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$1,000 FROM TOME $1000 FROM TOME There is no greater sense of fulfill ment than making money while you enjoy having QUALITY TIME with the people you love, from ANYWHERE in the world. And now that we have this Covid-19 pandemic going on, our eyes have been opened to yet another major sign: We HAVE to create a recession-proof business so we would never ever have to say “Oh no, I’m gonna go broke in a few days because | have no source of income from home.” Reality check >> People are making waves from home even before the corona economy broke in. This lock down might be telling you something hun. IT’S TIME TO STOP PLAYING SMALL. Time to get your head down and harness the power of social media to live a life of freedom. $1000 FROM TOME Buying this e-book is definitely a great start to do that. I'm proud of you for taking this truly *epic* first step. Together, we will unlock the process to earn your first $1,000 from home using no less than the incredible skills you ALREADY possess and yes, you guessed it right, your wifi. That's all you really need, actually. | wrote this e-book in the simplest and most practical way | can because you don't need a lot of bells and whistles to earn money. Just a clear step-by-step framework that works. So if you're ready to dive in, Let’s go ahead and make it happen. Cheers tr vegilience, Case q WO THE BIGGEST DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION Is HAPPENING RIGHT NOW Raise your hand if your current quarantine vibe is battling bouts of boredom and anxiety at home. | see you babe, same. No need to despair tho, | have this ebook on the brain. With the national hunkering down caused by the recent Coronavirus or “Covid-19” crisis, the world hers heen forced to operate irtvally Periodic outbreaks are inevitable, we can't control what could happen in the future. But we can control our own job security. At this point, the world is spinning because of digital services.There is no escaping this major societal shift. NOW is the best time to start building an online business with a strategy that allows you to thrive no matter what crisis strikes. Companies, no matter the size, location or structure, are all investing in digital transformation for business continuity. Traditional practices are giving way to value innovation served virtually. Online food and grocery deliveries have skyrocketed. Instacart, Amazon, Uber Eats and Grubhub—these apps are used every second in almost every household to secure basic necessities. #PizzaNight, yes? Everyday, employees working from home are using the cloud for file sharing and co-editing. Telecommuting— Asana, Dropbox, Invoice Sherpa, Clickmeeting. These are all heavily used by remote workers for daily meetings and team management. Streaming services like Netflix and Disney+ are keeping us entertained at home. (Money Heist marathon game strong AF) #BellaCiao Even fitness is going digital right now. Closed Yoga studios quickly shifted to paid online subscriptions and digital classes to keep the biz going. And it all makes so much sense. There is wider audience reach, zero rental spaces paid and has the best opportunities to scale. Business goals are being met even with no face to face contact. The biggest (and safest) opportunities we currently have are in the digital space. With or without Covid-19, this is where we are all headed. 7 STOW Getting into the 21st Wifi economy and digitalizing your business means setting yourself to be recession- proof in the long run. That means “yes” to Monthly Recurring Revenues (MRR) and a huge win in sales. There is about to be an online business BOOM y'all. It's time to pivot and learn how to turn this time to our advantage. Adapt and be resilient or get stuck and die. It's not the time to live in fear, it's the time to take a leap of faith. Not just because of Covid-19 but because digital transformation is, in fact, our future destination. Most importantly, because it will give you Ready to get ahead of the curve? Let's do this. TEL GREENLIGHTING YOUR NICHE K miss sassy ‘trep, building blocks first. Before you can get any business off the ground, you'll have to gain niche clarity first. So what exactly is a “niche”? A NICHE IS A SPECIALIZED INTEREST, INDUSTRY OR ACTIVITY THAT SUITS YOUR TALENTS, SKILLS OR PASSION. IN SOCIAL MEDIA, IT’S THAT EPIC SPACE WHERE YOUR ZONE OF GENIUS FLOWS. EXAMPLES ARE BEAUTY, TRAVEL, FOOD, PHOTOGRAPHY, FASHION, INTERIOR DESIGN, FITNESS AND HEALTH I'd hate to break this to you but not because you've got your eye set on one of those examples means you can skip reading through the rest of this page. Put the pen down and read first, hun. Although they may sound very specific, they are actually not yet “niche enough" to start your biz. These are still ugh, numbingly broad. Ideally, you will have to drill down further because you want to be as targeted as possible with your audience, content and business objectives. Having a laser-focused niche accelerates your authority and gives your audience the impression that you are a specialist rather than a generalist. The more specific you are, the higher you can charge for your services For example, if you want to focus on fashion, you can dig deeper by asking “what fashion subcategory would | want to work on"? Let's say you decided to zero in on street style fashion. You can niche down further by asking “for who”? And from there you can say “street style fashion for millennial women”. See the difference? PO th that, i willbe easier ow Ue eight paple te find yo. This strengthens the foundation of your trade and cuts through the barrier of everything that does not represent your brand. You can scale strategically and craft crystal clear business goals where there is lower competition and higher profit margins. Niche clarity = Business #OnFleek. Once you have initially selected your niche, you can now evaluate its profitability. To do that, here are three questions you have to consider: 1.) Are there people looking for solutions? 2.) Are there people selling solutions? 3.) Are there people buying solutions? DROW You have to start by thinking, do you have an existing, healthy online market? Validate if people are ACTUALLY LOOKING for what you can offer. Never assume that your idea has high demands without doing proper research first. Data is key, babe. Otherwise, your brilliant idea might just fall flat. This is where KEYWORD RESEARCH comes in. You will have to check the volume of searches for the niche you are planning to work on to see if people are looking for solutions for their problem. Some of the most efficient ways to do this are 1.1 USING GOOGLE KEYWORD RESEARCH TOOLS You can use tools like Keyword Surfer or Google Keyword Planner. Keyword Surfer is a free extension you can install on your desktop to analyze Google search results and check their search volume, estimated traffic and similar keyword suggestions. TEL Google Keyword Planner (Free Version) requires Google account sign up. Once logged in, you can simply click on “search volumes and trends” to check demand for your niche. You can choose a specific location as well to make your search more targeted. So what exactly do you do with the numbers you see? How do you know if the niche you chose is actually a good idea? Nothing complicated at this point, you are mainly testing the waters to see if the keywords are popular enough (Good benchmarks will be at least 100,000 per month for a broad niche like “fashion” and 10,000+ searches every month for core niche/specific niche like “street style fashion”). What's important is at the end of the day, you get to check if your niche is being widely searched by online users. You can also use Google Trends to check for niche profitability. A quick check on Google Trends will give you insights on whether your niche is not dying or off trend. | would suggest focusing on a niche that is steady and has opportunities to grow year-round. This ensures that your demand will be stable and won't be affected by on-off seasonal spikes. 10 1.2 UTILIZING TAG SEARCH ON INSTAGRAM Another easy tool you can use is Instagram’s (IG) Tag Search. From IG Home, Simply go to “search” and choose “tags”. Similar to Google keyword search, IG tag search will show you the volume of hashtags used per keyword or niche. You can easily identify its profitability if you see that the tags are actually “trending”. Tag search does not show monthly average as compared to Google. So definitely, the volume of search should be higher, It should typically go by 100k+ for a core niche and IM+ for a broad niche. Now it's time to do some competitor analysis. Your competitors offer a gold mine of insights which you can use to get a “feel of the business". Their existence alone is an indicator that you have a market to sell your idea to. They made it before you even thought about your idea. And they are still around because the demand is keeping their business afloat. " STOW See if you can list down at least 3 competitors, better yet, find out who are the market leaders, and evaluate what platforms are they using, their follower count, audience demographics and marketing strategies. Check their website, Facebook page, Instagram account or Youtube channel. Check their content and read follower comments or inquiries. This will give you a clearer picture of your niche environment. The more details you can note down, the better you can craft your strategies and business model moving forward. Again, checking your competitors would be a great starting point to do this. As they say, “pioneers always take the arrows.” Your current competitors, especially market leaders, educated and shaped the existing market, so understanding how they operate will give you tons of insights on what is CURRENTLY working and how you can get a better response from your market. It’s always a safe start from where you can carve out your position. Learning from competitors can be an effective short term approach to starting off your biz. Eventually you can make them "*irrelevant* once you master how you can “value innovate” for your audience. This is actually called the “Blue Ocean Approach” but ok, that’s for another e- book. For the purpose of making your first $1,000 online, let's stick with the basics. #BabySteps Check your competitor's list of products, services and prices. Check for links in their bio that might lead to a sales page. Check if they have posted reviews, feedback or proof of sales. If you see that their products or services are well accepted by the market, then definitely, people are buying these types of solution for their problems nny hn" bad gun gre com ta galing your wee At this point, you should already gain confidence that your idea has great potential for profitability. Darl, if you can make $1 from this idea, you can definitely make $1,000 from it. It doesn’t matter if you want to sell $1 to a thousand people or you want to sell $1k to one person. In the online world, when niche clarity is established, you have made your most epic step to earning money, #HelloDollarBills 13 STOW DESIGNING YOUR AVATAR Tah Bonk: Not very cughomen ig vight for your business. You can definitely feel that some people think your message is hot as fire and some ice queens can give you that #ThankYouNext kinda vibe. The wrong audience will feel lukewarm about the campaign you worked hard for while the right people will proclaim to the world that your pitch is an absolute gamechanger. Here's the thing, if you want your product to fly off the shelves, you will need to breathe life to your soulmate audience first, a.k.a. your customer avatar. No, it’s not the time to get some major James Cameron feels, A CUSTOMER AVATAR IS A FICTITIOUS CHARACTER THAT REPRESENTS YOUR TARGET CUSTOMER, THEIR UNIQUE CHARACTERISTICS AND THEIR PURCHASING BEHAVIOR. IT’S ALSO CALLED A “BUYER PERSONA” OR AN “IDEAL CLIENT PROFILE”. 14 TOTO You have to know your customer avatar right down to the tee. This will make the sales process a win-win situation. You want to feel like you are talking to someone you know very well, and that you have an in-depth understanding of their profile, language, needs and motivations You have to know how to take care of them, how their mind operates and most importantly, what will make them say “YES” Having a targeted audience will help you position your brand effectively. It will also allow you to craft the RIGHT MESSAGES that actually converts “Convert” means that your audience took desirable action that helped you meet your business goals Example: An audience who saw your post FOLLOWED YOU because the content was effective. Or a follower saw your sales page and decided to BUY FROM YOU Those are some examples of conversions 15 TOTO To eliminate guesswork, here are the 4 marketing segmentations you need to focus on when creating your customer avatar: Demographics refer to statistical data about a group of people. Because this information is all about facts and statistics, good ‘ole demographics are usually easy peasy to uncover. #Basic Examples are age, gender, location, annual income, education and ethnicity. Factual, simple and very straightforward information Psychographics is all about your client’s personality and characteristics. Collecting such valuable info requires research, social listening or even one on one interviews Latte dates, anyone? TOTO Because of the subjectivity of details that you need to uncover, you need to put some attention to detail and observe similarity of patterns among your audience. Some examples are personality traits, values, attitudes, interests, lifestyles, psychological influences, subconscious and conscious beliefs, motivations and priorities. While demographics and psychographics refer to “who your customer is”, behavioral segmentation refers to “how your customer acts” Behavioral segmentation requires you to understand your customer's actions. These activities may relate to HOW a customer interacts with your brand or with your competitors. Things to check are their decision making process when it comes to purchasing, their spending habits, product usage and brand interactions TOTO Would they buy the shoe if it’s promoted by their favorite fashion influencer, or would they buy it when they see a Youtuber nailing a hot review about it on their channel? Geographic segmentation talks about where your customers are and the surrounding factors that affect their location like culture, climate, socio-economic status and even the local holidays they normally celebrate. You can't sell cozy warmers if your clients are in the Atacama desert right? #MicDrop. Come tb Breathe lip to your eweber. Rein and finalize your fst draft Keyword-- “first draft”. As your business evolves, you have to keep revising your customer avatar noting relevant changes in trends that might influence how they are Growing your business goes side by side with growing your client knowledge. Integrate your new findings on the foundational document you just created and this will definitely be a key factor in building your wildly successful empire. 18 POON CHOOSING AN ONLINE STREAM OF INCOME So now that you’ve selected a niche and you know who you are selling to, let’s look at what you can sell considering the current pandemic situation we are in. We feel you. And we're all in this together when we say you can earn your moolah from home. Even without your bra. Promise. Major babe-to-babe talk right there. In this e-book, we will break down how to earn online in two major ways: Online Education and Done For You Services. First of all, let's zoom out of the macro environment of online education. According to Forbes, this super industry is projected to surpass $325 billion net worth by 2025. There has been a steady increase in online enrollments and people are moving to e-learning because it offers time flexibility, convenience in location and is a low-cost approach vs. traditional classes, on-site training or conventional workshops TOTO There’s also a major shift of preference when it comes to information consumption. From books and other print materials, people now want web based resources, not just to learn highly specialized or complex skills but also to improve their practical, day to day routines. DIYs, home projects, travel hacks, birthing tips for first time moms. Name it. ANY skill, talent or informative experience can be monetized You don't need to have a fancy degree or get hundreds of certifications to start. You just need to be AHEAD. Just think about that. There are so many people you can serve Let’s look at the possibilities. What is your current 9 to 5 job? Did an established company let you undergo new hire training? Did you acquire a set of skills before you were deployed for work? Did you pass a certification program to qualify for your position? Hun your notes are still kept somewhere perhaps. Get it out of the bag. Can you apply those and repurpose what you've learned to teach others and help them drive results? 20 TOTO The key is understanding what VALUE you can provide and the potential return of investment (ROI) that your clients can gain from the industry knowledge you have offered Let’s say you are equipped with a proven sales framework that allowed you to hit 5 or 6 figure sales from your work. You can create a similar design based on this framework to create training videos and sell it to early- stage entrepreneurs so they can hit their numbers and achieve their business objectives. Ok, so here are 2 ways to get started making money thru online education: 1.) Client Consultation 2.) Online Courses Online client consultation or simply consulting, is definitely beginner-friendly and | would highly recommend you to start with this. According to Plunkett Research, not only is this $500 billion dollar industry easy to set up but it was also considered recession-proof in 2008. 21 TOTO | started doing small consulting packages for “Instagram Audience Growth and Monetization” and the package included a 60-minute Skype session for $99. To get clients, | sent DMs to some of my IG followers, emailed them a PDF of my rates and booked 17 clients that week. The payment was either thru Pay Pal or Zelle. | easily made $1,683 #HustleModeOn | eventually did medium packages which is a 6-week coaching program priced at $997 each. It consists of weekly calls, worksheets and email access. | had 4 sign ups from my IG followers and | made $3,996. Holy Guacamole. One particular challenge with consulting is positioning yourself as an expert. Potential clients will definitely want to check if you are qualified to teach. The best way to establish your authority and provide them with proof is to start looking for people you can work with for free in exchange for TESTIMONIALS TESTIMONIALS ARE EXTREMELY POWERFUL, IT ESTABLISHES TRUST AND LETS PEOPLE KNOW THAT THEY WILL GET THEIR MONEY'S WORTH IF THEY WORK WITH YOU. VIDEO TESTIMONIALS WORK BEST, BUT REVIEWS AND FEEDBACK PHOTOS WORK GREAT TOO. #PICSORITDIDNTHAPPEN. 22 TOTO You can do this by creating IG highlights where you share client feedback and testimonials. You can also create an IG carousel post of your client reviews. Repost these content pieces on a regular basis so people develop a sense of familiarity with your service and the results you can deliver. Keep collecting these evidence in the bank and post it REPEATEDLY ‘on all your social media channels. Keyword--"repeatedly”. Just think about the so-called RULE OF 7 in marketing-- people need to see your post at least 7 times before they develop trust, take actions or make a purchase. This is no different from the fact that some people may know about a certain TV series on its 3rd or 4th season even if it is extremely popular. Promotions and REPEATED EXPOSURES are necessary to reach people and eventually get the buy in from them. More ways to gain people’s trust are through training videos and discovery calls 23 TOTO Training videos can either be pre-recorded or livestreams. It’s easier for people to establish trust when they actually see your face and hear you talk. It’s such a highly impactful content that drives people to take action The influence is there, the persuasion is felt, your authenticity and energy makes people feel that they know you and that they can eventually trust you A discovery calls has the same effect. A discovery call allows you to get on the phone (Zoom/Skype) with your prospects so you can form good relationships with them, understand their needs, discuss your services and clarify any questions they may have. Discovery calls are NOT free coaching calls. It’s an opportunity for you to get to know your clients and set the stage so they can feel that you can really provide solutions for their needs. 24 To ow Consulting is relatively an easy way to start making money online. As long as you have the industry knowledge and you can design an irresistible consulting package, you can start earning your first $1,000 online. An online course is a highly scalable revenue model. You will only have to do your “evergreen” product once and you can sell it infinite times online. Keyword, “evergreen”. This means creating a course material that is timeless and relevant no matter if you sell it today, next month, next year or next lifetime. An example is selling an online course about world history Because you are providing knowledge about something that is never ever changing, you can keep selling it to thousands, if not, millions of clients GLOBALLY without having to worry about the info being expired or obsolete. Just the facts, mam, according to Hootsuite, there are 4 billion internet users worldwide, and it is nearly impossible for you to not convince 10 people to buy your course 25 TOTO All you need is a solid marketing strategy so the money keeps rolling in AN EXAMPLE OF A PROVEN MARKETING STRATEGY IS AN EMAIL CAMPAIGN WHERE YOU BUILD AN EMAIL LIST AND CREATE A SEQUENCE OF EMAIL CAMPAIGN MATERIALS FOR YOUR TARGET CLIENTS OR LEADS. ONCE YOU HAVE YOUR CLIENT LIST, YOU CAN AUTOMATE YOUR EMAIL MARKETING CAMPAIGN 24/7/365 AND WAKE UP TO SALES WITH MINIMAL WORKING HOURS. For starters, you can use Mail Chimp, InfusionSoft or Aweber to do this. You can also allocate budget on FACEBOOK ADS to promote your course to a hyper targeted audience. Courses can be a really lucrative business. High ticket courses can go from $1,000 to $10,000 depending on your level of expertise, how you package your offer and what value you can provide. If you are not going to pay for sponsored ads, the main challenge in making online courses is that you need to have a nurtured audience who already know, like and trust you Organic growth requires a lot of effort, but once the community growth gains traction, it will be easier to sell. 26 TOTO One way to do this is to build a niche-specific page on social media, like Instagram, where you can attract your ideal clients, provide consistent value to them and offer solutions for their pain points down the line. The key to organically growing a community is understanding “quality over quantity.” You don't need thousands of followers on social media, you need authentic and quality relationships with targeted people who can pay for your services and activate word of mouth marketing for you. Word of mouth marketing generates 2x more sales than ads, according to McKinsey Report. If referrals come from friends, we rarely question them because the trust is there. More ways to build relationships with your social media community is through meaningful social interactions. Best practices are: inviting your followers for a virtual coffee or wine date, providing thought leadership by conducting mini trainings on IG stories, doing Q&A's on IG live and reaching out to your audience through project collaborations. 27 TOTO Aside from building an audience, another challenge you have to consider when making online courses is the time required to build it. It can be labor-intensive and technical. You will have to create your presentation on Google Slides, Power Point or Key Note, create narration for your modules, screen record it through tools like Screencastify, and set it up ona course platform like Thinkific, Kajabi or Teachable. On the average it can take 2 to 4 weeks to finish a quality course. Once again, it can be time consuming to start this type of income, it also takes a while to build an audience, but the ROI is definitely massive So those are your two options to earn thru online education What | would suggest is look at these two as short term and long term income streams. While building your audience and your course, start with your consulting business. This way, you have a cash flow-positive business model that allows you to earn while you are working on a digital asset (your course) that you are going to launch in the future. 28 STO You can be an independent contractor or a freelancer and provide “Done-For-You” (DFY) services. Using your unique talents, you can get hired for a particular scope of work or project and get paid on an hourly basis or on a fixed deliverable fee Some examples are social media management, copywriting, graphic design and web development. One key to succeed in DFYs is making sure you are not charging too low for your services. KNOW YOUR WORTH. It doesn't matter if you are just starting to explore freelancing or independent contracts. You should base your fee on your years of experience, your power to transform your clients, and the potential ROI they can get for the services you provided. If you want to consider DFYs, the best place to start is on Fiverr or Upwork. These are platforms that allow you to connect with both local and global businesses who are looking for talents to complete short term tasks, recurring projects and full time contracts. 29 TOTO You can also explore LinkedIn to connect with potential clients or brands. The demographics on this platform is #fire You can expect professionals who are already looking to connect and pay other pro’s for a particular project or contract. Let's do some reverse engineering. Making $1,000 with DFYs can look like charging for a deliverable-based project for $500 (Example: designing a website) and targeting 2 clients to pay you for this service. You can also do hourly work for $80/hr with a 12 hr total completion period. Again, there’s your $1,000. Now that you have the options to earn your first $1,000 online, you can start creating your MINIMUM VIABLE PRODUCT (MVP). In my case, my MVP was the 60-minute consulting service that | packaged to gain clients on Instagram. It took me a few hours to plan it out, a few days to set up my materials and a week to earn $1,000+ Especially with the current Covid-19 outbreak, we all want a quick income stream to support our financial needs. 30 POON AN MVP Is A BASIC PRODUCT THAT YOU CAN CREATE USING MINIMAL TIME, EFFORT AND MONEY WHICH CAN ACTUALLY GENERATE INCOME FOR YOU AND ALLOW YOU TO TEST THE MARKET'S RESPONSE TO YOUR PRODUCT OR SERVICE. IT’S ALL ABOUT UTILIZING YOUR RESOURCES EFFICIENTLY. It doesn’t matter If you are currently broke, as long as you have a wifi and you can create your MVP, you can start making money online Now read on the last topic of this e-book so you can put everything together and start that money rolling. 3 STOW CREATING YOUR OFFER You've checked off some of the most crucial items in your box. Niche clarity? Hell yeah. Well defined customer avatar? Yes hun. Choosing and creating a product to sell? Gotchu Next step is creating a compelling offer. Creating an offer goes beyond the fundamentals, especially if you're looking to sell on autopilot Whether you are planning to be the next Marie Forleo creating the bubbliest podcast episodes or you've decided to open up the cutest fashion boutique in town or you want to launch your own online pilates master class, you will have to crush your compelling and irresistible offer first AN OFFER IS A PROMISE OF VALUE OR BENEFIT THAT YOUR CLIENTS WILL RECEIVE WHEN THEY BUY YOUR PRODUCT. THIS IS THE MAIN MOTIVATION BEHIND THEIR PURCHASE AND ULTIMATELY THE “WHY” OF THEIR BUYING DECISION. 32 TOTO You create the offer once you are ready to sell your product. You do this by posting your offer on the platform of your choice (Website, Facebook, Instagram, Email) or by directly sending a message to your prospects. Missy if you invested 100% effort on creating your product or packaging your service, put 200% on mastering your offer. No matter how good your product is, if your selling skills and promotional campaigns are not on point, the money won't come in. To help you create an offer that client’s won’t be able to resist, here are the 5 Non-negotiables of a compelling offer: Moment of silence as we talk about this. If you're all about making it big as an online entrepreneur, you have to understand the fact that each of these key elements MUST exist to convince your customers to make a purchase. Trust me when | say customers WILL look for these elements before buying from you. Diving straight in 33 TOTO If you want word of mouth marketing from your clients and turn them into brand evangelists who li-te-ra-lly spread your products like wildfire, you need to stand true to your TRANSFORMATION STATEMENT and deliver pure value that allows your clients to evolve, learn and improve. No one wants to spend $500 listening to BS. They want to spend that money to buy change. Serve it to thern straight up. What major difference can your offer provide? Make sure that you are clearly highlighting that. Put “before and after” photos, share success stories from previous clients, share in-your-face results that will show your audience what value you are capable of providing. Offers that don't deliver transformation or change will be largely refunded and disputed. #HelloHeadaches. Time to cancel mediocrity, babe. Elevate your game and put 100% excellence on the table to get your clients on hard evolution mode 34 STOW Examples from online coaches: “Helping entrepreneurs escape their 9 to 5 jobs and live a life of freedom” “Helping you shift your mindset from being fearful to being fearless” “Bringing back playtime and stopping parenting burnout” Word— Live up to the hype of BEING EXTRA. Your prospects will always start with objections in their mind, and one way to overcome that is by mastering the art of “perceived value”. PERCEIVED VALUE MEANS MENTALLY SATISFYING YOUR CUSTOMERS THAT THEY ARE GETTING THEIR MONEY'S WORTH. IT JUSTIFIES THE PRICE OF YOUR PRODUCT AND CONVINCES YOUR CLIENTS THAT THEY ARE GETTING. MORE THAN WHAT THEY PAID FOR. 35 TOTO Think about this: Aside from your core product, what else can you stack up to make people feel like they are getting the best bang for their buck? What bonuses, gifts or freebies can you load onto the offer that will make it absolutely irresistible? Can you give them big discounts or limited edition gifts? “Chemen gonons yor ep ood He more ppecling twill he fpr your audience. Examples from online coaches: “Free e-book and a $25 training video when you sign up on our course now” “An extra $50 off plus an exclusive VIP membership offer when you purchase this master class today” “This course comes with 80+ modules, a 2 hour training video, 5 worksheets, lifetime access to our community and a free $97 Instagram Master Class” 36 TOTO “If the offer expires today, | won't do anything.” Said no one ever. Want a badass hack marketers use to trigger fast response and spark a sense of urgency from their prospects? IT’S A LITTLE THING CALLED “SCARCITY PRINCIPLE” THIS PLAYS ON FEELINGS OF “LOSS” MAKING YOUR PRODUCT A SPECIAL DEAL THAT THEY HAVE TO SNAG OTHERWISE IT’S GONE FOREVER. #FOMO LADIES, FOMO. Maybe it’s going to expire in a few days or hours. Maybe there’s just 100 copies printed. Use the words “Last chance”, “Only Until’, “Ending Soon”, “Closing Today”, “Time Sensitive” to put some pressure to your audience and compel them to take action. Convey the message that the clock is ticking and time is of the essence. Because once they walk out that door, they may never come back. Seize the opportunity to make the sale while they are all ears. 37 TOTO Examples from online coaches and freelancers: “LAST CHANCE. 20% discount on all e-books expires today” “Doors are closing for our course and we don't know when it will reopen again” “50% discount on all web design services ending in one hour” “This is a final reminder that the 60% discount and LIFETIME access to the IG Success Training Program ends today!” Here’s a useful mental note, love: (Pople by deel cue very sfapical whens ib comes. tr Buying. Whether it’s a customer's first or tenth time purchasing from you, you have to be proactive and preemptive about what they are going to think or feel. 38 TOTO Don’t wait for them to ring you up with questions. Provide a bulletproof guarantee to your clients by reversing any risk involved in the buying process. This puts them in a safe zone where they feel that it’s ok to take out their credit cards. It convinces them that the product or service is true to its commitment, and there’s nothing to lose if things don’t work out according to their expectations. It also shows how confident you are that your product is going to deliver its promise. #HairFlip. Examples: “14-Day Free Trial, No Credit Card Required” “30-Day Money-Back Guarantee” “Cancel Anytime” 39 POON A CALL-TO-ACTION (CTA) IS A DIRECT INSTRUCTION YOU'D LIKE YOUR CUSTOMERS TO TAKE TO MOVE THEM CLOSER TO YOUR GOAL. You will need a strong CTA at the end of every post, caption or presentation. This ensures that your clients know exactly what to do and how to proceed. Clear CTA is the key to high conversion rates. CTAs are especially crucial when your clients are about to purchase your product. The key is putting ZERO FRICTION in making the sale happen. Instructions should not be complicated, nor should you use a chain of steps that might make clients change their minds along the way or abandon their carts. Be direct to the point with what you want the clients to do in every part of the process. Examples you can use at the end of every offer: “Buy Now” “Learn More” “Go To Website” 40 STO Do you feel like a sales pro now? Quick reminder hun, this is going to work if you put your magical execution at work. Take the time to really understand and implement your offer using these non-negotiables and you'll be on your way to online domination. 41 POON Yes to $1,000 from home, working smart and making it happen. This crazy corona economy is a major lesson for us that we NEED to create a sustainable, thriving business with or without any crisis. | hope that this e-book has helped you start that incredible business journey. Apply everything that you've learned here to help you achieve a wildly successful online business. Che fod the beginning om ett income opportunity wo Lv ming io fo 42 TOTO You can send an email to: if you: >> would like to send feedback or testimonials about your success from this e-book >> need more resources and support to help you build your digital empire >> schedule a free consultation call to help you start your social media audience growth and monetization bis be Tree pion We gotchu covered for your daily babe inspo, entrepreneur resources and epic motivation @millennial.babe @czarina.kassandra 43 ST That's it for now hun, | am more than ecstatic to see you nail YOUR VERY OWN online biz! Let your real brilliance come through. ee oreo gonna mafe te by gi Keep safe, Earn that money and Stay at home! 44

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