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LEVEL Il - UNIT1 Reading | In torms of profits, Amazon is the biggest internet-based company in the ‘world. When it started outselling books online in 1994, Jeff Bezos (/botz00s/) knew the only way to succeed online was to grow big and fast. Teday the compory sells everything from books to e-readers ot container houses. It has become an essential online shop and has many plans for its future ‘Amazon, oF more correctly, was first incorporated by Jeff Bez0s in July of 1994. At the time, he was a Wall Street executive. When Bezos and his then-wife, MacKenzie Tuttle began thinking of some possible domain names for their potentiol new business, they first Considered,, and Bookmallcom. After sereling ‘through a dictionary for some inspiration, he found the word Amazon. Jeff ‘thought this was particulary suitable as he envisioned his online store becoming the greatest In the world, much lke the Amazon is one of the biggest rvers and jungles on the planet. S8LIVEWORKSHEETS Bezos know he wanted to start © kind of online retailer but wasn't sure what to sell. After some research, he chose books as they were easy to package and distibute to different places. As we ell know today, is more than just books today. This was part of the plan, according to Bezos. For him, Amazon Was not just an online retailer selling consumer products. Bezos pictured the company being technology company whose real business was to simplity online transactions for its customers. In 1996, Amazon launched its now highly lucrative Affilate Program. By joining the program, other companies edvertised Amazoris merchandise for sale fon theie own platforms. Amazon would then fulfill the order and pay 2 commission (win-win). The program proved to be a smart business decision. It grew from ‘one Associate in 199 to over 850,000 by 1999. Aer following Bezos' initial business plan, the company ‘expanded into selling computer games end music in 1998. At about the same time, Amazon expanded its services intemationally by purchasing other online bookstores in the UK and Germany. By the turn of the rrillenniam, Amazon was selling consumer electronics, video games, software, home-improvement items, toys, games, and much more. 2007 saw the unveiling of the frst Kindle e-readers These low-cost tablets would reinvigorate the book market ond by 2012 the Kindle would constitute ‘round 50% ofall Android-operated tablet sales. The tablet was so successful that it allowed Amazon to fontor the book publishing market in 2011 with its Amazon Publishing service. That some yeor Amazon ‘onnounced that e-book soles were outselling traditional printed books. Since then, Amazon hes continued expanding into many other services. These include shipping fresh produce, drone delivery, and many more innovations. Amazoris success is based, like many other successful ‘companies, on the service that they offer. This has ‘goined them significant customer loyalty, and as a result, big profits in the long run. * Adapted from bips// bie fistery-of-cmazon-the- everyting tore saLIVEWORKSHEETS What is implied about Jeff Bozos in paragraph He's a modest person Ho's an ambitious person, He's a writer. He's an engineer In paragraph 2, what can be inferred about Bozos and Tuttle? They are divorced, They marced in 1994, They ate Amazon's CEOs, They invest on Wall Street, According t ‘Amazon becan he text, Bezos chose the name i is associated to the nature. symbolizes something huge. is an example of a place he likes to vis. relates to the place where he opened his first 4. Theword pictured in paragraph 3 can be replaced by 2. photographed b. drew ©. imagined 4. showed in paragraph 4? 1h was a really clever strategy. b. It was created after the Kindle was launched. ©. It made Amazon win $350,000 by the end of the decade. 4. involved Amazon promoting other ¢ ) ¢ ) companies’ products saLIVEWORKSHEETS tis implied that Amazon began selling household products around 1996 196 1999) 2000 What is NOT stated about the Kindle in paragraph 6? Thanks to its success, Amazon started releasing their own books. Kindle was the leading device inthe tablet market by 2012, Those tablets wore intially sold at « high price. Book sales increased thanks to the Kindle ‘The word outselling in paragraph 6 means seling outdoors seling more than seling specific tems seling in other countries amazon IVEWORKSHEETS

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