clearly.
Science Writing
It is a form of writing composition which focuses on scientific methods and

Reading the literary work is the best way, to find pleasure which can’t be
found to anywhere. In addition to that, reading the story helps us to make
the emotions active, and enhance the critical thinking skills. By engaging
the different forms of literature, this would have helped the readers, to
appreciate the true meaning of beauty, which can be found in the sea.

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