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We are confident that, through honest dialogue, mutual respect, and

collaborative effort, we can emerge from this mediation session stronger, wiser,
and more united than ever before.
I stand before you today as a representative of Hawkers Publishing House, a
publishing entity deeply rooted in a tradition of excellence, creativity, and
innovation. As we gather in this mediation session, I am reminded of the
journey that has brought us to this pivotal moment—a journey marked by
triumphs and challenges, successes and setbacks, but above all, a journey
defined by our unwavering commitment to our authors, our readers, and the
literary community at large.
Let us reflect for a moment on the chain of events that have led us here today.
From our humble beginnings as the 'Intellectual Press' in 1557, to our
transformation into Hawkers Publishing House in 1950, we have weathered the
storms of change and emerged stronger and more resilient than ever before.
Along the way, we have forged lasting partnerships with talented authors who
have entrusted us with their works, their dreams, and their aspirations. Together,
we have shared in the joys of success and the challenges of adversity, united by
a shared passion for the written word and a shared commitment to excellence.
Yet, as with any journey, there have been moments of uncertainty and discord.
The advent of digitization in the early 2000s brought with it new opportunities
and new challenges, as we sought to adapt to a rapidly evolving landscape while
remaining true to our core values and principles. The introduction of HawkWeb
in 2022 was a bold step forward—a testament to our commitment to innovation
and our belief in the transformative power of technology to enrich the reading
experience and connect authors with readers in new and exciting ways.
But with innovation comes risk, and with progress comes change. The recent
incident involving the unauthorized release of unpublished content has cast a
shadow over our partnership, causing pain and distress to our authors and
raising questions about our commitment to transparency, accountability, and
we want to tell our sincere regret and heartfelt apologies for any distress or
dissatisfaction that may have been caused by the recent incident involving the
unauthorized release of unpublished content. We recognize the gravity of this
situation and the impact it has had on the affected authors, their works, and our
collective reputation. We quickly rectified our mistake by removing the
unpublished author original work
Please know that we are deeply committed to rectifying this matter and taking
decisive action to prevent such occurrences in the future.
I want to you to understand that we have a partnership with Bitzlive tech
Limited in On trial basis for 1 year to develop the Intranet .The reason for the
leak is their faulty Intranet system and now we are reviewing the partnership
agreement inquiry is going on and if need arises we going to Cancel the
Partnership with Bitzlive
We also understand the concerns of the Authors that AI-generated Content
produced by Hawkweb resembles to authors original works
Our foremost concern is to protect the trust and confidence that authors place in
us and to uphold the reputation of our esteemed publishing house. We
understand that our actions have consequences, and we take full responsibility
for ensuring that they align with the highest standards of ethics,
professionalism, and integrity. Rest assured that we are fully committed to
transparency, accountability, and fairness in all our dealings, both now and in
the future.
We value our authors and their integrity and security of their works is our
utmost priority due to which we created a Hawkweb and also because of this we
partnerd with Bitzlive

We are assuring you that you have a job security with us we will reduce

We started 15 authors and now we have team of 72 Authors

The author who are partnered with has allows them to forged stable this is
evident in their rising income after coming to partnership with us
In earlier instance, we worked collaboratively with authors union to sort out

As representatives of Hawkers Publishing House, we stand before you today

with a profound sense of responsibility and a deep commitment to addressing
the concerns that have arisen within our partnership. We come to this mediation
session with open hearts and minds, ready to engage in honest dialogue and
earnest collaboration to find solutions that uphold the integrity of our
relationships and the values we hold dear.
First and foremost, we want to express our sincere regret and heartfelt apologies
for any distress or dissatisfaction that may have been caused by the recent
incident involving the unauthorized release of unpublished content. We
recognize the gravity of this situation and the impact it has had on the affected
authors, their works, and our collective reputation. Please know that we are
deeply committed to rectifying this matter and taking decisive action to prevent
such occurrences in the future.
Furthermore, we recognize the importance of maintaining positive and
collaborative relationships with our valued authors and the Authors’ Union. We
deeply appreciate the talent, creativity, and dedication that each of you brings to
our publishing family, and we are committed to fostering an environment of
mutual respect, trust, and support. Your voices matter to us, and we are here to
listen, learn, and work together to address any concerns or grievances you may
At the heart of our commitment is a shared vision of innovation, growth, and
excellence in the publishing industry. We believe in the power of literature to
inspire, educate, and uplift, and we are dedicated to supporting the success and
well-being of our authors at every step of their journey. Together, we can
overcome challenges, seize opportunities, and chart a course toward a brighter
and more prosperous future for us all.

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