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‘Aska Question Write a Blog Post ‘Search Questions and Answers 3 Sudhakar Makineni Nov 24, 2014 at 01:25 AM “Capitalized on” date is missing for few Assets from the o Asset Master ‘W523 Views RSS Feed Dear All below is the issue we are facing- Few Assets which are created through P.O Process are missing in Asset Balance Report S_ALR_87011964, Upon debugging it was found that “Capitalized on” date is missing from the Asset Master for these missing Assets. Though | added Capitalization date for these Assets with transacti appearing on the report. n- ASO2 (Change Assets) these Assets aren't How can | add Capitalization date for these Assets and bring them on to the report? As said above, these Assets are created through P.O. As soon as Good Receipt is done for the Assets which appear on the report, Capitalization Date appears on the Asset Master. We are checking the process to see why Capitalization Date isn't appearing for few assets as soon as Good Receipt is done. But in the meantime we want to add capitalization date to the missing assets and bring them on to Asset Balance Report. All the Assets which appear and don't appear on the report belong to the same asset class. Any help to resolve the above issue is greatly appreciated. Regards, ‘Sudhakar* AddaCormment | Alert Moderator Assigned Tags FIN Asset Accounting Similar Questions ~ Division of 1 Asset into seperate Assets Former Member Dec 18, 2009 Impact of AUC Settlement on Depreciation Former Member Aug 04,2014 5 Answers Sort by: Votes | Newest | Oldest Best Answer Sudhakar Makineni a HA Wy The issue was resolved after updating the fields under Posting Information in General Tab in the Asset Master with ZAZUGANG Program. Regards, Sudhakar* AddaComment | Alert Moderator | Share comment ‘Suchakar Makineni Jan 07, 2020 at 07:35 PM From Note- 3258 LikeO | Share | Alert Moderator Former Member Now 24, 2014 at 04:12 AM Hi Sudhakar, <-de Capitlzation date is not captured due to unit of mesaure is different in Purcahse order and Assets. Please check the unit of mesaure should be same in PO and Assets. Resolution: Please correct it unit of mesaure and reverse and re-process. Thanks Ramanjaneyulu AddaComment | Alert Moderator | Share A 3comments Former Member Nov 25.2014 at 04:52 AM Hi Sudhakar, We have also faced same issue in my current project, in this case you have only 2 options to resolve this issue. 1), Reverse the GRN document and update unit of mesaure same as PO in Asset and do the GRN again or. 2). Update the quantity manually. Thanks and Regards, Ramanjaneyulu LikeO | Share | Alert Moderator Add a Comment Show all Sridhar Bolisetti Nov 24, 2014 at 02:05 AM MA Hi Sudhakar. ° Ny Check what you are entering in the field "Report date" in the report. It would be helpful if you could put the screenshots of your asset master with capitalized on date and the asset report selection screen, Also go through SAP Note 1566099 for more details. Sridhar AddaComment | Alert Moderator | Share BA tcomment ‘Sudhakar Makineni Thank you all for the replies. Sridhar, Report date is fin. Nov 24, 2014 at 01:32 PM | checked the note you suggested 1566099 - Reporting in Asset Accounting it deals more about reporting doesn't say anything about Missing Capitalization Date. Awaiting more suggestions. Regards, Sudhakar* LikeO | Share | Alert Moderator Former Member Nov 24, 2014 at 03:49 AM QO Hi Sudhakar, Please provide the screen shots, it would be helpful. NRaghu AddaComment | Alert Moderator | Share Ricardo Jorge Vilarim Pires Jan 07,2020 at 01:40 PM m&® iHial Nw’ _ Where SAP Note for report ZAZUGANG? Thankyou AddaComment | Alert Moderator | Share I tcomment Jonathan Eemans Hi Jan 07,2020 at 01:44 PM Check oss note 194635 (RAGITTOI: asset history sheets do not agree) and 3258 (Original acquisition information deleted again). Best regards, Jonathan Femans LikeO | Shate | Alert Moderator Before answering You should only submit an answer when you are proposing a solution to the poster's problem. If you want the poster to clarify the question or provide more information, please leave a comment instead, requesting additional details. When answering, please include specifics, such as step-by-step instructions, context for the solution, and links to useful resources. Also, please make sure that your answer complies with our Rules of Engagement. Rules of Engagement ) Know someone who can answer? Share a link to this question. You must be Logged in to submit an answer. Please provide a distinct answer and use the comment option for clat purposes, 10 characters required ‘Submit your Answer Find us on Privacy Terms of Use Legal Disclosure Copyright Trademark Cookie Preferences Nowsletter ‘Support

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