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Title: “Am I ready to Have a Family?

Have you ever asked yourself the question “Am I ready to have a family?” Of course, all
of us here are not adults yet, so we’re obviously not ready. Let’s just say you are already an
adult. You have a beautiful and kind loving partner. All the good values and qualities surrounds
her. Then suddenly, she asked when both of you should get married. Are you prepared to take an
answer? Marriage is part of having a family. Both of you will commit to love each other forever,
but the question is, are you ready for it?
Having a family is no joke. You must hold responsibility and support so that it won’t fall
apart. Be mentally and financially stable, this is what we should all prioritize because without
these two, all sorts of problems will show up. We must first prioritize ourselves before having a
family. Have a stable high-income job, have a peace of mind and be contented with what you
have. Not only it will help you but also your loved ones. If you’re planning to have kids, be sure
that you are ready and responsible.
One common problem in our society is early teenage pregnancy. A bunch of teenagers
being too gullible and unwise. They are indulged by lust and therefore fell into it. We should
learn more about sex education and be more mature about it. Learn how to use contraceptives
like condoms, pills, birth control, etc. Our population grows as time goes on and this is one of
our main problems in the world. When it comes to pregnancy, well of course, my opinions are
not valid. Firstly, I am not a female. Second, I don’t have the reproductive organs of a female.
But I support the rights of a woman and therefore I support pro-choice. All women should have
the right to induct abortion. It’s their body, if they want to abort, let them be. There are cases
especially “rape” that leaves young and adult females a big trauma in their body. They are not
obliged to raise a child when it’s not them who chose or agreed to have one.
We should be more mature and think about our future. Find someone who’ll support the
decisions you make and spend the rest of your life with. Be open with your partner, be stable
with your relationship and support each other. A loving family is what we could all ask for.

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