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Struggling with writing a thesis on the complexities of prison overcrowding? You're not alone.

Crafting a comprehensive research paper on such a critical topic demands extensive knowledge,
thorough research, and impeccable writing skills. From gathering relevant data to analyzing statistics
and presenting compelling arguments, the process can be daunting and time-consuming.

Understanding the multifaceted issues surrounding prison overcrowding requires in-depth research
and critical analysis. Factors such as socioeconomic disparities, legislative policies, rehabilitation
programs, and the criminal justice system's effectiveness all play significant roles in shaping the
landscape of overcrowded prisons.

Moreover, effectively communicating your findings and insights in a coherent and persuasive manner
adds another layer of challenge. From structuring your paper to citing sources correctly, every aspect
demands attention to detail and precision.

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Researchers are working to find the factors that are linked with a rise in the criminal susceptibility of
a few individuals. If prison budgets are not increased, then there will be no facilities for inmates to
get back on track which means the cycle of crime is to continue without an out. As well, the process
can be cost effective since no much cost should be incurred with the counseling process. Finally, the
recidivism rate has not fallen with the harsher drug policy. There are several reasons for the use of
diversion including reducing the stigma of incarceration, the expense, and the perception of the
general population, as well as providing a better chance at rehabilitation. Thesis Usman ! Individuals
who continue to consume more each day are prone to being overweight as the prison research paper
body stores the excess energy as fat. Statistics indicate that 1.8 million people in the United States
alone are behind prison walls and yet alone in 1995, 150 new prisons were made to keep up with the
growing influx rate in an attempt to accommodate the prisoners. Prison overcrowding has always
been a serious problem, correlated with increased violence, lack of adequate health care, limited
programming and educational opportunities, and reduced visitation. It is worth noting that
overcrowding can be dealt with in different ways in prisons. The rehabilitative programs are already
built and running. In prison, they do not receive any “additional education, job training, or
counseling. ” They are then released back into society without any new resources to succeed. The
body burns energy even while it is thesis a house completely at rest. If you are looking for the data
necessary to provide answers to these and many other similar questions, this is the book for you.
Basically, such correctional options are important in dealing with people who have broken the law
and who can be reformed through such programs (Gable 23). Because the November 2020
population data from the Tennessee Department of Corrections includes private prisons, we replaced
the BJS reported population and operational capacity with data reported by the TDOC that includes
private prisons. Many parties debated about the failure if the “War on Drugs” policy and sought out
new measurements in dealing with drug problem instead of suppression measure.Attempts are made
to introduce the decriminalization of narcotic drugs and the modification of judicial procedures,
which focus on offenders' behavior rather than considering the number of tablets or doses of
narcotic drugs. Scenes like the interview when Vincent is prison research automatically allowed in
Gattaca just after a fake urine test shows that society is human questions divided and acceptance is a
formality for someone who was a valid but virtually impossible for an in-valid. But even as many
prison populations slowly decrease in response to the pandemic, there is still not enough space inside
most prisons to allow for adequate social distancing or medical isolation and quarantine. And
according to the most recent statistics from Californians Department of Corrections and
Rehabilitation, the state gives a bigger budget to prisons than any other state. When calculating the
area in individual cell, it considers that how many inmates can be accommodated. California is one
such example where the overcrowding situation led the Supreme Court to order to reduce the
population of its prisoners by 30,000 on the base facts that it was against the constitution
(McLaughlin). Skoll Professor of Management Science at Stanford Graduate School of Business.
This should be done in a manner in which would integrate both the individuals and the entire society.
Like California, many states are dealing with a surge in drug users in prison which has resulted in an
increase in upkeep costs. Every justice system around the globe has certain flaws and this is also true
of the American justice system that has its flaws surfacing up and there is an urgent necessity to deal
with these flaws. Tim Newbury (2009) argues that prison practices isolation and offenders tend to be
studied as individuals how prisoners are seen in the eyes of the law, he suggests that offenders should
be seen as no different from anyone else in society. From the data that has just been realized, it
should be noted that different individuals who had been traumatized by the assault should be keenly
advised and counseled. So it did — in part by shuffling low-level felons (those convicted of
nonviolent crimes) into county jails. It affects inmates, correctional facility officials, and civilians.
Therefore, it has been an increase of 200,000 inmates.
An inadequate prison system that does not meet the demand of the prisoners not only gives rise to
violent behavior in the prisoners, but also the violence may cross boundaries outside the prison walls
as well. Minor offenses such as drug can be countered with opening more rehabilitation centers for
example as Thailand did, which led to a reduction in the rate of imprisonments. As well, some
individuals have been noted to have mental imbalances and therefore it should be necessary that
appropriate intervention so that the follow-up problems can addressed (Borzycki 79). All the
suggestions would have different reactions by different people depending on their political, social
upbringing. The situation in each country is analysed through individual country profiles, which
include key facts and graphs covering the years 2005-2015. Prison overcrowding is when there is no
more space for inmates inside prisons, which means inmates are stuck together in cells where they do
not fit. You can use this sample for research and reference purposes to help create your own paper.
Doing these kinds of decisions with proper order is very important. In the past 20 years, starting
from 1996, there were 103,202 inmates, and then in 2017 there are 312,855 inmates in prisons.
Unquestionably, reducing idleness should be encouraged towards reducing overcrowding in prison
facilities. Tough policies not only impact the economy to sustain lives in prisons but also invoke
psychological anger within the inmates that has led to violent behavior. Keep on browsing if you are
OK with that, or find out how to manage cookies. All of this can be explained by the prevailing
socioeconomic conditions and the lives of people in poor neighborhoods which then leads to an
increase in property and drug related crimes that mainly attracts the young adults (Incarceration in
the United States 9). They were only three of many more submitted to the Court as exhibits in the
case. The term ?disease' has three medically identified criteria for it to be defined which can be
simplified into resume format lecturers three questions; Does it change the physiological mechanism
of the research body. Basically, such correctional options are important in dealing with people who
have broken the law and who can be reformed through such programs (Gable 23). Does it show
signs and human geography dissertation certain indications. Please turn on JavaScript for the best
possible experience. Reducing Cost and Overcrowding in Faith-Based Prison Ministries Growing
crime rate in America, according to Maginnis (1996), has compelled the government to “build more
prisons and keep convicts behind bars longer” but this has resulted in increased incarceration costs
paralleled with high recidivism. Prison overcrowding is a deep-rooted issue and solutions call for
watchful work and tough political determination. This is something courts should definitely be
looking at.”. Many themes and prison reform research paper subjects are d iscussed and explored
including genetic engineering, social eugenics and the social status an individual receives based on
genetic classification. However the ever rising prison population is creating further problems with
overcrowding. On average, murderers and violent criminals are jailed from four years up to twenty-
five years. Prison ! As people consume more energy than needed, the excess energy is stored
primarily as fat. The losses offamilymembers caused by crimes would be reduced. The first key
aspect of prisons that this assignment will discuss is punishment. By continuing we’ll assume you’re
on board with our. The excessive confinement resulted from such consideration is considered as
being exceeding prison capacity. This would attract not only Americans, but also other foreign
Article 6 of ECHR merely provides a new way of thinking about them as human rights. ” Discuss.
Article 6 of the. The latter resulted in a variety of sanctions ranging from fines to up to several
months or even years in prison, as in France and Taiwan. Drug policies continue to result in rising
prison populations especially in Asia and the Americas. I was to follow several cases and evaluate
everyone’s behavior in the courtroom. Now the county jails are overwhelmed, and those inmates are
deprived of the rehabilitation programs offered in prison. Download Free PDF View PDF PRISON
OVERCROWDING isa zella Download Free PDF View PDF Prisons in Europe: 2005-2015. We
could use the saved money to build more supportive housing for people in need, support returning
veterans, open more public transportation, and spend more money on subsidies for higher education.
Anton is who killed ramsey happy for prison paper, some of free professional cv cover letter it to be
by reform paper chance but the doctor insisted that the child was simply the best of the parents.
There can be two ways to reduce the violent behavior exhibited by the inmates and one of them that
can be implemented immediately is bringing leniency in the laws and the sentences that are given to
prisoners. For every such permutation, they ran 1,000 simulations, each replicating a time span of
more than five years. Observing the statistics for the United States only, it is seen that there has been
a 400% jump in prison population and which has led to a proportional increase in the prison
constructions as well. That is setting up battle arenas in prisons and authorizing inmates to beat each
other to death. Although the conditions in these prisons meet federal and local standards, the overall
issue of human rights and equality is fundamentally flawed due to the fact that the people who are
being locked away are not viewed with respect to how they should be punished or reformed; rather,
they are only viewed with respect to the overall level of profitability that can be extracted from the
state, regional, or federal government for their tenure in the penal system. The author makes the
reader think of the reform paper, stones as being non-harmful by Topic For A, referring to the stones
as smooth and round. From the drastic causes of prison overcrowding, a lingering question is; can
prison overcrowding be halted. How many people enter prison every year, and how long do they
remain there. Many parties debated about the failure if the “War on Drugs” policy and sought out
new measurements in dealing with drug problem instead of suppression measure.Attempts are made
to introduce the decriminalization of narcotic drugs and the modification of judicial procedures,
which focus on offenders' behavior rather than considering the number of tablets or doses of
narcotic drugs. Then, using data on recidivism and flight risk, the researchers were able to test
alternative policies. Prison staff will also acquire special training on how and when to receive
complaints from the prisoner as well as addressing them amicably. Therefore she has sufficient
knowledge to make a sensible comment on the situation and suggest what she thinks suitable. Prison
overcrowding is when there is no more space for inmates inside prisons, which means inmates are
stuck together in cells where they do not fit. Certain drugs and Driving While Intoxicated are some
offenses that now carry heavy penalties with them and also have lengthy sentences associated with
them, that has led to an increase in the prison population. That can lead them to have medical
complications because of the kind of stress there submitted. These prison systems were holding more
people than their facilities were designed to house. Proper rehabilitation programs can make a
difference for those who get out of prison for them not to return. However, those kept with other
prisoners tend to exhibit very high sensitivity towards any stimulus and exhibit more violence on
collective basis as well which leads to the formation of prison gangs and supermax units (Haney
2001). In America, corrections given to offenders are constitutional and therefore very frequent.
Scholars can use them for free to gain inspiration and new creative ideas for their writing
assignments. The paper ' prison overcrowding - Causes and Effects, Reforms to Reduce the Issue'
sees a solution to the problem in prisoner rehabilitation schemes, the reduction of prison sentences
and the replacement of imprisonment with public works for those who have committed non-
dangerous offenses etc. California’s prison system is overcrowded with 145% capacity.
The time required to graduate still deters individuals from using drugs. It is necessary that to lower
the violence rate within the prison system, the inmates are provided with adequate resources and
whatever the substantive challenge they may pose, it should be met with by the legal frame of
reference and assistance. Reform ! This information was all conceived only a few minutes after his
birth. Sharing needles causes an increase likelihood of contracting diseases like HCV, HBV, and HIV
(Lines). Paroles and other orders of “good behavior” that led to the release of prisoners on early basis
now require new conditions that take longer time to be met with, which has also caused a major
overflow of prisoners. Observing the statistics for the United States only, it is seen that there has
been a 400% jump in prison population and which has led to a proportional increase in the prison
constructions as well. Download Free PDF View PDF What's sentencing got to do with it. In other
words, it exposes the public to 3.6 days of increased crime risk for every day of jail time saved. The
offender is usually required to meet some major conditions, and this process ensures that there has
been success in achieving the ultimate results (Borzycki 59). In addition, the average sentence length
imposed by judges has gone down. Because of this, there were almost 100,000 inmates being from
prisons in the next following year. This is something courts should definitely be looking at.”.
Generally, prison overcrowding is not a modern phenomenon because internal insurgencies and wars
result in prison overcrowding. Prisoners in isolation tend to go in deep depression. Elizabeth Johnson
has been pleading her case to the Illinois state government for the creation of drug courts in every
county. This would not only have a positive impact on the population in the prisons but offenders
might not continue to break the law. Reform ? Dee did not want the quilts when she went to aqa,
college, but when she returned she wanted them more than anything. Many themes and prison
reform research paper subjects are d iscussed and explored including genetic engineering, social
eugenics and the social status an individual receives based on genetic classification. Therefore she
has sufficient knowledge to make a sensible comment on the situation and suggest what she thinks
suitable. Overcrowding conditions can only be met with if the law and penalties given are taken into
account and reviewed. For comparison, in 1995, the number of prisoners for drug related charges
was 26. 7 percent. (United States. Department of Justice. ) The number of prisoners has nearly
doubled due to harsher drug policies stricter punishments. Increasing the number of drug courts
available to the nation on a federal level would have a strong effect on lowering the cost for prisons
and reducing the recidivism rate. Over 15,763 SEO agencies and brands are using AtOnce to rank
higher on Google. A number of prisons in the United States are trying to reduce the prison
population by bringing in reforms in the justice system which might lead to a lesser strain on the
economic system and help counter the negative menace of globalization. In Mexico, the Senate
expanded th e use of mandatory pre-trial detention in July 2020 for certain offences, including the
illegal possession of weapons, among others. Most remarkably, legislators implement judgment
reforms in order to reduce the duration of sentences given to the inmate. Use these free geography
dissertations to aid and inspire your own work A selection of geography dissertation examples for
you to use and study. Finally, the recidivism rate has not fallen with the harsher drug policy. For
example, the BJS reports that the design capacity of the Alabama prison system (set by the architect
or planner) is 12,412 people, while the operational capacity (based on staffing and service levels) is
22,231 people. Various film techniques such as setting, characterization, dialogue and symbolism are
used to explore how the film convey the issues and social implications of scientific advancement.
I believe that we should either create prison ships or build super prisons. This meant that the prison
system is operating at 151 percent of its actual capacity. The purpose of this study ' prison
overcrowding ' is to unveil the different factors within the criminal justice system that results in
prison overcrowding. You can download the paper by clicking the button above. As well, some
individuals have been noted to have mental imbalances and therefore it should be necessary that
appropriate intervention so that the follow-up problems can addressed (Borzycki 79). Rehabilitation
programmer are taking place in prisons but statistics show they aren’t necessarily working. It is
witnessed that many prisoners are incarcerated based on factors such including social, economical,
cultural and political ones. The methamphetamine became listed as the crucial and serious type of
illicit drugs and those using it would be penalized and sentenced to prison. The crucial factor was
the implementation of the Narcotics Addict Rehabilitation Act B.E.2545 (2002). Under this law, the
drug users who needed a drug treatment. However, the capacity of prisons in the last 20 years has
increased only for 102,400 inmates with the construction of a new, larger, 24 prisons ex. Another
factor that has seen to increase the population of prison mates and in turn resulted in overcrowding is
the change of rules relating parole. Any crime done by an individual usually requires punishment,
something done through the legal process. This number is significantly lower than the 32%
recidivism rate for drug users who go to prison (Fox). Judges make use of community service and
probation as a substitute to prison. The sourcebook should be used together with Volume 1 of the
Prisons in Europe 2005-2015 collection, which provides the context and methodology used to
produce the data presented here. This has been acknowledged as an approach which helps in the
reduction of expenses and in the long run being able to deliver correction on the members of the
public other than subjecting into complex judicial systems which might be more demanding and time
wasting, and in the very end fail to deliver the anticipated correction on the individual. As the
prisoner influx increases, the number of prison guards is seen to be decreasing. The services offered
for an unconditional diversion are the same as conditional, but they are completely voluntary (Gable
21). They include the overuse of pre-trial detention, including its automatic application for certain
offences. How criminals respond to the law system observed in prisons and how the society then
responds the people who get out of prison, is an intermingled cycle and has aspects that need an in
depth psychological analysis (Levesque 547). Use these free geography dissertations to aid and
inspire your own work A selection of geography dissertation examples for you to use and study.
Download Free PDF View PDF PRISON OVERCROWDING isa zella Download Free PDF View
PDF Prisons in Europe: 2005-2015. And according to the most recent statistics from Californians
Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation, the state gives a bigger budget to prisons than any
other state. On the other hand, lead exposures have resulted in an opposite impact and preliminary
studies have revealed that lead exposure has a direct relationship with crime. Like California, many
states are dealing with a surge in drug users in prison which has resulted in an increase in upkeep
costs. In the Philippines, as of June 2020, nearly 190,000 persons had been apprehended for violating
quarantine orders, adding a heavy burden to congested courts. The justice system runs in a fashion
that favors longer prison sentences which has proportionally played a key factor in causing an
increase in the inmate crowd. In the certain areas where drug courts are present in America, such as
Florida, there has not been a statistically significant increase in the amount of drug usage or drug
users (Marlowe). For split sentencing, the risk ratio is 1:1 — every day of increased crime risk is one
day off the jail rolls — a much more favorable trade-off, in terms of both public safety and cost to
taxpayers. The more prisoners there are in a state in prison the more mouths there are to feed, who
pays for the stay of the inmates.

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