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Are you struggling with writing your computer addiction research paper? You're not alone.

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You can also find more Essay Writing articles on events, persons, sports, technology and many more.
The introduction of smartphones has given the rates of internet addiction a boost. Be it by playing
video games, watching shows, or merely surfing forums. An addition to the last point is that
emotions and thought patterns have a huge role to play when it comes to addictions being developed.
For example, you may be coping with a new disability that limits your ability to drive. With these
precaution and prevention techniques, you can help your kid with computer addiction and make
them attentive towards study. Hence, if an individual suffers from computer addiction then it is
important for him or her to get the appropriate help as soon as possible. The problem is that
researchers are beginning to agree with them. According to Pappas’ article (2015), “ Online learning
has completely changed the scenery of both academic education and corporate training”. They are
unable to interact with people in real life normally due to this. Furthermore, extraverted and
agreeable students reported lower computer game addiction. Internet Addiction Essay Conclusion
People must be careful not to let internet usage get this bad and get help if it does develop into an
addiction. This includes personalized content and advertising. These addictions have become
troublesome in the community in that most people in the society have had a family membesr fall
prey to the addiction. They make no effort to change this even though they know that it is harmful
and can become an addiction. It is an inexpensive in the sense that the internet connections for.
Playing video games increased my interest in video game design. Addiction to some specific
behaviour such as drug addiction, food addiction etc. It consists of 20 items that measures mild,
moderate and severe level of internet addiction. Therefore, the aim of this research was to study
Internet addiction and its relationship with the symptoms of mental disorders. The Effect Of
Computer Gaming On Subsequent Time Perception Luthman Cyberpsychology Journal Of
Psychosocial Research On Cyberspace from Computer addiction in this
technological era, almost everyone is in access to an electronic device either a personal computer at
home, school, internet cafe, etc. However, too much usage of computer is not considered healthy for
the mind and the body. Computer can cause physically and mentally diseases and the more time a
person spends on computer, the more they loses time to focus on academic or job work and also they
get less time to spend with their family. Moreover, they contain a large Computer addiction has
negative effects on the student's life: The user withdraws from friends and family as he spends more
and more time on the computer.relationships begin to wither as the user stops attending social
gatherings, skips meetings with friends and avoids family members to get more computer time.
Department of clinical psychology, university of social welfare and rehabilitation sciences, tehran,
iran. There are four major types of categories for this addiction, which is as follows: Information
overload: This leads to decreased time with friends and family. They spend hours and hours on end
on the Internet knowing that it does not benefit and is simply a waste of time. This article begins by
examining a case study of a 15-year old adolescent with a learning disability who appeared to be
addicted to various computer and internet applications. Computer addiction, like any addiction, can
creep up on a person without one being aware of it. By continuing we’ll assume you’re on board with
our cookie policy. Texting can bring anxiety when we are waiting for a response. “Parents text with
one hand and pushed swings with the other” (Turkle 266).
The computer has so many advantages, for instance, it can store any document— you can keep
records of financial status and save photos and videos as well. Hence, if an individual suffers from
computer addiction then it is important for him or her to get the appropriate help as soon as possible.
They become habitual which is not good for their mental as well as physical health. Another sad
development is the fact that now smartphones and laptops are essential for education. Internet
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Other misuses may include procrastination from undesirable responsibilities, distraction from being
upset and attempts to meet needs for companionship and belonging. Journal of Computer Assisted
Learning, 18 2, 235-239. At the start she began using computer as a way to release stress by playing
solitaire for hours or by chatting with people. All of us need to be careful with our internet usage and
dependency. Introduction to Computer Addiction NEED HELP ON RESEARCH PAPER.
Addiction to some specific behaviour such as drug addiction, food addiction etc. Computer
addiction is also sometimes linked to computer gambling. If adults can’t even get off their cell
phones, how will a child. The addicts have a continual desire to get back on the screen and surf
regardless of what work is pending. They end up scrolling on social media or forums or other
websites, watching videos, shows, chatting, or shopping online. Many of these symptoms resemble
those seen in other types of addictions. The same way that people who suffer from depression or
anxiety use alcohol and drugs to self-medicate, the Internet can be a distraction. As prevention is
better than treatment and according to this study, it is necessary to take this phenomenon into
consideration as a psychological problem that often involves the younger generation who are
responsible for future society construction and through education in families, schools and
universities, the culture of proper use of computers, in particular the Internet and its facilities should
be replaced with the false methods. Hence, if an individual suffers from computer addiction then it is
important for him or her to get the appropriate help as soon as possible. Video games, chat rooms,
social media platforms, entertainment videos, engrossing web series, and interesting blogs can keep
an individual hooked for hours. The online game addiction scale which was developed by kaya
Computer addiction in this technological era, almost everyone is in access to an electronic device
either a personal computer at home, school, internet cafe, etc. A person who receives this only from
the Internet and nowhere else can very quickly be addicted. There is no doubt that technology
addiction has to be taken more seriously. Computer addiction is a relatively new term used to
describe a dependency on one’s computer. The goal of this research paper is to raise people's
awareness about their dangers when they are attached too much on the computer. It is harmful when
individuals make their whole lives revolve around the Internet. While some argue that online gaming
has detrimental effects on children, such as decreased academic performance, eye strain, and wasted
time, others recognize its benefits in terms of relaxation, entertainment, and real-world preparation
for kids. In my. If I compare Brian’s conditions with Psychological symptoms of computer addiction
I can confidently say that he has become computer addicted and he should seek advice. These days
they also eat their meals while surfing the computer. For the reference of students, a short Essay on
Computer Addiction of 100-150 words has been provided. They make no effort to change this even
though they know that it is harmful and can become an addiction.
Texting can bring anxiety when we are waiting for a response. “Parents text with one hand and
pushed swings with the other” (Turkle 266). The review also aimed to identify empirical studies on
the addiction in children and adolescents who engage in online gaming. Also lying to employers and
family about your activities, feeling empty, depressed, and irritable when not at the computer. Many
internet addicts develop anxiety issues and depression. Some students fail also because of attending
classes instead they choose to skip classes so that they can play computer games. You can read more
Essay Writing about articles, events, people, sports, technology many more. It affects the mental
health of the person along with affecting their physical health. Although he received counseling
during his junior year of high school, he was able to temporarily distance himself from gaming. Ever
since I was young I loved to play video games. However, before they know it, they are hooked to it.
Internet addicts often use social networking sites, instant messaging, or online gaming as a safe way
of establishing new relationships and more confidently relating to others. A recent research study
showed that some children suffer from computer rage when they are forbidden to play computer
games. Short Essay on Computer Addiction 150 words in English Short Essay on Computer
Addiction is helpful to students of classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. When their education is affected, it
hampers their future, and they spend no time developing skills that can build their careers. They can
help them by introducing to some other people who handles their computer use sensibly, getting them
involved in some other fun activities, talking about the concerns with their computer use, supporting
their desire for change if they think they have a problem and encouraging them to seek professional
counseling. She is anxious if her husband finds out about her behaviour, he may question whether she
is neglecting the children and can inform social services. It has also made us more productive and has
made life so much easier. These days they also eat their meals while surfing the computer. Adobe
Express Go from Adobe Express creation to Issuu publication. People from across the globe
communicate with one another through the Internet. Internet addiction is a more recent phenomenon,
and the causes can vary with gender, age, and personality. For the reference of students, a short
Essay on Computer Addiction of 100-150 words has been provided. So to avoid these situations, it
is important to seek proper guidance. A significance significant difference between the mental health
of low internet user boys and girls college students at the 0.05 level of significance. Also lying to
employers and family about your activities, feeling empty, depressed, and irritable when not at the
computer. A person who receives this only from the Internet and nowhere else can very quickly be
addicted. Answer: You can prevent it by various methods like limiting the time you spend online and
allowing the use of the computer only when necessary. We found that computer game addiction,
computer game usage time, and chronotype were related with each other. Many offices are reliable
on the computer for completing their work so employees have to work on the computer for at least 6-
8 hours continuously. The computer has so many advantages, for instance, it can store any
document— you can keep records of financial status and save photos and videos as well.
An excellent example of this is anxiety caused by doomscrolling. There are four major types of
categories for this addiction, which is as follows. It was determined the students who use internet
mostly for games or social media are more addicted. Our topic is about computer addiction with
regards Read more Advertisement Advertisement Advertisement Issuu converts static files into:
digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Encourage them
to play outdoor sports and sometimes join them too. Cyber-relationship addiction: Here, the user
excessively surfs social networking sites to create relationships and bonds online rather than spending
quality time with friends and family. Answer: The cases of computer addiction are mostly found in
children and teenagers. Question 2. What problems can be caused because of computer addiction.
Also lying to employers and family about your activities, feeling empty, depressed, and irritable
when not at the computer. She is anxious if her husband finds out about her behaviour, he may
question whether she is neglecting the children and can inform social services. Statistics Make data-
driven decisions to drive reader engagement, subscriptions, and campaigns. Gackenbach (Ed.),
Psychology and the Internet: Intrapersonal, Interpersonal and Transpersonal Applications. pp. 61-75.
New York: Academic Press. Before they know it they become addicted to computer. You can
download the paper by clicking the button above. Other misuses may include procrastination from
undesirable responsibilities, distraction from being upset and attempts to meet needs for
companionship and belonging. In his previous year he has been playing grand theft auto almost
nonstop. There is no doubt that technology addiction has to be taken more seriously. Mental Health
was measured by Mental Health Inventory by Dr. Jagdish and Dr. A.K. Srivastava. The major
findings of the present study are a negative correlation of-0.456 has been found between these two
variables. Research on computer addiction can help us understand the prevalence and risk factors for
this disorder, and can inform the development of prevention and intervention programs. More
Features Connections Canva Create professional content with Canva, including presentations,
catalogs, and more. Many people have lost jobs due to their computer addiction. There were no posts
to like and no stories to watch. This research also discusses the major types of computer addiction
and effective study habits. She does not have anyone to speak to, she gets bored and over stressed
etc. The longer you spend online, the higher your stress levels will be. Data collected from students:
Personal Informat ion Form, Internet Addiction Test (IAT) was used. He has some similar symptoms
I just have mentioned above. Consequences Internet addiction can have extremely harmful
consequences. This research also helps the parents and the students the major effects of computer
addiction in their study and in the future. Like gamblers they compulsively keep investing time and
money. However, before they know it, they are hooked to it.

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